Exemple #1
 function test_find()
     $name = "Fighter";
     $description = "stuff";
     $id = 1;
     $test_class = new Background($name, $description, $id);
     $name2 = "Wizard";
     $description2 = "other stuff";
     $test_class2 = new Background($name2, $description2);
     $result = Background::find($test_class->getId());
     $this->assertEquals($test_class, $result);
Exemple #2
 function testGetBackgrounds()
     $description_id = 1;
     $race_id = 1;
     $stat_id = 1;
     $test_character = new Character($description_id, $race_id, $stat_id);
     $name = "Noble";
     $description = "stuff";
     $id = 1;
     $test_background = new Background($name, $description, $id);
     $name2 = "Urchin";
     $description2 = "other stuff";
     $id2 = 2;
     $test_background2 = new Background($name2, $description2, $id2);
     $this->assertEquals($test_character->getBackgrounds(), [$test_background, $test_background2]);
Exemple #3
 public function actionBackgroundSave()
     if ($_FILES['background']['name'] != null) {
         $name = $_FILES['background']['name'];
         $tmp = $_FILES['background']['tmp_name'];
         $size = $_FILES['background']['size'];
         if ($size > 0) {
             $ext = explode(".", $name);
             $ext = $ext[count($ext) - 1];
             $ext = strtolower($ext);
             $name = microtime();
             $name = str_replace(" ", "", $name);
             $name = str_replace(".", "", $name);
             if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png") {
                 if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, "upload/{$name}.{$ext}")) {
                     $background = new Background();
                     $background->name = $name . "." . $ext;
                     if ($background->save()) {
Exemple #4
 static function addData()
     // SKILLS:
     $skill1 = new Skill("Acrobatics", "Balancing and tumbling", 1);
     $skill2 = new Skill("Animal Handling", "Using or interacting with domesticated animals.", 2);
     $skill3 = new Skill("Arcana", "Magic related lore and knowledge.", 3);
     $skill4 = new Skill("Athletics", "Climbing, jumping, and swimming.", 4);
     $skill5 = new Skill("Deception", "Hide the truth.", 5);
     $skill6 = new Skill("History", "Recall historical events.", 6);
     $skill7 = new Skill("Insight", "Determine a creature's true intentions.", 7);
     $skill8 = new Skill("Intimidation", "Influence by using threats.", 8);
     $skill9 = new Skill("Investigation", "Look for clues and find hidden things.", 9);
     $skill10 = new Skill("Medicine", "Stabilize the dying or diagnose a disease.", 10);
     $skill11 = new Skill("Nature", "Recall weather, plant, or animal lore.", 11);
     $skill12 = new Skill("Perception", "See, hear, or smell the presence or something.", 12);
     $skill13 = new Skill("Performance", "Ability in dancing, singing, or storytelling.", 13);
     $skill14 = new Skill("Persuasion", "Influence by using goodwill.", 14);
     $skill15 = new Skill("Religion", "Recall religious lore.", 15);
     $skill16 = new Skill("Sleight of Hand", "Concealing items or stealing things.", 16);
     $skill17 = new Skill("Stealth", "Sneaking or hiding.", 17);
     $skill18 = new Skill("Survival", "Track and hunt, avoid hazards, or predict weather.", 18);
     // RACES:
     $race1 = new Race("Good all around, well balanced, adventurer.  Easy to role play and fits most roles well.", "Human", 1);
     $race2 = new Race("Tough and wise. Good clerics. Bearded and can live to over 400. A bit more open than mountain dwarves.", "Hill Dwarf", 2);
     $race3 = new Race("Strong and tough. Good fighters. Bearded and can live to over 400. Likes to keep to their own.", "Mountain Dwarf", 3);
     $race4 = new Race("Fast and intelligent. Good fighters, rogues or wizards. Bronze skin. Has air of superiority.", "High Elf", 4);
     $race5 = new Race("Fast and wise. Good clerics and fighters. Copper/green skin. Very in tune with nature.", "Wood Elf", 5);
     $race6 = new Race("Fast and charismatic. Good rogues. Easily overlooked. Wanderers. Around 3 feet tall.", "Lightfoot Halfling", 6);
     $race7 = new Race("Tough and fast. Good fighters or rogues. Strong natured and boisterous.", "Stout Halfling", 7);
     // CLASSES:
     $class1 = new CharClass("Cleric", "Wise and charismatic. Typically a healer who wields divine power in the service of their diety.", 1);
     $class2 = new CharClass("Fighter", "Strong and tough or fast and tough. Master of combat and knowledgable in weapons and armor.", 2);
     $class3 = new CharClass("Rogue", "Fast and intelligent. Highly skilled and commonly duplicitous. Commonly a seeker of treasures.", 3);
     $class4 = new CharClass("Wizard", "Intelligent and wise. Weaves magic spells that manipulate reality using long studied arcane knowledge.", 4);
     $background1 = new Background("Hermit", "Medicine and religion. Your life has been lonely and you have a secret knowledge.", 1);
     $background2 = new Background("Noble", "History and persuasion. Your life has been luxurious and you benefit from your position of privilege.", 2);
     $background3 = new Background("Soldier", "Athletics and intimidation. Your life has been touched by war and you are recognized by your military rank.", 3);
     $background4 = new Background("Urchin", "Sleight of Hand and Stealth. Your life has been impoverished and you are intimately familiar with city workings.", 4);