public function tearDown()
     $filePath = $this->getTestFilePath();
     if (file_exists($filePath)) {
 public function up()
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/dashboard/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../update/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../assets/lib/chosen/");
     $this->update('openformat', array("export" => "this.reg_date", "import" => 'this.reg_date'), "id='1362'");
 public function up()
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/dashboard/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../update/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../assets/lib/chosen/");
     $companys = Company::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($companys as $company) {
         $this->alterColumn($company->prefix . 'itemCategories', "id", 'INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT');
 public function up()
     //return false;
     //$this->update( 'menu', array("url"=>"newUpdate"), "id=64");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/dashboard/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../update/");
     $companys = Company::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($companys as $company) {
         $this->delete($company->prefix . 'docDetails', "iItem=0 AND qty=0 AND iTotal=0 AND ihTotal=0");
 public function up()
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/dashboard/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../update/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../assets/lib/chosen/");
     $companys = Company::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($companys as $company) {
         $this->addColumn($company->prefix . 'docDetails', 'iTotalVat', 'decimal(20,2) NOT NULL');
         $this->update($company->prefix . 'config', array("value" => "2"), "id='company.precision'");
         $this->update($company->prefix . 'docDetails', array("iTotalVat" => new CDbExpression("`iTotal`*(1+`iVatRate`/100)")), "1=1");
 public function up()
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/dashboard/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../update/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../assets/lib/chosen/");
     $companys = Company::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($companys as $company) {
         $this->addColumn($company->prefix . 'mail', 'sent', 'int(11) NOT NULL');
         $this->insert($company->prefix . 'config', array("id" => "company.sumDiff", "value" => 0.05, "eavType" => "string", "hidden" => 1, "priority" => 40));
         $this->insert($company->prefix . 'config', array("id" => "company.precision", "value" => 1, "eavType" => "integer", "hidden" => 1, "priority" => 40));
 public function actionIndex()
     $dir = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/uploads/partner/';
     if (is_dir($dir) == false) {
         CFileHelper::createDirectory($dir, Yii::app()->params['storeImages']['dirMode']);
     $dir = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/assets/thumbs/';
     if (is_dir($dir) == false) {
         CFileHelper::createDirectory($dir, Yii::app()->params['storeImages']['dirMode']);
 protected function setUp()
     $this->sassHandler = new SassHandler();
     $this->sassHandler->compilerPath = __DIR__ . '/../vendor/leafo/scssphp/';
     // Use "compressed" formatting to simplify code with assertions
     $this->sassHandler->compilerOutputFormatting = SassHandler::OUTPUT_FORMATTING_COMPRESSED;
     $this->fixturesDirectory = __DIR__ . '/fixtures/';
     // Cleanup
     $compiledDirectory = Yii::getPathOfAlias($this->sassHandler->sassCompiledPath);
     if (is_dir($compiledDirectory)) {
Exemple #9
 public function afterUninstall()
     $db = Yii::app()->db;
     $tablesArray = array(ShopTypeAttribute::model()->tableName(), ShopAttribute::model()->tableName(), ShopAttributeOption::model()->tableName(), ShopAttributeOptionTranslate::model()->tableName(), ShopAttributeTranslate::model()->tableName(), ShopCategory::model()->tableName(), ShopCategoryTranslate::model()->tableName(), ShopCurrency::model()->tableName(), ShopManufacturer::model()->tableName(), ShopManufacturerTranslate::model()->tableName(), ShopProduct::model()->tableName(), ShopProductCategoryRef::model()->tableName(), ShopProductImage::model()->tableName(), ShopProductTranslate::model()->tableName(), ShopProductType::model()->tableName(), ShopProductVariant::model()->tableName(), ShopRelatedProduct::model()->tableName(), ShopSuppliers::model()->tableName(), $db->tablePrefix . 'shop_product_attribute_eav', $db->tablePrefix . 'shop_product_configurable_attributes', $db->tablePrefix . 'shop_product_configurations');
     foreach ($tablesArray as $table) {
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.uploads.product'), array('traverseSymlinks' => true));
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.uploads.categories'), array('traverseSymlinks' => true));
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot.uploads.manufacturer'), array('traverseSymlinks' => true));
     return parent::afterUninstall();
  * Delete the whole directory on delete.
 protected function deleteModelDir()
Exemple #11
 public function deleteModelDir()
     // Delete folder and all files on it.
