Exemple #1
 public function actionDelete($authItemName)
     $authItemName = trim($authItemName);
     if ($authItemName == '') {
         return $this->result = errorHandler()->logException(null, -1, 'XUSER_ERR_ROLE_NAME_EMPTY', array('message' => 'Role name is empty'));
     $authItem = AuthItem::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $authItemName));
     if (!is_object($authItem)) {
         return $this->result = errorHandler()->logException(null, -1, 'XUSER_ERR_ROLE_NOT_FOUND', array('message' => 'Role is not found'));
     // check if this role is system role
     if ($authItem->is_system == true) {
         return $this->result = errorHandler()->logException(null, -1, 'XUSER_ERR_ROLE_CANNOT_DELETE_BECAUSE_SYSTEM', array('message' => 'Cannot delete this role as it is a system role'));
     // check if this role is assigned to any user
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM "' . SITE_ID . '_authassignment" WHERE itemname = \'' . $authItem->name . '\'';
     $count = app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryScalar();
     if ($count > 0) {
         return $this->result = errorHandler()->logException(null, -1, 'XUSER_ERR_ROLE_CANNOT_DELETE_BECAUSE_ASSIGNED', array('message' => "Cannot delete this role as it's assigned to users"));
     // delete the role
     if (!$authItem->delete()) {
         return $this->result = errorHandler()->logException(null, -1, 'XUSER_ERR_ROLE_DELETE_FAILED', array('message' => 'Deleting the role has been failed'));
     return $this->result = array('result' => null, 'returnCode' => 1);
 public function checkAccess($item_name)
     //Если суперпользователь, то разрешено все
     if (isset(Yii::app()->user->role) && Yii::app()->user->role == AuthItem::ROLE_ROOT) {
         return true;
     $auth_item = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($item_name);
     if (!$auth_item) {
         Yii::log('Задача $item_name не найдена!');
         return false;
     if ($auth_item->allow_for_all) {
         return true;
     if ($auth_item->task) {
         if ($auth_item->task->allow_for_all) {
             return true;
         } elseif (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($auth_item->task->name)) {
             return true;
     } else {
         if (Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($auth_item->name)) {
             return true;
     return false;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return AuthItem the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 public static function newRoleId()
     $rows = AuthItem::model()->FindBySql('select CAST(SUBSTRING(name,11) as SIGNED INTEGER) + 1 AS name from AuthItem where name like "rolebyuser%" order by CAST(SUBSTRING(name,11) as SIGNED INTEGER) desc limit 1');
     $result = '1';
     if (count((array) $rows) > 0) {
         $result = $rows['name'];
     return $result;
 public function actionIndex()
     $moduleId = $this->get('id', '');
     $model = Module::model()->find('name = :name', array(':name' => $moduleId));
     if ($model && $this->generateRoutes($moduleId)) {
         $features = $this->getFeatures($moduleId);
     $roles = AuthItem::model()->findAll('type = 2');
     $this->render('index', array('model' => $model, 'features' => $features, 'roles' => $roles));
Exemple #6
 public function checkAccess($auth_item_name, $params = array(), $allow_caching = true)
     return true;
     if (Yii::app()->user->isRootRole()) {
         return true;
     $auth_item = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($auth_item_name);
     if ($auth_item && $auth_item['allow_for_all']) {
         return true;
     return parent::checkAccess($auth_item_name, $params, $allow_caching);
Exemple #7
 public function checkName()
     if ($this->isNewRecord) {
         if (AuthItem::model()->exists('name=LOWER(:name)', array(':name' => strtolower($this->name)))) {
             $this->addError('name', at('Sorry, That name is already in use.'));
     } else {
         if (AuthItem::model()->exists('name=LOWER(:name) AND id!=:id', array(':id' => $this->id, ':name' => strtolower($this->name)))) {
             $this->addError('name', at('Sorry, That name is already in use.'));
    public function loadModel($name)
        $model = AuthItem::model()->findByAttributes(array(
            'name' => $name,
            'type' => CAuthItem::TYPE_ROLE

        if (!$model)

        return $model;
 public function actionAssignment()
     $model = new Authassignment();
