Exemple #1
    function ScheduleView ($start_hour = 8, $end_hour = 20, $show_columns = false,  $start_date = false) {


        if (!$show_columns) {
            for($i = 1; $i < 8; ++$i) $this->show_columns[$i] = true;
        } else
            $this->show_columns = $show_columns;

        if ($start_date)
            $this->start_date = $start_date;
            $this->start_date = time();

        //the base_date have to be 0:00
        $this->base_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("n", $this->start_date), date("j",$this->start_date),  date("Y",$this->start_date));

        //the categories configuration (color's and bg-image)
        $this->categories = array(
            "0" => array("bg-picture"   => Assets::image_path('calendar/category3_small.jpg'),
                         "border-color" => "#b02e7c"),  // is now obsolete
            "1" => array("bg-picture"   => Assets::image_path('calendar/category5_small.jpg'),
                         "border-color" => "#f26e00"),
            "2" => array("bg-picture"   => Assets::image_path('calendar/category9_small.jpg'),
                         "border-color" => "#ffbd33"),
            "3" => array("bg-picture"   => Assets::image_path('calendar/category11_small.jpg'),
                         "border-color" => "#a480b9"),
            "4" => array("bg-picture"   => Assets::image_path('calendar/category13_small.jpg'),
                         "border-color" => "#70c3bf"));
 public function __construct()
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("root")) {
         $processes = FleximportProcess::findBySQL("1=1 ORDER BY name ASC");
         $navigation = new Navigation($this->getDisplayName());
         $navigation->setURL(PluginEngine::getURL($this, array(), 'import/overview' . (count($processes) ? "/" . $processes[0]['process_id'] : "")));
         Navigation::addItem('/start/fleximport', $navigation);
         Navigation::addItem('/fleximport', $navigation);
         if (count($processes)) {
             foreach ($processes as $process) {
                 $navigation = new Navigation($process['name'], PluginEngine::getURL($this, array(), 'import/overview/' . $process->getId()));
                 Navigation::addItem('/fleximport/process_' . $process->getId(), $navigation);
         } else {
             $navigation = new Navigation(_("Import"), PluginEngine::getURL($this, array(), 'import/overview'));
             Navigation::addItem('/fleximport/overview', $navigation);
         $navigation = new Navigation(_("Konfiguration"), PluginEngine::getURL($this, array(), 'config/overview'));
         Navigation::addItem('/fleximport/config', $navigation);
         if (FleximportConfig::get("DISPLAY_AT_HEADER")) {
             if (is_numeric(FleximportConfig::get("DISPLAY_AT_HEADER"))) {
                 Navigation::getItem('/fleximport')->setImage(version_compare($GLOBALS['SOFTWARE_VERSION'], "3.4", ">=") ? Icon::create("install", "navigation") : Assets::image_path("icons/lightblue/install.svg"));
             } else {
                 Navigation::getItem('/fleximport')->setImage(version_compare($GLOBALS['SOFTWARE_VERSION'], "3.4", ">=") ? Icon::create(FleximportConfig::get("DISPLAY_AT_HEADER"), "navigation") : FleximportConfig::get("DISPLAY_AT_HEADER"));
Exemple #3
* create xml_header
* This function creates a xml-header for output.
* Its contents are Name of University, Stud.IP-Version, Range of Export (e.g. "root"), and temporal range.
* @access   public
* @return       string  xml-header
function xml_header()
global $UNI_NAME_CLEAN, $SOFTWARE_VERSION, $ex_type, $ex_sem, $range_name, $range_id;
    $semester = $ex_sem ? Semester::find($ex_sem) : Semester::findCurrent();
    $xml_tag_string = "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
    $xml_tag_string .= "<studip version=\"" . xml_escape ($SOFTWARE_VERSION) . "\" logo=\"". xml_escape (Assets::image_path('logos/logo2b.png')) . "\"";
    if ($range_id == "root") $xml_tag_string .= " range=\"" . _("Alle Einrichtungen") . "\"";
    elseif ($range_name != "") $xml_tag_string .= " range=\"" . xml_escape ($range_name) . "\"";
    if ($UNI_NAME_CLEAN != "") $xml_tag_string .= " uni=\"" . xml_escape ($UNI_NAME_CLEAN) . "\"";
    if ($semester)
        $xml_tag_string .= " zeitraum=\"" . xml_escape ($semester->name) . "\" semester_id=\"" . xml_escape ($semester->getId()) . "\"";
    $xml_tag_string .= ">\n";
    return $xml_tag_string;
Exemple #4
  * Initialize default page layout. This should only be called once
  * from phplib_local.inc.php. Don't use this otherwise.
 public static function initialize()
     // set favicon
     self::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'apple-touch-icon', 'href' => Assets::image_path('touch-icon-ipad3.png'), 'size' => '144x144'));
     self::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'apple-touch-icon', 'href' => Assets::image_path('touch-icon-iphone4.png'), 'size' => '114x114'));
     self::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'apple-touch-icon', 'href' => Assets::image_path('touch-icon-ipad.png'), 'size' => '72x72'));
     self::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'apple-touch-icon', 'href' => Assets::image_path('touch-icon-iphone.png')));
     self::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'shortcut icon', 'href' => Assets::image_path('favicon.png')));
     // set initial width for mobile devices
     self::addHeadElement('meta', array('name' => 'viewport', 'content' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'));
     // include ie-specific CSS
     self::addComment('[if IE]>' . Assets::stylesheet('ie.css', array('media' => 'screen,print')) . '<![endif]');
     self::addHeadElement('link', array('rel' => 'help', 'href' => format_help_url('Basis.VerschiedenesFormat'), 'class' => 'text-format', 'title' => _('Hilfe zur Textformatierung')));
     if (Config::get()->WYSIWYG) {
 function __construct()
     require_once 'polyfills/Button.php';
     require_once 'polyfills/LinkButton.php';
     PageLayout::addStylesheet($this->getPluginURL() . '/polyfills/buttons.css');
     $navigation = new AutoNavigation(_('Plugin-Generator'));
     $navigation->setURL(PluginEngine::GetLink($this, array(), ''));
     Navigation::addItem('/tools/plugingenerator', $navigation);
             $navigation = new AutoNavigation(_('Plugin-Generator'));
             $navigation->setURL(PluginEngine::GetLink($this, array(), ''));
             Navigation::addItem('/plugingenerator/index', $navigation);
             $navigation = new AutoNavigation(_('Tools'));
             $navigation->setURL(PluginEngine::GetLink($this, array(), 'tools'));
             Navigation::addItem('/plugingenerator/tools', $navigation);
Exemple #6
 private function setupNavigation()
     global $perm;
     $cid = $this->getContext();
     if (Request::isXhr() || Navigation::hasItem('/course/cliqr') || !$this->isActivated($cid) || !$perm->have_studip_perm("tutor", $cid)) {
     # /course/cliqr -> plugins.php/cliqrplugin/questions
     $url = PluginEngine::getURL('cliqrplugin', compact('cid'), 'questions', true);
     $navigation = new Navigation(_('Cliqr'), $url);
     # /course/cliqr/index -> plugins.php/cliqrplugin/questions#index
     $navigation->addSubNavigation("index", new Navigation(_("Fragen"), $url . '#index'));
     # /course/cliqr/new -> plugins.php/cliqrplugin/questions#new
     $navigation->addSubNavigation("new", new Navigation(_("Frage erstellen"), $url . '#new'));
     # /course/cliqr/help -> plugins.php/cliqrplugin/help
     $url = PluginEngine::getURL('cliqrplugin', compact('cid'), 'help', true);
     $navigation->addSubNavigation("help", new Navigation(_("Methodische Informationen"), $url));
     Navigation::addItem('/course/cliqr', $navigation);
Exemple #7
 public function answer_action($questionnaire_id)
     $this->questionnaire = new Questionnaire($questionnaire_id);
     if (!$this->questionnaire->isViewable()) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException("Der Fragebogen ist nicht einsehbar.");
     if (Request::isPost()) {
         $answered_before = $this->questionnaire->isAnswered();
         foreach ($this->questionnaire->questions as $question) {
             $answer = $question->createAnswer();
             if (!$answer['question_id']) {
                 $answer['question_id'] = $question->getId();
             $answer['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
             if (!$answer['answerdata']) {
                 $answer['answerdata'] = array();
             if ($this->questionnaire['anonymous']) {
                 $answer['user_id'] = null;
                 $answer['chdate'] = 1;
                 $answer['mkdate'] = 1;
         if ($this->questionnaire['anonymous']) {
             $anonymous_answer = new QuestionnaireAnonymousAnswer();
             $anonymous_answer['questionnaire_id'] = $this->questionnaire->getId();
             $anonymous_answer['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
         if (!$answered_before && !$this->questionnaire['anonymous'] && $this->questionnaire['user_id'] !== $GLOBALS['user']->id) {
             $url = URLHelper::getURL("dispatch.php/questionnaire/evaluate/" . $this->questionnaire->getId(), array(), true);
             foreach ($this->questionnaire->assignments as $assignment) {
                 if ($assignment['range_type'] === "course") {
                     $url = URLHelper::getURL("dispatch.php/course/overview#" . $this->questionnaire->getId(), array('cid' => $assignment['range_id'], 'contentbox_type' => "vote", 'contentbox_open' => $this->questionnaire->getId()));
                 } elseif ($assignment['range_type'] === "profile") {
                     $url = URLHelper::getURL("dispatch.php/profile#" . $this->questionnaire->getId(), array('contentbox_type' => "vote", 'contentbox_open' => $this->questionnaire->getId()), true);
                 } elseif ($assignment['range_type'] === "start") {
                     $url = URLHelper::getURL("dispatch.php/start#" . $this->questionnaire->getId(), array('contentbox_type' => "vote", 'contentbox_open' => $this->questionnaire->getId()), true);
             PersonalNotifications::add($this->questionnaire['user_id'], $url, sprintf(_("%s hat an der Befragung '%s' teilgenommen."), get_fullname(), $this->questionnaire['title']), "questionnaire_" . $this->questionnaire->getId(), Assets::image_path("icons/blue/vote.svg"));
         if (Request::isAjax()) {
             $this->response->add_header("X-Dialog-Close", "1");
             $this->response->add_header("X-Dialog-Execute", "STUDIP.Questionnaire.updateWidgetQuestionnaire");
         } elseif (Request::get("range_type") === "user") {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Danke für die Teilnahme!")));
         } elseif (Request::get("range_type") === "course") {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Danke für die Teilnahme!")));
             $this->redirect("course/overview?cid=" . Request::option("range_id"));
         } elseif (Request::get("range_id") === "start") {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Danke für die Teilnahme!")));
         } else {
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Danke für die Teilnahme!")));
             if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm("autor")) {
             } else {
     $this->range_type = Request::get("range_type");
     $this->range_id = Request::get("range_id");
     PageLayout::setTitle(sprintf(_("Fragebogen beantworten: %s"), $this->questionnaire->title));
  * returns html for a question and its answers
  * @access  private
  * @param   object EvaluationQuestion  the question object.
  * @param   object EvaluationGroup     the question's parent-group object.
  * @return  string
 function getQuestionContent($question, $group)
