function show_user_wap($userid) { wap_begin(); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { echo "<br/>" . tra("User not found!") . "<br/>"; wap_end(); return; } if ($user->teamid) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($user->teamid); } $wapstr = PROJECT . "<br/>" . tra("Account Data<br/>for %1<br/>Time:", $user->name) . " " . wap_timestamp(); $wapstr .= show_credit_wap($user); if ($user->teamid && $team) { $wapstr .= "<br/>" . tra("Team:") . " " . $team->name . "<br/>"; $wapstr .= tra("Team TotCred:") . " " . format_credit($team->total_credit) . "<br/>"; $wapstr .= tra("Team AvgCred:") . " " . format_credit($team->expavg_credit) . "<br/>"; } else { $wapstr .= "<br/>" . tra("Team: None") . "<br/>"; } // don't want to send more than 1KB (WAP limit) // if (strlen($wapstr) > 1024) { $wapstr = substr($wapstr, 0, 1024); } echo $wapstr; wap_end(); }
function show_row($x, $y, $mode, $i) { $class = $i % 2 ? "row0" : "row1"; echo "<tr class={$class}><td>"; switch ($mode) { case 'host': echo "<a href=show_host_detail.php?hostid={$x}>{$x}</a>"; break; case 'user': $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($x); echo "<a href=show_user.php?userid={$x}>{$user->name}</a>"; break; case 'team': $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($x); if ($team) { echo "<a href=team_display.php?teamid={$x}>{$team->name}</a>"; } else { echo "(no team)"; } break; case 'model': echo $x; break; case 'day': echo $x; break; } echo "</td><td align=right>" . format_credit_large($y->credit), "</td><td align=right>{$y->nresults}</td></tr>\n"; }
function export($is_user, $dir) { $n = 0; $filename = $is_user ? "{$dir}/user_work" : "{$dir}/team_work"; $f = fopen($filename, "w"); if (!$f) { die("fopen"); } $is_user ? fprintf($f, "<users>\n") : fprintf($f, "<teams>\n"); $maxid = $is_user ? BoincUser::max("id") : BoincTeam::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; if ($is_user) { $items = BoincUser::enum_fields("id", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } else { $items = BoincTeam::enum_fields("id", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } foreach ($items as $item) { export_item($item, $is_user, $f); } $n = $m; } $is_user ? fprintf($f, "</users>\n") : fprintf($f, "</teams>\n"); fclose($f); system("gzip -f {$filename}"); }
function send_notify_email($userid, $message) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); $subject = "Daily notification summary from " . PROJECT; $body = "The following events occurred in the past day at " . PROJECT . ".\nFor details, visit your Account page at\n" . secure_url_base() . "home.php\n\n{$message}\n---------------\nTo change your email preferences for " . PROJECT . ", visit:\n" . secure_url_base() . "edit_forum_preferences_form.php\n\nDo not reply to this email.\n"; send_email($user, $subject, $body); echo "sending to {$user->email_addr}\n"; }
function project_flops() { $x = BoincUser::sum("expavg_credit"); if ($x == 0) { $x = 200; } $y = 1000000000.0 * $x / 200; return $y; }
function update_user_posts() { $users = BoincUser::enum(); foreach ($users as $user) { $num = BoincPost::count("user={$user->id}"); if ($num != $user->posts) { echo "user {$user->id}: {$user->posts} {$num}\n"; $user->update("posts={$num}"); } } }
function get_top_participants($offset, $sort_by) { global $users_per_page; $db = BoincDb::get(true); if ($sort_by == "total_credit") { $sort_order = "total_credit desc"; } else { $sort_order = "expavg_credit desc"; } return BoincUser::enum(null, "order by {$sort_order} limit {$offset},{$users_per_page}"); }
