  * 'recheck' action handler
 public function performActionAdd()
     $aForm = array('form_attrs' => array('id' => 'bx_antispam_form_dnsbl_add', 'action' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'grid.php?o=bx_antispam_grid_dnsbl&a=add', 'method' => 'post'), 'params' => array('db' => array('table' => 'bx_antispam_dnsbl_rules', 'key' => 'id', 'submit_name' => 'do_submit')), 'inputs' => array('country' => array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'country', 'caption' => _t('_bx_antispam_field_country'), 'values' => BxDolForm::getDataItems('Country')), 'chain' => array('type' => 'radio_set', 'name' => 'chain', 'caption' => _t('_bx_antispam_field_action'), 'values' => array('spammers' => _t('_bx_antispam_chain_spammers'), 'whitelist' => _t('_bx_antispam_chain_whitelist')), 'value' => 'spammers'), 'submit' => array('type' => 'input_set', 0 => array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'do_submit', 'value' => _t('_sys_submit')), 1 => array('type' => 'reset', 'name' => 'close', 'value' => _t('_sys_close'), 'attrs' => array('class' => 'bx-def-margin-sec-left', 'onclick' => '$(\'.bx-popup-applied:visible\').dolPopupHide();')))));
     $oForm = new BxTemplFormView($aForm);
     if ($oForm->isSubmittedAndValid()) {
         // if form is submitted and all fields are valid
         $aCustomValues = array('chain' => $oForm->getCleanValue('chain'), 'zonedomain' => sprintf("%s.countries.nerd.dk.", strtolower($oForm->getCleanValue('country'))), 'postvresp' => '', 'url' => 'http://countries.nerd.dk/', 'comment' => '_bx_antispam_rule_note_country', 'added' => time(), 'active' => 1);
         $iRecentId = $oForm->insert($aCustomValues, true);
         // insert new record
         if ($iRecentId) {
             $aRes = array('grid' => $this->getCode(false), 'blink' => $iRecentId);
         } else {
             $aRes = array('msg' => _t('_sys_txt_error_occured'));
         // if record adding failed, display error message
         $this->_echoResultJson($aRes, true);
     } else {
         // if form is not submitted or some fields are invalid, display popup with form
         $s = BxTemplFunctions::getInstance()->popupBox($oForm->getId() . '_form', _t('_bx_antispam_popup_dnsbl_add'), $oForm->getCode() . '
                 $(document).ready(function () {
                     $("#' . $oForm->getId() . '").ajaxForm({
                         dataType: "json",
                         beforeSubmit: function (formData, jqForm, options) {
                             bx_loading($("#' . $oForm->getId() . '"), true);
                         success: function (data) {
                             glGrids.' . $this->_sObject . '.processJson(data, "add");
         $this->_echoResultJson(array('popup' => array('html' => $s, 'options' => array('closeOnOuterClick' => false))), true);