Exemple #1
 function index()
     $this->template->content = new View('admin/manage/actions/main');
     $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.actions');
     $this->template->map_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->template->treeview_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->template->js = new View('admin/manage/actions/actions_js');
     $this->template->js->default_map = Kohana::config('settings.default_map');
     $this->template->js->default_zoom = Kohana::config('settings.default_zoom');
     $this->template->js->latitude = Kohana::config('settings.default_lat');
     $this->template->js->longitude = Kohana::config('settings.default_lon');
     // TODO: Figure out what to do with this
     $this->template->js->incident_zoom = array();
     $this->template->js->geometries = array();
     $trigger_options = $this->_trigger_options();
     $response_options = $this->_response_options();
     $trigger_advanced_options = $this->_trigger_advanced_options();
     $advanced_option_areas = $this->_advanced_option_areas();
     $response_advanced_options = $this->_response_advanced_options();
     $response_advanced_option_areas = $this->_response_advanced_option_areas();
     $trigger_allowed_responses = $this->_trigger_allowed_responses();
     // Setup and initialize form field names
     $form = array('geometry' => '', 'action_trigger' => '', 'action_user' => '', 'action_location_specific' => '', 'action_keywords' => '', 'action_category' => array(), 'action_on_specific_count' => '', 'action_on_specific_count_collective' => '', 'action_days_of_the_week' => array(), 'action_specific_days' => array(), 'action_between_times_hour_1' => '', 'action_between_times_hour_2' => '', 'action_between_times_minute_1' => '', 'action_between_times_minute_2' => '', 'action_response' => '', 'action_email_send_address' => '', 'action_email_send_address_specific' => '', 'action_email_subject' => '', 'action_email_body' => '', 'action_add_category' => array(), 'action_verify' => '', 'action_badge' => '');
     // Process form submission
     if ($_POST) {
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST);
         // Trim all of the fields to get rid of errant spaces
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         $expected_qualifier_fields = $trigger_advanced_options[$post['action_trigger']];
         $expected_response_fields = $response_advanced_options[$post['action_response']];
         $expected_fileds = array_merge($expected_qualifier_fields, $expected_response_fields);
         // Since our form is dynamic, we need to set validation dynamically
         foreach ($expected_fileds as $field) {
             $this->_form_field_rules($field, $post);
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $qualifiers = array();
             foreach ($expected_qualifier_fields as $field) {
                 $form_field = 'action_' . $field;
                 // 1. Standard field population
                 if (isset($post->{$form_field})) {
                     $qualifiers[$field] = $post->{$form_field};
                 // 2. Check additional field population
                 // Populate additional geometry field
                 if ($field == 'location' && $post->{$form_field} == 'specific') {
                     // Add geometry if this is a specific location
                     $qualifiers['geometry'] = $post->geometry;
                 // Populate additional specific count collective boolean
                 if ($field == 'on_specific_count') {
                     // Grab if we are counting everyone or just the individual users themselves
                     $qualifiers['on_specific_count_collective'] = $post->action_on_specific_count_collective;
                 // Change the specific_days field to an array of timestamps
                 if ($field == 'specific_days') {
                     // Grab if we are counting everyone or just the individual users themselves
                     $qualifiers['specific_days'] = explode(',', $qualifiers['specific_days']);
                     foreach ($qualifiers['specific_days'] as $key => $specific_day) {
                         $qualifiers['specific_days'][$key] = strtotime($specific_day);
                     if ($qualifiers['specific_days'][0] == false) {
                         // Just get rid of it if we aren't using it
                 // Grab dropdowns for between_times
                 if ($field == 'between_times') {
                     // Do everything for between times here
                     if ($post->action_between_times_hour_1 != 0 or $post->action_between_times_minute_1 != 0 or $post->action_between_times_hour_2 != 0 or $post->action_between_times_minute_2 != 0) {
                         // We aren't all zeroed out so the user is not ignoring between_times. Now we need
                         //   to calculate seconds into the day for each and put the lower count in the first
                         //   variable and the higher in the second so the check in the hook doesn't have to
                         //   do so much work. Also, set between_times to true so the hook knows to check it.
                         $qualifiers['between_times'] = 1;
                         $time1 = (int) $post->action_between_times_hour_1 * 3600 + (int) $post->action_between_times_minute_1 * 60;
                         $time2 = (int) $post->action_between_times_hour_2 * 3600 + (int) $post->action_between_times_minute_2 * 60;
                         if ($time1 < $time2) {
                             $qualifiers['between_times_1'] = $time1;
                             $qualifiers['between_times_2'] = $time2;
                         } else {
                             $qualifiers['between_times_1'] = $time2;
                             $qualifiers['between_times_2'] = $time1;
                     } else {
                         // Between_times is being ignored, set it that way here
                         $qualifiers['between_times'] = 0;
             $qualifiers = serialize($qualifiers);
             $response_vars = array();
             foreach ($expected_response_fields as $field) {
                 $form_field = 'action_' . $field;
                 if (isset($post->{$form_field})) {
                     $r_var = $post->{$form_field};
                     if ($field == 'email_send_address' and $post->{$form_field} == '1') {
                         // Then set as the specific email address so we know where to send it
                         $r_var = $post->action_email_send_address_specific;
                     // This is the array we're building to pass on the data we need
                     //  to perform the response when qualifiers are all passed
                     $response_vars[$field] = $r_var;
             $response_vars = serialize($response_vars);
             $action = ORM::factory('actions');
             $action->action = $post->action_trigger;
             $action->qualifiers = $qualifiers;
             $action->response = $post->action_response;
             $action->response_vars = $response_vars;
             $action->active = 1;
         } else {
             // TODO: Proper Validation
             $errors = $post->errors();
             foreach ($errors as $key => $val) {
                 echo $key . ' failed rule ' . $val . '<br />';
     // Copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names
     $errors = $form;
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $form_saved = FALSE;
     $form_action = "";
     $sharing_id = "";
     // Defined actions by the user that already exist in the system
     $this->template->content->actions = $this->_get_actions();
     $this->template->content->total_items = $this->template->content->actions->count();
     $this->template->content->trigger_options = $trigger_options;
     $this->template->content->response_options = $response_options;
     $this->template->content->trigger_advanced_options = $trigger_advanced_options;
     $this->template->content->advanced_option_areas = $advanced_option_areas;
     $this->template->content->response_advanced_options = $response_advanced_options;
     $this->template->content->response_advanced_option_areas = $response_advanced_option_areas;
     $this->template->content->trigger_allowed_responses = $trigger_allowed_responses;
     // Build user options list
     $this->template->content->user_options = $this->_user_options();
     // Grab categories for category advanced options
     $this->template->content->categories = Category_Model::get_categories(0, FALSE, FALSE);
     // Grab badges for dropdown
     $this->template->content->badges = Badge_Model::badge_names();
     // Timezone
     $this->template->content->site_timezone = Kohana::config('settings.site_timezone');
     // Days of the week
     $this->template->content->days = array('mon' => Kohana::lang('datetime.monday.full'), 'tue' => Kohana::lang('datetime.tuesday.full'), 'wed' => Kohana::lang('datetime.wednesday.full'), 'thu' => Kohana::lang('datetime.thursday.full'), 'fri' => Kohana::lang('datetime.friday.full'), 'sat' => Kohana::lang('datetime.saturday.full'), 'sun' => Kohana::lang('datetime.sunday.full'));
     $this->template->content->form = $form;
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;
     $this->template->content->errors = $errors;
     // Enable date picker
     $this->template->datepicker_enabled = TRUE;