public function actionAuthenticate() { $model = new Authenticate(); $authenticate_json = http_get_request_body(); //$authenticate_json = json_encode(array("username"=>"kailesh","password"=>"1c3dd8b850b055bb7b6fb0fb59a7cd4","deviceID"=>"90:C1:15:BC:97:4F")); $model->verifyDetails($authenticate_json); $verification = $model->getAccess(); $responseMsg = $model->generateJsonResponse(); //var_dump($responseMsg); /*HttpResponse::status(200); HttpResponse::setContentType('text/HTML'); HttpResponse::setData("Orders Recieved"); HttpResponse::send();*/ //var_dump($responseMsg); if ($verification === true) { HttpResponse::status(200); HttpResponse::setContentType('application/json'); HttpResponse::setData($responseMsg); HttpResponse::send(); } else { HttpResponse::status(200); HttpResponse::setContentType('application/json'); HttpResponse::setData($responseMsg); HttpResponse::send(); } }
/** * Default method * @return [type] [description] */ public function index() { if (Session::get('logined') !== null) { if (Session::get('logined')) { $this->getUserLogin(); exit; } } $auth = new Authenticate(); if (isset($_POST['user_id']) && isset($_POST['id_token'])) { $user_id = $_POST['user_id']; $id_token = $_POST['id_token']; if ($auth->checkLogin($user_id, $id_token)) { Session::init(); Session::set('id_token', $id_token); Session::set('user_id', $user_id); Session::set('logined', true); echo json_encode('success'); exit; } else { echo json_encode('need login with google ID'); exit; } } else { echo json_encode('need login with google ID'); exit; } }
function CreateNav($token, $skin) { global $defined; $auth = new Authenticate(); $level = new AccessLevels(); if (empty($token)) { $data->menu = 'menu.default.tpl'; } else { if ($auth->AuthUser(NULL, NULL, $token) === -1 || $auth->AuthUser(NULL, NULL, $token) === -2) { // $data->menu = $msg; $data->menu = 'menu.default.tpl'; } else { if ($level->ChkLevel($token) === "admin") { $data->menu = 'menu.admin.tpl'; } elseif ($level->ChkLevel($token) === "user") { $data->menu = 'menu.user.tpl'; } elseif ($level->ChkLevel($token) === "view") { $data->menu = 'menu.view.tpl'; } else { $data->menu = 'menu.default.tpl'; } } } return $data->menu; }
public function testUnknownUser() { $authenticate = new Authenticate(); $authenticate_json = json_encode(array("username" => "bob", "password" => "1c3dd8b823we055bb7b6fb0fb59a7cd04", "deviceID" => "85:D5:76:AA:97:4F")); $authenticate->verifyDetails($authenticate_json); $expected_response = json_encode(array("access" => false, "reason" => "RMB-01", "balance" => "0")); $returned_response = $authenticate->generateJsonResponse(); $this->assertEquals($expected_response, $returned_response); }
/** * destroy administrator session * role: administrator */ public function logout() { $auth = new Authenticate(); if ($auth->logout(Authenticate::SUPERUSER)) { transport("administrator"); } else { transport("dashboard"); } }
function addToDatabase($rname, $rsize, $rtype, $rname_usr, $rtype_usr, $rdesc, $extension, $rprio) { $auth = new Authenticate(); $con = new Connection(); $link = $con->getConnection(); $query = "INSERT INTO `resources`(`ID`, `name`,`rNameUsr`,`rsize`, `rtype`, `format`, `doc_by`,`user_r_type`,`rDescription`,`rprio`, `when`, `approved`) VALUES (NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; //$query = "INSERT INTO `categories`(`cat_id`,`cat_name`,`cat_description`,`cat_by`) VALUES (NULL,?,?,?)"; $stmt = $link->prepare($query); $stmt->execute(array($rname, $rname_usr, $rsize, $rtype, $extension, $auth->getFullName($_SESSION['user_id']), $rtype_usr, $rdesc, $rprio, date("Y-m-d H:i:m", time()), 0)); $stmt = null; return TRUE; }
public function pre() { $this->user = Authenticate::session(); if (!is_a($this->user, 'Kadmin')) { throw new Exception('Not Authorized', 401); } }
function preprocess() { $me = CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'); $this->security = Authenticate::getPermission($me); if (isset($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) { if (!FormLib::validateToken()) { return false; } if (empty($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); return False; } elseif ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'SUSPEND') { Database::getsubtotals(); if (CoreLocal::get("LastID") == 0) { CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("no transaction in progress")); CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Dismiss [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();')); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php"); return False; } else { // ajax call to end transaction // and print receipt $ref = SuspendLib::suspendorder(); $this->add_onload_command("\$.ajax({\n