     $dir = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/uploads/user/' . $this->id;
 public function testRemoveDirectorySymlinks2()
     if (strtolower(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'win') {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Cannot test this on MS Windows since symlinks are uncommon for it.');
     $td = $this->testDir . $ds;
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory($td . 'symlinks', array('traverseSymlinks' => true));
     $this->assertTrue(!is_dir($td . 'symlinks'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($td . 'file'));
     $this->assertTrue(!is_link($td . 'symlinks' . $ds . 'symlink-file'));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($td . 'directory'));
     $this->assertTrue(!is_file($td . 'directory' . $ds . 'directory-file'));
     // file inside symlinked dir was deleted
     $this->assertTrue(!is_link($td . 'symlinks' . $ds . 'symlink-directory'));
     $this->assertTrue(!is_file($td . 'symlinks' . $ds . 'symlink-directory' . $ds . 'directory-file'));
 public function actionUpload()
     if ($_FILES['PDFUpload']['error']['pdf'] === 0) {
         $tempFolder = tempnam("/tmp", "DAPUS_");
         $model = new PDFUpload();
         $model->attributes = $_POST['PDFUpload'];
         $model->pdf = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'pdf');
         if ($model->validate()) {
             $uploaded = $model->pdf->saveAs($tempFolder . '/input.pdf');
             if ($uploaded) {
                 $g = new Grobid();
                 $g->setGrobidJar(Yii::app()->params['grobidPath'] . 'grobid-core/target/');
                 $g->setGrobidHome(Yii::app()->params['grobidPath'] . 'grobid-home/');
                 $grobidResult = $g->run();
                 list($g_doi, $g_title) = StringHelper::parseGrobid($grobidResult);
                 if ($g_doi !== '') {
                     $reference = WebAPI::searchCrossRefDOI($g_doi);
                 } else {
                     if ($g_title !== '') {
                         $reference = WebAPI::searchCrossRef($g_title);
                     } else {
                         throw new CHttpException(500, "Tidak ditemukan hasil");
                 // save to database
                 $submission = new Submission();
                 $submission->timestamp = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
                 $submission->object = serialize($reference);
                 $submission->oid = sha1($submission->object);
                 $submission->ref_type = $reference->type;
                 if ($submission->save()) {
                     $this->redirect(array('site/result/' . $submission->oid));
                 } else {
                     throw new CHttpException(500, "Kesalahan: Gagal menyimpan data.");
             } else {
                 throw new CHttpException(500, "Upload gagal dengan kode error: {$model->pdf->getError()}.");
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException(500, "Kesalahan dokumen (harus PDF).");
         // cleanup
     } else {
Exemple #14
 public function delete()
     //delete tables
     $connection = Yii::app()->db;
     //get connection
     $dbSchema = $connection->schema;
     //or $connection->getSchema();
     $tables = $dbSchema->getTableNames();
     //returns array of tbl schema's
     foreach ($tables as $tbl) {
         if (strpos($tbl, $this->prefix) === 0) {
             //echo $tbl->rawName, ":<br/>", implode(', ', $tbl->columnNames), "<br/>\n";
             $command = $connection->createCommand($dbSchema->dropTable($tbl));
             // execute the non-query SQL
             //echo "holyshit:". $tbl . "<br/>\n";
     //delete folders
     $folder = $this->getFilePath($this);
     //delete db perms
     return parent::delete();
Exemple #15
 public function testRemoveDirectory()
     $bd = $this->testDir . $ds;
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir1));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir));
     $this->assertFalse(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir2));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file1));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file2));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file3));
     $this->assertFalse(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file4));
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory($bd . $this->rootDir2);
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir1));
     $this->assertTrue(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir));
     $this->assertFalse(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir2));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file1));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file2));
     $this->assertTrue(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file3));
     $this->assertFalse(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file4));
     $this->assertFalse(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir1));
     $this->assertFalse(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir));
     $this->assertFalse(is_dir($bd . $this->rootDir2));
     $this->assertFalse(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file1));
     $this->assertFalse(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file2));
     $this->assertFalse(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file3));
     $this->assertFalse(is_file($bd . $this->rootDir1 . $ds . $this->subDir . $ds . $this->file4));
Exemple #16
 protected function getDeleteFileFolder()
     $folder = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/uploads/article/' . $this->id;
     if (is_dir($folder) == true) {
     // rmdir($folder);
     return true;
 public function up()
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/components/dashboard/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../update/");
