if ($nMyIndex == 0) { echo "<option value=\"0\" selected>- - - " . $arrSlot["strName"] . " - - -</option>"; $nMyIndex = 1; } else { echo "<option value=\"0\">- - - " . $arrSlot["strName"] . " - - -</option>"; } $nSlotID = $arrSlot["nID"]; $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM cf_slottouser WHERE nMailingListId = '{$nMailinglistID}' AND nSlotId=" . $arrSlot["nID"] . " ORDER BY nPosition ASC"; $nResult = mysql_query($strQuery, $nConnection); if ($nResult) { if (mysql_num_rows($nResult) > 0) { while ($arrRow = mysql_fetch_array($nResult)) { $arrUser = $arrUsers[$nUserID]; $nUserID = $arrRow['nUserId']; if ($nUserID != -2) { $strUser = $objMyCirculation->getUsername($nUserID); /*echo "<pre>"; print_r($objMyCirculation); echo "</pre>";*/ } else { $strUser = $SELF_DELEGATE_USER; } $nPosition = $arrRow['nPosition']; $nCurKey = $nMy2Index . '---' . $nSlotID . '---' . $nUserID . '---' . $nPosition; echo "<option value=\"{$nCurKey}\">{$strUser}</option>"; $nMy2Index++; } } } } ?>
//--- output the user inbetween the range (start to end) foreach ($arrUsers as $arrRow) { $style = "background-color: #efefef;"; if ($nRunningNumber % 2 == 1) { $style = "background-color: #fff;"; } $strImage = '../images/inactive.gif'; if (($arrRow["nAccessLevel"] & 2) == 2) { $strImage = '../images/active.gif'; } if ($arrRow["nSubstitudeId"] == -2) { $arrSubstitutes = $objCirculation->getSubstitutes($arrRow['nID']); if ($arrSubstitutes[0]['substitute_id'] == -3) { $strSubstitute = $SELF_DELEGATE_USER; } else { $strSubstitute = $objCirculation->getUsername($arrSubstitutes[0]['substitute_id']); } } elseif ($arrRow["nSubstitudeId"] != 0) { $strSubstitute = $objCirculation->getUsername($arrRow['nSubstitudeId']); } else { $strSubstitute = '-'; } $strOnlineState = ''; if ($arrRow['tsLastAction'] + $USER_TIMEOUT > time()) { $strOnlineState = '<img src="../images/flag_green.gif">'; } ?> <tr valign="top" style="<?php echo $style; ?> ">