type:'post',\n url:'{$this->page_url}ajax-callbacks/ajax-end.php',\n cache: false,\n data: 'receiptType=suspended&ref={$ref}',\n dataType: 'json',\n success: function(data){\n \$.ajax({\n type:'post',\n url:'{$this->page_url}ajax-callbacks/ajax-transaction-sync.php',\n cache: false,\n success: function(data){\n location='{$this->page_url}gui-modules/pos2.php';\n },\n error: function(e1){\n location='{$this->page_url}gui-modules/pos2.php';\n }\n });\n },\n error: function(e1){\n location='{$this->page_url}gui-modules/pos2.php';\n }\n });"); return True; } } else { if ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'RESUME') { Database::getsubtotals(); if (CoreLocal::get("LastID") != 0) { CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("transaction in progress")); CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Dismiss [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();')); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php"); } elseif (SuspendLib::checksuspended() == 0) { CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", _("no suspended transaction")); CoreLocal::set('boxMsgButtons', array('Dismiss [clear]' => '$(\'#reginput\').val(\'CL\');submitWrapper();')); CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", ""); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php"); } else { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/suspendedlist.php"); } return False; } else { if ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'TR') { TenderReport::printReport(); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); return False; } else { if ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'OTR' && $this->security >= 30) { $this->change_page($this->page_url . 'gui-modules/requestInfo.php?class=AnyTenderReportRequest'); return False; } elseif ($_REQUEST['selectlist'] == 'UNDO' && $this->security >= 30) { $this->change_page($this->page_url . 'gui-modules/undo.php'); return false; } } } } } return True; }
public function validUserSession($app_id, $user_id, $access_token) { if ($app_id && $user_id && $access_token) { $check = $this->_db->select("user_session us", "us.session_id,us.device_token,us.mac_id,us.platform,us.user_id,,", "join user u on u.user_id=us.user_id", "where us.app_id='{$app_id}' and us.user_id='{$user_id}' and access_token='{$access_token}' and login_status='1'"); if ($check) { if ($this->_db->getNumRows() == 1) { self::$session_id = $this->_db->getFirst()['session_id']; self::$session_user_id = $this->_db->getFirst()['user_id']; self::$device_token = $this->_db->getFirst()['device_token']; self::$mac_id = $this->_db->getFirst()['mac_id']; self::$platform = $this->_db->getFirst()['platform']; self::$session_user_name = $this->_db->getFirst()['name']; self::$session_user_email = $this->_db->getFirst()['email']; self::$session_user_type = "user"; return true; } else { self::$VALIDATION["error"] = 1; self::$VALIDATION['status'] = 401; self::$VALIDATION['message'] = "Invalid access token."; } } else { self::$VALIDATION["error"] = 1; self::$VALIDATION['status'] = 401; self::$VALIDATION['message'] = "Invalid access parameters."; } } else { self::$VALIDATION["error"] = 1; self::$VALIDATION['status'] = 400; self::$VALIDATION['message'] = "Access parameters not given."; } return false; }
/** * PAGE: index * This method handles what happens when you move to http://yourproject/home/index (which is the default page btw) */ public function index() { // check if user has an active menu Authenticate::menuIsActive(); // header require APP_PATH . 'views/templates/header_alt.php'; // navbar // <body> // <container> // <navbar></navbar> require APP_PATH . 'views/templates/navbar_alt.php'; // sidebar // <row> // <col-sm-3></end-col> require APP_PATH . 'views/recipes/default/sidebar.php'; // content // <col-sm-9></end-col> require APP_PATH . 'views/recipes/default/content.php'; // footer // <footer></footer> // </container> // </body> // </html> require APP_PATH . 'views/templates/footer.php'; }
public function pre() { $this->user = Authenticate::me(); if (!is_a($this->user, 'Kadmin') || $this->user->getType() != 'admin') { throw new Exception('Not Authorized', 401); } }
