function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('builder_menus'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioNavigationQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_NAV_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('nav_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_nav_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('nav_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; default: $sMethod = 'action' . $this->getClassName($sAction); if (method_exists($this, $sMethod)) { $aResult = $this->{$sMethod}(); } } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('builder_permissions'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioPermissionsQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_PRM_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('pgt_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
function __construct($sType = '', $sCategory = '') { parent::__construct('settings'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioSettingsQuery(); $this->sType = BX_DOL_STUDIO_STG_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sType) && !empty($sType)) { $this->sType = $sType; } $this->sCategory = ''; if (is_string($sCategory) && !empty($sCategory)) { $this->sCategory = $sCategory; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('stg_action')) !== false && ($sValue = bx_get('stg_value')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $sValue = bx_process_input($sValue); $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => ''); if (!empty($sAction) && !empty($sValue)) { switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $this->sType = $sValue; $aResult['content'] = $this->getPageCode(); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); } exit; } }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('builder_permissions'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioPermissionsQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_PRM_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('builder_menus'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioNavigationQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_NAV_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('polyglot'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioPolyglotQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_PGT_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } }
function __construct($sModule = "", $sPage = "") { parent::__construct($sModule); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioModulesQuery(); $this->sPageRssHelpObject = 'sys_studio_module_help'; $this->sModule = ''; if (is_string($sModule) && !empty($sModule)) { $this->sModule = $sModule; } $this->sPage = $this->sPageDefault; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } }
public function __construct($mixedPageName) { parent::__construct($mixedPageName); $this->oDb = BxDolStudioWidgetsQuery::getInstance(); $this->aWidgets = array(); $this->aWidgetsNotices = array(); if (!$this->bPageMultiple) { $this->oDb->getWidgets(array('type' => 'by_page_id', 'value' => $this->aPage['id']), $this->aWidgets, false); } else { foreach ($this->aPage as $sPage => $aPage) { $this->aWidgets[$sPage] = array(); $this->oDb->getWidgets(array('type' => 'by_page_id', 'value' => $aPage['id']), $this->aWidgets[$sPage], false); } } //--- Load Cache (Widgets' Notices) $oCache = $this->oDb->getDbCacheObject(); $sCacheKey = $this->oDb->genDbCacheKey($this->sCacheKeyNotices); $this->aWidgetsNotices = $oCache->getData($sCacheKey); }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('designer'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioDesignerQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_DSG_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('dsg_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_dsg_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'delete_logo': $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => ''); if (!$this->deleteLogo()) { $aResult = array('code' => 2, 'message' => _t('_adm_dsg_err_remove_old_logo')); } break; case 'make_default': $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => ''); if (!$this->makeDefault()) { $aResult = array('code' => 2, 'message' => _t('_adm_dsg_err_make_default')); } break; case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('dsg_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
function __construct($sTemplate = "", $sPage = "") { parent::__construct($sTemplate); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioDesignsQuery(); $this->sTemplate = BX_DOL_STUDIO_TEMPL_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sTemplate) && !empty($sTemplate)) { $this->sTemplate = $sTemplate; } $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_TEMPL_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('templ_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_dsg_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'activate': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('templ_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $aResult = $this->activate($sValue); break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } $this->aTemplate = BxDolModuleQuery::getInstance()->getModuleByName($this->sTemplate); if (empty($this->aTemplate) || !is_array($this->aTemplate)) { BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()->displayPageNotFound(); } $this->aPage['header'] = $this->aTemplate['title']; $this->aPage['caption'] = $this->aTemplate['title']; $this->addAction(array('type' => 'switcher', 'name' => 'activate', 'caption' => '_adm_txt_pca_active', 'checked' => (int) $this->aTemplate['enabled'] == 1, 'onchange' => "javascript:" . $this->getPageJsObject() . ".activate('" . $this->sTemplate . "', this)"), false); }
