Exemple #1
  * @inheritdoc
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     if ($this->type == static::TYPE_TEXT) {
         if ($this->hasModel()) {
             echo \CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             echo \CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     } elseif ($this->type == static::TYPE_SELECT) {
         if ($this->hasModel()) {
             echo \CHtml::activeDropDownList($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->data, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             echo \CHtml::dropDownList($name, $this->value, $this->data, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         throw new \CException("Invalid field type '{$this->type}'");
     $options = !empty($this->options) ? \CJavaScript::encode($this->options) : '';
     $script = "jQuery('#{$id}').select2({$options})";
     foreach ($this->events as $event => $handler) {
         $script .= ".on('{$event}'," . \CJavaScript::encode($handler) . ")";
     $script .= ';';
     \Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $this->getId(), $script);
 public function actionGetVariations()
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest && isset($_POST['product'])) {
         $product = Products::model()->findByPk($_POST['product']);
         echo CHtml::hiddenField('product_id', $product->product_id);
         if ($variations = $product->getVariations()) {
             foreach ($variations as $variation) {
                 $field = "Variations[{$variation[0]->specification_id}][]";
                 echo '<div class="shop-variation-element">';
                 echo '<strong>' . CHtml::label($variation[0]->specification->title . '</strong>', $field, array('class' => 'lbl-header'));
                 if ($variation[0]->specification->required) {
                     echo ' <span class="required">*</span>';
                 echo '<br />';
                 if ($variation[0]->specification->input_type == 'textfield') {
                     echo CHtml::textField($field);
                 } else {
                     if ($variation[0]->specification->input_type == 'select') {
                         // If the specification is required, preselect the first field.
                         // Otherwise  let the customer choose which one to pick
                         // 	$product->variationCount > 1 ? true : false means, that the
                         // widget should display the _absolute_ price if only 1 variation
                         // is available, otherwise the relative (+ X $)
                         echo CHtml::radioButtonList($field, $variation[0]->specification->required ? $variation[0]->id : null, ProductVariation::listData($variation, $product->variationCount > 1 ? true : false), array('template' => '{input} {label}', 'separator' => '<div class="clear"></div>'));
                 echo '</div>';
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(404);
  * Run this widget.
  * This method registers necessary javascript and renders the needed HTML code.
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').datepicker({$options});";
     if (isset($this->language)) {
         $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').datepicker(jQuery.extend({showMonthAfterYear:false}, jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->language}'], {$options}));";
     $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__, $this->defaultOptions ? 'jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(' . CJavaScript::encode($this->defaultOptions) . ');' : '');
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
  * @inheritdoc
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo \CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo \CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = !empty($this->options) ? \CJavaScript::encode($this->options) : '';
     $script = "jQuery('#{$id}').datetimepicker({$options})";
     foreach ($this->events as $event => $handler) {
         $script .= ".on('{$event}'," . \CJavaScript::encode($handler) . ")";
     $script .= ';';
     \Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $this->getId(), $script);
  *### .run()
  * Runs the widget.
 public function run()
     if ($this->selector) {
         Yii::app()->bootstrap->registerDateRangePlugin($this->selector, $this->options, $this->callback);
     } else {
         list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
         if ($this->hasModel()) {
             if ($this->form) {
                 echo $this->form->textField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
             } else {
                 echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
         if (!isset($this->options['format'])) {
             $this->options['format'] = 'yyyy-MM-dd';
         if (!isset($this->options['locale']['applyLabel'])) {
             $this->options['locale']['applyLabel'] = '应用';
         if (!isset($this->options['locale']['clearLabel'])) {
             $this->options['locale']['clearLabel'] = '清空';
         if (!isset($this->options['locale']['fromLabel'])) {
             $this->options['locale']['fromLabel'] = '从';
         if (!isset($this->options['locale']['toLabel'])) {
             $this->options['locale']['toLabel'] = '至';
         Yii::app()->bootstrap->registerDateRangePlugin('#' . $id, $this->options, $this->callback);
  * Run this widget.
  * This method registers necessary javascript and renders the needed HTML code.