public function preprocess() { $this->box_css_class = 'coloredArea'; $this->msg = _('please enter your password'); $this->body_class = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput']) || isset($_REQUEST['userPassword'])) { $passwd = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput']) && !empty($_REQUEST['reginput'])) { $passwd = $_REQUEST['reginput']; UdpComm::udpSend('goodBeep'); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['userPassword']) && !empty($_REQUEST['userPassword'])) { $passwd = $_REQUEST['userPassword']; } if (Authenticate::checkPassword($passwd)) { Database::testremote(); $sd = MiscLib::scaleObject(); if (is_object($sd)) { $sd->ReadReset(); } /** Find a drawer for the cashier */ $my_drawer = ReceiptLib::currentDrawer(); if ($my_drawer == 0) { $available = ReceiptLib::availableDrawers(); if (count($available) > 0) { ReceiptLib::assignDrawer(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'), $available[0]); $my_drawer = $available[0]; } } else { ReceiptLib::assignDrawer(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'), $my_drawer); } TransRecord::addLogRecord(array('upc' => 'SIGNIN', 'description' => 'Sign In Emp#' . CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'))); /** Use Kicker object to determine whether the drawer should open The first line is just a failsafe in case the setting has not been configured. */ if (session_id() != '') { session_write_close(); } $kicker_class = CoreLocal::get("kickerModule") == "" ? 'Kicker' : CoreLocal::get('kickerModule'); $kicker_object = new $kicker_class(); if ($kicker_object->kickOnSignIn()) { ReceiptLib::drawerKick(); } if ($my_drawer == 0) { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/drawerPage.php"); } else { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); } return false; } else { $this->box_css_class = 'errorColoredArea'; $this->msg = _('password invalid, please re-enter'); } } return true; }
function preprocess() { $this->my_drawer = ReceiptLib::currentDrawer(); $this->available = ReceiptLib::availableDrawers(); $this->is_admin = false; $db = Database::pDataConnect(); $sec = Authenticate::getPermission(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo')); if ($sec >= 30) { $this->is_admin = true; } if (isset($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) { if (empty($_REQUEST['selectlist'])) { if (empty($this->available) && !$this->is_admin && $this->my_drawer == 0) { // no drawer available and not admin // sign out and go back to main login screen Database::setglobalvalue("LoggedIn", 0); CoreLocal::set("LoggedIn", 0); CoreLocal::set("training", 0); CoreLocal::set("gui-scale", "no"); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/login2.php"); } else { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); } return False; } if (substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 0, 2) == 'TO' && $this->is_admin) { // take over a drawer $new_drawer = substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 2); if ($this->my_drawer != 0) { // free up the current drawer if it exists ReceiptLib::drawerKick(); ReceiptLib::freeDrawer($this->my_drawer); } // switch to the requested drawer ReceiptLib::assignDrawer(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'), $new_drawer); ReceiptLib::drawerKick(); $this->my_drawer = $new_drawer; } elseif (substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 0, 2) == 'SW') { // switch to available drawer $new_drawer = substr($_REQUEST['selectlist'], 2); foreach ($this->available as $id) { // verify the requested drawer is available if ($new_drawer == $id) { if ($this->my_drawer != 0) { // free up the current drawer if it exists ReceiptLib::drawerKick(); ReceiptLib::freeDrawer($this->my_drawer); } // switch to the requested drawer ReceiptLib::assignDrawer(CoreLocal::get('CashierNo'), $new_drawer); ReceiptLib::drawerKick(); $this->my_drawer = $new_drawer; break; } } } } return True; }
public static function getUser() { $session = self::getSession(); $user = $session->get('user'); if (empty($user)) { $user = Authenticate::set_public_user(); } return $user; }
function preprocess() { // check for posts before drawing anything, so we can redirect if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput'])) { $input = strtoupper(trim($_REQUEST['reginput'])); // CL always exits if ($input == "CL") { PaycardLib::paycard_reset(); CoreLocal::set("msgrepeat", 1); CoreLocal::set("strRemembered", 'TO'); CoreLocal::set("toggletax", 0); CoreLocal::set("togglefoodstamp", 0); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); return False; } $continue = false; // when voiding tenders, the input must be an FEC's passcode if (CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode") == PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_VOID && $input != "" && substr($input, -2) != "CL") { $db = Database::pDataConnect(); if (Authenticate::checkPermission($input, 11)) { CoreLocal::set("adminP", $input); $continue = true; } } // when voiding items, no code is necessary, only confirmation if (CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode") != PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_VOID && $input == "") { $continue = true; } // go? if ($continue) { // send the request, then disable the form $this->add_onload_command('paycard_submitWrapper();'); $this->action = "onsubmit=\"return false;\""; } // if we're still here, display prompt again } else { if (CoreLocal::get("paycard_mode") == PaycardLib::PAYCARD_MODE_AUTH) { // call paycard_void on first load to set up // transaction and check for problems $id = CoreLocal::get("paycard_id"); foreach (CoreLocal::get("RegisteredPaycardClasses") as $rpc) { $myObj = new $rpc(); if ($myObj->handlesType(CoreLocal::get("paycard_type"))) { $ret = $myObj->paycard_void($id); if (isset($ret['output']) && !empty($ret['output'])) { CoreLocal::set("boxMsg", $ret['output']); $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/boxMsg2.php"); return False; } break; } } } } return True; }
public function pre() { $this->user = Authenticate::session(); if (!is_a($this->user, 'Kadmin') || $this->user->getType() != 'admin') { throw new Exception('Not Authorized', 401); } if (is_string($this->param2) && !empty($this->param2)) { $this->block = Block::getById($this->param2); } }
public function pre() { $this->user = Authenticate::session(); if (!is_a($this->user, 'Kadmin')) { throw new Exception('Not Authorized', 401); } if (MongoId::isValid($this->param2)) { $this->page = KLib\instance::of('Page', $this->param2); } }
public function pre() { $this->user = Authenticate::session(); if (!is_a($this->user, 'Kadmin') || $this->user->getType() != 'admin') { throw new Exception('Not Authorized', 401); } $this->targetLanguage = 'en'; C::s('LANG_DIR', realpath(ROOTDIR . '../locale/')); $this->path = C::g('LANG_DIR') . '/' . C::g('LANG_AVAILABLE', $this->targetLanguage) . '/LC_MESSAGES/'; }
public static function CheckSuper() { if (!Authenticate::IsSuperUser()) { if (defined('TUBEX_AJAX')) { JSON::Error('Only superuser control panel accounts can access this function'); } else { include_once 'cp-superuser-only.php'; } exit; } }
public function __construct($title) { parent::__construct($title); // Session::init(); // $logged = Session::get('loggedIn'); // $role = Session::get('role'); // if($logged ==false||$role != 'owner'){ // Session::destroy(); // header('location: ./login'); // exit; // } Authenticate::handleLogin(); }
/** * show feedback management page on administrator feature. * role: administrator */ public function index() { if (Authenticate::is_authorized()) { $model_player = Player::getInstance(); $model_player->get_total_player(); $model_player->unread_new_player(); $this->framework->view->page = "feedback"; $this->framework->view->content = "/backend/pages/feedback"; $this->framework->view->show("backend/template"); } else { transport("administrator"); } }
public function login() { if (!$this->input->post('username')) { Authenticate::showForm("No Username given, Please enter a Username."); } $quary = $this->Auth->getUserData($this->input->post('username')); if (password_verify($this->input->post('password'), $quary['password'])) { $this->Auth->setSession($quary); redirect('/admin'); } else { Authenticate::showForm("Invalid Login attempt"); } }
/** * export/download overall report into pdf * role: administrator */ public function get_overall() { if (Authenticate::is_authorized()) { $model_player = Player::getInstance(); $model_feedback = Feedback::getInstance(); $model_administrator = Administrator::getInstance(); $model_leaderboard = Leaderboard::getInstance(); $model_report = new ReportGenerator(); $model_report->get_report_overall($model_player->get_player_report(), $model_feedback->retrieve_feedback_report(), $model_administrator->retrieve_traffic_report(), $model_leaderboard->get_top10_ranking()); $model_report->print_report(); } else { transport("administrator"); } }
/** * Authenticates a user. * The example implementation makes sure if the username and password * are both 'demo'. * In practical applications, this should be changed to authenticate * against some persistent user identity storage (e.g. database). * @return boolean whether authentication succeeds. */ public function authenticate() { $username = $this->username; $password = $this->password; $user = Authenticate::model()->find(array('condition' => "username='******'")); if (!empty($user)) { if ($password == $user->password) { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_NONE; } else { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_PASSWORD_INVALID; } } else { $this->errorCode = self::ERROR_USERNAME_INVALID; } return !$this->errorCode; }