function send_founder_transfer_email($team, $user) { $founder = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); // send founder a private message for good measure $subject = "Team founder transfer request"; $body = "Team member " . $user->name . " has asked that you\ntransfer foundership of {$team->name}.\nPlease go [url=" . URL_BASE . "team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}]here[/url] to grant or decline the request.\n \nIf you do not respond within 60 days, " . $user->name . " will\nbe allowed to become the team founder.\n"; pm_send($user, $founder, $subject, $body, false); $subject = PROJECT . " team founder transfer"; $body = "Team member " . $user->name . " has asked that you\ntransfer foundership of {$team->name} in " . PROJECT . ".\nPlease visit\n" . URL_BASE . "team_change_founder_form.php?teamid=" . $team->id . "\nto grant or decline the request.\n \nIf you do not respond within 60 days, " . $user->name . " will\nbe allowed to become the team founder.\n \nPlease do not respond to this email.\nThe mailbox is not monitored and the email\nwas sent using an automated system."; return send_email($founder, $subject, $body); }
function show_delta($delta) { global $xml; $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($delta->userid); $when = time_str($delta->timestamp); $what = $delta->joining ? "joined" : "quit"; if ($xml) { echo " <action>\n <id>{$user->id}</id>\n <name>{$user->name}</name>\n <action>{$what}</action>\n <total_credit>{$delta->total_credit}</total_credit>\n <when>{$when}</when>\n </action>\n"; } else { echo "<tr>\n <td>{$when}</td>\n <td>", user_links($user), " (ID {$user->id})</td>\n <td>{$what}</td>\n <td>{$delta->total_credit}</td>\n </tr>\n "; } }
function show_admin_page($user, $team) { page_head(tra("Team administration for %1", $team->name)); echo "\n <ul>\n <li><a href=team_edit_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Edit team info") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Change team name, URL, description, type, or country") . "</p>\n <li>\n " . tra("Member list:") . "\n <a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("HTML") . "</a>\n · <a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}&plain=1>" . tra("text") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("View member names and email addresses") . "</p>\n <li>" . tra("View change history:") . "\n <a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("HTML") . "</a>\n · <a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}&xml=1>" . tra("XML") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("See when members joined or quit this team") . "</p>\n "; // founder-only stuff follows // if ($team->userid == $user->id) { $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); if ($team->ping_user > 0) { $user2 = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->ping_user); $deadline = date_str(transfer_ok_time($team)); echo "<li>\n <a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}><font color=red><strong>" . tra("Respond to foundership request.") . "</strong></font></a> " . tra("If you don't respond by %1, %2 may assume foundership of this team.", $deadline, $user2->name); } echo "\n <li><a href=team_remove_inactive_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Remove members") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Remove inactive or unwanted members from this team") . "</p>\n <li><a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Change founder") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Transfer foundership to another member") . "</p>\n <li><a href=team_admins.php?teamid={$team->id}>" . tra("Add/remove Team Admins") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Give selected team members Team Admin privileges") . "</p>\n\n <li><a href=team_manage.php?teamid={$team->id}&action=delete&{$tokens}>" . tra("Remove team") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Allowed only if team has no members") . "</p>\n <li><a href=team_forum.php?teamid={$team->id}&cmd=manage>" . tra("Message board") . "</a>\n <br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Create or manage a team message board") . "</p>\n "; } echo "\n\n <p>\n <li>\n " . tra("To have this team created on all BOINC projects (current and future) you can make it into a %1BOINC-wide team%2.", "<a href=>", "</a>") . "\n <li>\n " . tra("Team admins are encouraged to join and participate in the Google %1boinc-team-founders%2 group.", "<a href=>", "</a>") . "\n </ul>\n "; page_tail(); }