     $type = $question->isMultipleChoice() ? "checkbox" : "radio";
     #   $answerBorder = "1px dotted #c0c0c0";
     $answerBorder = "1px dotted #909090";
     #   $residualBorder = "1px dotted #c0c0c0";
     $residualBorder = "1px dotted #909090";
     $answerArray = $question->getChildren();
     $hasResidual = NO;
     $leftOutStyle = $group->isMandatory() && Request::submitted('voteButton') && is_array($GLOBALS["mandatories"]) && in_array($question->getObjectID(), $GLOBALS["mandatories"]) ? "background-image:url(" . Assets::image_path("steelgroup1.gif") . "); border-left:3px solid red; border-right:3px solid red;" : "";
     /* Skala (one row question) ---------------------------------------- */
     if ($question->getType() == EVALQUESTION_TYPE_LIKERT || $question->getType() == EVALQUESTION_TYPE_POL) {
         if (($numAnswers = $question->getNumberChildren()) > 0) {
             $cellWidth = (int) (40 / $numAnswers);
         if ($numAnswers > 0 && $answerArray[$numAnswers - 1]->isResidual()) {
             $hasResidual = YES;
         $lastTextAnswer = $hasResidual ? $numAnswers - 3 : $numAnswers - 2;
         /* Headline, only shown for first question */
         if ($question->getPosition() == 0) {
             $html .= " <tr>\n";
             $html .= "  <td width=\"60%\" style=\"border-bottom: {$answerBorder}; border-top: {$answerBorder};\">";
             #       $html .= strlen( $group->getText() ) < 100 ? formatReady( $group->getText() ) : "&nbsp;";
             $html .= "&nbsp;";
             $html .= "</td>\n";
             foreach ($answerArray as $answer) {
                 $noWrap = NO;
                 if ($answer->x_instanceof() == INSTANCEOF_EVALANSWER) {
                     if (!$answer->getText()) {
                         /* answer has NO text ------------ */
                         if ($answer->getPosition() <= $lastTextAnswer / 2) {
                             //&& $numAnswers > 4 )
                             $headCell = "&lt;--";
                         } elseif ($answer->getPosition() >= round($lastTextAnswer / 2) + $lastTextAnswer % 2) {
                             //&& $numAnswers > 4 )
                             $headCell = "--&gt;";
                         } else {
                             $headCell = "&lt;- -&gt;";
                         $noWrap = YES;
                     } else {
                         /* answer has its own text ------ */
                         $headCell = formatReady($answer->getText());
                     $extraStyle = "";
                     if ($answer->isResidual()) {
                         $extraStyle = "border-left: {$residualBorder};";
                         $html .= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"{$extraStyle}\" " . "width=\"1\">&nbsp;</td>";
                     $html .= "  <td align=\"center\" class=\"steelgroup6\" " . "style=\"border-bottom: {$answerBorder}; " . "border-left: {$answerBorder}; border-top: {$answerBorder}; {$extraStyle};\" " . "width=\"" . $cellWidth . "%\" " . ($noWrap ? "nowrap" : "") . ">";
                     $html .= $headCell;
                     $html .= "</td>\n";
             $html .= " </tr>\n";
         /* ------------------------------- Headline end */
         /* Question and Answer Widgets ---------------- */
         $class = $question->getPosition() % 2 ? "table_row_even" : "table_row_odd";
         $extraStyle = $question->getPosition() == $group->getNumberChildren() - 1 ? "border-bottom: {$answerBorder}" : "";
         $html .= " <tr class=\"" . $class . "\">\n";
         $html .= "  <td align=\"left\" width=\"60%\" style=\"{$extraStyle}; {$leftOutStyle};\">";
         $html .= formatReady($question->getText());
         $html .= $group->isMandatory() ? "<span class=\"eval_error\"><b>**</b></span>" : "";
         $html .= "</td>\n";
         foreach ($answerArray as $answer) {
             $number = $question->isMultipleChoice() ? "[" . $answer->getPosition() . "]" : "";
             if ($answer->x_instanceof() == INSTANCEOF_EVALANSWER) {
                 $extraStyle = "";
                 if ($answer->isResidual()) {
                     $extraStyle = "border-left: {$residualBorder};";
                     $html .= "<td align=\"center\" class=\"steelgroup7\" style=\"{$extraStyle}\" " . "width=\"1%\">&nbsp;</td>";
                 $extraStyle .= $question->getPosition() == $group->getNumberChildren() - 1 ? " border-bottom: {$answerBorder};" : "";
                 $answers = Request::getArray('answers');
                 $checked = $answers[$question->getObjectID()] == $answer->getObjectID() ? "checked" : "";
                 $html .= "  <td align=\"center\" style=\"border-left: {$answerBorder}; {$extraStyle};\" " . "width=\"" . $cellWidth . "%\">";
                 $html .= "<input type=\"" . $type . "\" name=\"answers[" . $question->getObjectID() . "]" . $number . "\" " . "value=\"" . $answer->getObjectID() . "\" " . $checked . ">";
                 $html .= "</td>\n";
         $html .= " </tr>\n";
         /* -------------------------------------------- */
     } else {
         $class = $question->getPosition() % 2 ? "table_row_even" : "table_row_odd";
         /* Question ----------------------------------- */
         $html .= "<tr class=\"" . $class . "\">" . "<td align=\"left\" style=\"{$leftOutStyle};\">" . formatReady($question->getText()) . ($group->isMandatory() ? "<span class=\"eval_error\"><b>**</b></span>" : "") . "</td>" . "</tr>\n";
         $html .= "<tr class=\"" . $class . "\">";
         $html .= "<td>";
         $html .= "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n";
         /* -------------------------------------------- */
         $numberOfVisibleAnswers = 0;
         foreach ($answerArray as $answer) {
             if (!($answer->isFreetext() && $answer->getText() != '')) {
         if ($numberOfVisibleAnswers == 0) {
             $html .= "<tr valign=\"middle\">\n";
             $html .= "<td class=\"eval_error\">" . _("Dieser Frage wurden keine Antworten zugeordnet!") . "</td>\n";
             $html .= "</tr>\n";
         /* Answers ------------------------------------ */
         foreach ($answerArray as $answer) {
             if ($answer->x_instanceof() == INSTANCEOF_EVALANSWER) {
                 $number = $question->isMultipleChoice() ? "[" . $answer->getPosition() . "]" : "";
                 /* if not a user's answer */
                 if (!($answer->isFreetext() && $answer->getText() != '')) {
                     $html .= "<tr valign=\"middle\">\n";
                     /* show text input field ---------- */
                     if ($answer->isFreetext()) {
                         // not really needed anymore
                         if ($numberOfVisibleAnswers > 1) {
                             /* show a check/radio-box */
                             $html .= "<td width=\"2%\">" . "<input type=\"" . $type . "\"" . " name=\"answers[" . $question->getObjectID() . "]" . $number . "\"" . " value=\"" . $answer->getObjectID() . "\">" . "</td>\n";
                         /* one row input field */
                         $freetexts = Request::getArray('freetexts');
                         if ($answer->getRows() == 1) {
                             $html .= "<td colspan=\"2\">" . "<input type=\"text\"" . " name=\"freetexts[" . $question->getObjectID() . "]\"" . " value=\"" . htmlReady($freetexts[$question->getObjectID()]) . "\" size=\"60\">" . "</td>\n";
                         } else {
                             $html .= "<td colspan=\"2\">" . "<textarea" . " name=\"freetexts[" . $question->getObjectID() . "]\"" . " cols=\"60\" rows=\"" . $answer->getRows() . "\">" . htmlReady($freetexts[$question->getObjectID()]) . "</textarea>" . "</td>\n";
                     } else {
                         $answers = Request::getArray('answers');
                         /* see if it must be checked  */
                         if ($type == "radio") {
                             $checked = $answers[$question->getObjectID()] == $answer->getObjectID() ? "checked" : "";
                         } else {
                             $checked = is_array($answers[$question->getObjectID()]) && in_array($answer->getObjectID(), $answers[$question->getObjectID()]) ? "checked" : "";
                         /* show a check/radio-box */
                         $html .= "<td width=\"2%\">" . "<input type=\"" . $type . "\"" . " name=\"answers[" . $question->getObjectID() . "]" . $number . "\"" . " value=\"" . $answer->getObjectID() . "\" " . $checked . ">" . "</td>\n";
                         $html .= "<td align=\"left\" width=\"98%\">" . formatReady($answer->getText()) . "</td>\n";
                     $html .= "</tr>\n";
             /* ------------------------------- End: Answers */
         $html .= "</table>\n";
         $html .= "</td></tr>";
     return $html;
 function index_action($step = 'manifest')
     $step = Request::option('step', $step);
     $this->previous = $this->next = $last = false;
     foreach ($this->actions as $action) {
         if ($last == $step) {
             $this->next = $action;
         if ($action == $step) {
             $this->previous = $last;
         $last = $action;
     // if (Request::isPost()) {    # since Stud.IP 2.1
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
         $this->plugin = array_merge($this->plugin, $this->extract($step, $errors));
         $_SESSION['plugin-generator']['passed'][$step] = empty($errors);
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         PageLayout::postMessage(Messagebox::error(_('Es sind Fehler aufgetreten:'), $errors));
     } elseif (Request::submitted('action')) {
         $action = Request::option('action');
         if (!in_array($action, array('display download install'))) {
             $generator = new Generator($this->dispatcher->plugin->getPluginPath(), '/templates', '/environments');
         if ($action === 'install') {
         #            PageLayout::postMessage(Messagebox::success('Jipp.'));
     } elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {
         if (Request::submitted('back')) {
             $step = Request::option('back', $this->previous);
         } else {
             if (Request::submitted('forward')) {
                 $step = Request::option('forward', $this->next);
         $this->redirect('generator/' . $step);
     $this->step = $step;
     switch ($step) {
         case 'manifest':
             $this->interfaces = array('HomepagePlugin' => _('Homepage eines Nutzers'), 'PortalPlugin' => _('Startseite (Portalseite)'), 'StandardPlugin' => _('Veranstaltungen und Einrichtungen'), 'StudienmodulManagementPlugin' => _('Studienmodulsuche'), 'SystemPlugin' => _('Systemweite Erweiterungen'));
             $this->versions = words('2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4');
         case 'assets':
             $this->environments = array('default' => _('Standard'), 'trails' => _('Trails'));
         case 'polyfill':
             $this->polyfills = Polyfill::getVersions();
     $variables = array('step' => $step, 'controller' => $this);
     $factory = new Flexi_TemplateFactory($this->dispatcher->plugin->getPluginPath() . '/app/views/');
     $progress = $factory->render('infobox-route', $variables);
     $this->setInfoboxImage($this->dispatcher->plugin->getPluginURL() . '/assets/images/puzzle.jpg')->addToInfobox(_('Fortschritt'), $progress)->addToInfobox(_('Aktionen'), sprintf('<a href="%s">Reset</a>', $this->url_for('generator/' . $step . '?reset=1')), Assets::image_path('icons/16/black/refresh.png'));
Exemple #10
" data-dialog>
        echo Assets::img("icons/20/blue/assessment");
} else {
            <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center;">
    echo _("Keine Plugins warten auf eine Qualitätssicherung");

$sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
$actions = new ActionsWidget();
//$actions->addLink(_("Neues Plugin eintragen"), PluginEngine::getURL($plugin, array(), "myplugins/add"), null, array('data-dialog' => 1));
Exemple #11
  * prints out the details for an item, if item is open
  * @access   private
  * @param    string  $item_id
 function printItemDetails($item_id)
     if (!$this->tree->hasKids($item_id) || !$this->open_ranges[$item_id] || $item_id == $this->start_item_id) {
         $level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumleer.gif') . "\">" . Assets::img('forumleer.gif', array('size' => '10@20')) . "</td>" . $level_output;
     } else {
         $level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumstrich.gif') . "\">" . Assets::img('forumleer.gif', array('size' => '10@20')) . "</td>" . $level_output;
     if ($this->tree->isLastKid($item_id) && !($item_id == $this->start_item_id) || !$this->open_ranges[$item_id] && $item_id == $this->start_item_id || $item_id == $this->start_item_id && !$this->tree->hasKids($item_id)) {
         $level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumleer.gif') . "\">" . Assets::img('forumleer.gif', array('size' => '10@20')) . "</td>" . $level_output;
     } else {
         $level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumstrich.gif') . "\">" . Assets::img('forumleer.gif', array('size' => '10@20')) . "</td>" . $level_output;
     if ($item_id != $this->start_item_id) {
         $parent_id = $item_id;
         while ($this->tree->tree_data[$parent_id]['parent_id'] != $this->start_item_id) {
             $parent_id = $this->tree->tree_data[$parent_id]['parent_id'];
             if ($this->tree->isLastKid($parent_id)) {
                 $level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumleer.gif') . "\">" . Assets::img('forumleer.gif', array('size' => '10@20')) . "</td>" . $level_output;
             } else {
                 $level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumstrich.gif') . "\">" . Assets::img('forumleer.gif', array('size' => '10@20')) . "</td>" . $level_output;
             //vertical line
     //$level_output = "<td class=\"blank\" background=\"".$GLOBALS['ASSETS_URL']."images/forumleer.gif\" ><img src=\"".$GLOBALS['ASSETS_URL']."images/forumleer.gif\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" border=\"0\" ></td>" . $level_output;
     echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr>{$level_output}";
     echo "<td class=\"printcontent\" width=\"100%\"><br>";
     echo $this->getItemContent($item_id);
     echo "<br></td></tr></table>";
Exemple #12
        <tfoot class="table_footer">
                <td colspan="2" data-dialog-button>
echo Button::createAccept(_('Speichern'), 'submit');
                <? if ($first_entry): ?>
echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), URLHelper::getLink('seminar_main.php'));
                <? else: ?>
echo LinkButton::createCancel(_('Abbrechen'), $controller->url_for('show/edit' . $scm->id));
                <? endif; ?>