/** * update product price. * * role: player */ public function update_product_price() { if (Authenticate::is_player()) { if (isset($_POST['token']) && Authenticate::is_valid_token($_POST['token'])) { $this->model_product = Product::getInstance(); $product = $_POST['product_data']; $result = $this->model_product->update_player_product($product); $binding = array("result_var" => "session_ready", "status_var" => $result); binding_data($binding); } else { transport("error404"); } } else { $binding = array("result_var" => "no_session"); binding_data($binding); } }
/** * retrieve player ranking and global ranking. * route : player */ public function retrieve_leaderboard() { if (Authenticate::is_player()) { if (isset($_POST['token']) && Authenticate::is_valid_token($_POST['token'])) { $this->model_leaderboard = Leaderboard::getInstance(); $player_ranking = $this->model_leaderboard->get_player_ranking(); $global_ranking = $this->model_leaderboard->get_global_ranking(); $binding = array("result_var" => "session_ready", "leaderboard_player_var" => json_encode($player_ranking), "leaderboard_global_var" => json_encode($global_ranking)); binding_data($binding); } else { transport("error404"); } } else { $binding = array("result_var" => "no_session"); binding_data($binding); } }
/** * Handle an incoming request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \Closure $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($request, \Closure $next) { if ($this->auth->guest()) { return parent::handle($request, $next); } // Last segment of the route name is the action, the rest is the resource $routeName = $request->route()->getName(); $pivot = strrpos($routeName, '.'); $resource = substr($routeName, 0, $pivot); $action = substr($routeName, $pivot + 1); if ($this->auth->user()->can($action, $resource)) { return $next($request); } $error = sprintf(_("Your user is not authorized to perform action '%s' on resource '%s'"), $action, $resource); if ($request->ajax()) { return response($error, 401); } \Session::flash('error', $error); return redirect()->route('home'); }
function preprocess() { $this->color = "coloredArea"; $this->heading = _("enter password"); $this->msg = _("confirm no sales"); if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput']) || isset($_REQUEST['userPassword'])) { $passwd = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput']) && !empty($_REQUEST['reginput'])) { $passwd = $_REQUEST['reginput']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['userPassword']) && !empty($_REQUEST['userPassword'])) { $passwd = $_REQUEST['userPassword']; } if (strtoupper($passwd) == "CL") { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); return False; } elseif (Authenticate::checkPassword($passwd)) { ReceiptLib::drawerKick(); if (CoreLocal::get('LoudLogins') == 1) { UdpComm::udpSend('twoPairs'); } $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); return false; } else { $this->color = "errorColoredArea"; $this->heading = _("re-enter password"); $this->msg = _("invalid password"); if (CoreLocal::get('LoudLogins') == 1) { UdpComm::udpSend('errorBeep'); } } } else { // beep on initial page load if (CoreLocal::get('LoudLogins') == 1) { UdpComm::udpSend('twoPairs'); } } return true; }
/** * save new achievement via REST. * role: player */ public function unlock_achievement() { if (Authenticate::is_player()) { if (isset($_POST['token']) && Authenticate::is_valid_token($_POST['token'])) { $this->model_achievement = Achievement::getInstance(); /* * populate type of achievement. * invoke method to unlock the achievement. * log this event about achievement earning. */ $achievement = $_POST["achievement"]; $result = $this->model_achievement->unlock_achievement($achievement); $log = Log::getInstance(); $log->logging_game_earn_achievement("Achievement id {$achievement}"); $binding = array("result_var" => "session_ready", "unlock_status" => $result); binding_data($binding); } else { transport("error404"); } } else { $binding = array("result_var" => "no_session"); binding_data($binding); } }
function preprocess() { $this->color = "coloredArea"; $this->img = $this->page_url . "graphics/key-icon.png"; $this->msg = _("please enter password"); if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput']) || isset($_REQUEST['scannerInput'])) { $passwd = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['reginput']) && !empty($_REQUEST['reginput'])) { $passwd = $_REQUEST['reginput']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['scannerInput']) && !empty($_REQUEST['scannerInput'])) { $passwd = $_REQUEST['scannerInput']; UdpComm::udpSend('goodBeep'); } if (Authenticate::checkPassword($passwd, 4)) { $this->change_page($this->page_url . "gui-modules/pos2.php"); return False; } else { $this->color = "errorColoredArea"; $this->img = $this->page_url . "graphics/redkey4.gif"; $this->msg = _("Password Invalid, Please Re-Enter"); } } return True; }