
 *  File:			simplediscovery.php
 *  Description:	Simple SDK web/command line example with automatic discovery
 *  Author:			Nicholas Robinson 11/26/2011
# Include BoxeeBoxPHPRCI class
require_once '../BoxeeBoxPHPRCI.class.php';
# Initialize BBPHPRCI SDK
$bbphprci = new BoxeeBoxPHPRCI();
# Attempt automatic discovery
$discovered = $bbphprci->discover();
# If a BoxeeBox is dicovered
if ($discovered) {
    # Extract address and port for display
    list($serverAddress, $serverPort) = $discovered;
    # Output discovery results
    echo 'Discovered ' . $serverAddress . ':' . $serverPort . "\n";
    # Set Volume to 75
    echo 'Changing Volume to 75:' . $bbphprci->SetVolume(75) . "\n";
} else {
    echo 'Discovery FAILED';