$sidebar = Sidebar::get();
Exemple #13
echo '<?xml';
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">
echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($title));
echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($studip_url));
echo Assets::image_path('logos/logoklein.png');
echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($title));
echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($studip_url));
echo htmlReady(studip_utf8encode($description));
 function ScheduleWeekRequests($start_hour = '', $end_hour = '', $show_days = '', $start_date = '', $show_dates = true)
     parent::ScheduleWeek($start_hour, $end_hour, $show_days, $start_date);
     $this->categories[5] = array("bg-picture" => Assets::image_path('calendar/category12_small.jpg'), "border-color" => "#d082b0");
     $this->categories[6] = array("bg-picture" => Assets::image_path('calendar/category10_small.jpg'), "border-color" => "#ffbd33");
Exemple #15
  * Converts URLs in images so that the webserver can access them without proxy.
  * @param string $url of an image
  * @return string " src=\"".$converted_url."\""
 protected function convertURL($url)
     $convurl = $url;
     $url_elements = @parse_url($url);
     $url = $url_elements['path'] . '?' . $url_elements['query'];
     if (strpos(implode('#', $this->domains), $url_elements['host']) !== false) {
         if (strpos($url, 'dispatch.php/media_proxy?url=') !== false) {
             $targeturl = urldecode(substr($url, 4));
             try {
                 // is file in cache?
                 if (!($metadata = $this->media_proxy->getMetaData($targeturl))) {
                     $convurl = $targeturl;
                 } else {
                     $convurl = $this->config->getValue('MEDIA_CACHE_PATH') . '/' . md5($targeturl);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $convurl = '';
         } else {
             if (stripos($url, 'dispatch.php/document/download') !== false) {
                 if (preg_match('#([a-f0-9]{32})#', $url, $matches)) {
                     $convurl = DirectoryEntry::find($matches[1])->file->getStorageObject()->getPath();
             } else {
                 if (stripos($url, 'download') !== false || stripos($url, 'sendfile.php') !== false) {
                     //// get file id
                     if (preg_match('#([a-f0-9]{32})#', $url, $matches)) {
                         $document = new StudipDocument($matches[1]);
                         if ($document->checkAccess($GLOBALS['user']->id)) {
                             $convurl = get_upload_file_path($matches[1]);
                         } else {
                             $convurl = Assets::image_path('messagebox/exception.png');
     return 'src="' . $convurl . '"';
Exemple #16
define("EVAL_PIC_REMOVE", Icon::create('trash', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_EDIT", Icon::create('edit', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_BACK", Icon::create('link-intern', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_TEMPLATE", Icon::create('arr_1right', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_TEMPLATE_OPEN", Icon::create('arr_1down', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_NEW", Icon::create('arr_1right', 'sort')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_NEW_OPEN", Icon::create('arr_1down', 'sort')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_RUNNING", Icon::create('arr_1right', 'accept')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_RUNNING_OPEN", Icon::create('arr_1down', 'accept')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_STOPPED", Icon::create('arr_1right', 'attention')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_ARROW_STOPPED_OPEN", Icon::create('arr_1down', 'attention')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_ARROW", Icon::create('arr_1right', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_ARROW_ACTIVE", Icon::create('arr_1down', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_BLANC", Assets::image_path('forumleer.gif'));
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_ROOT", Icon::create('vote', 'inactive')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_GROUP", Assets::image_path('eval_group.gif'));
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_GROUP_FILLED", Assets::image_path('eval_group_filled.gif'));
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_QUESTIONGROUP", Assets::image_path('eval_qgroup.gif'));
define("EVAL_PIC_TREE_QUESTIONGROUP_FILLED", Assets::image_path('eval_qgroup_filled.gif'));
define("EVAL_PIC_EXPORT_FILE", Icon::create('file-xls', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_YES", Icon::create('accept', 'accept')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_NO", Icon::create('decline', 'attention')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_SHARED", Icon::create('checkbox-checked', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
define("EVAL_PIC_NOTSHARED", Icon::create('checkbox-unchecked', 'clickable')->asImagePath());
/* -------------------------------------------------- end: picture constants */
/* CSS constants ----------------------------------------------------------- */
define("EVAL_CSS_SUCCESS", "eval_success");
define("EVAL_CSS_ERROR", "eval_error");
define("EVAL_CSS_INFO", "eval_info");
/* ------------------------------------------------------ end: css constants */
# ===================================================== end: define constants #
Exemple #17
    <div class="content_column">
        <div class="timer">
            <span class="time" data-timestamp="<?php 
echo (int) $posting['mkdate'];
echo date("j.n.Y", $posting['mkdate']) == date("j.n.Y") ? sprintf(_("%s Uhr"), date("G:i", $posting['mkdate'])) : date("j.n.Y", $posting['mkdate']);
            <? if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("tutor", $posting['Seminar_id']) or ($posting['user_id'] === $GLOBALS['user']->id)) : ?>
            <a href="#" class="edit" onClick="return false;" title="<?php 
echo _("Bearbeiten");
" style="vertical-align: middle; opacity: 0.6; width: 14px; height:14px; display: inline-block; background: url('<?php 
echo Assets::image_path("icons/16/grey/tools.png");
') center center; background-position: center center;"></a>
            <? endif ?>
        <div class="name">
            <? if (!$author->isNew()) : ?>
            <a href="<?php 
echo URLHelper::getLink($author->getURL(), array(), true);
            <? endif ?>
echo htmlReady($author_name);
            <? if (!$author->isNew()) : ?>
Exemple #18
# Lifter010: TODO
    use Studip\Button, Studip\LinkButton;
    $cssSw = new CSSClassSwitcher();
    $pos = 0;
    $style = "style=\"background-image: url('". Assets::image_path('forumstrich') ."');"
        ." background-position: right;"
        ." background-repeat: repeat-y;"
        ."\" ";

