//Save Forum Links
    if (isset($_POST['link_title'])) {
        foreach ($_POST['link_title'] as $i => $link_title) {
            $link_url = $_POST['link_url'][$i];
            if (!$link_url || !$link_title) {
            BuckysForumCategory::saveCategoryLink($categoryID, $link_title, $link_url);
    buckys_redirect("/forum/category.php?id=" . $categoryID, MSG_FORUM_SAVED, MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS);
$categoryID = isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : null;
if ($categoryID != null) {
    $category = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($categoryID);
    //Check Permission
    if (!$category || !buckys_is_admin() && !buckys_is_moderator() && !buckys_is_forum_admin($category['categoryID']) && !buckys_is_forum_moderator($category['categoryID'])) {
        buckys_redirect('/forum', MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
                        <th style="padding:0px;padding-bottom:5px;"
    echo $cat['categoryName'];
                        <th style="padding:0px;">Last Post</th>
                        <th style="padding:0px;" class="td-counts">Topics</th>
                        <th style="padding:0px;" class="td-counts">Replies</th>
    foreach ($cat['children'] as $idx => $subCat) {
        $categoryDescription = BuckysForumCategory::getCategoryDescription($subCat['categoryID']);
                        <tr <?php 
        echo $idx == count($cat['children']) - 1 ? 'class="last-tr"' : '';
                            <td class="first-column" style="padding-left:0px; font-size:12px;" width="50%">
                                <a href="/forum/category.php?id=<?php 
        echo $subCat['categoryID'];
        echo $subCat['categoryID'];
                                        class="poster-icon"></a> <a
Exemple #3
$topic = BuckysForumTopic::getTopic($topicID);
if (!$topic) {
//If the topic is not published(pending or suspended), only forum moderator and administrator can see this
if ($topic['status'] != 'publish' && !buckys_is_forum_moderator() && $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['user']['userID'] != $topic['creatorID']) {
$orderBy = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? $_GET['orderby'] : 'oldest';
//Getting Replies
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$total = BuckysForumReply::getTotalNumOfReplies($topic['topicID'], 'publish');
$pagination = new Pagination($total, BuckysForumReply::$COUNT_PER_PAGE, $page);
$page = $pagination->getCurrentPage();
$replies = BuckysForumReply::getReplies($topic['topicID'], 'publish', $page, $orderBy);
$hierarchical = BuckysForumCategory::getCategoryHierarchical($topic['categoryID']);
//Mark Forum Notifications to read
if (buckys_check_user_acl(USER_ACL_REGISTERED)) {
    BuckysForumNotification::makeNotificationsToRead($BUCKYS_GLOBALS['user']['userID'], null, $topic['topicID']);
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['headerType'] = 'forum';
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = 'forum/topic';
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = $topic['topicTitle'] . ' - BuckysRoomForum';
$categoryID = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $categoryID = buckys_escape_query_integer($_REQUEST['id']);
    $category = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($_REQUEST['id']);
$keyword = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? buckys_escape_query_string($_GET['s']) : '';
$orderBy = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? buckys_escape_query_string($_GET['orderby']) : 'popular';
switch ($orderBy) {
    case 'recent':
        $orderByStr = ' c.createdDate DESC ';
    case 'popular':
        $orderByStr = ' c.followers DESC ';
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? buckys_escape_query_integer($_GET['page']) : 1;
$results = BuckysForumCategory::searchCategories($keyword, $page, $orderByStr, BuckysForumCategory::$COUNT_PER_PAGE);
$pagination = new Pagination($results['total'], BuckysForumCategory::$COUNT_PER_PAGE, $page);
$page = $pagination->getCurrentPage();
$view['action_type'] = 'create';
$TNB_GLOBALS['headerType'] = 'forum';
$TNB_GLOBALS['content'] = 'forum/search_forums';
$TNB_GLOBALS['title'] = 'Search Forums - thenewboston Forum';
require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $TNB_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $TNB_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
  * Unban Users
  * @param mixed $ids
 public static function unbanUsers($ids)
     global $db, $TNB_GLOBALS;
     if (!is_array($ids)) {
         $ids = [$ids];
     //Check the user has lready been banned or not
     $rows = $db->getResultsArray("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_BANNED_USERS . " WHERE bannedID IN (" . implode(', ', $ids) . ")");
     if ($rows) {
         foreach ($rows as $brow) {
             $userID = $brow['bannedUserID'];
             //Change User Table
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET status=1 WHERE userID=" . $userID);
             //Change Posts table
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET post_status=1 WHERE poster=" . $userID);
             //Change Activities
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_MAIN_ACTIVITIES . " SET activityStatus=1 WHERE userID=" . $userID);
             //Change Messages
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " SET messageStatus=1 WHERE sender=" . $userID);
             //Fix Comments Count