function handle_team($team, $f) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); if (!$user) { echo "no user for team {$team->id}\n"; exit(1); } if ($user->teamid != $team->id) { echo "Founder is not member of {$team->name}\n"; return; } if (!$user->email_validated) { echo "the founder of {$team->name}, {$user->email_addr}, is not validated\n"; return; } $user_email_munged = str_rot13($user->email_addr); fwrite($f, "<team>\n <name>" . htmlspecialchars($team->name) . "</name>\n <url>" . htmlspecialchars($team->url) . "</url>\n <type>{$team->type}</type>\n <name_html>" . htmlspecialchars($team->name_html) . "</name_html>\n <description>\n" . htmlspecialchars($team->description) . "\n\t</description>\n <country>{$team->country}</country>\n <id>{$team->id}</id>\n <user_email_munged>{$user_email_munged}</user_email_munged>\n <user_name>" . htmlspecialchars($user->name) . "</user_name>\n <user_country>" . htmlspecialchars($user->country) . "</user_country>\n <user_postal_code>" . htmlspecialchars($user->postal_code) . "</user_postal_code>\n <user_url>" . htmlspecialchars($user->url) . "</user_url>\n</team>\n"); }
function show_admin_page($user, $team) { page_head("Team administration for {$team->name}"); echo "\r\n\t\t<ul>\r\n\t\t<li><a href=team_edit_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>Edit team info</a>\r\n\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Change team name, URL, description, type, or country</span>\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tMember list:\r\n\t\t<a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}>HTML</a>\r\n\t\t| <a href=team_email_list.php?teamid={$team->id}&plain=1>text</a>\r\n\t\t\t<br><span class=note> View member names and email addresses </span>\r\n\t\t<li>View change history:\r\n\t\t\t<a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}>HTML</a>\r\n\t\t\t| <a href=team_delta.php?teamid={$team->id}&xml=1>XML</a>\r\n\t\t\t<br><span class=note>See when members joined or quit this team</span>\r\n\t"; // founder-only stuff follows // if ($team->userid == $user->id) { $tokens = url_tokens($user->authenticator); if ($team->ping_user > 0) { $user2 = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->ping_user); $deadline = date_str(transfer_ok_time($team)); echo "<li>\r\n\t\t\t\t<a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}><font color=red><b>Respond to foundership request</b></font></a>. If you don't respond by {$deadline}, {$user2->name} may assume foundership of this team.\r\n\t\t\t"; } echo "\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_remove_inactive_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>Remove members</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Remove inactive or unwanted members from this team</span>\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_change_founder_form.php?teamid={$team->id}>Change founder</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Transfer foundership to another member</span>\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_admins.php?teamid={$team->id}>Add/remove Team Admins</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Give selected team members Team Admin privileges</span>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_manage.php?teamid={$team->id}&action=delete&{$tokens}>Remove team</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Allowed only if team has no members</a>\r\n\t\t\t<li><a href=team_forum.php?teamid={$team->id}&cmd=manage>Message board</a>\r\n\t\t\t\t<br><span class=note>Create or manage team message board</span>\r\n\t\t"; } echo "\r\n\r\n\t\t<p>\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tTo have this team created on all BOINC projects\r\n\t\t\t(current and future) you can make it into a\r\n\t\t\t<a href=>BOINC-wide team</a>.\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tTeam admins are encouraged to join and participate in the Google\r\n\t\t\t<a href=>boinc-team-founders</a> group.\r\n\t\t<li>\r\n\t\t\tOther resources for BOINC team admins\r\n\t\t\tare available from a third-party site,\r\n\t\t\t<a href=></a>.\r\n\t</ul>\r\n\t"; page_tail(); }