     if (isset($_POST['Authassignment'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Authassignment'];
         if ($model->validate()) {
             //$this->redirect(array('view','itemname'=>$model->itemname, 'userid'=>$model->userid));
             $auth = Yii::app()->authManager;
             $auth->assign($model->itemname, $model->userid, $model->bizrule, $model->data);
     $user = User::model()->findAll();
     $item = AuthItem::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'type=2'));
     $this->render('assignment', array('model' => $model, 'user' => $user, 'item' => $item));
  * 删除所有的action操作
  * 写着玩的,不可随意执行,会把所有的operation删掉,并且删除这么operation和用户、角色之间的所有关系
  * 但是也可以随便执行,因为AR模式在这里执行不了,提供个思路,哈哈。
 public function clearOpers()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = "type = 0";
     $actions = AuthItem::model()->findAll($criteria);
     foreach ($actions as $key => $action) {
         $criteria_child = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria_child->condition = "child = '{$action->name}'";
         $flag = ItemChildren::model()->deleteAll($criteria_child);
         if ($flag > 0) {
             if ($action->delete()) {
                 echo "{$action->name} delete success\n";
             } else {
                 echo "{$action->name} delete failed\n";
Exemple #11
  * Загрузка данных из бд и распределение их по спискам
 private function getData()
     $userAssign = CHtml::listData(AuthAssignment::model()->findAllByAttributes(['userid' => $this->user->id]), 'itemname', 'userid');
     $authItems = AuthItem::model()->findAll(['order' => 'type DESC, description ASC']);
     foreach ((array) $authItems as $item) {
         $this->itemsGroupedByTypes[$item->type][$item->name] = $item;
         $this->itemsList[$item->name] = $item;
         // если проверять каждый элемент, то генерируется огромное количество запросов, но получается правильное дерево с отмеченными дочерними элементами
         // созможно стоит при сохранении ролей что-то придумать
         $this->permissionList[$item->name] = isset($userAssign[$item->name]);
         //Yii::app()->authManager->checkAccess($item->name, $this->user->id);
     $authItemsChild = AuthItemChild::model()->findAll();
     foreach ((array) $authItemsChild as $item) {
         $this->hierarchy[$item->parent][] = $item->child;
         $this->wereChildren[] = $item->child;
Exemple #12
  * Check if we have the access keys in the db
 public function checkAccess($operation, $params = array())
     // First make sure we haven't already added it
     // without looking in the db
     $missingRoles = array();
     if (Yii::app()->cache) {
         $missingRoles = Yii::app()->cache->get('missing_roles');
         if ($missingRoles === false) {
             $missingRoles = array();
     // Do we have that roles in the array
     if (!in_array($operation, $missingRoles)) {
         // We don't so look up the db
         $roleExists = AuthItem::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $operation));
         if (!$roleExists) {
             // Figure out the type first
             if (strpos($operation, 'op_') !== false) {
                 $type = CAuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION;
             } elseif (strpos($operation, 'task_') !== false) {
                 $type = CAuthItem::TYPE_TASK;
             } else {
                 $type = CAuthItem::TYPE_ROLE;
             // Create new auth item
             Yii::app()->authManager->createAuthItem($operation, $type, $operation, null, null);
         $missingRoles[$operation] = $operation;
         // Save
         if (Yii::app()->cache) {
             Yii::app()->cache->set('missing_roles', $missingRoles);
     // In case we are in debug mode then return true all the time
     if (YII_DEBUG) {
         return true;
     // Return parent check access
     return parent::checkAccess($operation, $params);
 protected function getModulesTasks()
     $tasks = array();
     $modules = AppManager::getModulesNames();
     foreach ($modules as $module_name => $module_desc) {
         $operations = array();
         $module_actions = AppManager::getModuleActions(ucfirst($module_name) . 'Module');
         foreach ($module_actions as $controller => $actions) {
             $prefix = str_replace('Controller', '', $controller);
             foreach ($actions as $name => $description) {
                 $name = $prefix . '_' . $name;
                 $exists = AuthItem::model()->exists(" name = '{$name}' AND type = '" . CAuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION . "'");