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(commentID) AS c, postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commenter=%d AND commentStatus=0 GROUP BY postID", $userID);
             $pcRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
             foreach ($pcRows as $row) {
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET `comments` = `comments` + " . $row['c'] . " WHERE postID=" . $row['postID']);
             //Unblock Comments
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " SET commentStatus=1 WHERE commenter=" . $userID);
             //Fix Likes Count
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(likeID) AS c, postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%d AND likeStatus=0 GROUP BY postID", $userID);
             $plRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
             foreach ($plRows as $row) {
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET `likes` = `likes` + " . $row['c'] . " WHERE postID=" . $row['postID']);
             //Unblock Likes
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " SET likeStatus=1 WHERE userID=" . $userID);
             //Unblock Votes for Moderator
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(voteID) AS c, candidateID FROM " . TABLE_MODERATOR_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=%d AND voteStatus=0 GROUP BY candidateID", $userID);
             $vRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
             foreach ($vRows as $row) {
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_MODERATOR_CANDIDATES . " SET `votes` = `votes` + " . $row['c'] . " WHERE candidateID=" . $row['candidateID']);
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_MODERATOR_VOTES . " SET voteStatus=1 WHERE voterID=" . $userID);
             //Unblock Replies
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(r.replyID), r.topicID, t.categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " AS r LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " AS t ON t.topicID=r.topicID WHERE r.status='suspended' AND r.creatorID=%d GROUP BY r.topicID", $userID);
             $rRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " SET `status`='publish' WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " AND `status`='suspended'");
             foreach ($rRows as $row) {
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `replies` = `replies` + " . $row['c'] . " WHERE topicID=" . $row['topicID']);
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies` = `replies` + " . $row['c'] . " WHERE categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']);
             //unblock Topics
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(topicID) AS tc, SUM(replies) AS rc, categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=%d AND `status`='suspended' GROUP BY categoryID", $userID);
             $tRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `status`='publish' WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " AND `status`='suspended'");
             foreach ($tRows as $row) {
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies` = `replies` + " . $row['rc'] . ", `topics` = `topics` + " . $row['tc'] . " WHERE categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']);
             //Unblock Reply Votes
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(voteID) AS c, objectID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=%d AND voteStatus=0 GROUP BY objectID", $userID);
             $vRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
             foreach ($vRows as $row) {
                 $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " SET `votes` = `votes` + " . $row['c'] . " WHERE replyID=" . $row['objectID']);
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " SET voteStatus=1 WHERE voterID=" . $userID);
             //Unblock page section & Trade section
             $tradeItemIns = new BuckysTradeItem();
             $tradeOfferIns = new BuckysTradeOffer();
             $pageIns = new BuckysPage();
             $tradeItemIns->massStatusChange($userID, BuckysTradeItem::STATUS_ITEM_ACTIVE);
             $tradeOfferIns->massStatusChange($userID, BuckysTradeOffer::STATUS_OFFER_ACTIVE);
             $pageIns->massStatusChange($userID, BuckysPage::STATUS_ACTIVE);
             //enable Shop Products
             $shopProdIns = new BuckysShopProduct();
             $shopProdIns->massStatusChange($userID, BuckysShopProduct::STATUS_ACTIVE);
             //Remove From banned users table
             $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_BANNED_USERS . "  WHERE bannedID=" . $brow['bannedID']);
                                    if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'delete-forum') {
                                        $return = isset($_REQUEST['return']) ? base64_decode($_REQUEST['return']) : '/forum/moderator.php?id=' . $categoryID;
                                        //Check forum token
                                        if (!buckys_check_form_token('request')) {
                                            buckys_redirect($return, MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
                                        //Admin, Site Moderator, Category Admin and Category Moderator can't apply
                                        if (!(buckys_is_admin() || buckys_is_forum_admin($category['categoryID']))) {
                                            buckys_redirect($return, MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
                                        //Check Password
                                        $userData = BuckysUser::getUserData($userID);