function add_admin($team) { $email_addr = get_str('email_addr'); $user = BoincUser::lookup("email_addr='{$email_addr}'"); if (!$user) { error_page(tra("no such user")); } if ($user->teamid != $team->id) { error_page(tra("User is not member of team")); } if (is_team_admin($user, $team)) { error_page(tra("%1 is already an admin of %2", $email_addr, $team->name)); } $now = time(); $ret = BoincTeamAdmin::insert("(teamid, userid, create_time) values ({$team->id}, {$user->id}, {$now})"); if (!$ret) { error_page(tra("Couldn't add admin")); } }
function validate() { $x = get_str("x"); $u = get_int("u"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($u); if (!$user) { error_page(tra("No such user.")); } $x2 = $user->signature; if ($x2 != $x) { error_page(tra("Error in URL data - can't validate email address")); } $result = $user->update("email_validated=1"); if (!$result) { error_page(tra("Database update failed - please try again later.")); } page_head(tra("Validate email address")); echo tra("The email address of your account has been validated."); page_tail(); }
function notify_users() { $now = time(); $rs = BoltRefresh::enum("due_time < {$now}"); $users = array(); foreach ($rs as $r) { $view = BoltView::lookup_id($r->view_id); $user_id = $view->user_id; if (!key_exists($user_id)) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($user_id); BoltUser::lookup($user); $user->refresh = array(); $users[$user_id] = $user; } $users[$user_id]->refresh[] = $r; } foreach ($users as $user) { notify_user($user); } }
function process_batch($b) { $app = BoincApp::lookup_id($b->app_id); if (!$app) { echo "no app for batch {$b->id}\n"; return; } if ($b->fraction_done > 0 && $b->credit_canonical > 0) { $credit_total = $b->credit_canonical / $b->fraction_done; $fpops_total = $credit_total * (86400000000000.0 / 200); } else { $db = BoincDb::get(); $fpops_total = $db->sum("workunit", "rsc_fpops_est*target_nresults", "where batch={$b->id}"); } echo "batch {$b->id} fpops_total {$fpops_total}\n"; if ($fpops_total == 0) { return; } // adjust the user's logical start time // $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($b->user_id); if (!$user) { die("no user {$b->user_id}\n"); } $us = BoincUserSubmit::lookup_userid("{$user->id}"); if (!$us) { die("no user submit record\n"); } $lst = $us->logical_start_time; $cmd = "cd ../../bin; ./adjust_user_priority --user {$user->id} --flops {$fpops_total} --app {$app->name}"; system($cmd); $us = BoincUserSubmit::lookup_userid("{$user->id}"); $let = $us->logical_start_time; $let = (int) $let; // set the priority of workunits and results in this batch // to the user's new logical start time // $clause = "priority={$let} where batch={$b->id}"; BoincResult::update_aux($clause); BoincWorkunit::update_aux($clause); }
function assign_badges($is_user, $badge_pctiles, $badge_images) { $kind = $is_user ? "user" : "team"; $badges = get_pct_badges($kind . "_pct", $badge_pctiles, $badge_images); $pctiles = get_percentiles($is_user, $badge_pctiles); //echo "thresholds for $kind badges: $pctiles[0] $pctiles[1] $pctiles[2]\n"; $n = 0; $maxid = $is_user ? BoincUser::max("id") : BoincTeam::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; if ($is_user) { $items = BoincUser::enum_fields("id, expavg_credit", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } else { $items = BoincTeam::enum_fields("id, expavg_credit", "id>={$n} and id<{$m} and total_credit>0"); } foreach ($items as $item) { assign_pct_badge($is_user, $item, $pctiles, $badges); // ... assign other types of badges } $n = $m; } }
function show_row($item, $apps, $is_team, $i) { $j = $i % 2; if ($is_team) { $team = BoincTeam::lookup_id($item->teamid); if (!$team) { return; } $x = "<td>" . team_links($team) . "</td>\n"; } else { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($item->userid); if (!$user) { return; } $x = "<td>" . user_links($user, BADGE_HEIGHT_MEDIUM) . "</td>\n"; } echo "<tr class=row{$j}>"; echo "<td>{$i}</td>\n"; echo $x; foreach ($apps as $app) { if ($app->id == $item->appid) { $c = $item; } else { if ($is_team) { $c = BoincCreditTeam::lookup("teamid={$item->teamid} and appid={$app->id}"); } else { $c = BoincCreditUser::lookup("userid={$item->userid} and appid={$app->id}"); } if (!$c) { $c = new StdClass(); $c->expavg = 0; $c->total = 0; } } echo "<td align=right>" . format_credit($c->expavg) . "</td><td align=right>" . format_credit_large($c->total) . "</td>\n"; } echo "</tr>\n"; }