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').datepicker({$options});";
     if (isset($this->language)) {
         $js .= "\njQuery('#{$id}').datepicker('option', jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->language}']);";
     Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
Exemple #7
 public function showLangModal()
     $language = Yii::app()->params['language'];
     $this->beginWidget('bootstrap.widgets.TbModal', array('id' => $this->modalId, 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'margin-top:-200px;', 'backdrop' => 'static')));
     echo "<div class=\"modal-header\">\n                <h4 style=\"width:30%;display: inline-block;\">翻译</h4> \n                <span id='" . $this->modalId . "message' style=\"margin-left:30px;color:red;\"></span>\n            </div>";
     echo "<div id='" . $this->modalId . "ModalBody' class=\"modal-body\" style=\"text-align:center\">";
     $tableName = $this->model->tableName();
     $attribute = $this->attribute;
     echo CHtml::hiddenField('tableName', $tableName);
     echo CHtml::hiddenField('attribute', $attribute);
     $pk = $this->model->primaryKey;
     echo CHtml::activeHiddenField($this->model, $this->model->pk, array('name' => 'pk'));
     $result = Translation::model()->find('model=:tableName and pk=:pk and attribute=:attribute', array(':tableName' => $tableName, ':pk' => $pk, ':attribute' => $attribute));
     $data = json_decode($result->data);
     foreach ($language as $key => $value) {
         if (strtolower($key) == 'zh_cn') {
         echo "<div><span style='width:80px !important;display: inline-block;'>" . $value . '</span>' . CHtml::textField($key, $data->{$key}) . "</div>";
     echo "</div>";
     echo "<div class=\"modal-footer\" style=\"text-align: center;\">";
     $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array('buttonType' => 'button', 'type' => 'info', 'label' => '保存', 'htmlOptions' => array('id' => $this->modalId . 'save')));
     echo "&nbsp;";
     $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array('buttonType' => 'button', 'label' => '取消', 'htmlOptions' => array("data-dismiss" => "modal", 'id' => $this->modalId . 'back')));
     echo "</div>";
Exemple #8
  * Run this widget.
  * This method registers necessary CSS and JS files and renders the needed JS and HTML code.
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').tagit({$options});";
     $assets = CHtml::asset(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets');
     $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     $cs->registerCssFile($assets . '/jquery.tagit.css');
     $cs->registerScriptFile($assets . '/tag-it.js', CClientScript::POS_END);
     // Position is important here!
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
Exemple #9
 public function renderHeader()
     echo CHtml::openTag('header', array('id' => 'header'));
     echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('class' => 'navbar navbar-fixed-top'));
     echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('class' => 'navbar-inner'));
     echo CHtml::openTag('a', array('class' => 'brand', 'style' => 'font-size:14px;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;'));
     echo $this->model->getAttributeLabel('title');
     echo CHtml::textField('title', $this->model->title, array('style' => 'margin-left:36px;margin-bottom:0px;'));
     echo CHtml::closeTag('a');
     echo CHtml::openTag('a', array('class' => 'brand', 'style' => 'font-size:14px;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;'));
     echo $this->model->getAttributeLabel('main_id') . '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
     $this->widget('core.widgets.TTreeDropdown', array('treeId' => 'main_id', 'data' => HelpCategory::getHelpTree(), 'options' => array('view' => array('showLine' => false, 'showIcon' => true)), 'defaultText' => $this->model->main->name ? $this->model->main->name : '未分类', 'selectNode' => $this->model->main_id ? $this->model->main_id : ''));
     echo CHtml::closeTag('a');
     echo CHtml::openTag('a', array('class' => 'brand', 'style' => 'font-size:14px;margin-top:5px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;'));
     echo CHtml::checkBox('top', $checked = $this->model->top ? true : false, array('style' => 'margin-left:36px;margin-bottom:0px;margin-right:0px'));
     echo CHtml::closeTag('a');
     echo CHtml::openTag('a', array('class' => 'brand', 'style' => 'font-size:14px;margin-top:8px;margin-left:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;'));
     echo $this->model->getAttributeLabel('top');
     echo CHtml::closeTag('a');
     $this->controller->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array('label' => '关闭', 'type' => 'primary', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'pull-right', 'style' => 'margin-left:6px;', 'id' => 'btnCancel')));
     $this->controller->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array('label' => '保存', 'type' => 'danger', 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'margin-left:6px;', 'class' => 'pull-right', 'id' => 'btnSave')));
     $this->controller->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbButton', array('label' => '预览', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'pull-right', 'id' => 'btnPrev')));
     echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
     echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
     echo CHtml::closeTag('header');
Exemple #10
function renderVariation($variation, $i)
    if (!ProductSpecification::model()->findByPk(1)) {
        return false;
    if (!$variation) {
        $variation = new ProductVariation();
        $variation->specification_id = 1;
    $str = '<tr> <td>';
    $str .= CHtml::dropDownList("Variations[{$i}][specification_id]", $variation->specification_id, CHtml::listData(ProductSpecification::model()->findall(), "id", "title"), array('empty' => '-'));
    $str .= '</td> <td>';
    $str .= CHtml::textField("Variations[{$i}][title]", $variation->title);
    $str .= '</td> <td>';
    // Price adjustion
    $str .= CHtml::dropDownList("Variations[{$i}][sign_price]", $variation->price_adjustion >= 0 ? '+' : '-', array('+' => '+', '-' => '-'));
    $str .= '</td> <td>';
    $str .= CHtml::textField("Variations[{$i}][price_adjustion]", abs($variation->price_adjustion), array('size' => 5));
    // Weight adjustion
    $str .= '</td> <td>';
    $str .= CHtml::dropDownList("Variations[{$i}][sign_weight]", $variation->weight_adjustion >= 0 ? '+' : '-', array('+' => '+', '-' => '-'));
    $str .= '</td> <td>';
    $str .= CHtml::textField("Variations[{$i}][weight_adjustion]", abs($variation->weight_adjustion), array('size' => 5));
    $str .= '</td> <td>';
    for ($j = -10; $j <= 10; $j++) {
        $positions[$j] = $j;
    $str .= CHtml::dropDownList("Variations[{$i}][position]", $variation->position, $positions);
    $str .= '</td></tr>';
    return $str;
Exemple #11
 function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($this->name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     $assetUrl = Yii::app()->assetManager->publish(Yii::getPathOfAlias('ext.YiiDateTimePicker.assets'));
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScriptFile($assetUrl . '/jquery.datetimepicker.js');
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile($assetUrl . '/jquery.datetimepicker.css');
     $js = "\$('#{$id}').datetimepicker({$options});";
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
     * Renders the input file field
    public function renderField()
        list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
        TbArray::defaultValue('id', $id, $this->htmlOptions);
        TbArray::defaultValue('name', $name, $this->htmlOptions);
        echo CHtml::openTag('div', $this->htmlOptions);
        echo CHtml::openTag('div', array('class' => 'input-prepend bfh-timepicker-toggle', 'data-toggle' => 'bfh-timepicker'));
        echo CHtml::tag('span', array('class' => 'add-on'), TbHtml::icon(TbHtml::ICON_TIME));
        if ($this->hasModel()) {
            echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->inputOptions);
        } else {
            echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->inputOptions);
        echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
        echo '<div class="bfh-timepicker-popover">
				<table class="table">
						<td class="hour">
						<a class="next" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-up"></i></a><br>
						<input type="text" class="input-mini" readonly><br>
						<a class="previous" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-down"></i></a>
						<td class="separator">:</td>
						<td class="minute">
						<a class="next" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-up"></i></a><br>
						<input type="text" class="input-mini" readonly><br>
						<a class="previous" href="#"><i class="icon-chevron-down"></i></a>
        echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
Exemple #13
	public function formInput(&$controller, $tagOptions=array())

		$inputName = $this->formInputName();
		$inputID = "i_{$inputName}";
		echo CHtml::label($this->label, $inputID);
		echo CHtml::tag('br');
			$tagOptions['disabled'] = true;

			$oldOptions = array('readonly'=>true);
				$tagOptions['disabled'] = true;
			echo CHtml::textField("{$inputName}[old]", $this->value, $oldOptions);
			<label class="delfile">
				<?php echo Yii::t('AutoAdmin.form', '<b class="warning">Delete</b> the file')?> <span class="tip">(<?php echo Yii::t('AutoAdmin.form', 'set checkbox on for confirm')?>)</span>:
				<?php echo CHtml::checkBox("{$inputName}[del]", false, $oldOptions);?>
		$tagOptions['id'] = $inputID;
		echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('AutoAdmin.form', 'New file').':', $inputID);
		<div class="tip inline">&lt;a href=<?php echo $this->options['directoryPath']?>/</div>
		echo CHtml::fileField(AutoAdmin::INPUT_PREFIX."[{$this->name}_new]", null, $tagOptions);

		return ob_get_clean();
Exemple #14
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     if (isset($this->settings['ajax'])) {
         if (isset($this->model)) {
             echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->model->{$this->attribute}, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         if (isset($this->model)) {
             echo CHtml::dropDownList($name, $this->model->{$this->attribute}, $this->data, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             echo CHtml::dropDownList($name, $this->value, $this->data, $this->htmlOptions);
  * Run this widget.