                                        if (!buckys_validate_password($_REQUEST['pwd'], $userData['password'])) {
                                            buckys_redirect($return, MSG_CURRENT_PASSWORD_NOT_CORRECT, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
                                        buckys_redirect("/forum", MSG_REMOVE_FORUM_SUCCESS);
//Admin, Site Moderator, Category Admin and Category Moderator can't apply
if (!(buckys_is_admin() || buckys_is_moderator() || buckys_is_forum_admin($category['categoryID']) || buckys_is_forum_moderator($category['categoryID']))) {
    buckys_redirect('/forum/category.php?id=' . $categoryID, MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
  * Delete Topic
  * @param Int $topicID
  * @return bool
 public static function deleteTopic($topicID)
     global $db;
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE topicID=%d", $topicID);
     $topic = $db->getRow($query);
     if ($topic) {
         //Update Stats
         $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS_STATS . " AS us\n                        LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " AS r ON r.creatorID=us.userID\n                      SET\n                        us.`voteUps` = us.`voteUps` - r.`votes`,\n                        us.`reputation` = us.`reputation` - r.`votes`\n                      WHERE \n                        r.status='publish' AND r.topicID={$topic['topicID']}  \n            ";
         //Getting Published Replies count
         $query = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE `status`='publish' AND topicID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         $publishReplies = $db->getVar($query);
         BuckysUser::updateStats($topic['creatorID'], 'replies', -1 * $publishReplies);
         BuckysUser::updateStats($topic['creatorID'], 'voteUps', -1 * $topic['votes']);
         //Remove Reply Votes
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT replyID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID'] . ")";
         //Remove Replies
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         //Delete Topics
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         //Delete Frome Reports Table
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectType='topic' AND objectID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         //Update Category Values
         $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `topics` = `topics` - 1, `replies` = `replies` - " . $publishReplies . " WHERE categoryID=" . $topic['categoryID'];
         //If the topic status is publish, decrease user posts count
         if ($topic['status'] == 'publish') {
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET `posts_count`=`posts_count` " . ($topic['votes'] > 0 ? '-' : '+') . abs($topic['votes']) . " WHERE userID=" . $topic['creatorID']);
         //Update Last Topic ID of the category
         return true;
     return false;
 public function getCategoryHierarchical($catID)
     global $db;
     $result = array();
     $cCat = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($catID);
     $result[] = $cCat;
     while ($cCat && $cCat['parentID'] != 0) {
         $cCat = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($cCat['parentID']);
         $result[] = $cCat;
     $result = array_reverse($result);
     return $result;

require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/bootstrap.php';
$categoryID = null;
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
    $categoryID = buckys_escape_query_integer($_REQUEST['id']);
    $category = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($_REQUEST['id']);
$keyword = isset($_REQUEST['s']) ? buckys_escape_query_string($_GET['s']) : '';
$orderBy = isset($_GET['orderby']) ? buckys_escape_query_string($_GET['orderby']) : 'recent';
switch ($orderBy) {
    case 'recent':
        $orderByStr = ' lastReplyDate DESC ';
    case 'rating':
        $orderByStr = ' t.votes DESC ';
    case 'replies':
        $orderByStr = ' t.replies DESC ';
    case 'best-match':
        $orderByStr = ' relevance DESC ';
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? buckys_escape_query_integer($_GET['page']) : 1;
$results = BuckysForumTopic::searchTopic($keyword, $categoryID, $page, $orderByStr, BuckysForumTopic::$COUNT_PER_PAGE);
$pagination = new Pagination($results['total'], BuckysForumTopic::$COUNT_PER_PAGE, $page);
$page = $pagination->getCurrentPage();
  * Delete Topic
  * @param Int $topicID
 public function deleteTopic($topicID)
     global $db;
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE topicID=%d", $topicID);
     $topic = $db->getRow($query);
     if ($topic) {
         //Getting Published Replies count
         $query = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE `status`='publish' AND topicID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         $publishReplies = $db->getVar($query);
         //Remove Reply Votes
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT replyID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID'] . ")";
         //Remove Replies
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         //Delete Topics
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE topicID=" . $topic['topicID'];
         //Update Category Values
         $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `topics` = `topics` - 1, `replies` = `replies` - " . $publishReplies . " WHERE categoryID=" . $topic['categoryID'];
         //Update Last Topic ID of the category
