public function sendConfirmation($orderId) { $order = ORM::factory('order', $orderId); $db = new Database(); $res = $db->query('SELECT oa.* FROM orders_addresses oa JOIN orders o ON ( = o.orders_address_id) WHERE"' . $orderId . '"'); // call autoresponder handlers $shippingInfo = $res[0]->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $res[0]->shipping_last_name . '<br/>' . $res[0]->shipping_address1 . '<br/>' . $res[0]->shipping_address2 . '<br/>' . $res[0]->shipping_city . ' ' . $res[0]->shipping_state . '<br/>' . $res[0]->shipping_zip . '<br/>' . $res[0]->shipping_country; $billingInfo = $res[0]->billing_first_name . ' ' . $res[0]->billing_last_name . '<br/>' . $res[0]->billing_address1 . '<br/>' . $res[0]->billing_address2 . '<br/>' . $res[0]->billing_city . ' ' . $res[0]->billing_state . '<br/>' . $res[0]->billing_zip . '<br/>' . $res[0]->billing_country; $dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $res = $db->query('SELECT, ob.qty, ob.subtotal FROM products p JOIN orders_baskets ob ON ( WHERE ob.order_id="' . $orderId . '"'); $order_basket = new Orders_basket_Model(); $description = ''; $subtotal = 0; foreach ($res as $item) { $description .= $item->name . ' ' . $item->qty . ' x ' . format::dollar($item->subtotal) . '<br/>'; $subtotal += $item->subtotal; } if (!empty($order->comment)) { $description .= 'Comment:' . $order->comment . '<br/>'; } $total = 'Subtotal: ' . format::dollar($subtotal) . '<br/>Shipping:' . format::dollar($order->shipping_total); $total .= '<br/>Total:' . format::dollar($order->payment_total); Autoresponder::sendEmail('order.confirmation', $order->email, $order, array('shipping_info' => $shippingInfo, 'billing_info' => $billingInfo, 'date_time' => $dateTime, 'description' => $description, 'total' => $total)); }
public function forgot_password() { if (User_Model::logged_in()) { url::redirect('/customers/my_account'); return; } $this->template->content = new View('customers/forgot_password'); $this->template->content->email = ''; $this->template->content->errors = ''; if (request::method() == 'post') { $post = new Validation($_POST); $post->add_rules('email', 'required'); $this->template->content->email = $post->email; if ($post->validate()) { $user = ORM::factory('user')->where('email', $post->email)->find(); if ($user->id != 0) { $user->password_recovery_hash = md5((string) $user); $user->save(); $this->template->content->email_sent = TRUE; $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/customers/new_password?hash=' . $user->password_recovery_hash; Autoresponder::sendEmail('user.forgot_password', $user->email, $user, array('here_link' => '<a href="' . $url . '">here</a>', 'url' => $url)); } else { $this->template->content->errors = 'The email doesn\'t exists in our database.'; } } else { $this->template->content->errors = 'Email is required.'; } } $this->template->metaDescription = $this->description; $this->template->metaKeywords = $this->keywords; $this->template->metaTitle = $this->title; $this->template->title = $this->title; }
public function paypal_ok() { $trans_id = $this->input->get('token'); // In Kohana, all views are loaded and treated as objects. $this->template->content = new View('paypal_status'); $postvars = $_POST; $db = new Database(); $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM orders WHERE trans_id = \'' . $trans_id . '\''); $order = $result[0]; $this->template->content->_order = ORM::factory('order', $order->id); //CREATE PAYMENT $result = $db->query('INSERT INTO payments (transaction_number, statusID, transaction_date) VALUES (\'' . $trans_id . '\', 3, ' . time() . ')'); $paymentid = mysql_insert_id(); //CREATE Order ID Entry $_res = $db->query('SELECT id FROM order_ids WHERE order_id="' . $order->id . '"'); if (!$_res[0] || !$_res[0]->id) { //CREATE Order ID Entry $_res = $db->query('INSERT INTO order_ids (order_id) VALUES (' . $order->id . ')'); $new_order_id = mysql_insert_id(); } else { $new_order_id = $_res[0]->id; } //UPDATE THE ORDER TABLE $result = $db->query('UPDATE orders SET paymentID = ' . $paymentid . ', payment_method = "PayPal", statusID = 2, order_total= ' . $order->subtotal . ', shipping_total = ' . $order->shipping_total . ', order_date = \'' . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . '\', date_modified = ' . time() . ' WHERE id = ' . $order->id . ''); $result = $db->query('SELECT orders.