Exemple #1
  * scans a directory
  * @access public
  * @param  string  $dir - directory to scan
  * @param  boolean $with_files    - list files too (true) or not (false); default: false
  * @param  boolean $files_only    - list files only (true) or not (false); default: false
  * @param  string  $remove_prefix - will be removed from the path names; default: NULL
  * @param  array   $suffixes      - list of suffixes; only if $with_files = true
  * @param  array   $skip_dirs     - list of directories to skip
  * Examples:
  *   - get a list of all subdirectories (no files)
  *     $dirs = $obj->scanDirectory( <DIR> );
  *   - get a list of files only
  *     $files = $obj->scanDirectory( <DIR>, NULL, true, true );
  *   - get a list of files AND directories
  *     $list = $obj->scanDirectory( <DIR>, NULL, true );
  *   - remove a path prefix
  *     $list = $obj->scanDirectory( '/my/abs/path/to', '/my/abs/path' );
  *     => result is /to/subdir1, /to/subdir2, ...
 public static function scanDirectory($dir, $with_files = false, $files_only = false, $remove_prefix = NULL, $suffixes = array(), $skip_dirs = array(), $skip_files = array())
     $dirs = array();
     $self = self::getInstance();
     $self->log()->logDebug('> scanning dir: ' . $dir);
     if (!self::$is_win) {
         self::$is_win = false;
         if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
             self::$is_win = true;
     // make sure $suffixes is an array
     if ($suffixes && is_scalar($suffixes)) {
         $suffixes = array($suffixes);
     if (!count($suffixes) && count(self::$suffix_filter)) {
         $suffixes = self::$suffix_filter;
     // make sure $skip_dirs is an array
     if ($skip_dirs && is_scalar($skip_dirs)) {
         $skip_dirs = array($skip_dirs);
     if (!count($skip_dirs) && count(self::$skip_dirs)) {
         $skip_dirs = self::$skip_dirs;
     // same for $skip_files
     if ($skip_files && is_scalar($skip_files)) {
         $skip_files = array($skip_files);
     if (!count($skip_files) && count(self::$skip_files)) {
         $skip_files = self::$skip_files;
     if (!$remove_prefix && self::$prefix) {
         $remove_prefix = self::$prefix;
     } else {
         $remove_orig = $remove_prefix;
         $remove_prefix = self::sanitizePath($remove_prefix);
         if ($remove_prefix == '/') {
             $remove_prefix = NULL;
         if (substr($remove_orig, -1, 1) == '/') {
             $remove_prefix .= '/';
     if (self::$current_depth > self::$max_recursion_depth) {
         return array();
     $self->log()->logDebug('$dir before sanitizePath: ' . $dir);
     $dir = self::sanitizePath($dir);
     $self->log()->logDebug('$dir after sanitizePath: ' . $dir);
     if (false !== ($dh = dir($dir))) {
         while (false !== ($file = $dh->read())) {
             $self->log()->logDebug('current directory entry: ' . $file);
             if (!self::$show_hidden && substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
             if (!($file == '.' || $file == '..')) {
                 if (count($skip_dirs) && in_array(pathinfo($dir . '/' . $file, is_dir($dir . '/' . $file) ? PATHINFO_BASENAME : PATHINFO_DIRNAME), $skip_dirs)) {
                     $self->log()->logDebug('skipping (found in $skip_dirs)');
                 if (count($skip_files) && in_array(pathinfo($dir . '/' . $file, PATHINFO_BASENAME), $skip_files)) {
                     $self->log()->logDebug('skipping (found in $skip_files)');
                 if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) {
                     $self->log()->logDebug('It\'s a directory');
                     if (!$files_only) {
                         $self->log()->logDebug("\$files_only is false, adding to \$dirs: {$dir}/{$file} - replace -{$remove_prefix}-");
                         $current = str_ireplace($remove_prefix, '', $dir . '/' . $file);
                         $dirs[] = $current;
                     if (self::$recurse) {
                         $self->log()->logDebug('do recursion');
                         // recurse
                         $subdirs = self::scanDirectory($dir . '/' . $file, $with_files, $files_only, $remove_prefix, $suffixes, $skip_dirs, $skip_files);
                         $dirs = array_merge($dirs, $subdirs);
                 } elseif ($with_files) {
                     $self->log()->logDebug('It\'s a file and $with_files is true');
                     if (!count($suffixes) || in_array(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), $suffixes)) {
                         $self->log()->logDebug("{$dir}/{$file} - replace -{$remove_prefix}-");
                         $current = str_ireplace($remove_prefix, '', $dir . '/' . $file);
                         $dirs[] = $current;
                     } else {
                         $self->log()->logDebug('skipped (by suffix filter)');
     } else {
         $self->log()->logWarn('opendir failed, dir [' . $dir . ']');
     return $dirs;