public function meeting($id = 1, $username = null, $password = null)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__bbb_meetings` WHERE `id`=" . $id;
     $data = $db->loadObject();
     if ($data->attendeePW == $password || $data->moderatorPW == $password) {
         $creationParams = array('meetingId' => $id, 'meetingName' => $data->meetingName, 'attendeePw' => $data->attendeePW, 'moderatorPw' => $data->moderatorPW, 'logoutUrl' => JUri::base(), 'welcomeMsg' => 'Welcome to ' . $data->meetingName, 'dialNumber' => $this->dialNumber, 'voiceBridge' => $data->voiceBridge, 'maxParticipants' => $data->maxParticipants, 'record' => $data->record, 'duration' => $data->duration);
         $itsAllGood = true;
         $bbb = new BigBlueButton($this->salt, $this->url);
         try {
             $result = $bbb->createMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($creationParams);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
             $itsAllGood = false;
         if ($itsAllGood == true) {
             if ($result == null) {
                 $output = "Failed to get any response. Maybe we can't contact the BBB server.";
             } else {
                 if ($result['returncode'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                     $output = $this->getlink($id, $username, $password);
                 } else {
                     $output = "Meeting creation failed";
     } else {
         $output = "Sorry password don't match";
     return $output;
Exemple #2
function createMeeting($meetingId, $meetingName)
    $bbb = new BigBlueButton();
    $creationParams = array('meetingId' => $meetingId, 'meetingName' => $meetingName, 'attendeePw' => 'ap', 'moderatorPw' => 'mp', 'welcomeMsg' => 'Seja bem vindo(a) a sala de conferência do Moodle Acessível do grupo WebGD!', 'dialNumber' => '', 'voiceBridge' => '', 'webVoice' => '', 'logoutUrl' => '', 'maxParticipants' => '-1', 'record' => 'false', 'duration' => '0');
    // Create the meeting and get back a response:
    $itsAllGood = true;
    try {
        $result = $bbb->createMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($creationParams);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
        $itsAllGood = false;
    if ($itsAllGood == true) {
        // If it's all good, then we've interfaced with our BBB php api OK:
        if ($result == null) {
            // If we get a null response, then we're not getting any XML back from BBB.
            echo "Failed to get any response. Maybe we can't contact the BBB server.";
        } else {
            // We got an XML response, so let's see what it says:
            if ($result['returncode'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                // Then do stuff ...
            } else {
                echo "Erro ao criar a webconferência";
/* _____ PHP Big Blue Button API Usage ______
* by Peter Mentzer
* Use, modify and distribute however you like.
// Require the bbb-api file:
require_once '../includes/bbb-api.php';
// Instatiate the BBB class:
$bbb = new BigBlueButton();
/* ___________ CREATE MEETING w/ OPTIONS ______ */
$creationParams = array('meetingId' => '12345', 'meetingName' => 'Test Recorded Meeting Name', 'attendeePw' => 'ap', 'moderatorPw' => 'mp', 'welcomeMsg' => '', 'dialNumber' => '', 'voiceBridge' => '', 'webVoice' => '', 'logoutUrl' => '', 'maxParticipants' => '-1', 'record' => 'true', 'duration' => '5');
// Create the meeting and get back a response:
$itsAllGood = true;
try {
    $result = $bbb->createMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($creationParams);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";
    $itsAllGood = false;
if ($itsAllGood == true) {
    // If it's all good, then we've interfaced with our BBB php api OK:
    if ($result == null) {
        // If we get a null response, then we're not getting any XML back from BBB.
        echo "Failed to get any response. Maybe we can't contact the BBB server.";
    } else {
        // We got an XML response, so let's see what it says:
        if ($result['returncode'] == 'SUCCESS') {
            // Then do stuff ...
            echo "<p>Meeting succesfullly created.</p>";
Exemple #4
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langBBBCreationRoomError
 * @global type $langBBBConnectionError
 * @param type $title
 * @param type $meeting_id
 * @param type $mod_pw
 * @param type $att_pw
 * @param type $record
function create_meeting($title, $meeting_id, $mod_pw, $att_pw, $record)
    global $course_id, $langBBBCreationRoomError, $langBBBConnectionError;

