 public function update($pa_options = null)
     if ($vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options)) {
         $t_left = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->getLeftTableNum());
         $t_right = $this->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableNum($this->getRightTableNum());
         foreach (array($this->getRightTableName() => $t_left, $this->getLeftTableName() => $t_right) as $vs_other_table_name => $t_instance) {
             if ((bool) $t_instance->getProperty('SUPPORTS_ACL_INHERITANCE')) {
                 if (is_array($va_inheritors = $t_instance->getProperty('ACL_INHERITANCE_LIST')) && in_array($vs_other_table_name, $va_inheritors)) {
                     ca_acl::applyACLInheritanceToRelatedRowFromRow($t_instance, $vs_other_table_name == $this->getLeftTableName() ? $this->get($this->getRightTableFieldName()) : $this->get($this->getLeftTableFieldName()), $vs_other_table_name, $vs_other_table_name == $this->getLeftTableName() ? $this->get($this->getLeftTableFieldName()) : $this->get($this->getRightTableFieldName()));
     return $vn_rc;
 public function tearDown()
     // set parent id to null for both children to avoid FK conflicts during tearDown()
     if ($this->opt_child_object instanceof ca_objects) {
         $this->opt_child_object->set('parent_id', null);
     if ($this->opt_another_child_object instanceof ca_objects) {
         $this->opt_another_child_object->set('parent_id', null);
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     $vb_media_has_changed = $this->changed('media');
     if ($vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options)) {
         if (is_array($va_media_info = $this->getMediaInfo('media', 'original'))) {
             $this->set('md5', $va_media_info['MD5']);
             $this->set('mimetype', $va_media_info['MIMETYPE']);
             if (is_array($va_media_info = $this->getMediaInfo('media'))) {
                 $this->set('original_filename', $va_media_info['ORIGINAL_FILENAME']);
         if ($vb_media_has_changed) {
             $va_metadata = $this->get('media_metadata', array('binary' => true));
             caExtractEmbeddedMetadata($this, $va_metadata, $this->get('locale_id'));
         $vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options);
     return $vn_rc;
  * Override update() to set display_code if not specifically set by user
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     if ($vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options)) {
     return $vn_rc;
Exemple #5
  * Overrides default implementation with code to ensure consistency of set contents
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     if ($vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options)) {
         // make sure all items have the same type as the set
         $this->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE ca_set_items\n\t\t\t\tSET type_id = ?\n\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\tset_id = ?\n\t\t\t", (int) $this->get('type_id'), (int) $this->getPrimaryKey());
     return $vn_rc;
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     if ($this->changed('table_num')) {
     return parent::update($pa_options);
  * Update annotation. If time code of annotation has changed media preview will be regenerated. 
  * You can force the media preview to be regenerated whether the time code has changed or not
  * by passing the 'forcePreviewGeneration' option.
  * @param array $pa_options An array of options:
  *		forcePreviewGeneration = if set preview media will be regenerated whether time code has changed or not. Default is false.
  * @return bool True on success, false on failure
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     $this->set('type_code', $vs_type = $this->getAnnotationType());
     if (!$this->opo_annotations_properties->validate()) {
         $this->errors = $this->opo_annotations_properties->errors;
         return false;
     $this->set('props', $this->opo_annotations_properties->getPropertyValues());
     if (!$this->getAppConfig()->get('dont_generate_annotation_previews') && $this->getPrimaryKey() && ($this->changed('props') || isset($pa_options['forcePreviewGeneration']) && $pa_options['forcePreviewGeneration'])) {
         $vs_start = $this->getPropertyValue('startTimecode');
         $vs_end = $this->getPropertyValue('endTimecode');
         $va_data['start'] = $vs_start;
         $va_data['end'] = $vs_end;
         $t_rep = new ca_object_representations($this->get('representation_id'));
         if (($vs_file = $t_rep->getMediaPath('media', 'original')) && file_exists($vs_file)) {
             $o_media = new Media();
             if ($o_media->read($vs_file)) {
                 if ($o_media->writeClip($vs_file = tempnam(caGetTempDirPath(), 'annotationPreview'), $vs_start, $vs_end)) {
                     $this->set('preview', $vs_file);
     $vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options);
     if (!$this->numErrors()) {
         $this->opo_annotations_properties = $this->loadProperties($vs_type);
     if ($vs_file) {
     return $vn_rc;
  * Override update() to set table_num to whatever the parent is
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     if ($vn_parent_id = $this->get('parent_id')) {
         $t_root_rel_type = new ca_relationship_types($vn_parent_id);
         if ($vn_table_num = $t_root_rel_type->get('table_num')) {
             $this->set('table_num', $vn_table_num);
     $vb_we_set_transaction = false;
     if (!$this->inTransaction()) {
         $this->setTransaction($o_trans = new Transaction($this->getDb()));
         $vb_we_set_transaction = true;
     } else {
         $o_trans = $this->getTransaction();
     if ($this->get('is_default')) {
         $o_trans->getDb()->query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE ca_relationship_types \n\t\t\t\tSET is_default = 0 \n\t\t\t\tWHERE table_num = ?\n\t\t\t", (int) $t_root_rel_type->get('table_num'));
     if (!($vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options))) {
         if ($vb_we_set_transaction) {
     } else {
         if ($vb_we_set_transaction) {
     return $vn_rc;
 * Saves changes to set item record. 