function do_pass() { $int_max = 2147483647; $now = time(); $insts = BossaJobInst::enum("timeout < {$now}"); if (!count($insts)) { return false; } foreach ($insts as $inst) { BossaDb::start_transaction(); $inst = BossaJobInst::lookup_id($inst->id); // reread instance within transation if ($inst->transition_time < $now) { $job = BossaJob::lookup_id($inst->job_id); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($inst->user_id); BossaUser::lookup($user); job_timed_out($job, $inst, $user); } $inst->update("timeout={$int_max}"); BossaDb::commit(); } return true; }
} if ($user->id == $team->ping_user) { $get_from_db = true; } // Cache the team record, its forum record, its new members, // its admins, and its member counts $cache_args = "teamid={$teamid}"; if (!$get_from_db) { $cached_data = get_cached_data(TEAM_PAGE_TTL, $cache_args); if ($cached_data) { // We found some old but non-stale data, let's use it $team = unserialize($cached_data); } else { $get_from_db = true; } } if ($get_from_db) { $team->nusers = BoincUser::count("teamid={$teamid}"); $team->nusers_worked = BoincUser::count("teamid={$teamid} and total_credit>0"); $team->nusers_active = BoincUser::count("teamid={$teamid} and expavg_credit>0.1"); $team->forum = BoincForum::lookup("parent_type=1 and category={$team->id}"); $team->new_members = new_member_list($teamid); $team->admins = admin_list($teamid); $team->founder = BoincUser::lookup_id($team->userid); set_cached_data(TEAM_PAGE_TTL, serialize($team), $cache_args); } if (!$team) { error_page(tra("no such team")); } display_team_page($team, $user); page_tail(true);
require_once "../inc/"; require_once "../inc/"; xml_header(); if (DISABLE_FORUMS) { xml_error(-1, "Forums are disabled"); } $retval = db_init_xml(); if ($retval) { xml_error($retval); } $method = get_str("method", true); if ($method != "user_posts" && $method != "user_threads") { xml_error(-1); } $userid = get_int("userid", true); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); if (!$user) { xml_error(ERR_DB_NOT_FOUND); } if ($method == "user_posts") { $count = get_int("count", true); if (!$count || $count <= 0 || $count > 50) { $count = 10; } $length = get_int("contentlength", true); if ($length == null || $length <= 0) { $length = 0; } $posts = BoincPost::enum("user={$userid} ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT {$count}"); $realcount = BoincPost::count("user={$userid}"); echo "<rpc_response>\n";
function show_simulation() { $scen = get_str("scen"); $sim = get_str("sim"); $dir = "scenarios/{$scen}/simulations/{$sim}"; if (!is_dir($dir)) { error_page("No such simulation"); } page_head("Simulation {$sim}"); start_table(); $userid = (int) file_get_contents("{$dir}/userid"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($userid); $date = date_str(filemtime($dir)); row2("Scenario", "<a href=sim_web.php?action=show_scenario&name={$scen}>{$scen}</a>"); row2("Who", $user->name); row2("When", $date); row2("Parameters", "<pre>" . file_get_contents("{$dir}/inputs.txt") . "</pre>"); row2("Results", "<pre>" . file_get_contents("{$dir}/results.txt") . "</pre>"); $x = file_get_contents("{$dir}/index.html"); $x = str_replace("<h3>Output files</h3>", "", $x); $x = str_replace("href=", "href=scenarios/{$scen}/simulations/{$sim}/", $x); row2("Output files", $x); $x = get_comments($dir); if ($x) { row2("Comments", $x); } echo "<form action=sim_web.php>\n <input type=hidden name=scen value={$scen}>\n <input type=hidden name=sim value={$sim}>\n <input type=hidden name=action value=add_comment>\n "; row2("<input type=submit value=\"Add comment\">", "<textarea name=comment></textarea>"); echo "</form>"; end_table(); page_tail(); }
// BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with BOINC. If not, see <>. // Users are taken here after creating an account via the Wizard. // They've already entered an email address and password. // Now get a name, country, and zip code require_once '../inc/'; require_once '../inc/'; require_once '../inc/'; check_get_args(array("auth")); $auth = get_str("auth"); $user = BoincUser::lookup_auth($auth); if (!$user) { error_page("no such account"); } page_head(tra("Finish account setup")); echo "\n <form action=account_finish_action.php method=post>\n"; start_table(); row2(tra("Name") . "<br><span class=\"description\">" . tra("Identifies you on our web site. Use your real name or a nickname.") . "</span>", "<input name=\"name\" size=\"30\" value=\"{$user->name}\">"); row2_init(tra("Country") . "<br><span class=\"description\">" . tra("Select the country you want to represent, if any.") . "</span>", "<select name=\"country\">"); print_country_select(); echo "</select></td></tr>\n"; row2(tra("Postal or ZIP Code") . "<br><span class=\"description\">" . tra("Optional") . "</span>", "<input name=\"postal_code\" size=\"20\">"); row2("", "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"OK\">"); end_table(); echo "\n <input type=hidden name=auth value={$auth}>\n </form>\n"; page_tail();
if ($search_max_time) { $min_timestamp = time() - $search_max_time * 3600 * 24; } else { $min_timestamp = 0; } $limit = 100; if ($search_forum == -1) { $forum = null; } else { if ($search_forum) { $forum = BoincForum::lookup_id($search_forum); } } $user = null; if ($search_author) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($search_author); } // First search thread titles; if we get a hit there it's probably relevant // $threads = search_thread_titles($search_list, $forum, $user, $min_timestamp, round($limit / 7), $search_sort, $show_hidden_posts); // Display the threads while we search for posts if (count($threads)) { echo "<span class=title>" . tra("Thread titles matching your query:") . "</span>"; show_thread_and_context_header(); $i = 0; foreach ($threads as $thread) { if ($thread->hidden) { continue; } show_thread_and_context($thread, $logged_in_user, $i++); }
if ($retval) { //echo "$user->id: good\n"; } else { echo "repairing prefs for user {$user->id}\n"; $p = repair_prefs($user->global_prefs); if ($p) { $retval = @simplexml_load_string($p); if ($retval) { $user->update("global_prefs='{$p}'"); echo " repair succeeded\n"; } else { echo " repair failed\n"; } } else { echo " prefs are missing end tag\n"; } } } } $n = 0; $maxid = BoincUser::max("id"); while ($n <= $maxid) { $m = $n + 1000; $users = BoincUser::enum("id >= {$n} and id < {$m}"); //echo "processing from $n\n"; if (!$users) { break; } process_set($users); $n = $m; }
function show_profile_link2($profile, $n) { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($profile->userid); echo "<tr><td>" . user_links($user) . "</td><td>" . date_str($user->create_time) . "</td><td>{$user->country}</td><td>" . (int) $user->total_credit . "</td><td>" . (int) $user->expavg_credit . "</td></tr>\n"; }
$forum_highlight_special = $user->prefs->highlight_special ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; $forum_minimum_wrap_postcount = intval($user->prefs->minimum_wrap_postcount); $forum_display_wrap_postcount = intval($user->prefs->display_wrap_postcount); row1(tra("Message display")); row2(tra("What to display"), "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_hide_avatars\" " . $forum_hide_avatars . "> " . tra("Hide avatar images") . "<br>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_hide_signatures\" " . $forum_hide_signatures . "> " . tra("Hide signatures") . "<br>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_images_as_links\" " . $forum_image_as_link . "> " . tra("Show images as links") . "<br>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_link_popup\" " . $forum_link_popup . "> " . tra("Open links in new window/tab") . "<br>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_highlight_special\" " . $forum_highlight_special . "> " . tra("Highlight special users") . "<br>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"forum_display_wrap_postcount\" size=3 value=\"" . $forum_display_wrap_postcount . "\"> " . tra("Display this many messages per page") . "<br />\n "); row2(tra("How to sort"), tra("Threads:") . " " . select_from_array("forum_sort", $forum_sort_styles, $user->prefs->forum_sorting) . "<br>" . tra("Posts:") . " " . select_from_array("thread_sort", $thread_sort_styles, $user->prefs->thread_sorting) . "<br>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_jump_to_unread\" " . $forum_jump_to_unread . "> " . tra("Jump to first new post in thread automatically") . "<br>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"forum_ignore_sticky_posts\" " . $forum_ignore_sticky_posts . ">" . tra("Don't move sticky posts to top") . "<br>\n "); } // DISABLE_FORUMS // ------------ Message filtering ----------- row1(tra("Message filtering")); $filtered_userlist = get_ignored_list($user); $forum_filtered_userlist = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($filtered_userlist); $i++) { $id = (int) $filtered_userlist[$i]; if ($id) { $filtered_user = BoincUser::lookup_id($id); if (!$filtered_user) { echo "Missing user {$id}"; continue; } $forum_filtered_userlist .= "<input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" name=\"remove" . $filtered_user->id . "\" value=\"" . tra("Remove") . "\"> " . $filtered_user->id . " - " . user_links($filtered_user) . "<br>"; } } row2(tra("Filtered users") . "<br><p class=\"text-muted\">" . tra("Ignore message board posts and private messages from these users.") . "</p>", "{$forum_filtered_userlist}\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"forum_filter_user\" size=12> " . tra("User ID (For instance: 123456789)") . "\n <br><input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" name=\"add_user_to_filter\" value=\"" . tra("Add user to filter") . "\">\n "); row1(tra("Update")); row2(tra("Click here to update preferences"), "<input class=\"btn btn-primary\" type=submit value=\"" . tra("Update") . "\">"); echo "</form>\n"; row1(tra("Reset")); row2(tra("Or click here to reset preferences to the defaults"), "<form method=\"post\" action=\"edit_forum_preferences_action.php\"><input class=\"btn btn-warning\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . tra("Reset") . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"reset_confirm\"></form>"); end_table(); page_tail();
$host_content .= "\n Total Disk Space: {$y} GB"; $x = $host->d_free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024); $y = round($x, 2); $host_content .= "\n Free Disk Space: {$y} GB\n Avg network bandwidth (upstream): {$host->n_bwup} bytes/sec\n Avg network bandwidth (downstream): {$host->n_bwdown} bytes/sec"; $x = $host->avg_turnaround / 86400; $host_content .= "\n Average turnaround: " . round($x, 2) . " days\n Number of RPCs: {$host->rpc_seqno}\n Last RPC: " . time_str($host->rpc_time) . "\n % of time client on: " . 100 * $host->on_frac . " %\n % of time host connected: " . 100 * $host->connected_frac . " %\n % of time user active: " . 100 * $host->active_frac . " %\n # of results today: " . $host->nresults_today; $subject = PROJECT . " notice for {$user->name}"; $body = PROJECT . " notification:\n\nDear {$user->name}\nYour machine (host # {$host->id}) described below appears to have a misconfigured BOINC\ninstallation. Could you please have a look at it?\n\nSincerely,\n The " . PROJECT . " team\n"; $body .= "\n\nThis is the content of our database:\n" . $host_content . "\n\nFor further information and assistance with " . PROJECT . " go to {$master_url}"; echo nl2br($body) . "<br><br>"; return send_email($user, $subject, $body); } $hostid = get_int("hostid", true); if (!$hostid) { admin_page_head("Misconfigured Host"); echo "This script sends an email to the owner of the supplied host which says that something gone wrong with his configuration.