Exemple #1
  * @param Bronto_Api_Order $orderObject
  * @param array            $orderCache
  * @param array            $result
  * @return array
  * @access protected
 protected function _flushOrders($orderObject, $orderCache, $result)
     // Get delivery results from order object
     $flushResult = $orderObject->flush();
     $flushCount = count($flushResult);
     // Log Order import flush process starting
     $this->_helper->writeDebug("  Flush resulted in {$flushCount} orders processed");
     $this->_helper->writeVerboseDebug('===== FLUSH =====', 'bronto_order_api.log');
     $this->_helper->writeVerboseDebug(var_export($orderObject->getApi()->getLastRequest(), true), 'bronto_order_api.log');
     $this->_helper->writeVerboseDebug(var_export($orderObject->getApi()->getLastResponse(), true), 'bronto_order_api.log');
     // Cycle through flush results and handle any errors that were returned
     foreach ($flushResult as $i => $flushResultRow) {
         if ($flushResultRow->hasError()) {
             $hasError = true;
             $errorCode = $flushResultRow->getErrorCode();
             $errorMessage = $flushResultRow->getErrorMessage();
         } else {
             $hasError = false;
             $errorCode = false;
             $errorMessage = false;
         if (isset($orderCache[$i])) {
             /** @var Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order */
             $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderCache[$i]['orderId']);
             /** @var Mage_Core_Model_Store $store */
             $store = Mage::getModel('core/store')->load($orderCache[$i]['storeId']);
             /** @var Mage_Core_Model_Website $website */
             $website = Mage::getModel('core/website')->load($store->getWebsiteId());
             $storeMessage = "For `{$website->getName()}`:`{$store->getName()}`: ";
             /** @var Bronto_Order_Model_Queue $orderRow */
             $orderRow = Mage::getModel('bronto_order/queue')->getOrderRow($order->getId(), $order->getQuoteId(), $order->getStoreId());
         } else {
             if ($hasError) {
                 Mage::helper('bronto_order')->writeError("[{$errorCode}] {$errorMessage}");
         if ($hasError) {
             // If error code is 915, try to pull customer email address
             if (915 == $errorCode) {
                 if ($customerEmail = $order->getCustomerEmail()) {
                     $errorMessage = "Invalid Email Address: `{$customerEmail}`";
                 } else {
                     $errorMessage = "Email Address is empty for this order";
             // Append order id to message to assist troubleshooting
             $errorMessage .= " (Order #: {$order->getIncrementId()})";
             // Log and Display error message
             $this->_helper->writeError("[{$errorCode}] {$storeMessage}{$errorMessage}");
             // Reset Bronto Import status
             // Increment number of errors
         } else {
             // Increment number of successes
     return $result;
Exemple #2
  * Function to persist orders to be flushed to Bronto
  * @param Mage_Sales_Model_Order $order
  * @param Bronto_Api_Order $brontoOrder
  * @param array $context
 protected function _persistOrder($order, $brontoOrder, $context)
     // Get visible items from order
     $items = $order->getAllVisibleItems();
     // Keep product order by using a new array
     $fullItems = array();
     $brontoOrderItems = array();
     // loop through the items. if it's a bundled item,
     // replace the parent item with the child items.