 * You must make sure all required fields are set before calling this method. 
 If errors occur you can use the standard BaseModel class error handling methods to figure out what went wrong.
 * If you do not call this method at the end of your request changed vars will not be saved! 
 * @access public
 * @return bool Returns true if no error, false if error occurred
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     # set user vars (the set() method automatically serializes the vars array)
     if ($this->opa_set_item_vars_have_changed) {
         $this->set("vars", $this->opa_set_item_vars);
     return parent::update($pa_options);
  * Prepopulate record fields according to rules in prepopulate.conf
  * @param BundlableLabelableBaseModelWithAttributes $t_instance The table instance to prepopulate
  * @param array $pa_options Options array. Available options are:
  * 		prepopulateConfig = override path to prepopulate.conf, e.g. for testing purposes
  * @return bool success or not
 public function prepopulateFields(&$t_instance, $pa_options = null)
     if (!$t_instance->getPrimaryKey()) {
         return false;
     if ($vs_prepopulate_cfg = caGetOption('prepopulateConfig', $pa_options, null)) {
         $this->opo_plugin_config = Configuration::load($vs_prepopulate_cfg);
     if (!($this->opo_plugin_config->get('prepopulate_fields_on_save') || $this->opo_plugin_config->get('prepopulate_fields_on_load'))) {
         return false;
     $va_rules = $this->opo_plugin_config->get('prepopulate_rules');
     if (!$va_rules || !is_array($va_rules) || sizeof($va_rules) < 1) {
         return false;
     global $g_ui_locale_id;
     // we need to unset the form timestamp to disable the 'Changes have been made since you loaded this data' warning when we update() $this
     // the warning makes sense because an update()/insert() is called before we arrive here but after the form_timestamp ... but we chose to ignore it
     //$vn_timestamp = $_REQUEST['form_timestamp'];
     $vb_we_set_transaction = true;
     if (!$t_instance->inTransaction()) {
         $t_instance->setTransaction(new Transaction($t_instance->getDb()));
         $vb_we_set_transaction = true;
     // process rules
     $va_expression_vars = array();
     // we only process those if and when we need them
     foreach ($va_rules as $vs_rule_key => $va_rule) {
         if ($t_instance->tableName() != $va_rule['table']) {
         // check target
         $vs_target = $va_rule['target'];
         if (strlen($vs_target) < 1) {
             Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because target is not set");
         // check template
         $vs_template = $va_rule['template'];
         if (strlen($vs_template) < 1) {
             Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because template is not set");
         $vs_mode = caGetOption('mode', $va_rule, 'merge');
         // respect restrictToTypes option
         if ($va_rule['restrictToTypes'] && is_array($va_rule['restrictToTypes']) && sizeof($va_rule['restrictToTypes']) > 0) {
             if (!in_array($t_instance->getTypeCode(), $va_rule['restrictToTypes'])) {
                 Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because current record type " . $t_instance->getTypeCode() . " is not in restrictToTypes");
         // skip this rule if expression is true
         if ($va_rule['skipIfExpression'] && strlen($va_rule['skipIfExpression']) > 0) {
             $va_tags = caGetTemplateTags($va_rule['skipIfExpression']);
             foreach ($va_tags as $vs_tag) {
                 if (!isset($va_expression_vars[$vs_tag])) {
                     $va_expression_vars[$vs_tag] = $t_instance->get($vs_tag, array('returnIdno' => true, 'delimiter' => ';'));
             if (ExpressionParser::evaluate($va_rule['skipIfExpression'], $va_expression_vars)) {
                 Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] skipping rule {$vs_rule_key} because skipIfExpression evaluated true");
         // evaluate template
         $vs_value = caProcessTemplateForIDs($vs_template, $t_instance->tableNum(), array($t_instance->getPrimaryKey()), array('path' => true));
         Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] processed template for rule {$vs_rule_key} value is: " . $vs_value);
         // inject into target
         $va_parts = explode('.', $vs_target);
         // intrinsic or simple (non-container) attribute
         if (sizeof($va_parts) == 2) {
             // intrinsic
             if ($t_instance->hasField($va_parts[1])) {
                 switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) {
                     case 'overwrite':
                         // always set
                         $t_instance->set($va_parts[1], $vs_value);
                     case 'addifempty':
                         if (!$t_instance->get($va_parts[1])) {
                             $t_instance->set($va_parts[1], $vs_value);
                         } else {
                             Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] rule {$vs_rule_key}: intrinsic skipped because it already has value and mode is addIfEmpty or merge");
                 // attribute/element
             } elseif ($t_instance->hasElement($va_parts[1])) {
                 $va_attributes = $t_instance->getAttributesByElement($va_parts[1]);
                 if (sizeof($va_attributes) > 1) {
                     Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] containers with multiple values are not supported");
                 switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) {
                     case 'overwrite':
                         // always replace first value we find
                         $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($va_parts[1] => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), $va_parts[1]);
                     case 'addifempty':
                         // only add value if none exists
