Exemple #1
 function __construct()
     self::$state['is_if_block'] = false;
     self::$vars = array();
     add_ccs_shortcode(array('if' => array($this, 'if_shortcode'), '-if' => array($this, 'if_shortcode'), '--if' => array($this, 'if_shortcode'), '---if' => array($this, 'if_shortcode'), '----if' => array($this, 'if_shortcode'), 'var' => array($this, 'var_shortcode'), 'switch' => array($this, 'switch_shortcode')));
     add_local_shortcode('ccs_switch', 'when', array($this, 'when_shortcode'));
     add_local_shortcode('ccs_switch', 'case', array($this, 'when_shortcode'));
 function for_shortcode($atts, $content = null, $shortcode_name)
     $args = array('each' => '', 'term' => '', 'terms' => '', 'orderby' => '', 'order' => '', 'count' => '', 'parent' => '', 'parents' => '', 'children' => '', 'current' => '', 'trim' => '', 'empty' => 'true', 'exclude' => '');
     extract(shortcode_atts($args, $atts, true));
     // Top parent loop
     if (!self::$state['is_for_loop']) {
         self::$state['is_for_loop'] = true;
         // Nested loop
     } else {
         $parent_term = self::$current_term[self::$index];
         // Same taxonomy as parent
         if ($each == 'child' && isset($parent_term['taxonomy'])) {
             $each = $parent_term['taxonomy'];
         // Get parent term unless specified
         if (empty($parent) && isset($parent_term['id'])) {
             $parent = $parent_term['id'];
         // Nest index
     if ($each == 'tag') {
         $each = 'post_tag';
     $out = '';
     $prefix = CCS_Format::get_minus_prefix($shortcode_name);
     // Get [else] block
     $if_else = CCS_If::get_if_else($content, $shortcode_name, 'for-else');
     $content = $if_else['if'];
     $else = $if_else['else'];
     // Get terms according to parameters
     // @todo Refactor - keep it DRY
     // @todo Consolidate with CCS_Content::get_taxonomies
     $query = array('orderby' => !empty($orderby) ? $orderby : 'name', 'order' => $order, 'number' => $count, 'parent' => $parents == 'true' ? 0 : '', 'hide_empty' => $empty == 'true' ? 0 : 1);
     $term_ids = array();
     if (!empty($terms)) {
         $term = $terms;
     // Alias
     if (!empty($term)) {
         $terms = CCS_Format::explode_list($term);
         // Multiple values support
         foreach ($terms as $this_term) {
             if (is_numeric($this_term)) {
                 $term_ids[] = $this_term;
             } else {
                 /* Get term ID from slug */
                 $term_id = get_term_by('slug', $this_term, $each);
                 if (!empty($term_id)) {
                     $term_ids[] = $term_id->term_id;
         if (!empty($term_ids)) {
             $query['include'] = $term_ids;
         } else {
             // Nothing found
             // Return to parent loop
             if (self::$index > 0) {
             } else {
                 self::$state['is_for_loop'] = false;
             return do_ccs_shortcode($else);
     // Inside loop, or current is true
     if (CCS_Loop::$state['is_loop'] && $current != "false" || $current == "true") {
         if ($current == "true") {
             $post_id = get_the_ID();
         } else {
             $post_id = CCS_Loop::$state['current_post_id'];
         // Inside [loop]
         $taxonomies = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, $each, $query);
         // Current and parent parameters together
         if (!empty($parent)) {
             if (is_numeric($parent)) {
                 $parent_term_id = $parent;
             } else {
                 // Get parent term ID from slug
                 $term = get_term_by('slug', $parent, $each);
                 if (!empty($term)) {
                     $parent_term_id = $term->term_id;
                 } else {
                     $parent_term_id = null;
             if (!empty($parent_term_id)) {
                 // Filter out terms that do not have the specified parent
                 // TODO: Why not set this as query for wp_get_post_terms above..?
                 foreach ($taxonomies as $key => $term) {
                     // TODO: What about children parameter for all descendants..?