    if ($seminar_persons) :
        $width = '33%';
        $indirect = true;
    else :
        $width = '50%';
        $indirect = false;
    <? for($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) : ?>
    <td class="blank" width="10" align="right" <?php 
echo $followers[$i + 1] ? $style : '';
    <? endfor; ?>

    <? if ($has_child) : ?>
    <td class="blank" width="10" align="right" <?php 
echo $style;
Exemple #19
  * Returns an input tag using options as html attributes on the
  * tag, but with these special cases:
  * * 'size' - Supplied as "X@Y", so "30@45" becomes width="30" and height="45"
  * The source can be supplied as a...
  * * full path, like "/my_images/image.gif"
  * * file name, like "rss.png", that gets expanded to "/images/rss.png"
  * * file name without extension, like "logo", that gets expanded to "/images/logo.png"
  * Do not use this to render icons. Use the more appropiate class
  * Icon for this.
 static function input($source, $opt = array())
     if (!$source) {
         return '';
     $parts = explode('/', $source);
     if (($pos = array_search('icons', $parts)) !== false) {
         $source = substr($source, 6);
         $source = preg_replace('/\\.png$/', '', $source);
         return Icon::create2($source, $opt)->render(Icon::SVG | Icon::INPUT);
     $size = $opt['size'];
     $opt = Assets::parse_attributes($opt);
     $opt['src'] = Assets::image_path($source);
     $opt['type'] = 'image';
     if (isset($size) && !isset($opt['width'])) {
         list($opt['width'], $opt['height']) = explode('@', $size, 2);
     return Assets::tag('input', $opt);
 * creates an td with an image
 * @access  private
 * @param   string  $pic  the image
 * @return  string        the image
 function createLevelOutputTD($pic = "forumleer.gif")
     $td = new HTML("td");
     $td->addAttr("class", "blank");
     $td->addAttr("background", Assets::image_path($pic));
     $img = new HTMLempty("img");
     $img->addAttr("width", "10");
     $img->addAttr("height", "20");
     $img->addAttr("src", Assets::image_path($pic));
     return $td->createContent();
Exemple #21
" target="_blank"><img alt="Print" src="<?php 
echo Assets::image_path("icons/16/blue/print.png");
" />&nbsp;Druckansicht</a>
        <a href="pdf?gebaude=<?php 
echo $auswahl["gebaeude"];
echo $auswahl["von"];
echo $auswahl["bis"];
" target="_blank"><img alt="Print" src="<?php 
echo Assets::image_path("icons/16/blue/print.png");
" />&nbsp;Als&nbsp;PDF</a>

