Exemple #1

$basecoat->view->add('title', '404: Not Found');
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
$content = new \Basecoat\View();
$content->add('requested_page', $this->requested_route);
// Add route content to page
$content->processTemplate($basecoat->view->templates_path . $this->current['template']);
Exemple #2
// Example on how to get a new db instance
$newDdb	= DB::getServerInstance('slave');
// Register layout so they can referenced by name
$bc->view->setLayouts(array('basic' => $path_layouts . 'basic.php', 'json' => $path_layouts . 'json.tpl.php', 'dialog' => $path_layouts . 'dialog.php'));
// Register global values with view
$bc->view->add('sitename', 'Basecoat');
// Set path to template files
// Add a hook before output to process common page elements
$bc->addBeforeRender(function () use($bc) {
    $content = new \Basecoat\View();
    $content->processTemplate($bc->view->templates_path . 'common/header.php');
    $content->processTemplate($bc->view->templates_path . 'common/footer.php');
    $bc->view->add('requested_route', $bc->routing->requested_route);
// Define routes
$routes = array('static' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'static.php', 'cacheable' => array('expires' => '20 minutes')), '/' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'index.php', 'template' => 'index.tpl.php'), 'login' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'login.php', 'template' => 'login.php', 'require_secure' => 1), 'logout' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'logout.php'), 'data' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'data.php', 'data_only' => 1), 'log' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'log_action.php', 'data_only' => 1), 'configuration' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'configuration.php', 'template' => 'configuration.tpl.php'), 'routes' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'routing.php', 'template' => 'routing.tpl.php'), 'content' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'content.php', 'template' => 'content.tpl.php'), 'database' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'database.php', 'template' => 'database.tpl.php', 'require_login' => false), 'messages' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'messages.php', 'template' => 'messaging.tpl.php'), 'examples' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'examples.php', 'template' => 'examples.tpl.php'), 'json' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'json.php', 'layout' => 'json'), 'login' => array('file' => $path_routes . 'login.php', 'template' => 'login.tpl.php'), 'hello' => array('function' => function () {
    exit('Hello World!');
}), 'undefined' => array('file' => $path_routes . '404.php', 'template' => '404.tpl.php', 'layout' => 'basic', 'data_only' => 1));
// Process the request
echo $bc->processRequest();