  * This method registers necessary javascript and renders the needed HTML code.
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').daterangepicker({$options});";
     $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     if ($this->language != '' && $this->language != 'en') {
         $js .= "setTimeout(function(){jQuery('.range-start, .range-end').datepicker('option', jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->language}']);},500);";
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js, CClientScript::POS_READY);
Exemple #16
  * @param $attribute
  * @param null $value
  * @param null $name
  * @param array $htmlOptions
  * @return mixed|null|string
 public static function renderField($attribute, $value = null, $name = null, $htmlOptions = [])
     $name = $name ?: 'Attribute[' . $attribute->id . ']';
     switch ($attribute->type) {
         case Attribute::TYPE_SHORT_TEXT:
             return CHtml::textField($name, $value, $htmlOptions);
         case Attribute::TYPE_TEXT:
             return Yii::app()->getController()->widget(Yii::app()->getModule('store')->getVisualEditor(), ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value], true);
         case Attribute::TYPE_DROPDOWN:
             $data = CHtml::listData($attribute->options, 'id', 'value');
             return CHtml::dropDownList($name, $value, $data, array_merge($htmlOptions, ['empty' => '---']));
         case Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX_LIST:
             $data = CHtml::listData($attribute->options, 'id', 'value');
             return CHtml::checkBoxList($name . '[]', $value, $data, $htmlOptions);
         case Attribute::TYPE_CHECKBOX:
             return CHtml::checkBox($name, $value, CMap::mergeArray(['uncheckValue' => 0], $htmlOptions));
         case Attribute::TYPE_NUMBER:
             return CHtml::numberField($name, $value, $htmlOptions);
         case Attribute::TYPE_FILE:
             return CHtml::fileField($name . '[name]', null, $htmlOptions);
     return null;
  * Runs the widget.
 public function run()
     // print_r($this->htmlOptions); //typeahead
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $this->datasets['source'] = 'js:substringMatcher(_' . $this->id . '_source_list)';
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $datasets = CJavaScript::encode($this->datasets);
     $eventsScript = array();
     foreach ($this->events as $event => $expression) {
         $eventsScript[] = ".on('typeahead:{$event}',{$expression})";
     $eventsScript = implode("\n", $eventsScript);
     Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, "jQuery('#{$id}').typeahead({$options}, {$datasets})\n{$eventsScript};");
Exemple #18
  * ### .run()
  * Widget's run function
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     $this->htmlOptions['readonly'] = "readonly";
     $radius = $this->displayInput ? "" : "border-radius:4px;";
     // Do we have a model?
     echo '<div class="input-append color"  data-color="' . $this->value . '" data-color-format="rgb" id="' . $id . '_color">';
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         if ($this->form) {
             if ($this->displayInput) {
                 echo $this->form->textField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
             } else {
                 echo $this->form->hiddenField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             if ($this->displayInput) {
                 echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
             } else {
                 echo CHtml::activeHiddenField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         if ($this->displayInput) {
             echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
         } else {
             echo CHtml::hiddenField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     echo '<span class="add-on" style="' . $radius . '"><i style="background-color: ' . $this->value . '"></i></span></div>';
Exemple #19
  * Run this widget.