    <table border="0" class="default" id="termine">
Exemple #22
        <? endif ?>
<? endif ?>

<table class="default nohover">
    <? $countAnswers = $vote->questionnaire->countAnswers() ?>
    <? foreach ($vote['questiondata']['options'] as $key => $option) : ?>
            <? $percentage = $countAnswers ? round((int) $results[$key] / $countAnswers * 100) : 0 ?>
            <td style="text-align: right; background-size: <?php 
echo $percentage;
% 100%; background-position: right center; background-image: url('<?php 
echo Assets::image_path("vote_lightgrey.png");
'); background-repeat: no-repeat;" width="50%">
echo formatReady($option);
            <td style="white-space: nowrap;">
echo $percentage;
                | <?php 
echo (int) $results[$key];
Exemple #23
 function test_image_path_should_not_touch_absolute_paths()
     $url = Assets::image_path('/some/logo.png');
     $this->assertEquals(STATIC_ASSETS_URL . 'some/logo.png', $url);
Exemple #24
function localeUrl($filename, $category) {
    $path = sprintf('locale/%s/%s/%s',
    return Assets::image_path($path);
 public function getLogoURL($absolute_url = false)
     $firstimage = $this->images->first();
     return $firstimage ? $firstimage->getURL($absolute_url) : Assets::image_path("icons/blue/plugin.svg");
Exemple #26
    function ShowRow($icon, $link, $titel, $zusatz, $level='', $lines='', $weitere, $new=FALSE, $open="close", $content=FALSE, $edit='', $breite="99%") {

        ?><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="99%" align="center">
                <td class="blank tree-indent" valign="top" nowrap><?

        if (!$content)
            $content=_("Keine Beschreibung");

        //Struktur darstellen
        $striche = "";
        for ($i=0;$i<$level;$i++) {
            if ($i==($level-1)) {
                if ($this->lines[$i+1]>1)
                    $striche.= Assets::img('forumstrich3.gif');      //Kreuzung
                    $striche.= Assets::img('forumstrich2.gif');      //abknickend
                $this->lines[$i+1] -= 1;
            } else {
                if ($this->lines[$i+1]==0)
                    $striche .= Assets::img('forumleer.gif');            //Leerzelle
                    $striche .= Assets::img('forumstrich.gif');      //Strich

        echo $striche;

        //Kofzeile ausgeben
         printhead ($breite, 0, $link, $open, $new, $icon, $titel, $zusatz);

         //weiter zur Contentzeile
         if ($open=="open") {
        ?><table width="99%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 align="center">
                //wiederum Striche fuer Struktur
                ?><td class="blank" nowrap background="<?php 
echo Assets::image_path('forumleer.gif');
                if ($level)
                    for ($i=1;$i<=$level;$i++) {
                        if ($this->lines[$i]==0) {
                            $striche.= "<td class=\"blank tree-indent\" nowrap background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumleer.gif') . "\">";
                            $striche.= Assets::img('forumleer.gif');
                            $striche.= "</td>";
                        } else {
                            $striche.= "<td class=\"blank tree-indent\" nowrap background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumstrich.gif') . "\">";
                            $striche.= Assets::img('forumleer2.gif');
                            $striche.= "</td>";

                if ($weitere) {
                    $striche.= "<td class=\"blank tree-indent\" nowrap background=\"" . Assets::image_path('forumstrichgrau.gif') . "\">";
                    $striche.= Assets::img('forumleer.gif');
                    $striche.= "</td>";
                } else {
                    $striche.= "<td class=\"blank tree-indent\" nowrap background-color: #f3f5f8\">";
                    $striche.= Assets::img('forumleer.gif');
                    $striche.= "</td>";

                echo $striche;

                //Contenzeile ausgeben
                printcontent ($breite, FALSE, $content, $edit);
Exemple #27
  * Set the image for the active state of this navigation item.
  * If no active image is set, the normal image is used for the
  * active state. Additional HTML attributes can be passed using
  * the $options parameter (like 'style' or 'onclick').
  * @param Icon   $image            an instance of class Icon depicting this item
  * @param array  $link_attributes  additional link attributes
 public function setActiveImage($image, $link_attributes = [])
     $this->active_image = $image;
     // TODO remove this case in v3.6
     if (is_string($image)) {
         $this->active_image = Icon::create2(Assets::image_path($image));
Exemple #28
  * Sets up the sidebar
  * @param bool $user_section Adjust sidebar to user section?
 protected function setupSidebar($user_section = false)
     // Basic info and layout
     $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
     // Views
     $views = new ViewsWidget();
     $views->addLink(_('Globale Konfiguration'), $this->url_for('admin/configuration/configuration'))->setActive(!$user_section);
     $views->addLink(_('Personenkonfiguration'), $this->url_for('admin/configuration/user_configuration'))->setActive($user_section);
     // Add section selector when not in user mode
     if (!$user_section) {
         $options = array();
         foreach (ConfigurationModel::getConfig() as $key => $value) {
             $options[$key] = $key ?: '- ' . _('Ohne Kategorie') . ' -';
         $widget = new SelectWidget(_('Anzeigefilter'), $this->url_for('admin/configuration/configuration'), 'section', 'get');
         $widget->addElement(new SelectElement(-1, _('alle anzeigen')));
     // Add specific searches (specific user when in user mode, keyword
     // otherwise)
     if ($user_section) {
         $search = new SearchWidget($this->url_for('admin/configuration/user_configuration'));
         $search->addNeedle(_('Person suchen'), 'user_id', true, new StandardSearch('user_id'), 'function () { $(this).closest("form").submit(); }');
     } else {
         $search = new SearchWidget($this->url_for('admin/configuration/configuration'));
         $search->addNeedle(_('Suchbegriff'), 'needle', true);
Exemple #29
 public function save_review_action($plugin_id)
     if (!Request::isPost()) {
         throw new Exception("Wrong method, use POST.");
     $this->marketplugin = MarketPlugin::find($plugin_id);
     if (!$this->marketplugin) {
         throw new Exception("Unknown plugin.");
     $reviews = MarketReview::findBySQL("plugin_id = ? AND user_id = ?", array($plugin_id, $GLOBALS['user']->id));
     if (count($reviews)) {
         $this->review = $reviews[0];
     } else {
         $this->review = new MarketReview();
         $this->review['plugin_id'] = $plugin_id;
         $this->review['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id;
     $data = Request::getArray("data");
     $this->review['review'] = trim($data['review']) ?: null;
     if ($data['rating'] <= 5 && $data['rating'] >= 0) {
         $this->review['rating'] = $data['rating'];
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Rating is not in accepted range.");
     PersonalNotifications::add($this->marketplugin['user_id'], PluginEngine::getURL($this->plugin, array(), "presenting/details/" . $plugin_id), sprintf(_("Ihr Plugin %s wurde von %s bewertet."), $this->marketplugin['name'], get_fullname($GLOBALS['user']->id)), null, Assets::image_path("icons/blue/star.svg"));
     PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Review/Bewertung wurde gespeichert.")));
     $this->redirect('presenting/details/' . $plugin_id);
Exemple #30
 * Displays the body of a folder including the description, changeform, subfolder and files
function display_folder_body($folder_id, $open, $change, $move, $upload, $refresh=FALSE, $filelink="", $anchor_id, $level = 0) {
    global $_fullname_sql, $SessionSeminar, $SemUserStatus, $SessSemName, $user, $perm, $rechte, $countfolder;
    $db = DBManager::get();
    //Einbinden einer Klasse, die Informationen über den ganzen Baum enthält
    $folder_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance('StudipDocumentTree', array('range_id' => $SessionSeminar));
    //Hole alle Informationen, die es über $folder_id gibt
    $query = "SELECT ". $_fullname_sql['full'] ." AS fullname , username, folder_id, a.range_id, a.user_id, name, a.description, a.mkdate, a.chdate FROM folder a LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id) WHERE a.folder_id = '$folder_id' ORDER BY a.name, a.chdate";
    $result = $db->query($query)->fetch();
    $document_count = doc_count($folder_id);
    $super_folder = $folder_tree->getNextSuperFolder($folder_id);
    $is_issue_folder = ((count($folder_tree->getParents($folder_id)) > 1) && IssueDB::isIssue($result["range_id"]));
    if ($is_issue_folder) {
        $dates_for_issue = IssueDB::getDatesforIssue($result['range_id']);
    print "<table cellpadding=0 border=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\">";

