/** * Gets called, when an undefined class is being instanciated *d * @param_string $load_class_name */ function feng__autoload($load_class_name) { static $loader = null; $class_name = strtoupper($load_class_name); // Try to get this data from index... if (isset($GLOBALS[AutoLoader::GLOBAL_VAR])) { if (isset($GLOBALS[AutoLoader::GLOBAL_VAR][$class_name])) { return include $GLOBALS[AutoLoader::GLOBAL_VAR][$class_name]; } // if } // if if (!$loader) { $loader = new AutoLoader(); $loader->addDir(ROOT . '/application'); $loader->addDir(ROOT . '/environment'); $loader->addDir(ROOT . '/library'); $loader->setIndexFilename(ROOT . '/cache/autoloader.php'); } // if try { $loader->loadClass($class_name); } catch (Exception $e) { try { if (function_exists("__autoload")) { __autoload($class_name); } } catch (Exception $ex) { die('Caught Exception in AutoLoader: ' . $ex->__toString()); } } // try }
/** * Gets called, when an undefined class is being instanciated *d * @param_string $load_class_name */ function feng__autoload($load_class_name) { static $loader ; //$loader = null; $class_name = strtoupper($load_class_name); // Try to get this data from index... if(isset($GLOBALS[AutoLoader::GLOBAL_VAR])) { if(isset($GLOBALS[AutoLoader::GLOBAL_VAR][$class_name])) { return include $GLOBALS[AutoLoader::GLOBAL_VAR][$class_name]; } // if } // if //pre_print_r($loader) ;exit; if(!$loader) { $loader = new AutoLoader(); $loader->addDir(ROOT . '/application'); $loader->addDir(ROOT . '/environment'); $loader->addDir(ROOT . '/library'); //TODO Pepe: No tengo la conexion ni las clases de DB en este momento.. me conecto derecho $temp_link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS) ; mysql_select_db(DB_NAME) ; $res = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."plugins WHERE is_installed = 1 AND is_activated = 1;"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $plugin_name = strtolower($row->name) ; $dir = ROOT . '/plugins/'.$plugin_name.'/application' ; if (is_dir($dir)) { $loader->addDir($dir); } } mysql_close($temp_link); $loader->setIndexFilename(CACHE_DIR . '/autoloader.php'); } // if try { $loader->loadClass($class_name); } catch(Exception $e) { try { if (function_exists("__autoload")) __autoload($class_name); } catch(Exception $ex) { die('Caught Exception in AutoLoader: ' . $ex->__toString()); } } // try } // __autoload