*,, user_billing_infos.firstname as billfname, user_billing_infos.lastname as billlname, user_billing_infos.address1 as billaddress, as billcity, user_billing_infos.state as billstate, as billzip, as billcountry, user_billing_infos.phone1 as billphone, user_shipping_infos.firstname as shipfname, user_shipping_infos.lastname as shiplname, user_shipping_infos.address1 as shipaddress, as shipcity, user_shipping_infos.state as shipstate, as shipzip, as shipcountry FROM orders LEFT JOIN user_billing_infos ON orders.billingID = LEFT JOIN user_shipping_infos ON orders.shippingID = LEFT JOIN users ON orders.user_id = WHERE = ' . $order->id . ''); $order = $result[0]; $shippingInfo = $order->shipfname . ' ' . $order->shiplname . '<br/>' . $order->shipaddress . '<br/>' . $order->shipcity . ' ' . $order->shipstate . '<br/>' . $order->shipzip . '<br/>' . $order->shipcountry; $billingInfo = $order->billfname . ' ' . $order->billlname . '<br/>' . $order->billaddress . '<br/>' . $order->billcity . ' ' . $order->billstate . '<br/>' . $order->billzip . '<br/>' . $order->billcountry; $dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $res = $db->query('SELECT, ob.qty, ob.subtotal, as ob_id FROM products p JOIN orders_baskets ob ON ( WHERE ob.order_id="' . $order->id . '"'); $description = ''; $subtotal = 0; foreach ($res as $item) { $basket = ORM::factory('orders_basket', $item->ob_id); $product_name = $item->name; if ($basket->packaging_id != 0) { $product_name .= ' - ' . $basket->packaging->name; } $description .= '' . $item->qty . ' x ' . $product_name . ' = ' . money_format('%.2n', $item->subtotal) . '<br/>'; $subtotal += $item->subtotal; } if (!empty($order->comment)) { $description .= 'Comment:' . $order->comment . '<br/>'; } $total = 'Subtotal: ' . money_format('%.2n', $subtotal) . '<br/>Shipping:' . money_format('%.2n', $order->shipping_total); $total .= '<br/>Total:' . money_format('%.2n', $order->order_total); $emailAddr = $order->email; $res = $db->query('SELECT id FROM order_ids WHERE order_id = ' . $order->id . ''); $orderid = $res[0]->id; $order->id = $orderid; $new_order_id = 'MCH' . $orderid; $to = array($emailAddr, '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'); foreach ($to as $address) { Autoresponder::sendEmail('order.status.changed', $address, $order, array('shipping_info' => $shippingInfo, 'billing_info' => $billingInfo, 'date_time' => $dateTime, 'description' => $description, 'total' => $total, 'order_id' => $new_order_id)); } $this->template->content->status = 'Your paypal paymeny was successful!'; $this->template->content->trans_id = $trans_id; $this->template->content->order_id = $order->id; $user_id = FALSE; if (User_Model::logged_in()) { $user_id = User_Model::logged_user()->id; } Session::instance()->regenerate(); if ($user_id) { ORM::factory('user')->find($user_id)->forceLogin(); } // Meta Description and Meta Keywords for individual pages are, at this point, hard coded. $this->template->metaDescription = $this->description; $this->template->metaKeywords = $this->keywords; $this->template->metaTitle = $this->title; // You can assign anything variable to a view by using standard OOP // methods. In my welcome view, the $title variable will be assigned // the value I give it here. $this->template->title = $this->title; }
public function test() { $id = $this->uri->segment(3); $order = ORM::factory('order')->find($id); // call autoresponder handler $order_address = ORM::factory('orders_address')->find($order->orders_address_id); $shippingInfo = $order_address->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $order_address->shipping_last_name . '<br/>' . $order_address->shipping_address1 . '<br/>' . $order_address->shipping_city . ' ' . $order_address->shipping_state . '<br/>' . $order_address->shipping_zip . '<br/>' . $order_address->shipping_country; $billingInfo = $order_address->billing_first_name . ' ' . $order_address->billing_last_name . '<br/>' . $order_address->billing_address1 . '<br/>' . $order_address->billing_city . ' ' . $order_address->billing_state . '<br/>' . $order_address->billing_zip . '<br/>' . $order_address->billing_country; $dateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $db = new Database(); $res = $db->query('SELECT, ob.qty FROM products p JOIN orders_baskets ob ON ( WHERE ob.order_id="' . $order->id . '"'); $order_basket = new Orders_basket_Model(); $description = ''; foreach ($res as $item) { $description .= $item->name . ' x ' . $item->qty . '<br/>'; } Autoresponder::sendEmail('order.status.changed', '*****@*****.**', $order, array('shipping_info' => $shippingInfo, 'billing_info' => $billingInfo, 'date_time' => $dateTime, 'description' => $description, 'total' => format::dollar($order->payment_total))); }