                 $operations[] = array('name' => $name, 'description' => $description, 'exists' => $exists);
         $exists = AuthItem::model()->exists(" name = '{$module_name}' AND type = '" . CAuthItem::TYPE_TASK . "'");
         $tasks[] = array('exists' => $exists, 'name' => $module_name, 'description' => $module_desc, 'operations' => $operations);
     return $tasks;
    function actionTest1()
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
        $criteria->select = array('name', 'description');
        $criteria->with = array('authassignments' => array('select' => array('itemname', 'IF(name = itemname,true,false) AS Checked'), 'joinType' => 'LEFT JOIN', 'on' => 'itemname = name and userid = :userid', 'params' => array(':userid' => '1')));
        $criteria->condition = 'type = 2';
        //  $rows = AuthItem::model()->with(array('authassignments'=>array('together'=>false)))->FindAll();
        //  $rows = AuthAssignment::model()->with('users','authitems','authitems.authitemchildren')->FindAll();
        //  $rows  = User::model()->with('authitems')->FindAll();
        $rows = AuthItem::model()->with('authassignments')->FindAll();
        //  var_dump($rows[1]['authassignments']);
        $connection = Yii::app()->db;
        $sql = 'SELECT ai.NAME,
IF (ai.NAME = itemname,true,false) AS Checked
FROM AuthItemChild RIGHT JOIN AuthItem ai ON parent = NAME LEFT JOIN AuthAssignment ON itemname = ai.NAME AND userid = 1 WHERE (
NOT parent IN (
SELECT b.child
FROM AuthItemChild b
OR (parent IS NULL)
AND ai.type = 2
        $command = $connection->createCommand();
        $command->select(['NAME', 'description', 'itemname', 'IF (NAME = itemname,true,false) AS Checked'])->from(['AuthItem'])->leftJoin('AuthItemChild', 'parent = NAME')->leftJoin('AuthAssignment', ['and', 'itemname = NAME', 'userid = :userid'], [':userid' => '1'])->andWhere('not parent in (SELECT b.child FROM AuthItemChild b ) OR (parent IS NULL)')->andWhere('type=:type', [':type' => '2'])->group(['NAME'])->order(['NAME']);
        $rows = [];
        $rows = $command->queryAll();
        //  var_dump($rows);
        // Print Rows
        if (count((array) $rows) > 0) {
            echo '<table style="border-collapse: collapse;"><tbody>';
            echo '<tr>';
            foreach (array_keys($rows[0]) as $field) {
                echo '<th style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; min-width: 50px;">' . $field . '</th>';
            echo '</tr>';
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                echo '<tr>';
                foreach ($row as $cell) {
                    echo '<td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; min-width: 50px;">' . $cell . '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
            echo '</tbody></table>';
        } else {
            echo 'empty rows';
        /*     if (count((array) $rows) > 0) {
               echo '<table style="border-collapse: collapse;"><tbody>';
               echo '<tr>';
               foreach (array_keys($rows[0]->attributes) as $field)
               echo '<th style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; min-width: 50px;">' . $field . '</th>';
               echo '</tr>';
               foreach ($rows as $row) {
               echo '<tr>';
               foreach ($row->attributes as $cell)
               echo '<td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; min-width: 50px;">' . $cell . '</td>';
               echo '</tr>';
               echo '</tbody></table>';
               } else
               echo 'empty rows'; */
 public function actionListAuthItem($userid)
     $this->renderPartial('../item/_authitem_opt', array('authItem' => AuthItem::model()->listNotAssignedItem($userid)));
Exemple #16
  * Checks if srbac is installed by checking if Auth items table exists.
  * @return boolean Whether srbac is installed or not
 public function isInstalled()
     try {
         $tables = Yii::app()->authManager->db->schema->tableNames;
         $tableName = AuthItem::model()->tableName();
         $tablePrefix = AuthItem::model()->getDbConnection()->tablePrefix;
         if (!is_null($tablePrefix)) {
             $tableName = preg_replace('/{{(.*?)}}/', $tablePrefix . '\\1', $tableName);
         if (in_array($tableName, $tables)) {
             return true;
         return false;
     } catch (CDbException $ex) {
         return false;

 * OpenEyes
 * (C) Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 2008-2011
 * (C) OpenEyes Foundation, 2011-2013
 * This file is part of OpenEyes.