  * This method registers necessary javascript and renders the needed HTML code.
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     if ($this->sourceUrl !== null) {
         $this->options['source'] = CHtml::normalizeUrl($this->sourceUrl);
     } else {
         $this->options['source'] = $this->source;
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').autocomplete({$options}){$this->methodChain};";
     $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').{$this->mode}picker({$options});";
     if (isset($this->language)) {
         $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').{$this->mode}picker(jQuery.extend({showMonthAfterYear:false}, jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->language}'], {$options}));";
     $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
     $assets = Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets');
     $cs->registerCssFile($assets . self::ASSETS_NAME . '.css');
     $cs->registerScriptFile($assets . self::ASSETS_NAME . '.js', CClientScript::POS_END);
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__, $this->defaultOptions ? 'jQuery.{$this->mode}picker.setDefaults(' . CJavaScript::encode($this->defaultOptions) . ');' : '');
     $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
  * Prints input and register assigned scripts on it
  * @throws \CException
 public function run()
     list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
         $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
         $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
     } else {
         $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name;
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo \CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo \CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
     $options = \CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
     $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').datetimepicker({$options});";
     \Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
Exemple #22
    public function run()
        list($name, $id) = $this->resolveNameID();
        if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id'])) {
            $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];
        } else {
            $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id;
        if (isset($this->htmlOptions['name'])) {
            $name = $this->htmlOptions['name'];
        if ($this->flat === false) {
            if ($this->hasModel()) {
                echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
            } else {
                echo CHtml::textField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
        } else {
            if ($this->hasModel()) {
                echo CHtml::activeHiddenField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions);
                $attribute = $this->attribute;
                $this->options['defaultDate'] = $this->model->{$attribute};
            } else {
                echo CHtml::hiddenField($name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
                $this->options['defaultDate'] = $this->value;
            if (!isset($this->options['onSelect'])) {
                $this->options['onSelect'] = "js:function( selectedDate ) { jQuery('#{$id}').val(selectedDate);}";
            $id = $this->htmlOptions['id'] = $id . '_container';
            $this->htmlOptions['name'] = $name . '_container';
            echo CHtml::tag('div', $this->htmlOptions, '');
        $this->options['beforeShowDay'] = <<<EOD
\tif (typeof reservedDays !== 'undefined') {
\t\tfor (i = 0; i < reservedDays.length; i++) {
\t\t\tif (date.getFullYear() == reservedDays[i][0] && date.getMonth() == reservedDays[i][1] - 1 && date.getDate() == reservedDays[i][2])
\t\t\t\treturn [false, "datepicker-calendarDescriptionReserved"];
\t\treturn [true,""];
        $options = CJavaScript::encode($this->options);
        $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').datepicker({$options});";
        if ($this->language != '' && $this->language != 'en') {
            $js = "jQuery('#{$id}').datepicker(jQuery.extend({showMonthAfterYear:false}, jQuery.datepicker.regional['{$this->language}'], {$options}));";
        $cs = Yii::app()->getClientScript();
        if (isset($this->defaultOptions)) {
            $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__, $this->defaultOptions !== null ? 'jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(' . CJavaScript::encode($this->defaultOptions) . ');' : '');
        $cs->registerScript(__CLASS__ . '#' . $id, $js);
 function run()
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($this->name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions);
  * Renders the widget.