                     if ($term->parent != $parent_term_id) {
         // Not inside loop
     } else {
         if (empty($parent)) {
             $taxonomies = get_terms($each, $query);
             if (!empty($term) && $children == 'true') {
                 if (isset($query['include'])) {
                 // Get descendants of each term
                 $new_taxonomies = $taxonomies;
                 foreach ($taxonomies as $term_object) {
                     $query['child_of'] = $term_object->term_id;
                     $new_terms = get_terms($each, $query);
                     if (!empty($new_terms)) {
                         $new_taxonomies += $new_terms;
                         foreach ($new_terms as $new_term) {
                             $term_ids[] = $new_term->term_id;
                 $taxonomies = $new_taxonomies;
             // Get terms by parent
         } else {
             if (is_numeric($parent)) {
                 $parent_term_id = $parent;
             } else {
                 // Get parent term ID from slug
                 $term = get_term_by('slug', $parent, $each);
                 if (!empty($term)) {
                     $parent_term_id = $term->term_id;
                 } else {
                     $parent_term_id = null;
             if (!empty($parent_term_id)) {
                 /* Get direct children */
                 if ($children !== 'true') {
                     // Direct children only
                     $query['parent'] = $parent_term_id;
                 } else {
                     // All descendants
                     $query['child_of'] = $parent_term_id;
                 $taxonomies = get_terms($each, $query);
             } else {
                 $taxonomies = null;
             // No parent found
     if (count($term_ids) > 0) {
         $new_taxonomies = array();
         // Sort terms according to given ID order: get_terms doesn't do order by ID
         foreach ($term_ids as $term_id) {
             foreach ($taxonomies as $term_object) {
                 if ($term_object->term_id == $term_id) {
                     $new_taxonomies[] = $term_object;
         $taxonomies = $new_taxonomies;
     // Array and not empty
     if (is_array($taxonomies) && count($taxonomies) > 0) {
         $each_term = array();
         $each_term['taxonomy'] = $each;
         // Taxonomy name
         $excludes = CCS_Format::explode_list($exclude);
         $index = 0;
         if (empty($count)) {
             $count = 9999;
         // Show all
         foreach ($taxonomies as $term_object) {
             // Exclude IDs or slugs
             $condition = true;
             foreach ($excludes as $exclude) {
                 if (is_numeric($exclude)) {
                     // Exclude ID
                     if ($exclude == $term_object->term_id) {
                         $condition = false;
                 } else {
                     // Exclude slug
                     if ($exclude == $term_object->slug) {
                         $condition = false;
             if ($condition && ++$index <= $count) {
                 $each_term['id'] = $term_object->term_id;
                 $each_term['name'] = $term_object->name;
                 $each_term['slug'] = $term_object->slug;
                 $each_term['description'] = $term_object->description;
                 $term_link = get_term_link($term_object);
                 if (is_wp_error($term_link)) {
                     $term_link = null;
                 $each_term['url'] = $term_link;
                 $each_term['link'] = '<a href="' . $each_term['url'] . '">' . $each_term['name'] . '</a>';
                 // Alias for backward compatibility
                 $each_term['name-link'] = $each_term['link'];
                 // Replace {TAGS}
                 // @todo Use a general-purpose function in CCS_Loop for replacing tags
                 $replaced_content = str_replace('{' . $prefix . 'TERM}', $each_term['slug'], $content);
                 $replaced_content = str_replace('{' . $prefix . 'TERM_ID}', $each_term['id'], $replaced_content);
                 $replaced_content = str_replace('{' . $prefix . 'TERM_NAME}', $each_term['name'], $replaced_content);
                 // Make term data available to [each]
                 self::$current_term[self::$index] = $each_term;
                 $out .= do_ccs_shortcode($replaced_content);
         // For each term
     } else {
         // No taxonomy found
         $out .= do_ccs_shortcode($else);
     // Trim final output
     if (!empty($trim)) {
         if ($trim == 'true') {
             $trim = null;
         $out = trim($out, " \t\n\r\v," . $trim);
     // Return to parent loop
     if (self::$index > 0) {
     } else {
         self::$state['is_for_loop'] = false;
     self::$state['for_count'] = 0;
     return $out;