Exemple #1
  * @static
  * @param $arFields
  * @return bool|int
 static function add($arFields)
     global $DB;
     foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnBeforeDocumentAdd", true) as $arEvent) {
         if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(&$arFields)) === false) {
             return false;
     if (array_key_exists('DATE_CREATE', $arFields)) {
     if (array_key_exists('DATE_MODIFY', $arFields)) {
     $arFields['~DATE_MODIFY'] = $DB->GetNowFunction();
     $arFields['~DATE_CREATE'] = $DB->GetNowFunction();
     if (!self::CheckFields('ADD', $arFields)) {
         return false;
     $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert("b_catalog_store_docs", $arFields);
     $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_catalog_store_docs (" . $arInsert[0] . ") VALUES(" . $arInsert[1] . ")";
     $res = $DB->Query($strSql, False, "File: " . __FILE__ . "<br>Line: " . __LINE__);
     if (!$res) {
         return false;
     $lastId = intval($DB->LastID());
     if (isset($arFields["ELEMENT"]) && is_array($arFields["ELEMENT"])) {
         foreach ($arFields["ELEMENT"] as $arElement) {
             $lastDocElementId = 0;
             if (isset($arElement["ID"])) {
             $arElement["DOC_ID"] = $lastId;
             if (is_array($arElement)) {
                 $lastDocElementId = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::add($arElement);
             if (isset($arElement["BARCODE"]) && $lastDocElementId) {
                 if (is_array($arElement["BARCODE"])) {
                     foreach ($arElement["BARCODE"] as $barcode) {
                         CCatalogStoreDocsBarcode::add(array("DOC_ELEMENT_ID" => $lastDocElementId, "BARCODE" => $barcode));
     foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnDocumentAdd", true) as $arEvent) {
         ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($lastId, $arFields));
     return $lastId;
 static function OnBeforeDocumentDelete($id)
     global $DB;
     $id = intval($id);
     $dbElements = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::getList(array(), array("DOC_ID" => $id));
     while ($arElement = $dbElements->Fetch()) {
         if (!$DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_catalog_docs_barcode WHERE DOC_ELEMENT_ID = " . $arElement["ID"] . " ", true)) {
             return false;
     foreach (GetModuleEvents("catalog", "OnDocumentBarcodeDelete", true) as $arEvent) {
         ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($id));
  * @param $arFields
  * @return array|bool
 public static function cancellationDocument($arFields)
     global $DB;
     $id = intval($arFields["ID"]);
     $i = 0;
     $dbDocElements = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::getList(array(), array("DOC_ID" => $id));
     while ($arDocElement = $dbDocElements->Fetch()) {
         $arResult = array();
         $arProductInfo = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($arDocElement["ELEMENT_ID"]);
         $newReserved = $arProductInfo["QUANTITY_RESERVED"] + $arDocElement["AMOUNT"];
         $arResult["QUANTITY_RESERVED"] = $newReserved;
         $dbAmount = $DB->Query("SELECT SUM(SP.AMOUNT) as SUM, CP.QUANTITY_RESERVED as RESERVED FROM b_catalog_store_product SP INNER JOIN b_catalog_product CP ON SP.PRODUCT_ID = CP.ID INNER JOIN b_catalog_store CS ON SP.STORE_ID = CS.ID WHERE SP.PRODUCT_ID = " . $arDocElement["ELEMENT_ID"] . "  AND CS.ACTIVE = 'Y' GROUP BY QUANTITY_RESERVED ", true);
         if ($arAmount = $dbAmount->Fetch()) {
             $arResult["QUANTITY"] = doubleval($arAmount["SUM"] - $newReserved);
             if (!CCatalogProduct::Update($arDocElement["ELEMENT_ID"], $arResult)) {
                 return false;
     if ($i > 0) {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #4
 public static function OnIBlockElementDelete($productID)
     global $DB;
     $productID = (int) $productID;
     if ($productID > 0) {
         $dbDeleteElements = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::getList(array(), array("ELEMENT_ID" => $productID), false, false, array('ID'));
         while ($arDeleteElements = $dbDeleteElements->fetch()) {
         return $DB->Query("delete from b_catalog_store_barcode where PRODUCT_ID = " . $productID, true);
Exemple #5
  * @param $documentId
  * @param $userId
  * @return bool
 public static function cancellationDocument($documentId, $userId)
     global $DB, $APPLICATION;
     $documentId = (int) $documentId;
     $i = 0;
     $dbDocElements = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::getList(array(), array("DOC_ID" => $documentId));
     while ($arDocElement = $dbDocElements->Fetch()) {
         $arResult = array();
         $arProductInfo = CCatalogProduct::GetByID($arDocElement["ELEMENT_ID"]);
         $newReserved = $arProductInfo["QUANTITY_RESERVED"] + $arDocElement["AMOUNT"];