    //Ausgabe der Optionen zu dem Ordner mit Beschreibung, Knöpfen und PiPaPo
    print "<tr>";

    if ((($document_count > 0) || ($folder_tree->hasKids($folder_id))) && ($folder_tree->isReadable($folder_id))) {
        print "<td style=\"background-image: url(".Assets::image_path('datatree_grau.gif') . "); background-repeat: repeat-y;\">";
        print Assets::img('datatree_grau.gif');
        print "</td>";
    } else {
        print "<td class=\"printcontent\">&nbsp;</td>";
    print "<td width=100% class=\"printcontent\" style=\"font-align: center\">";

    if ($super_folder){
        $content .=  Icon::create('lock-locked', 'inactive')->asImg(['class' => 'texttop']) . '&nbsp;'
            . sprintf(_("Dieser Ordner ist nicht zugänglich, da der übergeordnete Ordner \"%s\" nicht lesbar oder nicht sichtbar ist!"), htmlReady($folder_tree->getValue($super_folder,'name')))
            . '<hr>';
    if ($folder_tree->isExerciseFolder($folder_id)){
        $content .=  Icon::create('edit', 'inactive')->asImg(['class' => 'texttop']) . '&nbsp;'
                . _("Dieser Ordner ist ein Hausaufgabenordner. Es können nur Dateien eingestellt werden.")
                . (!$rechte ? _("Sie selbst haben folgende Dateien in diesen Ordner eingestellt:")
                . '<br><b>' . htmlReady(join('; ', get_user_documents_in_folder($folder_id, $GLOBALS['user']->id))).'</b>' : '')
                . '<hr>';
    if ($is_issue_folder) {
        $dates = array();
        foreach ($dates_for_issue as $date) {
            $dates[] = strftime("%x", $date['date']);
        $content .= _("Dieser Ordner ist ein themenbezogener Dateiordner.");
            $content .= '&nbsp;' ._("Folgende Termine sind diesem Thema zugeordnet:")
            . '<br><b>' . htmlReady(join('; ', $dates)).'</b>';
        $content .=  '<hr>';
    $is_group_folder = $folder_tree->isGroupFolder($folder_id);
    if ($is_group_folder){
        $content .=  sprintf(
            _('Dieser Ordner gehört der Gruppe <b>%s</b>. Nur Mitglieder dieser Gruppe können diesen Ordner sehen.'
                . ' Dieser Ordner kann nicht verschoben oder kopiert werden.'),
        ) . '<hr>';
    //Contentbereich erstellen
    if ($change == $folder_id) { //Aenderungsmodus, zweiter Teil
        $content .= '<textarea name="change_description"'
            . ' style="width:98%" class="add_toolbar wysiwyg"'
            . ' aria-label="Beschreibung des Ordners eingeben"'
            . ' rows="3">'
            . formatReady($result["description"])
            . '</textarea>';

            $content .= '<div>';

            if ($folder_tree->permissions_activated){
                $content.= "\n<label><input style=\"vertical-align:middle\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" ".($folder_tree->isReadable($folder_id) ? "CHECKED" : "" ) . " name=\"perm_read\">&nbsp;";
                $content.= '<b>r</b> - ' . _("Lesen (Dateien können heruntergeladen werden)");
                $content.= "</label>\n<br><label><input style=\"vertical-align:middle\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" ".($folder_tree->isWritable($folder_id) ? "CHECKED" : "" ) . " name=\"perm_write\">&nbsp;";
                $content.= '<b>w</b> - ' . _("Schreiben (Dateien können heraufgeladen werden)");
                $content.= "</label>\n<br><label><input style=\"vertical-align:middle\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" ".($folder_tree->isExecutable($folder_id) ? "CHECKED" : "" ) . " name=\"perm_exec\">&nbsp;";
                $content.= '<b>x</b> - ' . _("Sichtbarkeit (Ordner wird angezeigt)") . '</label>';
            if($level == 0 && $folder_tree->entity_type == 'sem'){
                $content .= "\n<br><label><input style=\"vertical-align:middle\" type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" ".($folder_tree->checkCreateFolder($folder_id) ? "CHECKED" : "" ) . " name=\"perm_folder\">&nbsp;";
                $content .= '<b>f</b> - ' . _("Ordner erstellen (Alle Nutzer können Ordner erstellen)") . '</label>';

            $content .= '</div>';

        $content .= '<div class="button-group">';
        $content .= Button::createAccept(_("Übernehmen"));
        $content .= Button::createCancel(_("Abbrechen"), "cancel");
        $content .= '</div>';