 public function run()
     if ($this->hidden) {
         echo CHtml::hiddenField($this->getId(), $this->defaultValue, $this->htmlOptions);
     } else {
         echo CHtml::textField($this->getId(), $this->defaultValue, $this->htmlOptions);
Exemple #25
  * Renders field
 public function renderField()
     if ($this->hasModel()) {
         echo \CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options);
     } else {
         echo \CHtml::textField($this->options['name'], $this->value, $this->options);
function groupForm($role)
<table class="stdtable">
    echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('mc', 'Prefix'), 'prefix_' . $role);
    echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('mc', 'Suffix'), 'suffix_' . $role);
    echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('mc', 'Can Build'), 'build_' . $role);
    echo CHtml::textField('prefix_' . $role, @$_POST['prefix_' . $role]);
    echo CHtml::textField('suffix_' . $role, @$_POST['suffix_' . $role]);
    echo CHtml::dropDownList('build_' . $role, @$_POST['build_' . $role], array(0 => Yii::t('mc', 'Yes'), 1 => Yii::t('mc', 'No')));
    <td colspan="3">
    echo CHtml::label(Yii::t('mc', 'Permissions, comma sepparated'), 'perms_' . $role);
    <td colspan="3">
    echo CHtml::textField('perms_' . $role, @$_POST['perms_' . $role], array('style' => 'width: 540px'));
    return ob_get_clean();
 public static function activeText($ngModelName, $ngFieldName, $properties = array())
     $html = "";
     if (array_key_exists("html", $properties)) {
         $html = $properties["html"];
     $html .= ' ng-model="' . $ngModelName . '.' . $ngFieldName . '"';
     CHtml::textField($ngModelName . "_" . $ngFieldName, null, "", "", $html);
  * Renders the TypeAhead field. If [[model]] has been specified then it will render an active field.
  * If [[model]] is null or not from an [[Model]] instance, then the field will be rendered according to
  * the [[name]] attribute.
  * @return string the rendering result
  * @throws \CException when none of the required attributes are set to render the textInput.
  * That is, if [[model]] and [[attribute]] are not set, then [[name]] is required.
 public function renderField()
     if ($this->model instanceof \CModel && $this->attribute !== null) {
         return \CHtml::activeTextField($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options);
     } elseif ($this->name !== null) {
         return \CHtml::textField($this->name, $this->value, $this->options);
     } else {
         throw new \CException("Either 'name' or 'model' and 'attribute' properties must be specified.");
Exemple #29
 public function run()
     $placeholder = $this->type ? Yii::t('app', 'Search') . ' ' . ucfirst($this->type) . '...' : Yii::t('app', 'Search') . '...';
     echo CHtml::beginForm(array('/search/' . $this->type), 'get', array('class' => 'search-form'));
     echo CHtml::textField('q', $this->query, array('placeholder' => $placeholder));
     if ($this->query != '') {
         echo CHtml::submitButton('Search!', array('name' => ''));
     echo CHtml::endForm('');
Exemple #30
 public function run()
     // here render procedures
     echo CHtml::beginForm($this->action, $this->method, array('id' => $this->id, 'enctype' => $this->enctype, 'target' => $this->target));
     // you better create a function but
     // for the sake of the example...
     foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
         // here we can actually say i
         // this is very simple but you get the idea
         echo CHtml::label($attr['label'], $attr['name']);
         if ($attr['type'] == 'text') {
             echo CHtml::textField($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
         } else {
             if ($attr['type'] == 'textarea') {
                 echo CHtml::textArea($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
             } else {
                 if ($attr['type'] == 'password') {
                     echo CHtml::passwordField($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                 } else {
                     if ($attr['type'] == 'checkbox') {
                         echo CHtml::checkBox($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                     } else {
                         if ($attr['type'] == 'checkboxlist') {
                             echo CHtml::checkBoxList($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                         } else {
                             if ($attr['type'] == 'date') {
                                 echo CHtml::dateField($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                             } else {
                                 if ($attr['type'] == 'dropdownlist') {
                                     echo CHtml::dropDownList($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                                 } else {
                                     if ($attr['type'] == 'file') {
                                         echo CHtml::fileField($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                                     } else {
                                         if ($attr['type'] == 'hidden') {
                                             echo CHtml::hiddenField($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                                         } else {
                                             if ($attr['type'] == 'radio') {
                                                 echo CHtml::radioButton($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($attr['type'] == 'radiolist') {
                                                     echo CHtml::radioButtonList($this->model_name . '[' . $this->category . ']' . '[' . $attr['name'] . ']', $attr['value'], $attr['items'], $attr['htmlOptions']);
         // do more here
     echo "<br/><br/><div class='row-fluid'>";
     echo CHtml::submitButton($this->submit['label'], $this->submit['options']);
     echo "</div>";
     echo CHtml::endForm();