protected function getModuleIcon($sName, $sType = 'menu', $bReturnAsUrl = true) { $sResult = ''; switch ($sName) { case BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_SYSTEM: $sResult = 'cog'; break; case BX_DOL_STUDIO_MODULE_CUSTOM: $sResult = 'wrench'; break; case BX_DOL_STUDIO_BP_SKELETONS: $sResult = 'qrcode'; break; default: $sResult = parent::getModuleIcon($sName, $sType, $bReturnAsUrl); } return $sResult; }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('polyglot'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioPolyglotQuery(); $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_PGT_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('pgt_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); bx_import('BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils'); $oLanguages = BxDolStudioLanguagesUtils::getInstance(); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-page-by-type': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $this->sPage = $sValue; $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => $this->getPageCode()); break; /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = recompile - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. */ /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = recompile - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. */ case 'recompile': $sLanguage = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_language')); if ($oLanguages->compileLanguage($sLanguage)) { $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_scs_recompiled')); } else { $aResult = array('code' => 2, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_recompile_lang')); } break; /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = restore - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. * pgt_module - ID or Module Uri (@see sys_modules table). Leave empty for 'System' language file. */ /* * Available URL params: * pgt_action = restore - action name * pgt_language - ID or name(en, ru, etc) of language. * pgt_module - ID or Module Uri (@see sys_modules table). Leave empty for 'System' language file. */ case 'restore': $sLanguage = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_language')); $sModule = bx_process_input(bx_get('pgt_module')); if ($oLanguages->restoreLanguage($sLanguage, $sModule)) { $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_scs_restored')); } else { $aResult = array('code' => 2, 'content' => _t('_adm_pgt_err_cannot_restore_lang')); } break; } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
function __construct($sPage = "") { parent::__construct('store'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioStoreQuery(); $this->aAlias = array('tag' => array('modules' => 'extensions', 'languages' => 'translations'), 'category' => array()); $this->bAuthAccessUpdates = false; $this->sPage = BX_DOL_STUDIO_STR_TYPE_DEFAULT; if (is_string($sPage) && !empty($sPage)) { $this->sPage = $sPage; } bx_import('BxDolStudioOAuth'); $this->iClient = BxDolStudioOAuth::getAuthorizedClient(); //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('str_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_FAILED, 'message' => _t('_adm_mod_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get-file': $iFileId = (int) bx_get('str_id'); $aResult = $this->getFile($iFileId); break; case 'get-product': $sModuleName = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_id')); $aResult = $this->getProduct($sModuleName); break; case 'get-update': $sModuleName = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_id')); $aResult = $this->getUpdate($sModuleName); break; case 'get-update-and-install': $sModuleName = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_id')); $aResult = $this->getUpdate($sModuleName, true); break; case 'get-products-by-type': $this->sPage = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_value')); $sContent = $this->getPageCode(); if (!empty($sContent)) { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_SUCCESS, 'content' => $sContent); } else { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_FAILED, 'message' => _t('_adm_act_err_failed_page_loading')); } break; case 'get-products-by-page': $this->sPage = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_type')); $sContent = $this->getPageContent(); if (!empty($sContent)) { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_SUCCESS, 'content' => $sContent); } else { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_FAILED, 'message' => _t('_adm_act_err_failed_page_loading')); } break; case 'add-to-cart': $sVendor = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_vendor')); $iItem = (int) bx_get('str_item'); $iItemCount = 1; if (empty($sVendor) || empty($iItem)) { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_FAILED, 'message' => _t('_adm_err_modules_cannot_add_to_cart')); break; } bx_import('BxDolStudioCart'); BxDolStudioCart::getInstance()->add($sVendor, $iItem, $iItemCount); $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_SUCCESS, 'message' => _t('_adm_msg_modules_success_added_to_cart')); break; case 'delete-from-cart': $sVendor = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_vendor')); $iItem = (int) bx_get('str_item'); if (empty($sVendor)) { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_FAILED, 'message' => _t('_adm_err_modules_cannot_delete_from_cart')); break; } bx_import('BxDolStudioCart'); BxDolStudioCart::getInstance()->delete($sVendor, $iItem); $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_SUCCESS, 'message' => ''); break; case 'checkout-cart': $sVendor = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_vendor')); if (empty($sVendor)) { $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_FAILED, 'message' => _t('_adm_err_modules_cannot_checkout_empty_vendor')); break; } $sLocation = $this->checkoutCart($sVendor); $aResult = array('code' => BX_DOL_STUDIO_IU_RC_SUCCESS, 'message' => '', 'redirect' => $sLocation); break; case 'install': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($sValue, 'install', array('auto_enable' => true, 'html_response' => true)); break; case 'update': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($sValue, 'update', array('html_response' => true)); break; case 'delete': $sValue = bx_process_input(bx_get('str_value')); if (empty($sValue)) { break; } $aResult = BxDolStudioInstallerUtils::getInstance()->perform($sValue, 'delete', array('html_response' => true)); break; } if (!empty($aResult['message'])) { bx_import('BxDolStudioTemplate'); $aResult['message'] = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()->parseHtmlByName('mod_action_result.html', array('content' => $aResult['message'])); bx_import('BxTemplStudioFunctions'); $aResult['message'] = BxTemplStudioFunctions::getInstance()->transBox('', $aResult['message']); } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct('dashboard'); $this->oDb = new BxDolStudioDashboardQuery(); $this->aBlocks = array('space' => 'serviceGetBlockSpace', 'htools' => 'serviceGetBlockHostTools'); $this->aItemsCache = array(array('name' => 'all'), array('name' => 'db'), array('name' => 'template'), array('name' => 'css'), array('name' => 'js')); $this->aItemsHTools = array('PHP' => 'requirementsPHP', 'MySQL' => 'requirementsMySQL', 'Web Server' => 'requirementsWebServer'); //--- Check actions ---// if (($sAction = bx_get('dbd_action')) !== false) { $sAction = bx_process_input($sAction); $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_adm_err_cannot_process_action')); switch ($sAction) { case 'get_block': $sValue = bx_get('dbd_value'); if ($sValue === false) { break; } $sValue = bx_process_input($sValue); if (!isset($this->aBlocks[$sValue])) { break; } $aBlock = $this->{$this->aBlocks[$sValue]}(false); if (!empty($aBlock['content'])) { $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'data' => $aBlock['content']); } break; case 'check_for_upgrade': $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'data' => $this->getPageCodeVersionAvailable()); break; case 'perform_upgrade': $oUpgrader = bx_instance('BxDolUpgrader'); if (!$oUpgrader->prepare()) { $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => $oUpgrader->getError()); } else { $aResult = array('code' => 0, 'message' => _t('_adm_dbd_msg_upgrade_started')); } break; case 'clear_cache': $sValue = bx_get('dbd_value'); if ($sValue === false) { break; } $sValue = bx_process_input($sValue); $oCacheUtilities = BxDolCacheUtilities::getInstance(); switch ($sValue) { case 'all': $aResult = false; foreach ($this->aItemsCache as $aItem) { if ($aItem['name'] == 'all') { continue; } $aResultClear = $oCacheUtilities->clear($aItem['name']); if ($aResultClear === false) { continue; } $aResult = $aResultClear; if (isset($aResult['code']) && $aResult['code'] != 0) { break; } } break; case 'db': case 'template': case 'css': case 'js': $aResult = $oCacheUtilities->clear($sValue); break; default: $aResult = array('code' => 1, 'message' => _t('_Error Occured')); } if ($aResult === false) { $aResult['data'] = MsgBox(_t('_adm_dbd_msg_c_all_disabled')); } else { if (isset($aResult['code']) && $aResult['code'] == 0) { $aResult['data'] = $this->getCacheChartData(false); } } break; case 'permissions': $oAdmTools = new BxDolStudioTools(); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $oAdmTools->generateStyles(); $oAdmTools->checkPermissions(); exit; case 'server_audit': $oAudit = new BxDolStudioToolsAudit(); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $oAudit->generate(); exit; } if (!empty($aResult['message'])) { $aResult['message'] = BxDolStudioTemplate::getInstance()->parseHtmlByName('page_action_result.html', array('content' => $aResult['message'])); $aResult['message'] = BxTemplStudioFunctions::getInstance()->transBox('', $aResult['message']); } echo json_encode($aResult); exit; } }