         $arResult["QUANTITY_RESERVED"] = $newReserved;
         $dbAmount = $DB->Query("SELECT SUM(SP.AMOUNT) as SUM, CP.QUANTITY_RESERVED as RESERVED FROM b_catalog_store_product SP INNER JOIN b_catalog_product CP ON SP.PRODUCT_ID = CP.ID INNER JOIN b_catalog_store CS ON SP.STORE_ID = CS.ID WHERE SP.PRODUCT_ID = " . $arDocElement["ELEMENT_ID"] . "  AND CS.ACTIVE = 'Y' GROUP BY QUANTITY_RESERVED ", true);
         if ($arAmount = $dbAmount->Fetch()) {
             $arResult["QUANTITY"] = doubleval($arAmount["SUM"] - $newReserved);
             if (!CCatalogProduct::Update($arDocElement["ELEMENT_ID"], $arResult)) {
                 return false;
             if (self::isNeedClearPublicCache($arProductInfo['QUANTITY'], $arResult['QUANTITY'], $arProductInfo['QUANTITY_TRACE'], $arProductInfo['CAN_BUY_ZERO'])) {
                 $productInfo = array('CAN_BUY_ZERO' => $arProductInfo['CAN_BUY_ZERO'], 'NEGATIVE_AMOUNT_TRACE' => $arProductInfo['NEGATIVE_AMOUNT_TRACE'], 'QUANTITY_TRACE' => $arProductInfo['QUANTITY_TRACE'], 'OLD_QUANTITY' => $arProductInfo['QUANTITY'], 'QUANTITY' => $arResult['QUANTITY'], 'DELTA' => $arResult['QUANTITY'] - $arProductInfo['QUANTITY']);
                 self::clearPublicCache($arProductInfo['ID'], $productInfo);
     return $i > 0;
			if (isset($_REQUEST['CONTRACTOR_ID']))
				$arResult['CONTRACTOR_ID'] = (int)$_REQUEST['CONTRACTOR_ID'];
				$str_CONTRACTOR_ID = $arResult['CONTRACTOR_ID'];
			if (isset($_REQUEST['CAT_CURRENCY_STORE']))
				$arResult['CURRENCY'] = (string)$_REQUEST['CAT_CURRENCY_STORE'];
				$str_CURRENCY = $arResult['CURRENCY'];

		$dbDocumentElement = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::getList(array(), array("DOC_ID" => $ID), false, false, array("ID", "STORE_FROM", "STORE_TO", "ELEMENT_ID", "AMOUNT", "PURCHASING_PRICE", "IS_MULTIPLY_BARCODE", "RESERVED"));
		while($arDocumentElements = $dbDocumentElement->Fetch())
			$arAllDocumentElement[] = $arDocumentElements;
	elseif(isset($_REQUEST["PRODUCT"]) && is_array($_REQUEST["PRODUCT"]) || isset($_REQUEST["ELEMENT_ID"]))
		$arElements = array();
		if(isset($_REQUEST["PRODUCT"]) && is_array($_REQUEST["PRODUCT"]))
			$arElements = $_REQUEST["PRODUCT"];
		if(isset($_REQUEST["ELEMENT_ID"]) && is_array($_REQUEST["ELEMENT_ID"]))
		$arAllAddedProductsId = $arAjaxElementInfo = array();
             		for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
             			echo $data[$c] . "<br />\n";
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 //—оздаем документ, если с данными все хорошо
                 if (empty($docId)) {
                     $docId = CCatalogDocs::add($arGeneral);
                 $res = CIBlockElement::GetByID(intval($data[0]));
                 if ($ar_res = $res->GetNext()) {
                     $stock = intval($data[1]);
                     $arAdditional = array("AMOUNT" => $stock, "ELEMENT_ID" => $ar_res["ID"], "PURCHASING_PRICE" => floatval($data[2]), "STORE_TO" => $_REQUEST["STORE_TO"] ? intval($_REQUEST["STORE_TO"]) : 1, "ENTRY_ID" => $z, "DOC_ID" => $docId);
                     $total += $arAdditional["PURCHASING_PRICE"] * $stock;
                     $docElementId = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::add($arAdditional);
                 } else {
                     $notice .= GetMessage("ELCORSO_WAREHOUSECSVIMPORT_ELEMENT") . $data[0] . ' ' . GetMessage("ELCORSO_WAREHOUSECSVIMPORT_NE_NAYDEN") . "\r\n";
         //CCatalogDocs::conductDocument($docId, $USER->GetID());
         CCatalogDocs::update($docId, array("TOTAL" => $total));
         LocalRedirect("/bitrix/admin/warehouse_import_admin.php?ID=" . $ID . "&mess=import&docId=" . $docId . "&z=" . $z . "&lang=" . LANG);
 //        else
 //		{
 //			$message = new CAdminMessage(GetMessage("ELCORSO_WAREHOUSECSVIMPORT_PUSTOY_FAYL"));
 //		}
				orderPrice = res[0]["PRICE_WITH_DISCOUNT"];


	function fEnableSub()
		if (document.getElementById('tbl_sale_order_edit'))
			document.getElementById('tbl_sale_order_edit').style.zIndex  = 10000;
if ($ID > 0) {
    $dbResult = CCatalogStoreDocsElement::GetList(array(), array('DOC_ID' => $ID), false, false, $arSelect);
    while ($product = $dbResult->GetNext()) {
        $docElementId = $product["ID"];
        $product = array_merge($product, CCatalogStoreControlUtil::getProductInfo($product["ELEMENT_ID"]));
        $product["BARCODE"] = '';
        if ($product["IS_MULTIPLY_BARCODE"] == 'N') {
            $dbBarCode = CCatalogStoreBarCode::getList(array(), array("PRODUCT_ID" => $product["ELEMENT_ID"]));
            if ($arBarCode = $dbBarCode->GetNext()) {
                $product["BARCODE"] = $arBarCode["BARCODE"];
        } elseif ($product["IS_MULTIPLY_BARCODE"] == 'Y') {
            $dbBarCodes = CCatalogStoreDocsBarcode::getList(array(), array("DOC_ELEMENT_ID" => $docElementId));
            while ($arBarCode = $dbBarCodes->GetNext()) {
                $product["BARCODE"][] = $arBarCode["BARCODE"];