Exemple #1
 function display($tpl = null)
     // Initialise variables
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $items = $this->get('items');
     $pagination = $this->get('pagination');
     $category = $this->get('category');
     $listCategories = $this->get('listCategories');
     $gridCategories = $this->get('gridChildCategories');
     $params = $this->get('params');
     // Check for errors.
     if (count($errors = $this->get('Errors'))) {
         JError::raiseWarning(500, implode("\n", $errors));
         return false;
     // Content plugin content
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $item->description = JHTML::_('content.prepare', $item->description);
         $item->extra_fields = Bt_portfolioTablePortfolio::loadExtraFields($item->extra_fields, $item->catids);
     $category_layout = $params->get('layout', 'default');
     $show_voting = $params->get('show_voting');
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
     $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination);
     $this->assignRef('gridCategories', $gridCategories);
     $this->assignRef('items', $items);
     $this->assignRef('show_voting', $show_voting);
     $this->assignRef('user', $user);
     $this->assignRef('listCategories', $listCategories);
     $this->assignRef('category', $category);
     $theme = $params->get('theme', 'default');
     $this->_addPath('template', JPATH_COMPONENT . '/themes/default/layout/list');
     $this->_addPath('template', JPATH_COMPONENT . '/themes/' . $theme . '/layout/list');
     $this->_addPath('template', JPATH_SITE . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_bt_portfolio/default/layout/list');
     $this->_addPath('template', JPATH_SITE . '/templates/' . $app->getTemplate() . '/html/com_bt_portfolio/' . $theme . '/layout/list');
     if (JRequest::getVar('task') == 'filter') {
         $this->params->set('show_childcat', 0);
Exemple #2
 public function getList()
     if (!is_file(JPATH_SITE . "/components/com_bt_portfolio/bt_portfolio.php")) {
         return array();
     $params =& $this->_params;
     /* title */
     $show_title = $params->get('show_title', 1);
     $titleMaxChars = $params->get('title_max_chars', '100');
     $limit_title_by = $params->get('limit_title_by', 'char');
     $replacer = $params->get('replacer', '...');
     $isStrips = $params->get("auto_strip_tags", 1);
     $stringtags = '';
     if ($isStrips) {
         $allow_tags = $params->get("allow_tags", '');
         $stringtags = '';
         if (!is_array($allow_tags)) {
             $allow_tags = explode(',', $allow_tags);
         foreach ($allow_tags as $tag) {
             $stringtags .= '<' . $tag . '>';
     if (!$params->get('default_thumb', 1)) {
         $this->_defaultThumb = '';
     /* intro */
     $show_intro = $params->get('show_intro', 1);
     $maxDesciption = $params->get('description_max_chars', 100);
     $limitDescriptionBy = $params->get('limit_description_by', 'char');
     $ordering = $params->get('ordering', 'created-desc');
     if ($ordering == 'publish_up-asc') {
         $ordering = 'created-desc';
     $limit = $params->get('limit_items', 12);
     //ordering_asc -> ordering asc
     //$ordering      = str_replace( '_', '  ', $ordering );
     // Set ordering
     $ordering = explode('-', $ordering);
     if (trim($ordering[0]) == 'rand') {
         $ordering = ' RAND() ';
     } else {
         $ordering = $ordering[0] . ' ' . $ordering[1];
     //check user access to articles
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $isThumb = $params->get('image_thumb', 1);
     $thumbWidth = (int) $params->get('thumbnail_width', 280);
     $thumbHeight = (int) $params->get('thumbnail_height', 150);
     $quality = (int) $params->get('image_quality', 80);
     $isStripedTags = $params->get('auto_strip_tags', 0);
     $extraURL = $params->get('open_target') != 'modalbox' ? '' : '&tmpl=component';
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $date = JFactory::getDate();
     $now = $date->toSql();
     $dateFormat = $params->get('date_format', 'DATE_FORMAT_LC3');
     $show_author = $params->get('show_author', 0);
     $query = "SELECT DISTINCT a.*, c.title as category_title, c.alias as category_alias,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tc.id as catid" . " FROM #__bt_portfolios as a" . " LEFT JOIN #__bt_portfolio_categories c ON a.catids like CONCAT('%,',c.id,',%') ";
     $query .= " WHERE a.published = 1" . " AND a.access IN(" . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ")" . " AND c.published = 1" . " AND c.access IN(" . implode(',', $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels()) . ") AND a.language in (" . $db->Quote(JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()) . "," . $db->Quote('*') . ")";
     // User filter
