/** * profile_fields_screen() * * Adds extra field to profile screen */ function register_profile_fields() { //HACK: to allow options global $bp; (array) ($bp->profile->field_types[] = 'option'); if (BPSP_Roles::field_group_id_from_name(__('Courseware', 'bpsp'))) { return false; } $bpsp_group_id = xprofile_insert_field_group(array(name => __('Courseware', 'bpsp'), description => __('Students and Teachers fields. Do not delete as long as you use BuddyPress ScholarPress Courseware!', 'bpsp'), can_delete => false)); if (!$bpsp_group_id) { wp_die(__('BuddyPress Courseware error when saving xProfile group.', 'bpsp')); } /* Create the radio buttons */ xprofile_insert_field(array(field_group_id => $bpsp_group_id, name => __('Role', 'bpsp'), can_delete => false, description => __('Your role when using Courseware. Every request requires moderation. Please be patient until an administrator reviews it.', 'bpsp'), is_required => false, type => 'radio')); $bpsp_field_id = xprofile_get_field_id_from_name(__('Role', 'bpsp')); if (!$bpsp_field_id) { wp_die(__('BuddyPress Courseware error when saving xProfile field.', 'bpsp')); } /* Create the radio options */ xprofile_insert_field(array(field_group_id => $bpsp_group_id, parent_id => $bpsp_field_id, name => __('Teacher', 'bpsp'), can_delete => false, is_required => false, type => 'option')); xprofile_insert_field(array(field_group_id => $bpsp_group_id, parent_id => $bpsp_field_id, name => __('Student', 'bpsp'), can_delete => false, is_required => false, type => 'option', is_default_option => true)); xprofile_insert_field(array(field_group_id => $bpsp_group_id, parent_id => $bpsp_field_id, name => __('Apply for Teacher', 'bpsp'), can_delete => false, is_required => false, type => 'option')); if (!xprofile_get_field_id_from_name(__('Teacher', 'bpsp')) || !xprofile_get_field_id_from_name(__('Student', 'bpsp')) || !xprofile_get_field_id_from_name(__('Apply for Teacher', 'bpsp'))) { wp_die(__('BuddyPress Courseware error when saving xProfile field options.', 'bpsp')); } return true; }
/** * Appends course information to group header */ function course_group_header() { global $bp; if (!$this->has_course_caps($bp->loggedin_user->id) || !BPSP_Roles::can_teach($bp->loggedin_user->id)) { return; } $vars['name'] = '_no_course_group_header'; $vars['echo'] = false; $this->current_uri = bp_get_group_permalink($bp->groups->current_group) . $bp->courseware->slug; $vars['init_course_link'] = $this->current_uri . '/course/edit'; echo BPSP_Groups::load_template($vars); }
/** * group_dashboard( $vars ) * * Hooks into screen_handler * Displays group dashboard * * @param Array $vars a set of variables received for this screen template * @return Array $vars a set of variable passed to this screen template */ function group_dashboard($vars) { global $bp; $group_data = $this->get_group_courseware($bp->groups->current_group->id); $vars['grades'] = array(); foreach ($group_data['user_grades'] as $grade) { if (is_numeric($grade['value'])) { $vars['grades'][] = $grade['value']; } } $vars['founder'] = $bp->groups->current_group->creator_id; $vars['teachers'] = BPSP_Roles::get_teachers($bp->groups->current_group->id); $vars['is_teacher'] = BPSP_Roles::can_teach($bp->loggedin_user->id); $vars['group_course'] = reset($group_data['courses']); $vars['bpsp_curriculum'] = get_option('bpsp_curriculum'); $vars = array_merge($vars, $group_data); $vars['items_limit'] = 5; $vars['name'] = 'home'; return $vars; }
function bpsp_activation() { if (!bpsp_check()) { exit(1); } BPSP_Roles::register_profile_fields(); }
function bpsp_activation() { if (!bpsp_check()) { exit(1); } BPSP_Roles::register_profile_fields(); bpsp_registration(); flush_rewrite_rules(); }
</li> <?php if (!empty($assignment->forum_link)) { ?> <li id="assignment-forum-link"> <a href="<?php echo $assignment->forum_link; ?> " class="action"> <?php _e('Visit Assignment Forum', 'bpsp'); ?> </a> </li> <?php } elseif (isset($assignment_e_forum_permalink) && BPSP_Roles::can_teach()) { ?> <li id="assignment-enable-forum"> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $assignment_e_forum_permalink; ?> " class="standard-form" > <input type="submit" value="<?php _e('Enable Assignment Forum', 'bpsp'); ?> " /> <?php echo $assignment_e_forum_nonce; ?> </form> </li>
function bpsp_activation() { BPSP_Roles::register_profile_fields(); }