Exemple #1
 function updatePage($page, $data)
     $page = sqlescape($page);
     // Save the existing copy as a draft, remove drafts for this page that are one month old or older.
     $current = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_pages WHERE id = '{$page}'"));
     foreach ($current as $key => $val) {
         ${$key} = sqlescape($val);
     // Figure out if we currently have a template that the user isn't allowed to use. If they do, we're not letting them change it.
     $template_data = BigTreeCMS::getTemplate($template);
     if (is_array($template_data) && $template_data["level"] > $this->Level) {
         $data["template"] = $template;
     // Copy it to the saved versions
     sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_page_revisions (`page`,`title`,`meta_keywords`,`meta_description`,`template`,`external`,`new_window`,`resources`,`author`,`updated_at`) VALUES ('{$page}','{$title}','{$meta_keywords}','{$meta_description}','{$template}','{$external}','{$new_window}','{$resources}','{$last_edited_by}','{$updated_at}')");
     // Count the page revisions
     $r = sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM bigtree_page_revisions WHERE page = '{$page}' AND saved = ''"));
     // If we have more than 10, delete any that are more than a month old
     if ($r > 10) {
         sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_page_revisions WHERE updated_at < '" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 month")) . "' AND saved = ''");
     // Remove this page from the cache
     // Set local variables in a clean fashion that prevents _SESSION exploitation.  Also, don't let them somehow overwrite $page and $current.
     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
         if (substr($key, 0, 1) != "_" && $key != "current" && $key != "page") {
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 ${$key} = BigTree::json($val, true);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = sqlescape($val);
     // Set the trunk flag back to the current value if the user isn't a developer
     if ($this->Level < 2) {
         $trunk = $current["trunk"];
     } else {
         $trunk = sqlescape($data["trunk"]);
     // If this is top level nav and the user isn't a developer, use what the current state is.
     if (!$current["parent"] && $this->Level < 2) {
         $in_nav = sqlescape($current["in_nav"]);
     } else {
         $in_nav = sqlescape($data["in_nav"]);
     // Make an ipl:// or {wwwroot}'d version of the URL
     if ($external) {
         $external = static::makeIPL($external);
     // If somehow we didn't provide a parent page (like, say, the user didn't have the right to change it) then pull the one from before.  Actually, this might be exploitable… look into it later.
     if (!isset($data["parent"])) {
         $parent = $current["parent"];
     if ($page == 0) {
         // Home page doesn't get a route - fixes sitemap bug
         $route = "";
     } else {
         // Create a route if we don't have one, otherwise, make sure the one they provided doesn't suck.
         $route = $data["route"];
         if (!$route) {
             $route = BigTreeCMS::urlify($data["nav_title"]);
         } else {
             $route = BigTreeCMS::urlify($route);
         // Get a unique route
         $oroute = $route;
         $x = 2;
         // Reserved paths.
         if ($parent == 0) {
             while (file_exists(SERVER_ROOT . "site/" . $route . "/")) {
                 $route = $oroute . "-" . $x;
             while (in_array($route, static::$ReservedTLRoutes)) {
                 $route = $oroute . "-" . $x;
         // Existing pages.
         $f = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM bigtree_pages WHERE `route` = '{$route}' AND parent = '{$parent}' AND id != '{$page}'"));
         while ($f) {
             $route = $oroute . "-" . $x;
             $f = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM bigtree_pages WHERE `route` = '{$route}' AND parent = '{$parent}' AND id != '{$page}'"));
         // Make sure route isn't longer than 255
         $route = substr($route, 0, 255);
     // We have no idea how this affects the nav, just wipe it all.
     if ($current["nav_title"] != $nav_title || $current["route"] != $route || $current["in_nav"] != $in_nav || $current["parent"] != $parent) {
     // Make sure we set the publish date to NULL if it wasn't provided or we'll have a page that got published at 0000-00-00
     if ($publish_at && $publish_at != "NULL") {
         $publish_at = "'" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($publish_at)) . "'";
     } else {
         $publish_at = "NULL";
     // If we set an expiration date, make it the proper MySQL format.
     if ($expire_at && $expire_at != "NULL") {
         $expire_at = "'" . date("Y-m-d", strtotime($expire_at)) . "'";
     } else {
         $expire_at = "NULL";
     // Set the full path, saves DB access time on the front end.
     if ($parent > 0) {
         $path = static::getFullNavigationPath($parent) . "/" . $route;
     } else {
         $path = $route;
     // htmlspecialchars stuff so that it doesn't need to be re-encoded when echo'd on the front end.
     $title = htmlspecialchars($title);
     $nav_title = htmlspecialchars($nav_title);
     $meta_description = htmlspecialchars($meta_description);
     $meta_keywords = htmlspecialchars($meta_keywords);
     $seo_invisible = $data["seo_invisible"] ? "on" : "";
     $external = htmlspecialchars($external);
     // Update the database
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pages SET `trunk` = '{$trunk}', `parent` = '{$parent}', `nav_title` = '{$nav_title}', `route` = '{$route}', `path` = '{$path}', `in_nav` = '{$in_nav}', `title` = '{$title}', `template` = '{$template}', `external` = '{$external}', `new_window` = '{$new_window}', `resources` = '{$resources}', `meta_keywords` = '{$meta_keywords}', `meta_description` = '{$meta_description}', `seo_invisible` = '{$seo_invisible}', `last_edited_by` = '" . $this->ID . "', updated_at = NOW(), publish_at = {$publish_at}, expire_at = {$expire_at}, max_age = '{$max_age}' WHERE id = '{$page}'");
     // Remove any pending drafts
     sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_pending_changes WHERE `table` = 'bigtree_pages' AND item_id = '{$page}'");
     // Remove old paths from the redirect list
     sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_route_history WHERE old_route = '{$path}' OR old_route = '" . $current["path"] . "'");
     // Create an automatic redirect from the old path to the new one.
     if ($current["path"] != $path) {
         sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_route_history (`old_route`,`new_route`) VALUES ('" . $current["path"] . "','{$path}')");
         // Update all child page routes, ping those engines, clean those caches
     // Handle tags
     sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_tags_rel WHERE `table` = 'bigtree_pages' AND entry = '{$page}'");
     if (is_array($data["_tags"])) {
         foreach ($data["_tags"] as $tag) {
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_tags_rel (`table`,`entry`,`tag`) VALUES ('bigtree_pages','{$page}','{$tag}')");
     // Audit trail.
     $this->track("bigtree_pages", $page, "updated");
     return $page;
Exemple #2
 static function getAvailableFileName($directory, $file, $prefixes = array())
     $parts = static::pathInfo($directory . $file);
     // Clean up the file name
     $clean_name = BigTreeCMS::urlify($parts["filename"]);
     if (strlen($clean_name) > 50) {
         $clean_name = substr($clean_name, 0, 50);
     $file = $clean_name . "." . strtolower($parts["extension"]);
     // Just find a good filename that isn't used now.
     $x = 2;
     while (!$file || file_exists($directory . $file)) {
         $file = $clean_name . "-{$x}." . strtolower($parts["extension"]);
         // Check prefixes
         foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) {
             if (file_exists($directory . $prefix . $file)) {
                 $file = false;
     return $file;