        $content.= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"open\" value=\"".$folder_id."_sc_\">";
        $content.="\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"type\" value=\"1\">";
    elseif ($result["description"])
        $content .= formatReady($result["description"]);
        $content .= _("Keine Beschreibung vorhanden");
    if ($move == $result["folder_id"]){
        $content .= "<br>"
                  . sprintf(_("Dieser Ordner wurde zum Verschieben / Kopieren markiert. Bitte wählen Sie das Einfügen-Symbol %s, um ihn in den gewünschten Ordner zu verschieben."),
                            Icon::create('arr_2right', 'sort', ['title' => _("Klicken Sie auf dieses Symbol, um diesen Ordner in einen anderen Ordner einzufügen.")]))->asImg();
        if ($rechte) {
            $content .= _("Wenn Sie den Ordner in eine andere Veranstaltung verschieben / kopieren möchten, wählen Sie die gewünschte Veranstaltung oben auf der Seite aus.");
    if ($upload == $folder_id) {
        $content .= form($refresh);
    // Abfrage ob Dateilink eingeleitet
    if ($filelink == $folder_id) {
        $content .= link_item($folder_id);
    $content.= "\n";
    //Editbereich erstellen
    if (($change != $folder_id) && ($upload != $folder_id) && ($filelink != $folder_id)) {
        if ($perm->have_studip_perm('autor', $SessionSeminar) && $folder_tree->isWritable($folder_id, $user->id))
            # Knopf: hochladen
            $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Hochladen"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_u_&rand=".rand()."#anker"));

            # Knopf: Datei verlinken
            if ($rechte) {
                $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Datei verlinken"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_l_&rand=".rand()."#anker"));

            # Knopf: Ordner als ZIP
            if ($document_count && $folder_tree->isReadable($folder_id, $user->id)) {
                $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Ordner als ZIP"), URLHelper::getURL("?folderzip=".$folder_id));

            if ($perm->have_studip_perm('autor', $SessionSeminar) && $folder_tree->checkCreateFolder($folder_id, $user->id)) {
                if ($folder_tree->isWritable($folder_id, $user->id) && !$folder_tree->isExerciseFolder($folder_id, $user->id)) {

                    # Knopf: neuer Ordner
                    $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Neuer Ordner"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_n_#anker"));

                    # Knopf: ZIP hochladen
                    if ($rechte && get_config('ZIP_UPLOAD_ENABLE')) {
                        $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("ZIP hochladen"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_z_&rand=".rand()."#anker"));

                # Knopf: löschen
                if ($rechte
                        && $level !=0
                        && (
                            $folder_tree->isWritable($folder_id, $user->id)
                            && $folder_tree->isWritable($folder_tree->getValue($folder_id, 'parent_id'), $user->id)
                            && !$folder_tree->isExerciseFolder($folder_id, $user->id)
                ) {
                    $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Löschen"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_d_"));

                # Knopf: bearbeiten
                if ($folder_tree->isWritable($folder_id, $user->id) && !$folder_tree->isExerciseFolder($folder_id, $user->id)) {
                    $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Bearbeiten"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_c_#anker"));

                # verschieben
                if (
                    ($rechte && $result['range_id'] != $SessSemName[1])
                        $level !=0
                        && (
                            $folder_tree->isWritable($folder_id, $user->id)
                            && $folder_tree->isWritable($folder_tree->getValue($folder_id, 'parent_id'), $user->id)
                            && !$folder_tree->isExerciseFolder($folder_id, $user->id)
                ) {
                    if (!$is_issue_folder && !$is_group_folder) {
                        $edit.= LinkButton::create(_("Verschieben"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_m_#anker"));

                # Knopf: kopieren
                if ($rechte
                        $level !=0
                        && !$folder_tree->isExerciseFolder($folder_id, $user->id)
                ) {
                    if (!$is_issue_folder && !$is_group_folder) {
                        $edit.= LinkButton::create(_("Kopieren"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_co_#anker"));

            # Knopf: sortieren
            if ($rechte) {
                $edit .= LinkButton::create(_("Sortieren"), URLHelper::getURL("?open=".$folder_id."_az_#anker"));

    if (!$edit) $edit = '&nbsp;';
    print "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>";
    //Ordner-Content ausgeben
    printcontent ("99%", TRUE, $content, $edit);
    print "</tr></table>";

    print "</td></tr>";

    //Ein paar Überprüfungen, was eigentlich angezeigt werden soll: Dateien und Unterordner
    $folders_kids = $folder_tree->getKids($folder_id);
    $folders_kids = $db->query("SELECT folder_id " .
            "FROM folder " .
            "WHERE range_id = ".$db->quote($folder_id)." " .
                    "ORDER BY priority ASC, name ASC")->fetchAll();

    $hasrealkids = $folder_tree->hasKids($folder_id);
    if ( ((count($folders_kids)) || ($document_count > 0))
            && (($rechte) || ($folder_tree->isExecutable($folder_id, $user->id))) ) {
        print "<tr>";
        //Der Navigationsast nach unten
        print "<td class=\"tree-elbow-line\">" . Assets::img("datatree_3.gif") . "</td>";
        //Mehrere Zeilen, die wiederum Dateien mit eventuellen Optionen sind.
        print "<td colspan=3>";

        print "<div class=\"folder_container".($rechte ? " sortable" : "")."\" id=\"folder_subfolders_".$folder_id."\">";
        //Unterordner darstellen:
        is_array($folders_kids) || $folders_kids = array();
        $subfolders = array();
        foreach ($folders_kids as $key => $unterordner) {
            if (($folder_tree->isExecutable($unterordner['folder_id'], $user->id)) || ($rechte)) { //bin ich Dozent oder Tutor?
                $subfolders[] = $unterordner['folder_id'];
        if ($subfolders) {
            foreach ($subfolders as $key => $subfolder) {
                $folder_pos = ((count($subfolders) > 1) ? (($key == 0) ? "top" : (($key == count($subfolders)-1) ? "bottom" : "middle")) : "alone");
                display_folder($subfolder, $open, $change, $move, $upload, $refresh, $filelink, $anchor_id, $folder_pos, false);
        print "</div>";

        //Dateien darstellen:
        print "<div class=\"folder_container".($rechte ? " sortable" : "")."\" id=\"folder_".$folder_id."\">";
        if (($rechte) || ($folder_tree->isReadable($folder_id, $user->id))) {
            $query = "SELECT a.*,". $_fullname_sql['full'] ." AS fullname, " .
                            "username, " .
                            "IF(IFNULL(a.name,'')='', a.filename,a.name) AS t_name " .
                    "FROM dokumente a " .
                            "LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) " .
                            "LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id) " .
                    "WHERE range_id = '".$result["folder_id"]."' " .
                    "ORDER BY a.priority ASC, t_name ASC, a.chdate DESC ";
            $result2 = $db->query($query)->fetchAll();
            foreach ($result2 as $key => $datei) {
                $file_pos = ((count($result2) > 1) ? (($key == 0) ? "top" : (($key == count($result2)-1) ? "bottom" : "middle")) : "alone");
                display_file_line($datei, $folder_id, $open, $change, $move, $upload, FALSE, $refresh, $filelink, $anchor_id, $file_pos);
        print "</div>";
        print "</td></tr>";

    print "</table>";   //Ende der zweiten Tabelle