         return true;
     return false;

 * Page Left Sidebar
if (!isset($TNB_GLOBALS)) {
    die("Invalid Request!");
if (buckys_is_logged_in()) {
    $followingCategories = BuckysForumCategory::getFollowingCategories();
} else {
    $followingCategories = BuckysForumCategory::getDefaultCategories();
<aside id="forum-left-bar">
if (buckys_is_logged_in()) {
        <h2 class="titles"><?php 
    echo $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['firstName'] . " " . $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['lastName'];
        <div class="user-thumbnail">
            <a href="/profile.php?user=<?php 
    echo $TNB_GLOBALS['user']['userID'];
    if (!$TNB_GLOBALS['user']['thumbnail']) {
                    <img src="<?php 
 * Check the current user is the admin(creator) of the forum
 * @param int $categoryID
 * @return Boolean
function buckys_is_forum_admin($categoryID)
    global $db;
    if (!($userID = buckys_is_logged_in())) {
        return false;
    $category = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($categoryID);
    if ($category['creatorID'] != $userID) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return true;
  * Remove Account
 public static function deleteUserAccount($userID)
     global $db;
     $userID = intval($userID);
     //Fix Comments Count
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(commentID) AS c, postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commenter=%d AND commentStatus=1 GROUP BY postID", $userID);
     $pcRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($pcRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET `comments` = `comments` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE postID=" . $row['postID']);
     //Fix Likes Count
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(likeID) AS c, postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%d AND likeStatus=1 GROUP BY postID", $userID);
     $plRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($plRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET `likes` = `likes` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE postID=" . $row['postID']);
     //Block Votes for Moderator
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(voteID) AS c, candidateID FROM " . TABLE_MODERATOR_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=%d AND voteStatus=1 GROUP BY candidateID", $userID);
     $vRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($vRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_MODERATOR_CANDIDATES . " SET `votes` = `votes` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE candidateID=" . $row['candidateID']);
     //Block Replies
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(r.replyID), r.topicID, t.categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " AS r LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " AS t ON t.topicID=r.topicID WHERE r.status='publish' AND r.creatorID=%d GROUP BY r.topicID", $userID);
     $rRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " SET `status`='suspended' WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " AND `status`='publish'");
     foreach ($rRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `replies` = `replies` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE topicID=" . $row['topicID']);
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies` = `replies` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']);
     //Block Topics
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(topicID) AS tc, SUM(replies) AS rc, categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=%d AND `status`='publish' GROUP BY categoryID", $userID);
     $tRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `status`='suspended' WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " AND `status`='publish'");
     foreach ($tRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies` = `replies` - " . $row['rc'] . ", `topics` = `topics` - " . $row['tc'] . " WHERE categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']);
     //Block Reply Votes
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(voteID) AS c, objectID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=%d AND voteStatus=1 GROUP BY objectID", $userID);
     $vRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($vRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " SET `votes` = `votes` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE replyID=" . $row['objectID']);
     //Delete Reported Objects
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE poster=" . $userID . ")");
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT topicID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . ")");
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT replyID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . ")");
     //Delete From banned Users
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_BANNED_USERS . "  WHERE bannedUserID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Activities
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MAIN_ACTIVITIES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Album Photos
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ALBUMS_PHOTOS . " WHERE album_id IN (SELECT albumID FROM " . TABLE_ALBUMS . " WHERE OWNER=" . $userID . ")");
     //Delete ALbums
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ALBUMS . " WHERE OWNER=" . $userID);
     //Delete Friends
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FRIENDS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR userFriendID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Messages