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $itemProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($item->getProductId());
         // Handle product based on product type
         switch ($itemProduct->getTypeId()) {
             // Bundled products need child items
             case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_BUNDLE:
                 if (count($item->getChildrenItems()) > 0) {
                     foreach ($item->getChildrenItems() as $childItem) {
                         if ($childItem->getPrice() != 0) {
                         $fullItems[] = $childItem;
                 $fullItems[] = $item;
                 // Configurable products just need simple config item
             // Configurable products just need simple config item
             case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_CONFIGURABLE:
                 $childItems = $item->getChildrenItems();
                 if (1 === count($childItems)) {
                     $childItem = $childItems[0];
                     // Collect options applicable to the configurable product
                     $productAttributeOptions = $itemProduct->getTypeInstance(true)->getConfigurableAttributesAsArray($itemProduct);
                     // Build Selected Options Name
                     $nameWithOptions = array();
                     foreach ($productAttributeOptions as $productAttribute) {
                         $itemValue = $productHelper->getProductAttribute($childItem->getProductId(), $productAttribute['attribute_code'], $storeId);
                         $nameWithOptions[] = $productAttribute['label'] . ': ' . $itemValue;
                     // Set parent product name to include selected options
                     $parentName = $item->getName() . ' [' . implode(', ', $nameWithOptions) . ']';
                 $fullItems[] = $item;
                 // Grouped products need parent and child items
             // Grouped products need parent and child items
             case Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type::TYPE_GROUPED:
                 // This condition probably never gets hit, parent grouped items don't show in order
                 $fullItems[] = $item;
                 foreach ($item->getChildrenItems() as $child_item) {
                     $fullItems[] = $child_item;
                 // Anything else (namely simples) just get added to array
             // Anything else (namely simples) just get added to array
                 $fullItems[] = $item;
     // Cycle through newly created array of products
     foreach ($fullItems as $item) {
         // If product has a parent, get that parent product
         $parent = false;
         if ($item->getParentItem()) {
             $parent = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($storeId)->load($item->getParentItem()->getProductId());
         /* @var $product Mage_Catalog_Model_Product */
         $product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->setStoreId($storeId)->load($item->getProductId());
         // If there is a parent product, use that to get category ids
         if ($parent) {
             $categoryIds = $parent->getCategoryIds();
         } else {
             $categoryIds = $product->getCategoryIds();
         // If the product type is simple and the description
         // is empty, then attempt to find a parent product
         // to backfill the description.
         $parentProduct = $productHelper->getConfigurableProduct($product);
         if (!$product->getData($descriptionAttr)) {
             $product->setData($descriptionAttr, $parentProduct->getData($descriptionAttr));
         if (empty($categoryIds)) {
             $categoryIds = $parentProduct->getCategoryIds();
         // Cycle through category ids to pull category details
         $categories = array();
         foreach ($categoryIds as $categoryId) {
             /* @var $category Mage_Catalog_Model_Category */
             $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId);
             $parent = $category->getParentCategory();
             $categories[] = $parent->getUrlKey() ? $parent->getUrlKey() : $parent->formatUrlKey($parent->getName());
             $categories[] = $category->getUrlKey() ? $category->getUrlKey() : $category->formatUrlKey($category->getName());
         // Check to ensure there are no duplicate categories
         $categories = array_unique($categories);
         // Write orderItem
         $brontoOrderItems[] = array('id' => $item->getId(), 'sku' => $item->getSku(), 'name' => $item->getName(), 'description' => $product->getData($descriptionAttr), 'category' => implode(' ', $categories), 'image' => $this->_helper->getItemImg($item, $product, $storeId), 'url' => $this->_helper->getItemUrl($item, $product, $storeId), 'quantity' => (int) $item->getQtyOrdered(), 'price' => $this->_helper->getItemPrice($item, $basePrefix, $inclTaxes, $inclDiscounts));
     if ($inclShipping && $order->getState() == Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_COMPLETE && $order->hasShipments()) {
         $shippingObject = new Varien_Object(array('qty_ordered' => 1, 'base_row_total' => $order->getBaseShippingAmount(), 'row_total' => $order->getShippingAmount(), 'base_tax_amount' => $order->getBaseShippingTaxAmount(), 'tax_amount' => $order->getShippingTaxAmount(), 'base_discount_amount' => $order->getBaseShippingDiscountAmount(), 'discount_amount' => $order->getShippingDiscountAmount()));
         $descriptions = array();
         foreach ($order->getTracksCollection() as $track) {
             if ($track->hasTrackNumber() && $track->hasTitle()) {
                 $descriptions[] = "{$track->getTitle()} - {$track->getTrackNumber()}";
         $shipmentItem = array('sku' => 'SHIPPING', 'name' => $order->getShippingDescription(), 'description' => implode("<br/>", $descriptions), 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => $this->_helper->getItemPrice($shippingObject, $basePrefix, $inclTaxes, $inclDiscounts));
         $brontoOrderItems[] = $shipmentItem;