 * OpenEyes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenEyes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenEyes in a file titled COPYING. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @package OpenEyes
 * @link http://www.openeyes.org.uk
 * @author OpenEyes <*****@*****.**>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2013, OpenEyes Foundation
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html The GNU General Public License V3.0
$htmlOptions = @$disabled ? array('disabled' => 'disabled') : array();
if (isset($params['empty'])) {
    $htmlOptions['empty'] = $params['empty'];
$value = $row ? $row->{$params['field']} : '';
$data = AuthItem::model()->findAll(array('condition' => 'type=2', 'order' => 'name asc'));
echo CHtml::dropDownList($params['field'] . "[{$i}]", $value, CHtml::listData($data, 'name', 'name'), $htmlOptions);
Exemple #18
  * @desc addassignments
 public function actionManage()
     // get changable collumnnames
     $colUsername = Yii::app()->controller->module->columnUsername;
     $colUserid = Yii::app()->controller->module->columnUserid;
     // check access to view
     $this->checkAccess('RbacAssignmentViewer', true);
     if (isset($_GET['userid'])) {
         // warn if user is protected
         if (in_array($_GET['userid'], $this->protectedUsers)) {
             $this->messageWarnings[] = "Warning! User is protected by Controller";
         // user must exist
         if ($user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array("{$colUserid}" => urldecode($_GET['userid'])))) {
             $this->manageUser = $user;
         } else {
             throw new CHttpException("Selected User " . urldecode($_GET['username']) . " does not exist");
     } elseif (isset($_POST['userid'])) {
         // check access for edit assignments
         $this->checkAccess('RbacAssignmentEditor', true);
         if (in_array($_POST['userid'], $this->protectedUsers)) {
             $this->messageErrors[] = "Sorry, User is protected by Controller";
         $username = $_POST['username'];
         $userid = (int) $_POST['userid'];
         if (!($user = User::model()->findByAttributes(array("{$colUserid}" => $userid)))) {
             throw new CHttpException("Managed User {$username} does not exist");
         // add selected assignments
         if (isset($_POST['addAssignments'])) {
             // fill bizRule with deny-always code if selected from user
             $bizRule = isset($_POST['secureMode']) ? 'return false;' : '';
             foreach ($_POST['addAssignments'] as $itemname) {
                 // add default code to bizRule if selected
                 if (isset($_POST['addData'])) {
                     $item = AuthItem::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $itemname));
                     $bizRule .= $item->data;
                 // add assignment
                 $assignment = new AuthAssignment();
                 $assignment->attributes = array('userid' => $userid, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'bizrule' => $bizRule, 'data' => '');
                 if (!$assignment->validate()) {
                     throw new CHttpException("New Assignment validation Error");
                 $this->messageSuccess[] = "Assignment {$itemname} succesfull added.";
         // remove selected assignments
         if (isset($_POST['removeAssignments'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['removeAssignments'] as $itemname) {
                 $assignment = AuthAssignment::model()->findByAttributes(array('userid' => $userid, 'itemname' => $itemname));
                 $this->messageSuccess[] = "Assignment {$itemname} succesfull removed.";
         $this->manageUser = $user;
     } else {
     $this->manageUser = $user;
     $displayHelper = new RBACDisplayHelper($this, 'renderItemAssign');
     $this->doRender('manage', array('displayHelper' => $displayHelper, 'manageUser' => $this->manageUser, 'getVars' => $this->getGetVars()));
Exemple #19
  * Checks if srbac is installed by checking if Auth items table exists.