    $run_to = -1;
    $min_users  = 10000000;

    //Get all course participants
    $users_to_join = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM course_user, user
                                WHERE course_user.course_id = ?d AND course_user.user_id =", $course_id)->count;
    //Algorithm to select BBB server GOES HERE ...
    if ($record == 'true') {
        $query = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE enabled='true' AND enable_recordings=?s ORDER BY weight ASC",$record);
    } else {
        $query = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE enabled='true' ORDER BY weight ASC");

    if ($query) {
        foreach ($query as $row) {
            $max_rooms = $row->max_rooms;
            $max_users = $row->max_users;
            // GET connected Participants
            $connected_users = get_connected_users($row->server_key, $row->api_url, $row->ip);
            $active_rooms = get_active_rooms($row->server_key,$row->api_url);

            if ($connected_users<$min_users) {
                $min_users = $connected_users;

            // max_users = 0 && max_rooms = 0 - UNLIMITED
            // active_rooms < max_rooms && active_users < max_users
            // active_rooms < max_rooms && max_users = 0 (UNLIMITED)
            // active_users < max_users && max_rooms = 0 (UNLIMITED)
            if (($max_rooms == 0 && $max_users == 0) || (($max_users > ($users_to_join + $connected_users)) && $active_rooms < $max_rooms) || ($active_rooms < $max_rooms && $max_users == 0) || (($max_users > ($users_to_join + $connected_users)) && $max_rooms == 0)) // YOU FOUND THE SERVER
                $run_to = $row->id;
                Database::get()->querySingle("UPDATE bbb_session SET running_at=?s WHERE meeting_id=?s",$row->id, $meeting_id);

    if ($run_to == -1) {
        // If no server available we select server with min connected users
        $temp_conn = 10000000;
        $query = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE enabled='true' AND enable_recordings=?s ORDER BY weight ASC",$record);

        if ($query) {
            foreach ($query as $row) {
                // GET connected Participants
                $connected_users = get_connected_users($row->server_key, $row->api_url, $row->ip);

                if ($connected_users<$temp_conn) {
                    $temp_conn = $connected_users;
        Database::get()->querySingle("UPDATE bbb_session SET running_at=?d WHERE meeting_id=?s",$run_to,$meeting_id);

    // we find the bbb server that will serve the session
    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE id=?d", $run_to);

    if ($res) {
        $salt = $res->server_key;
        $bbb_url = $res->api_url;

        $bbb = new BigBlueButton($salt, $bbb_url);

        $creationParams = array(
            'meetingId' => $meeting_id, // REQUIRED
            'meetingName' => $title, // REQUIRED
            'attendeePw' => $att_pw, // Match this value in getJoinMeetingURL() to join as attendee.
            'moderatorPw' => $mod_pw, // Match this value in getJoinMeetingURL() to join as moderator.
            'welcomeMsg' => '', // ''= use default. Change to customize.
            'dialNumber' => '', // The main number to call into. Optional.
            'voiceBridge' => '', // PIN to join voice. Optional.
            'webVoice' => '', // Alphanumeric to join voice. Optional.
            'logoutUrl' => '', // Default in Optional.
            'maxParticipants' => '-1', // Optional. -1 = unlimitted. Not supported in BBB. [number]
            'record' => $record, // New. 'true' will tell BBB to record the meeting.
            'duration' => '0', // Default = 0 which means no set duration in minutes. [number]
            //'meta_category' => '', // Use to pass additional info to BBB server. See API docs.

