Exemple #1
     $wrkForm['wrkPrivFbk'] = $san->sanitize($_REQUEST['wrkPrivFbk']);
 } else {
     $wrkForm['wrkPrivFbk'] = '';
 // no need to check and/or upload the file if there is already an error
 if ($formCorrectlySent) {
     $wrkForm['filename'] = '';
     if (isset($_FILES['wrkFile']['tmp_name']) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES['wrkFile']['tmp_name']) && $assignmentContent != "TEXT") {
         if ($_FILES['wrkFile']['size'] > $fileAllowedSize) {
             $dialogBox->error(get_lang('You didnt choose any file to send, or it is too big'));
             $formCorrectlySent = false;
         } else {
             $newFilename = $_FILES['wrkFile']['name'] . add_extension_for_uploaded_file($_FILES['wrkFile']);
             $newFilename = replace_dangerous_char($newFilename);
             $newFilename = get_secure_file_name($newFilename);
             $wrkForm['filename'] = $assignment->createUniqueFilename($newFilename);
             if (!is_dir($assignment->getAssigDirSys())) {
                 claro_mkdir($assignment->getAssigDirSys(), CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
             if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['wrkFile']['tmp_name'], $assignment->getAssigDirSys() . $wrkForm['filename'])) {
                 chmod($assignment->getAssigDirSys() . $wrkForm['filename'], CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
             } else {
                 $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Cannot copy the file'));
                 $formCorrectlySent = false;
             // remove the previous file if there was one
             if (isset($_REQUEST['currentWrkUrl'])) {
                 @unlink($assignment->getAssigDirSys() . $_REQUEST['currentWrkUrl']);
     } elseif ($assignmentContent == "FILE") {
Exemple #2
 if ($_FILES['autoFeedbackFilename']['size'] > $fileAllowedSize) {
     $dialogBox->error(get_lang('You didnt choose any file to send, or file is too big'));
     $formCorrectlySent = false;
     $autoFeedbackFilename = $assignment->getAutoFeedbackFilename();
 } else {
     // add file extension if it doesn't have one
     $newFileName = $_FILES['autoFeedbackFilename']['name'];
     $newFileName .= add_extension_for_uploaded_file($_FILES['autoFeedbackFilename']);
     // Replace dangerous characters
     $newFileName = replace_dangerous_char($newFileName);
     // Transform any .php file in .phps fo security
     $newFileName = get_secure_file_name($newFileName);
     // -- create a unique file name to avoid any conflict
     // there can be only one automatic feedback but the file is put in the
     // assignments directory
     $autoFeedbackFilename = $assignment->createUniqueFilename($newFileName);
     $tmpWorkUrl = $assignment->getAssigDirSys() . $autoFeedbackFilename;
     if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['autoFeedbackFilename']['tmp_name'], $tmpWorkUrl)) {
         chmod($tmpWorkUrl, CLARO_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
     } else {
         $dialogBox->error(get_lang('Cannot copy the file'));
         $formCorrectlySent = false;
     // remove the previous file if there was one
     if ($assignment->getAutoFeedbackFilename() != '') {
         if (file_exists($assignment->getAssigDirSys() . $assignment->getAutoFeedbackFilename())) {
             claro_delete_file($assignment->getAssigDirSys() . $assignment->getAutoFeedbackFilename());
     // else : file sending shows no error
     // $formCorrectlySent stay true;