     $userId = $user->get('id');
     switch ($params->get('user_id')) {
         case 'by_me':
             $query .= 'AND a.created_by = ' . $userId;
         case 'not_me':
             $query .= 'AND a.created_by != ' . $userId;
         case 0:
             $query .= 'AND a.created_by = ' . $userId;
     if ($params->get('show_featured', '1') == 2) {
         $query .= " AND a.featured != 1";
     } elseif ($params->get('show_featured', '1') == 3) {
         $query .= " AND a.featured = 1";
     $data = array();
     $source = trim($this->_params->get('source', 'btportfolio_category'));
     $catids = $source == 'btportfolio_category' ? self::getCategoryIds() : '';
     if ($source == 'btportfolio_category' && !empty($catids) && $this->_params->get('limit_items_for_each')) {
         $db->setQuery('SELECT id from #__bt_portfolio_categories where id in (' . implode($catids, ',') . ') order by ordering');
         $catids = $db->loadColumn();
         foreach ($catids as $catid) {
             $condition = $condition = ' AND c.id = ' . $catid . ' ';
             $db->setQuery($query . $condition . ' ORDER BY ' . $ordering . ($limit ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : ''));
             $data = array_merge($data, $db->loadObjectlist());
     } else {
         $condition = $this->buildConditionQuery($source, $catids);
         $db->setQuery($query . $condition . ' ORDER BY ' . $ordering . ($limit ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : ''));
         $data = array_merge($data, $db->loadObjectlist());
     foreach ($data as $key => &$item) {
         $Itemid = BTFindItemID($item->catid, $item->id);
         $Itemid = $Itemid ? '&Itemid=' . $Itemid : '';
         if (in_array($item->access, $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels())) {
             $item->link = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_bt_portfolio&view=portfolio&id=" . $item->id . ':' . $item->alias . '&catid_rel=' . $item->catid . ':' . $item->category_alias . $Itemid);
         } else {
             $item->link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_users&view=login');
         $item->date = JHtml::_('date', $item->created, JText::_($dateFormat));
         //title cut
         if ($limit_title_by == 'word' && $titleMaxChars > 0) {
             $item->title_cut = self::substrword($item->title, $titleMaxChars, $replacer, $isStrips);
         } elseif ($limit_title_by == 'char' && $titleMaxChars > 0) {
             $item->title_cut = self::substring($item->title, $titleMaxChars, $replacer, $isStrips);
         $item->title = htmlspecialchars($item->title);
         if ($params->get('content_plugin')) {
             $item->description = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $item->description);
         if ($limitDescriptionBy == 'word') {
             $item->description = self::substrword($item->description, $maxDesciption, $replacer, $isStrips, $stringtags);
         } else {
             $item->description = self::substring($item->description, $maxDesciption, $replacer, $isStrips, $stringtags);
         $item->categoryLink = JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_bt_portfolio&view=portfolios&catid=" . $item->catid . ':' . $item->category_alias . $Itemid);
         //Get name author
         //If set get, else get username by userid
         if ($show_author) {
             $author =& JFactory::getUser($item->created_by);
             $item->author = $author->name;
         $item->thumbnail = "";
         $item->mainImage = "";
         $item->authorLink = "#";
         $url_image = '';
         if ($params->get('show_image')) {
             if (!isset($item->image)) {
                 $db->setQuery('Select filename from #__bt_portfolio_images WHERE item_id = ' . $item->id . ' and `default` = 1');
                 $image = $db->loadResult();
             } else {
                 $image = $item->image;
             if (!$image) {
                 if ($this->_defaultThumb) {
                     $url_image = $this->_defaultThumb;
             } else {
                 $app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
                 $btPortfolioParams = $app->getParams('com_bt_portfolio');
                 $imagePath = $btPortfolioParams->get('images_path', 'images/bt_portfolio');
                 $url_image = JURI::root() . $imagePath . '/' . $item->id . '/large/' . $image;
             $item->mainImage = $url_image;
             if ($isThumb) {
                 $item->thumbnail = self::renderThumb($url_image, $thumbWidth, $thumbHeight, $isThumb, $quality);
             } else {
                 $item->thumbnail = $url_image;
         $item->extra_fields = Bt_portfolioTablePortfolio::loadExtraFields($item->extra_fields, $item->catids);
     return $data;