echo "<p>", $words->get("AboutUs_Greetings"), "</p>"; echo "<h3>", $words->get("AboutUs_GiveFeedback"), "</h3>"; echo "<p>", $words->get("AboutUs_GiveFeedbackText"), "</p>"; ?> </div> </div> <div class="c50r"> <div class="subcr"> <?php echo "<h3>", $words->get("AboutUs_HowOrganized"), "</h3>"; echo "<p>", $words->get("AboutUs_HowOrganizedText"), "</p>"; //Blog model to fetch the Community News $Blog = new Blog(); $postIt = $Blog->getTaggedPostsIt('Community News for the frontpage', true); $format = array('short' => $words->getSilent('DateFormatShort')); ?> <h3 class="first" ><a href="blog/tags/Community News for the frontpage"><?php echo $words->getFormatted('CommunityNews'); ?> </a> <a href="rss/blog/tags/Community%20News%20for%20the%20frontpage"><img src="images/icons/feed.png" alt="<?php echo $words->getSilent('GetRSSFeed'); ?> "></a><?php echo $words->flushBuffer(); ?> </h3> <div class="floatbox"> <?php $i = 1;
echo $words->get('posts_tagged_with'); ?> : <em><?php echo htmlentities($tag, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'); ?> </em></h3> <?php $request = PRequest::get()->request; $requestStr = implode('/', $request); $matches = array(); if (preg_match('%/page(\\d+)%', $requestStr, $matches)) { $page = $matches[1]; } else { $page = 1; } $requestStr = preg_replace('%[/]page\\d+%', '', $requestStr); // display matching tags and matching posts. $postIt = $Blog->getTaggedPostsIt($tag, true); $pages = PFunctions::paginate($postIt, $page); $postIt = $pages[0]; $maxPage = $pages[2]; $pages = $pages[1]; $currentPage = $page; foreach ($postIt as $blog) { require 'blogitem.php'; } $BlogView->pages($pages, $currentPage, $maxPage, $requestStr . '/page%d'); } ?> </div>