     CFileHelper::removeDirectory(Yii::app()->basePath . "/../assets/lib/chosen/");
     $this->delete("menu", "1");
     $this->addColumn('menu', 'sort', 'int(12) NOT NULL');
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 1, "label" => 'Settings', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-cog', "parent" => 80, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 2, "label" => 'Business Details', "url" => 'settings/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 3, "label" => 'Manual Journal Voucher', "url" => 'transaction/create', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 12, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 4, "label" => 'Business Docs', "url" => 'doctype/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 5, "label" => 'Custom Fields', "url" => 'eavFields/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 6, "label" => 'Currency Rates', "url" => 'currates/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 7, "label" => 'Opening Balances', "url" => 'transaction/openbalance', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 8, "label" => 'Contact Item', "url" => 'rm/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 12, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 9, "label" => 'Tax Category For Items', "url" => 'ItemVatCat/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 10, "label" => 'Manage Users', "url" => 'users/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 11, "label" => 'Manage Groups', "url" => 'rights/authItem/roles', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 12, "label" => 'Manage Accounts', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open', "parent" => 80, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 13, "label" => 'Accounts', "url" => 'accounts/index', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 12, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 14, "label" => 'Account Template', "url" => 'accTemplate/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 12, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 16, "label" => 'Stock', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-tag', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 7));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 17, "label" => 'Items', "url" => 'item/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 18, "label" => 'Werehouses', "url" => 'accounts/index/8', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 19, "label" => 'Categories', "url" => 'itemcategory/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 20, "label" => 'Units', "url" => 'itemunit/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 21, "label" => 'Item Template', "url" => 'itemTemplate/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 22, "label" => 'Income', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 2));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 23, "label" => 'Quote', "url" => 'docs/create/6', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 24, "label" => 'Sales Order', "url" => 'docs/create/7', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 25, "label" => 'Delivery Doc', "url" => 'docs/create/2', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 26, "label" => 'Proforma', "url" => 'docs/create/1', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 27, "label" => 'Invoice', "url" => 'docs/create/3', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 28, "label" => 'Invoice Receipt', "url" => 'docs/create/9', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 29, "label" => 'Return Doc.', "url" => 'docs/create/5', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 30, "label" => 'Credit Inv.', "url" => 'docs/create/4', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 31, "label" => 'Print Docs.', "url" => 'docs/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 22, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 32, "label" => 'Expense', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-shopping-cart', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 3));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 33, "label" => 'Manage Suppliers', "url" => 'accounts/index/1', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 32, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 34, "label" => 'Purchase Order', "url" => 'docs/create/10', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 35, "label" => 'Insert Business Expense', "url" => 'docs/create/13', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 32, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 36, "label" => 'Insert Assets Expense', "url" => 'docs/create/14', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 32, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 37, "label" => 'Cash Register', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-usd', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 4));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 38, "label" => 'Receipt', "url" => 'docs/create/8', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 37, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 39, "label" => 'Bank Deposits', "url" => 'deposit/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 37, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 40, "label" => 'Supplier Payment', "url" => 'outcome/create', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 37, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 41, "label" => 'VAT payment', "url" => 'outcome/create/1', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 37, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 42, "label" => 'Nat. Ins. payment', "url" => 'outcome/create/2', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 37, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 43, "label" => 