  * @return boolean Whether srbac is installed or not
 public function isInstalled()
     try {
         $tables = Yii::app()->authManager->db->schema->tableNames;
         $itemTableName = Yii::app()->authManager->itemTable;
         $itemChildTableName = Yii::app()->authManager->itemChildTable;
         $assignmentTableName = Yii::app()->authManager->assignmentTable;
         $tablePrefix = AuthItem::model()->getDbConnection()->tablePrefix;
         if (!is_null($tablePrefix)) {
             $itemTableName = preg_replace('/{{(.*?)}}/', $tablePrefix . '\\1', $itemTableName);
             $itemChildTableName = preg_replace('/{{(.*?)}}/', $tablePrefix . '\\1', $itemChildTableName);
             $assignmentTableName = preg_replace('/{{(.*?)}}/', $tablePrefix . '\\1', $assignmentTableName);
         if (in_array($itemTableName, $tables) && in_array($itemChildTableName, $tables) && in_array($assignmentTableName, $tables)) {
             return true;
         } else {
             $tables = array_map('strtolower', $tables);
             if (in_array(strtolower($itemTableName), $tables) && in_array(strtolower($itemChildTableName), $tables) && in_array(strtolower($assignmentTableName), $tables)) {
                 $this->_message = self::TABLE_NAMES_ERROR;
                 return true;
         return false;
     } catch (CDbException $ex) {
         return false;
Exemple #20
  * Return the operations not assigned to a task by getting all the operations
  * and removing those assigned to the task, or all the operations if no task
  * is provided
  * @param string $name The name of the task
  * @param boolean $clever Use clever Assigning
  * @return array An array of operations(AuthItems) not assigned to the task
 public static function getTaskNotAssignedOpers($name, $clever = false)
     $tasks = new CDbCriteria();
     $tasks->condition = "type=" . CAuthItem::TYPE_OPERATION;
     if ($clever) {
         $p[0] = "/Viewing/";
         $p[1] = "/Administrating/";
         $r[0] = "";
         $r[1] = "";
         $cleverName = preg_replace($p, $r, $name);
         $len = strlen($cleverName);
         $tasks->addCondition("LEFT(name," . $len . ") = '" . $cleverName . "'");
     $final = array();
     if ($name) {
         $na = AuthItem::model()->findAll($tasks);
     } else {
         return AuthItem::model()->findAll($tasks);
     $as = self::getTaskAssignedOpers($name, $clever);
     foreach ($na as $n) {
         $exists = false;
         foreach ($as as $a) {
             if ($a['name'] == $n['name']) {
                 $exists = true;
         if (!$exists) {
             $final[] = $n;
     return $final === null ? array() : $final;
Exemple #21
  * @desc 
  * @param unknown_type $model
  * @param unknown_type $attributes
  * @param unknown_type $oldName
 private function _updateItem($attributes, $oldName)
     if (in_array($oldName, $this->protectedItems) || in_array($attributes['name'], $this->protectedItems)) {
         $this->messageErrors[] = "Sorry, Item is protected by Controller";
     if (!($item = AuthItem::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $oldName)))) {
         $this->messageErrors[] = "Edit Error: Update Item does not exist";
     if ($attributes['type'] == 0 && $item->type > 0) {
         if (count(AuthItemChild::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('parent' => $oldName)))) {
             $this->messageErrors[] = "Type <i>Action</i> can't have Childs.<br/>Please eject Childs from <i>{$oldName}</i> before switch type to <i>Operation</i>";
             $this->editItem = $item;
     if ($attributes['name'] != $oldName) {
         if (AuthItem::model()->findByAttributes(array('name' => $attributes['name']))) {
             $this->messageErrors[] = "Create Error: New Item <i>{$_POST['editItem']['name']}</i> already exists";
         $item->attributes = $attributes;
         // update RBAC-Tree AuthItemChild bindings in parent
         $newName = $attributes['name'];
         $treeItems = AuthItemChild::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('parent' => $oldName));
         foreach ($treeItems as $treeItem) {
             $treeItem->parent = $newName;
         // update RBAC-Tree AuthItemChild bindings in child
         $treeItems = AuthItemChild::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('child' => $oldName));
         foreach ($treeItems as $treeItem) {
             $treeItem->child = $newName;
         // update AuthAssignment bindings in itemname
         $assignments = AuthAssignment::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('itemname' => $oldName));
         foreach ($assignments as $assignment) {
             $assignment->itemname = $newName;
     } else {
         // simple update if primary key is same
         $item->attributes = $attributes;
     $this->messageSuccess[] = "Item " . (!isset($newName) ? $oldName : $newName) . " successfull updated.";
 public function getListaRoles()
     return CHtml::listData(AuthItem::model()->findAll(), 'name', 'name');
Exemple #23
echo CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'email', array('class' => 'validate[required,custom[email]]'));