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR sender=" . $userID);
     //Delete Private Messengers
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSENGER_BLOCKLIST . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR blockedID=" . $userID);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSENGER_BUDDYLIST . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR buddyID=" . $userID);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSENGER_MESSAGES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR buddyID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Posts
     $posts = $db->getResultsArray("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE poster=" . $userID);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         //Delete Comments
         $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE postID=" . $post['postID']);
         //Delete Likes
         $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE postID=" . $post['postID']);
         //Delete hits
         $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_HITS . " WHERE postID=" . $post['postID']);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE poster=" . $userID);
     //Delete Pages
     $pageIns = new BuckysPage();
     //Delete Trade Section which are related to this user.
     $tradeIns = new BuckysTradeItem();
     //Delete Shop Section which are related to this user
     $shopIns = new BuckysShopProduct();
     //Delete Comments
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commenter=" . $userID);
     //Delete Likes
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Page Followers
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PAGE_FOLLOWERS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     //Getting Removed Topics
     $topicIDs = $db->getResultsArray("SELECT topicID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID);
     if (!$topicIDs) {
         $topicIDs = [0];
     //Delete Reply Votes
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=" . $userID);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE objectID IN ( SELECT replyID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " OR topicID IN (" . implode(", ", $topicIDs) . ") )");
     //Delete Replies
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " OR topicID IN (" . implode(", ", $topicIDs) . ")");
     //Delete Topics
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Users
     /*$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     		$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_CONTACT . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     		$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_EDUCATIONS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     		$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_EMPLOYMENTS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     		$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_LINKS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     		$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_TOKEN . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);*/
     //Don't delete user from the database, just update the user's status
     $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET `status`=" . BuckysUser::STATUS_USER_DELETED . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     $bitCoinInfo = BuckysUser::getUserBitcoinInfo($userID);
     if ($bitCoinInfo) {
         $userInfo = BuckysUser::getUserBasicInfo($userID);
         $content = "Your " . TNB_SITE_NAME . " account has been deleted. However, you may still access your Bitcoin wallet at:\n" . "https://blockchain.info/wallet/login\n" . "Identifier: " . $bitCoinInfo['bitcoin_guid'] . "\n" . "Password: "******"\n";
         //Send Email to User
         buckys_sendmail($userInfo['email'], $userInfo['firstName'] . ' ' . $userInfo['lastName'], TNB_SITE_NAME . ' Account has been Deleted', $content);
Exemple #14

require dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/bootstrap.php';
if (!buckys_check_user_acl(USER_ACL_REGISTERED)) {
    buckys_redirect('/forum', MSG_PERMISSION_DENIED, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
    if ($_POST['action'] == 'create-topic') {
        $result = BuckysForumTopic::createTopic($_POST);
        if ($result == 'publish' || $result == 'pending') {
            buckys_redirect("/forum", MSG_TOPIC_POSTED_SUCCESSFULLY . ($result == 'pending' ? ' ' . MSG_POST_IS_UNDER_PREVIEW : ''), MSG_TYPE_SUCCESS);
        } else {
            buckys_redirect("/forum/create_topic.php", $result, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
$curCatID = isset($_GET['category']) ? $_GET['category'] : 0;
$categories = BuckysForumCategory::getAllCategories();
$view['action_type'] = 'create';
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['headerType'] = 'forum';
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['content'] = 'forum/create_topic';
$BUCKYS_GLOBALS['title'] = 'Create a New Topic - BuckysRoomForum';
require DIR_FS_TEMPLATE . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['template'] . "/" . $BUCKYS_GLOBALS['layout'] . ".php";
  * Remove Account
 public function deleteUserAccount($userID)
     global $db;
     $userID = intval($userID);
     //Fix Comments Count
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(commentID) as c, postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commenter=%d AND commentStatus=1 GROUP BY postID", $userID);