<br>"; echo "<br><form method=\"get\" action=\"problem_host.php\">\n Host ID: \n <input type=\"text\" size=\"5\" name=\"hostid\">\n <input class=\"btn btn-default\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Email\">\n </form>\n "; } else { $host = BoincHost::lookup_id($hostid); if (!$host) { echo "<h2>No host with that ID</h2>\n\t \t<center>Please <a href=\"problem_host.php\">try again</a></center>"; } else { $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($host->userid); echo "<a href=\"problem_host.php\">Do another?</a><br><br>"; send_problem_email($user, $host); echo "Email to " . $user->email_addr . " has been sent.<br>"; } } admin_page_tail(); $cvs_version_tracker[] = "\$Id\$"; //Generated automatically - do not edit
function handle_add_action() { $user_id = get_int('user_id'); $user = BoincUser::lookup_id($user_id); if (!$user) { error_page("no such user"); } $us = BoincUserSubmit::lookup_userid($user_id); if (!$us) { if (!BoincUserSubmit::insert("(user_id) values ({$user_id})")) { error_page("Insert failed"); } } header("Location: manage_project.php?action=edit_form&user_id={$user_id}"); }
function show_forum($forum, $start, $sort_style, $user) { $gotoStr = ""; $nav = show_page_nav($forum, $start); if ($nav) { $gotoStr = "<div align=\"right\">{$nav}</div><br />"; } echo $gotoStr; // Display the navbar start_forum_table(array("", tra("Threads"), tra("Posts"), tra("Author"), tra("Views"), "<nobr>" . tra("Last post") . "</nobr>")); $sticky_first = !$user || !$user->prefs->ignore_sticky_posts; // Show hidden threads if logged in user is a moderator // $show_hidden = is_moderator($user, $forum); $threads = get_forum_threads($forum->id, $start, THREADS_PER_PAGE, $sort_style, $show_hidden, $sticky_first); if ($user) { $subs = BoincSubscription::enum("userid={$user->id}"); } // Run through the list of threads, displaying each of them $n = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($threads as $thread) { $owner = BoincUser::lookup_id($thread->owner); $unread = thread_is_unread($user, $thread); //if ($thread->status==1){ // This is an answered helpdesk thread if ($user && is_subscribed($thread, $subs)) { echo '<tr class="row_hd' . $n . '">'; } else { echo '<tr class="row' . $n . '">'; } echo '<td width="1%"><nobr>'; if ($user && $thread->rating() > $user->prefs->high_rating_threshold) { show_image(EMPHASIZE_IMAGE, "This message has a high average rating", "Highly rated"); } if ($user && $thread->rating() < $user->prefs->low_rating_threshold) { show_image(FILTER_IMAGE, "This message has a low average rating", "Low rated"); } if ($thread->hidden) { echo "[hidden]"; } if ($unread) { if ($thread->sticky) { if ($thread->locked) { show_image(NEW_IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED, "This thread is sticky and locked, and you haven't read it yet", "sticky/locked/unread"); } else { show_image(NEW_IMAGE_STICKY, "This thread is sticky and you haven't read it yet", "sticky/unread"); } } else { if ($thread->locked) { show_image(NEW_IMAGE_LOCKED, "You haven't read this thread yet, and it's locked", "unread/locked"); } else { show_image(NEW_IMAGE, "You haven't read this thread yet", "unread"); } } } else { if ($thread->sticky) { if ($thread->locked) { show_image(IMAGE_STICKY_LOCKED, "This thread is sticky and locked", "sticky/locked"); } else { show_image(IMAGE_STICKY, "This thread is sticky", "sticky"); } } else { if ($thread->locked) { show_image(IMAGE_LOCKED, "This thread is locked", "locked"); } } } echo "</nobr></td>"; $titlelength = 48; $title = $thread->title; if (strlen($title) > $titlelength) { $title = substr($title, 0, $titlelength) . "..."; } $title = cleanup_title($title); echo '<td class="threadline"> <a href="forum_thread.php?id=' . $thread->id . '"><strong>' . $title . '</strong></a> <br /></td>'; $n = ($n + 1) % 2; echo '<td class="numbers leftborder">' . ($thread->replies + 1) . '</td> <td class="author leftborder">' . user_links($owner) . '</td> <td class="numbers leftborder">' . $thread->views . '</td> <td class="lastpost leftborder">' . time_diff_str($thread->timestamp, time()) . '</td> </tr>'; flush(); } end_table(); echo "<br />{$gotoStr}"; // show page links }