echo CHtml::error($model, 'email');
			<div class="clear"></div>
			<hr />

			<div class="grid-3-12"><?php 
echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($model, 'role');
			<div class="grid-9-12">
echo CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'role', CHtml::listData(AuthItem::model()->findAll('type=:type', array(':type' => CAuthItem::TYPE_ROLE)), 'name', 'name'), array('data-placeholder' => at('Please select one...'), 'prompt' => '', 'class' => 'chzn-select validate[required]'));
echo CHtml::error($model, 'role');
			<div class="clear"></div>
			<hr />

			<div class="grid-3-12"><?php 
echo CHtml::activeLabelEx($model, 'new_password');
			<div class="grid-9-12">
echo CHtml::activePasswordField($model, 'new_password', array('class' => 'validate[minSize[6]]'));
  * Edit category action
 public function actioneditcategory()
     // Perms
     if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('op_extensions_editcats')) {
         throw new CHttpException(403, Yii::t('error', 'Sorry, You don\'t have the required permissions to enter this section'));
     if (isset($_GET['id']) && ($model = ExtensionsCats::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']))) {
         if (isset($_POST['ExtensionsCats'])) {
             $model->attributes = $_POST['ExtensionsCats'];
             if ($model->save()) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('extensions', 'Category Updated.'));
         $roles = AuthItem::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'type DESC, name ASC'));
         $_roles = array();
         if (count($roles)) {
             foreach ($roles as $role) {
                 $_roles[AuthItem::model()->types[$role->type]][$role->name] = $role->name;
         // Parent list
         $parents = array();
         $parentlist = ExtensionsCats::model()->getRootCats();
         if (count($parentlist)) {
             foreach ($parentlist as $row) {
                 $parents[$row->id] = $row->title;
         // Parse language selections and perms
         $model->language = $model->language ? explode(',', $model->language) : $model->language;
         $model->viewperms = $model->viewperms ? explode(',', $model->viewperms) : $model->viewperms;
         $model->addpostsperms = $model->addpostsperms ? explode(',', $model->addpostsperms) : $model->addpostsperms;
         $model->addcommentsperms = $model->addcommentsperms ? explode(',', $model->addcommentsperms) : $model->addcommentsperms;
         $model->addfilesperms = $model->addfilesperms ? explode(',', $model->addfilesperms) : $model->addfilesperms;
         $model->autoaddperms = $model->autoaddperms ? explode(',', $model->autoaddperms) : $model->autoaddperms;
         $this->breadcrumbs[Yii::t('extensions', 'Editing Category')] = '';
         $this->pageTitle[] = Yii::t('extensions', 'Editing Category');
         // Render
         $this->render('category_form', array('model' => $model, 'parents' => $parents, 'roles' => $_roles, 'label' => Yii::t('extensions', 'Editing Category')));
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('extensions', 'Category was not found.'));
 public function actionSaveAllowed()
     if (!Helper::isAlwaysAllowedFileWritable()) {
         echo Helper::translate("srbac", "The always allowed file is not writable by the server") . "<br />";
         echo "File : " . $this->module->getAlwaysAllowedFile();
     $allowed = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $controller) {
         foreach ($controller as $action) {
             //Delete items
             $auth = AuthItem::model()->findByPk($action);
             if ($auth !== null) {
             $allowed[] = $action;
     $handle = fopen($this->module->getAlwaysAllowedFile(), "wb");
     fwrite($handle, "<?php \n return array(\n\t'" . implode("',\n\t'", $allowed) . "'\n);\n?>");
     $this->renderPartial("saveAllowed", array("allowed" => $allowed));
Exemple #26

$this->breadcrumbs = [Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Actions') => ['index'], Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Manage')];
$this->menu = [['label' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Roles'), 'items' => [['icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt', 'label' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Manage roles'), 'url' => ['/rbac/rbacBackend/index']], ['icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-plus-square', 'label' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Create role'), 'url' => ['/rbac/rbacBackend/create']]]], ['label' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Users'), 'items' => [['icon' => 'fa fa-fw fa-list-alt', 'label' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Users'), 'url' => ['/rbac/rbacBackend/userList']]]]];

echo Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Manage items');