     $pcRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($pcRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET `comments` = `comments` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE postID=" . $row['postID']);
     //Fix Likes Count
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(likeID) as c, postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=%d AND likeStatus=1 GROUP BY postID", $userID);
     $plRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($plRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_POSTS . " SET `likes` = `likes` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE postID=" . $row['postID']);
     //Block Votes for Moderator
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(voteID) as c, candidateID FROM " . TABLE_MODERATOR_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=%d AND voteStatus=1 GROUP BY candidateID", $userID);
     $vRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($vRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_MODERATOR_CANDIDATES . " SET `votes` = `votes` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE candidateID=" . $row['candidateID']);
     //Block Replies
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(r.replyID), r.topicID, t.categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " AS r LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " AS t ON t.topicID=r.topicID WHERE r.status='publish' AND r.creatorID=%d GROUP BY r.topicID", $userID);
     $rRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " SET `status`='suspended' WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " AND `status`='publish'");
     foreach ($rRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `replies` = `replies` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE topicID=" . $row['topicID']);
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies` = `replies` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']);
     //Block Topics
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(topicID) as tc, SUM(replies) as rc, categoryID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=%d AND `status`='publish' GROUP BY categoryID", $userID);
     $tRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `status`='suspended' WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " AND `status`='publish'");
     foreach ($tRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies` = `replies` - " . $row['rc'] . ", `topics` = `topics` - " . $row['tc'] . " WHERE categoryID=" . $row['categoryID']);
     //Block Reply Votes
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT count(voteID) as c, objectID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=%d AND voteStatus=1 GROUP BY objectID", $userID);
     $vRows = $db->getResultsArray($query);
     foreach ($vRows as $row) {
         $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " SET `votes` = `votes` - " . $row['c'] . " WHERE replyID=" . $row['objectID']);
     //Delete Reported Objects
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT postID FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE poster=" . $userID . ")");
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT topicID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . ")");
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectID IN (SELECT replyID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . ")");
     //Delete From banned Users
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_BANNED_USERS . "  WHERE bannedUserID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Activities
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ACTIVITES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Album Photos
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ALBUMS_PHOTOS . " WHERE album_id IN (SELECT albumID FROM " . TABLE_ALBUMS . " WHERE owner=" . $userID . ")");
     //Delete ALbums
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_ALBUMS . " WHERE owner=" . $userID);
     //Delete Friends
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FRIENDS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR userFriendID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Messages
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSAGES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR sender=" . $userID);
     //Delete Private Messengers
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSENGER_BLOCKLIST . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR blockedID=" . $userID);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSENGER_BUDDYLIST . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR buddyID=" . $userID);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_MESSENGER_MESSAGES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID . " OR buddyID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Posts
     $posts = $db->getResultsArray("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE poster=" . $userID);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         //Delete Comments
         $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE postID=" . $post['postID']);
         //Delete Likes
         $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE postID=" . $post['postID']);
         //Delete hits
         $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_HITS . " WHERE postID=" . $post['postID']);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS . " WHERE poster=" . $userID);
     //Delete Pages
     $pageIns = new BuckysPage();
     //Delete Trade Section which are related to this user.
