Exemple #1
function data_alias($pData, $pParams, $pCommonObject)
    $page = '';
    require_once WIKI_PKG_PATH . "BitPage.php";
    foreach ($pParams as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
            switch ($key) {
                case 'page':
                    $page = $value;
    return tra("This page is an alias for:") . ' ' . BitPage::getPageLink($page, LibertyContent::pageExists($page));
Exemple #2
  * convert wiki links to html links
  * @param string $pData
  * @param array $pParamHash
  * @param object $pObject
  * @access public
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function parseLinks($pData, $pParamHash, $pObject)
     global $gBitSystem;
     // if wiki isn't active, there isn't much we can do here
     if (!$gBitSystem->isPackageActive('wiki')) {
         return $pData;
     // fetch BitPage in case it hasn't been loaded yet
     require_once WIKI_PKG_PATH . 'BitPage.php';
     // We need to remove ))WikiWords(( before links get made.
     // users just need to be strict about not inserting spaces between
     // words and brackets
     preg_match_all("!\\){2}(" . WIKI_WORDS_REGEX . ")\\({2}!", $pData, $protected);
     // this array is used to fill the text with temporary placeholders that get replaced back in further down
     $replacements = array();
     if (!empty($protected)) {
         foreach ($protected[0] as $i => $prot) {
             $key = md5(mt_rand());
             $replacements[$key] = $protected[1][$i];
             $pData = str_replace($prot, $key, $pData);
     // Process ((Wiki Page|Wiki Page Description)) type links first. Here
     // we don't handle plurals and the like since the user should know what
     // he's linking to when using these links
     preg_match_all("/\\({2}({$this->mWikiWordRegex})\\|(.+?)\\){2}/", $pData, $pages);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($pages[1]); $i++) {
         $page = str_replace($pages[5][$i], "", $pages[1][$i]);
         $exists = $this->pageExists($page, $pObject, $pParamHash['content_id']);
         // anchor
         if (!empty($pages[5][$i])) {
             $repl = preg_replace('!href="([^"]*)"!', "href=\"\$1{$pages[5][$i]}\"", BitPage::getPageLink($page, $exists));
         } else {
             $repl = BitPage::getPageLink($page, $exists);
         // alternate title
         if (strlen(trim($pages[6][$i])) > 0) {
             $repl = str_replace($page . "</a>", "{$pages[6][$i]}</a>", $repl);
         $key = md5(mt_rand());
         $replacements[$key] = $repl;
         $pData = str_replace($pages[0][$i], $key, $pData);
     // Process the simpler ((Wiki Page)) type links without the description
     preg_match_all("/\\({2}({$this->mWikiWordRegex})\\){2}/", $pData, $pages);
     foreach (array_unique($pages[1]) as $i => $page) {
         $page = str_replace($pages[5][$i], "", $pages[1][$i]);
         $exists = $this->pageExists($page, $pObject, $pParamHash['content_id']);
         if (!empty($pages[5][$i])) {
             $repl = preg_replace('!href="([^"]*)"!', "href=\"\$1{$pages[5][$i]}\"", BitPage::getPageLink($page, $exists));
         } else {
             $repl = BitPage::getPageLink($page, $exists);
         $key = md5(mt_rand());
         $replacements[$key] = $repl;
         $pData = str_replace("(({$pages[1][$i]}))", $key, $pData);
     // Finally we deal with WikiWord links
     if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('wiki_words')) {
         $pages = $this->extractWikiWords($pData);
         foreach ($pages as $page) {
             if ($exists = $this->pageExists($page, $pObject, $pParamHash['content_id'])) {
                 $repl = BitPage::getPageLink($page, $exists);
             } elseif ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('wiki_plurals') && $this->getLocale() == 'en_US') {
                 // Link plural topic names to singular topic names if the plural
                 // doesn't exist, and the language is english
                 $plural_tmp = $page;
                 // Plurals like policy / policies
                 $plural_tmp = preg_replace("/ies\$/", "y", $plural_tmp);
                 // Plurals like address / addresses
                 $plural_tmp = preg_replace("/sses\$/", "ss", $plural_tmp);
                 // Plurals like box / boxes
                 $plural_tmp = preg_replace("/([Xx])es\$/", "\$1", $plural_tmp);
                 // Others, excluding ending ss like address(es)
                 $plural_tmp = preg_replace("/([A-Za-rt-z])s\$/", "\$1", $plural_tmp);
                 // prevent redundant pageExists calls if plurals are on, and plural is same as original word
                 if ($page != $plural_tmp) {
                     $exists = $this->pageExists($plural_tmp, $pObject, $pParamHash['content_id']);
                 $repl = BitPage::getPageLink($plural_tmp, $exists);
             } else {
                 $repl = BitPage::getPageLink($page, $exists);
             // old code
             //$slashed = preg_replace( "/([\/\[\]\(\)])/", "\\\\$1", $page_parse );
             //$data = preg_replace( "#([\s\,\;])\b$slashed\b([\s\,\;\.])#", "$1 ".$repl."$2", $data);
             // new code
             // i never understood why the simple stuff never worked but it
             // seems to work now - xing - Sunday Jul 22, 2007   17:37:17 CEST
             $pData = preg_replace("/\\b" . preg_quote($page, "/") . "\\b/", $repl, $pData);
     // replace protection keys with original words
     foreach ($replacements as $key => $replace) {
         $pData = str_replace($key, $replace, $pData);
     return $pData;
Exemple #3
  * Generates a link to a wiki page within lists of pages
  * @return the link to display the page.
 function getListLink($pParamHash)
     return BitPage::getPageLink($pParamHash['title'], NULL);