        // Create the meeting and get back a response:
        $result = $bbb->createMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($creationParams);
        // If it's all good, then we've interfaced with our BBB php api OK:
        if ($result == null) {
            // If we get a null response, then we're not getting any XML back from BBB.
            echo "<div class='alert-danger'>$langBBBConnectionError</div>";
        } else {
            if ($result['returncode'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                // Then do stuff ...
                //echo "<p>Meeting succesfullly created.</p>";
            else {
                echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>$langBBBCreationRoomError.</div>";
Exemple #5
 * @global type $course_id
 * @global type $langBBBCreationRoomError
 * @global type $langBBBConnectionError
 * @param type $title
 * @param type $meeting_id
 * @param type $mod_pw
 * @param type $att_pw
 * @param type $record
function create_meeting($title, $meeting_id, $mod_pw, $att_pw, $record)
    global $course_id, $langBBBCreationRoomError, $langBBBConnectionError;
    $run_to = -1;
    $min_users = 10000000;
    //Get all course participants
    $users_to_join = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM course_user, user\n                                WHERE course_user.course_id = ?d AND course_user.user_id =", $course_id)->count;
    //Algorithm to select BBB server GOES HERE ...
    $query = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE enabled='true' AND enable_recordings=?s ORDER BY weight ASC", $record);
    if ($query) {
        foreach ($query as $row) {
            $max_rooms = $row->max_rooms;
            $max_users = $row->max_users;
            // GET connected Participants
            $connected_users = get_connected_users($row->server_key, $row->api_url, $row->ip);
            $active_rooms = get_active_rooms($row->server_key, $row->api_url);
            if ($connected_users < $min_users) {
                $run_to = $row->id;
                $min_users = $connected_users;
            // max_users = 0 && max_rooms = 0 - UNLIMITED
            // active_rooms < max_rooms && active_users < max_users
            // active_rooms < max_rooms && max_users = 0 (UNLIMITED)
            // active_users < max_users && max_rooms = 0 (UNLIMITED)
            if ($max_rooms == 0 && $max_users == 0 || $max_users > $users_to_join + $connected_users && $active_rooms < $max_rooms || $active_rooms < $max_rooms && $max_users == 0 || $max_users > $users_to_join + $connected_users && $max_rooms == 0) {
                $run_to = $row->id;
                Database::get()->querySingle("UPDATE bbb_session SET running_at=?s WHERE meeting_id=?s", $row->id, $meeting_id);
    if ($run_to == -1) {
        // If no server available we select server with min connected users
        $temp_conn = 10000000;
        $query = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE enabled='true' AND enable_recordings=?s ORDER BY weight ASC", $record);
        if ($query) {
            foreach ($query as $row) {
                // GET connected Participants
                $connected_users = get_connected_users($row->server_key, $row->api_url, $row->ip);
                if ($connected_users < $temp_conn) {
                    $run_to = $row->id;
                    $temp_conn = $connected_users;
        Database::get()->querySingle("UPDATE bbb_session SET running_at=?d WHERE meeting_id=?s", $run_to, $meeting_id);
    //we find the bbb server that will serv the session
    $res = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT * FROM bbb_servers WHERE id=?d", $run_to);
    if ($res) {
        $salt = $res->server_key;
        $bbb_url = $res->api_url;
        $bbb = new BigBlueButton($salt, $bbb_url);
        $creationParams = array('meetingId' => $meeting_id, 'meetingName' => $title, 'attendeePw' => $att_pw, 'moderatorPw' => $mod_pw, 'welcomeMsg' => '', 'dialNumber' => '', 'voiceBridge' => '', 'webVoice' => '', 'logoutUrl' => '', 'maxParticipants' => '-1', 'record' => $record, 'duration' => '0');
        // Create the meeting and get back a response:
        $result = $bbb->createMeetingWithXmlResponseArray($creationParams);
        // If it's all good, then we've interfaced with our BBB php api OK:
        if ($result == null) {
            // If we get a null response, then we're not getting any XML back from BBB.
            echo "<div class='alert-danger'>{$langBBBConnectionError}</div>";
        } else {
            if ($result['returncode'] == 'SUCCESS') {
                // Then do stuff ...
                //echo "<p>Meeting succesfullly created.</p>";
            } else {
                echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'>{$langBBBCreationRoomError}.</div>";