     $tradeIns = new BuckysTradeItem();
     //Delete Comments
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_COMMENTS . " WHERE commenter=" . $userID);
     //Delete Likes
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_POSTS_LIKES . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
     //Getting Removed Topics
     $topicIDs = $db->getResultsArray("SELECT topicID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID);
     if (!$topicIDs) {
         $topicIDs = array(0);
     //Delete Reply Votes
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE voterID=" . $userID);
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE objectID IN ( SELECT replyID FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " OR topicID IN (" . implode(", ", $topicIDs) . ") )");
     //Delete Replies
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID . " OR topicID IN (" . implode(", ", $topicIDs) . ")");
     //Delete Topics
     $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE creatorID=" . $userID);
     //Delete Users
     /*$db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
       $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_CONTACT . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
       $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_EDUCATIONS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
       $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_EMPLOYMENTS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
       $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_LINKS . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
       $db->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_USERS_TOKEN . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);*/
     //Don't delete user from the database, just update the user's status
     $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET `status`=" . BuckysUser::STATUS_USER_DELETED . " WHERE userID=" . $userID);
  * Delete Reply
  * @param Int $replyID
  * @return bool
 public static function deleteReply($replyID)
     global $db;
     $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE replyID=%d", $replyID);
     $reply = $db->getRow($query);
     if ($reply) {
         if ($reply['status'] == 'publish') {
             //Getting Topic
             $query = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " WHERE topicID=%d", $reply['topicID']);
             $topic = $db->getRow($query);
             //Update Replies Count For Topic
             $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_TOPICS . " SET `replies`=`replies` - 1 WHERE topicID=" . $reply['topicID'];
             //Update Replies Count For Category
             $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_FORUM_CATEGORIES . " SET `replies`=`replies` - 1 WHERE categoryID=" . $topic['categoryID'];
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET `posts_count`=`posts_count` - 1 WHERE userID=" . $reply['creatorID']);
             $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USERS . " SET `posts_rating`=`posts_rating`" . ($reply['votes'] > 0 ? '-' : '+') . abs($reply['votes']) . " WHERE userID=" . $reply['creatorID']);
             //Update Stats
             BuckysUser::updateStats($topic['creatorID'], 'replies', -1);
             BuckysUser::updateStats($reply['creatorID'], 'voteUps', -1 * $reply['votes']);
         //Remove Reply Votes
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_VOTES . " WHERE objectID=" . $reply['replyID'];
         //Delete Frome Reports Table
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_REPORTS . " WHERE objectType='reply' AND objectID=" . $reply['replyID'];
         //Remove Reply
         $query = "DELETE FROM " . TABLE_FORUM_REPLIES . " WHERE replyID=" . $reply['replyID'];
         return true;
     return false;
    $video = $videoClass->getVideo($videoID);
    if (!$video) {
        buckys_redirect("/videos.php", MSG_INVALID_REQUEST, MSG_TYPE_ERROR);
    $categoryID = $video['categoryID'];
if ($categoryID) {
    $category = $videoClass->getCategory($categoryID);
    $categoryVideos = $videoClass->getVideos($categoryID);
    if (!$videoID) {
        $video = $categoryVideos[0];
    //Getting Forum Recent Posts
    $topics = BuckysForumTopic::getTopics(1, 'publish', $category['forumCategoryID'], 'lastReplyDate DESC', 10);
    $forumCategory = BuckysForumCategory::getCategory($category['forumCategoryID']);
    //Get Prev, Next Video
    $prevVideoId = null;
    $nextVideoId = null;
    foreach ($categoryVideos as $idx => $v) {
        if ($v['videoID'] == $video['videoID']) {
            $nextVideoId = isset($categoryVideos[$idx + 1]) ? $categoryVideos[$idx + 1]['videoID'] : null;
        $prevVideoId = $v['videoID'];
    $subjectID = $category['subjectID'];
$videoSubject = $videoClass->getSubject($subjectID);
$videoCategories = $videoClass->getVideoCategories($subjectID);
if (isset($video)) {