                         if (!$t_instance->get($vs_target)) {
                             $t_instance->replaceAttribute(array($va_parts[1] => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), $va_parts[1]);
             // "container"
         } elseif (sizeof($va_parts) == 3) {
             // actual container
             if ($t_instance->hasElement($va_parts[1])) {
                 $va_attr = $t_instance->getAttributesByElement($va_parts[1]);
                 switch (sizeof($va_attr)) {
                     case 1:
                         switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) {
                             case 'overwrite':
                                 $vo_attr = array_pop($va_attr);
                                 $va_value = array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value);
                                 foreach ($vo_attr->getValues() as $o_val) {
                                     if ($o_val->getElementCode() != $va_parts[2]) {
                                         $va_value[$o_val->getElementCode()] = $o_val->getDisplayValue();
                                 $t_instance->_editAttribute($vo_attr->getAttributeID(), $va_value);
                             case 'addifempty':
                                 $vo_attr = array_pop($va_attr);
                                 $va_value = array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value);
                                 $vb_update = false;
                                 foreach ($vo_attr->getValues() as $o_val) {
                                     if ($o_val->getElementCode() != $va_parts[2]) {
                                         $va_value[$o_val->getElementCode()] = $o_val->getDisplayValue();
                                     } else {
                                         if (!$o_val->getDisplayValue()) {
                                             $vb_update = true;
                                 if ($vb_update) {
                                     $t_instance->editAttribute($vo_attr->getAttributeID(), $va_parts[1], $va_value);
                                 Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] unsupported mode {$vs_mode} for target bundle");
                     case 0:
                         // if no container value exists, always add it (ignoring mode)
                         $t_instance->addAttribute(array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value, 'locale_id' => $g_ui_locale_id), $va_parts[1]);
                         Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] containers with multiple values are not supported");
                 // labels
             } elseif ($va_parts[1] == 'preferred_labels' || $va_parts[1] == 'nonpreferred_labels') {
                 $vb_preferred = $va_parts[1] == 'preferred_labels';
                 if (!($t_label = $t_instance->getAppDatamodel()->getInstanceByTableName($t_instance->getLabelTableName(), true))) {
                 if (!$t_label->hasField($va_parts[2])) {
                 switch ($t_instance->getLabelCount($vb_preferred)) {
                     case 0:
                         // if no value exists, always add it (ignoring mode)
                         $t_instance->addLabel(array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value), $g_ui_locale_id, null, $vb_preferred);
                     case 1:
                         switch (strtolower($vs_mode)) {
                             case 'overwrite':
                             case 'addifempty':
                                 $va_labels = $t_instance->getLabels(null, $vb_preferred ? __CA_LABEL_TYPE_PREFERRED__ : __CA_LABEL_TYPE_NONPREFERRED__);
                                 if (sizeof($va_labels)) {
                                     $va_labels = caExtractValuesByUserLocale($va_labels);
                                     $va_label = array_shift($va_labels);
                                     $va_label = $va_label[0];
                                     $va_label[$va_parts[2]] = $vs_value;
                                     $vb_update = false;
                                     if (strtolower($vs_mode) == 'overwrite') {
                                         $va_label[$va_parts[2]] = $vs_value;
                                         $vb_update = true;
                                     } else {
                                         if (strlen(trim($va_label[$va_parts[2]])) == 0) {
                                             // in addifempty mode only edit label when field is not set
                                             $va_label[$va_parts[2]] = $vs_value;
                                             $vb_update = true;
                                     if ($vb_update) {
                                         $t_instance->editLabel($va_label['label_id'], $va_label, $g_ui_locale_id, null, $vb_preferred);
                                 } else {
                                     $t_instance->addLabel(array($va_parts[2] => $vs_value), $g_ui_locale_id, null, $vb_preferred);
                                 Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] unsupported mode {$vs_mode} for target bundle");
                         Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] records with multiple labels are not supported");
     $vn_old_mode = $t_instance->getMode();
     //$_REQUEST['form_timestamp'] = $vn_timestamp;
     if ($t_instance->numErrors() > 0) {
         foreach ($t_instance->getErrors() as $vs_error) {
             Debug::msg("[prepopulateFields()] there was an error while updating the record: " . $vs_error);
         if ($vb_we_set_transaction) {
         return false;
     if ($vb_we_set_transaction) {
     return true;
  * Override update() to set form_code if not specifically set by user and remove all placements if type changes
 public function update($pa_options = null)
     if ($this->changed('table_num')) {
     if ($vn_rc = parent::update($pa_options)) {
     return $vn_rc;