'Reconciliations', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 5));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 44, "label" => 'Bank Sheet Import', "url" => 'bankbook/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 43, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 45, "label" => 'Bank Recon.', "url" => 'bankbook/extmatch', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 43, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 46, "label" => 'Show Bank Recon', "url" => 'bankbook/edispmatch', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 43, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 47, "label" => 'Accounts Recon.', "url" => 'match/intmatch', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 43, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 48, "label" => 'Display Recon.', "url" => 'match/dispmatch', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 43, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 49, "label" => 'Reports', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-stats', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 6));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 50, "label" => 'Display Transactions', "url" => 'reports/journal', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 51, "label" => 'Customers Debits', "url" => 'reports/owe', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 52, "label" => 'Profit And Loss', "url" => 'reports/profloss', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 53, "label" => 'Monthly Prof. And Loss', "url" => 'reports/mprofloss', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 54, "label" => 'VAT Calculation', "url" => 'reports/vat', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 55, "label" => 'Balance', "url" => 'reports/balance', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 56, "label" => 'In Advance Income Tax Pay', "url" => 'reports/taxrep', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 57, "label" => 'Import Export', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-transfer', "parent" => 80, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 58, "label" => 'Open Format File', "url" => 'data/openfrmt', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 57, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 59, "label" => 'Import Open Format', "url" => 'data/openfrmtimport', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 57, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 60, "label" => 'General Backup', "url" => 'data/backup', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 57, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 61, "label" => 'Restore From Backup', "url" => 'data/restore', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 57, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 62, "label" => 'PCN874 Report', "url" => 'data/pcn874', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 57, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 63, "label" => 'Support', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign', "parent" => 80, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 64, "label" => 'Update', "url" => 'newUpdate/', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 63, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 65, "label" => 'Paid Support', "url" => 'site/support', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 63, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 66, "label" => 'About', "url" => 'site/about', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 63, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 67, "label" => 'Bug Report', "url" => 'site/bug', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 63, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 68, "label" => 'Warehouse Transaction', "url" => 'docs/create/15', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 69, "label" => 'Manage Permissons', "url" => 'rights/authItem/permissions', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 70, "label" => 'Stock Transaction', "url" => 'reports/stockAction', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 71, "label" => 'Id6111 Admin', "url" => 'accId6111/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 72, "label" => 'Mail Template', "url" => 'mailTemplate/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 73, "label" => 'Stock', "url" => 'reports/stock', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 74, "label" => 'Linet 2 Import', "url" => 'data/linet2Import', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 57, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 75, "label" => 'Bulk Balance', "url" => 'reports/accounts', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 49, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 76, "label" => 'Account Categories', "url" => 'accCat/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 12, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 77, "label" => 'Payment Admin', "url" => 'payment/admin', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 1, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 78, "label" => 'Stock entry certificate', "url" => 'docs/create/16', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 79, "label" => 'Stock exit certificate', "url" => 'docs/create/17', "icon" => NULL, "parent" => 16, "sort" => 0));
     $this->insert('menu', array("id" => 80, "label" => 'General', "url" => NULL, "icon" => 'glyphicon glyphicon-flag', "parent" => 0, "sort" => 1));
 public function actionCleanThumb($id = 0, $type = 'post')
     echo '清空缓存成功!!!';
 public function zip()
     $zipfile = '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->exportFile;
     $curDir = getcwd();
     exec("zip -mr \"{$zipfile}\" *");
     $this->zipFullFilename = $this->exportDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->exportFile;