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<p>Duis a risus sed dolor placerat semper quis in urna. Nam risus magna, fringilla sit amet blandit viverra, dignissim eget est. Ut commodo ullamcorper risus nec mattis. Donec aliquet convallis tortor, et placerat quam posuere posuere. Morbi tincidunt posuere turpis eu laoreet. Nulla facilisi. Aenean at massa leo. Vestibulum in varius arcu.</p> <hr /> <!-- Resume --> '); ?> <?php $holder->add_block($block1); ?> <!-- 2nd Line of Blocks --> <?php $block2 = new Block('business-commodore-1-theme-resume-content'); ?> <?php $block2->set_type('resume'); ?> <?php $block2->set_resizable(false); ?> <?php $block2->add_css_class('resume'); ?> <?php $holder->add_block($block2); ?> <!-- 3rd Line of Blocks --> <?php
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<!-- para --> <p>Praesent at tellus porttitor nisl porttitor sagittis. Mauris in massa ligula, a tempor nulla. Ut tempus interdum mauris vel vehicula. Nulla ullamcorper tortor commodo in sagittis est accumsan.</p> '); ?> <?php $line2->set_size('span12'); ?> <!-- 2nd Line of Blocks --> <!-- FAQ --> <?php $line3 = new Block('business-commodore-1-theme-page-faq-content'); ?> <?php $line3->set_type('faq'); ?> <!-- 3rd Line of Blocks --> <?php $line4 = new Block('business-commodore-1-theme-faq-lower'); ?> <?php $line4->add_css_class('row'); ?> <?php $line4->add_css_class('cta'); ?> <?php $line4->set_resizable(false);
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function add_block($parent, $type) { $page_path = $_POST['page_path']; PC::page_paths($page_path); $this->BuilderEngine->set_page_path($page_path); //$this->blocks->set_page_path($this->blocks->get_page_path_of($parent)); $max_id = $this->blocks->get_max_block_id(); $new_id = $max_id + 1; $new_block_name = "custom-block-" . $new_id; $block = new Block($parent); $block->load(); $new_block = new Block($new_block_name); $new_block->set_type($type); $block->add_block($new_block); $block->save(); $new_block->set_content("Your new block."); $new_block->show(); }