$this->widget('yupe\\widgets\\CustomGridView', ['id' => 'auth-item-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'actionsButtons' => [CHtml::link(Yii::t('YupeModule.yupe', 'Add'), ['/rbac/rbacBackend/create'], ['class' => 'btn btn-success pull-right btn-sm'])], 'columns' => [['class' => 'CCheckBoxColumn'], ['name' => 'name', 'value' => 'CHtml::link($data->name, array("/rbac/rbacBackend/update", "id" => $data->name))', 'type' => 'html'], ['name' => 'description', 'class' => 'bootstrap.widgets.TbEditableColumn', 'headerHtmlOptions' => ['style' => 'width:500px'], 'editable' => ['type' => 'text', 'url' => ['/rbac/rbacBackend/inlineEdit'], 'title' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Enter {field}', ['{field}' => mb_strtolower($model->getAttributeLabel('description'))]), 'params' => [Yii::app()->request->csrfTokenName => Yii::app()->request->csrfToken]], 'filter' => CHtml::activeTextField($model, 'description', ['class' => 'form-control'])], ['name' => 'type', 'filter' => CHtml::activeDropDownList($model, 'type', AuthItem::model()->getTypeList(), ['class' => 'form-control', 'empty' => '']), 'value' => '$data->getType()', 'class' => 'bootstrap.widgets.TbEditableColumn', 'editable' => ['url' => $this->createUrl('/rbac/rbacBackend/inlineEdit'), 'mode' => 'popup', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => Yii::t('RbacModule.rbac', 'Select {field}', ['{field}' => mb_strtolower($model->getAttributeLabel('type'))]), 'source' => AuthItem::model()->getTypeList(), 'params' => [Yii::app()->request->csrfTokenName => Yii::app()->request->csrfToken]], 'type' => 'raw'], ['class' => 'yupe\\widgets\\CustomButtonColumn']]]);
  * adding auth item child relationships
 public function actionAddItemChild()
     // Check Access
     $model = new AuthItemChild();
     $roles = AuthItem::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'type DESC, name ASC'));
     $_roles = array();
     if (count($roles)) {
         foreach ($roles as $role) {
             $_roles[AuthItem::model()->types[$role->type]][$role->name] = $role->description . ' (' . $role->name . ')';
     // Did we choose a parent already?
     if (isset($_GET['parent']) && $_GET['parent'] != '') {
         $model->parent = $_GET['parent'];
     if (isset($_POST['AuthItemChild'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['AuthItemChild']['child']) && count($_POST['AuthItemChild']['child'])) {
             // We need to delete all child items selected up until now
             $existsalready = AuthItemChild::model()->findAll('parent=:parent', array(':parent' => $model->parent));
             if (count($existsalready)) {
                 foreach ($existsalready as $existitem) {
                     Yii::app()->authManager->removeItemChild($existitem->parent, $existitem->child);
             $added = 0;
             foreach ($_POST['AuthItemChild']['child'] as $childItem) {
                 $model->child = $childItem;
                 if ($model->validate()) {
             // Get model parent
             $authItem = AuthItem::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $model->parent));
             fok(at('{number} Child item(s) Added.', array('{number}' => $added)));
             // Log Message
             alog(at("Added {number} child items for {name}", array('{number}' => $added, '{name}' => $model->parent)));
             if ($authItem) {
                 $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $authItem->id, '#' => 'tabs-2'));
             } else {
     // Selected values
     $selected = AuthItemChild::model()->findAll('parent=:parent', array(':parent' => $model->parent));
     $_selected = array();
     if (count($selected)) {
         foreach ($selected as $select) {
             $_selected[] = $select->child;
     $model->child = $_selected;
     // Add Breadcrumb
     $this->addBreadCrumb(at('Adding Child Permissions'));
     $this->title[] = at('Adding Child Permissions');
     $this->render('child_form', array('model' => $model, 'roles' => $_roles));
 protected function getItem($name = null)
     if (isset($name)) {
         $this->_model = AuthItem::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $name));
     } elseif ($name = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('name')) {
         $this->_model = AuthItem::model()->find('name=:name', array(':name' => $name));
     if ($this->_model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $this->_model;
Exemple #29

$roles = AuthItem::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('type' => CAuthItem::TYPE_ROLE));
return array('activeForm' => array('id' => 'user-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => true, 'clientOptions' => array('validateOnSubmit' => true)), 'elements' => array('email' => array('type' => 'text'), 'name' => array('type' => 'text'), 'birthdate' => array('type' => 'date'), 'gender' => array('type' => 'dropdownlist', 'items' => User::$gender_options), 'about_self' => array('type' => 'textarea'), 'photo' => array('type' => 'file'), 'status' => array('type' => 'dropdownlist', 'items' => User::$status_options), 'role' => array('type' => 'dropdownlist', 'items' => CHtml::listData($roles, 'name', 'description')), 'password' => array('type' => 'password'), 'password_c' => array('type' => 'password')), 'buttons' => array('submit' => array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => 'сохранить')));
 public function safeDown()