Exemple #1
  * test CCSession::delete 
 public function test_delete()
     CCSession::set('a', 'b');
     CCSession::set('a', 'c', 'file');
     $this->assertTrue(CCSession::has('a', 'file'));
     CCSession::delete('a', 'file');
     $this->assertFalse(CCSession::has('a', 'file'));
Exemple #2
  * Application initialization.
  * do your inital stuff here like getting the current user object ect..
  * You can return a CCResponse wich will cancle all other actions 
  * if enebaled ( see. main.config -> send_app_wake_response )
  * @return void | CCResponse
 public static function wake()
      * Start the session by adding the current uri
     CCSession::set('uri', CCServer::uri());
      * try to authenticate the user
     //static::$user =& CCAuth::handler()->user;
      * load the App configuration
     static::$config = CCConfig::create('app');
Exemple #3
  * Handler::create tests
 public function test_create()
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create();
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     $auth2 = Auth\Handler::create('other');
     $this->assertEquals($auth, Auth\Handler::create());
     $this->assertEquals($auth2, Auth\Handler::create('other'));
     $this->assertNotEquals($auth, $auth2);
     // create with existing one
     CCSession::set('user_id', static::$current_user->id);
     // kill the old instance
     // redo
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create();
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     // diffrent keys
     CCSession::set('user_email', static::$current_user->email);
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('diffrent_selector_keys');
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     // another auth same session manager
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('same_session_manager');
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     // another auth diffrent session manager
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('diffrent_session_manager');
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     // using an config alias
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('alias');
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     // overwrite config
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('main', array('session_manager' => 'array'));
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);
     // test user_id but user dont exists
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('main');
     $auth->session->set('user_id', 21);
     $auth = Auth\Handler::create('main');
     $this->assertTrue($auth->user instanceof CCModel);