     } else {
         if (preg_match("/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\/\\d{1,2}?\$/", $ip_cidr)) {
             // Net without ID
             $total_host += Util::host_in_net($ip_cidr);
             $name = $target;
             $perm = TRUE;
         } else {
             if (preg_match("/^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\$/", $ip_cidr)) {
                 // Host without ID
                 $name = $target;
                 $perm = TRUE;
                 if (count($sensors) == 0) {
                     $closetnet_id = key(Asset_host::get_closest_net($conn, $ip_cidr));
                     $sensors = array_keys(Asset_net_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $closetnet_id));
             } else {
                 if ($unresolved) {
                     // the target is a hostname
                     $perm = true;
                     $name = '-';
                     if (count($sensors) == 0) {
                         $sensors = $ids;
$detail = "<img class='detail_img' src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/show_details.png'/>";
$results = array();
foreach ($nets as $_id => $net_data) {
    // Alarms
    $alarms = Asset_net::has_alarms($conn, $_id);
    $alarms_icon = $alarms ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
    // Vulns
    $vulns = Asset_net::get_vulnerability_number($conn, $_id);
    $vulns_icon = $vulns > 0 ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
    // Events
    $events = Asset_net::has_events($conn, $_id);
    $events_icon = $events ? "<img src='" . AV_PIXMAPS_DIR . "/assets_tick_gray.png'/>" : '-';
    // Sensors
    $sensors = Asset_net_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $_id);
    $sensors_string = '';
    foreach ($sensors as $sensor_id => $sensor_data) {
        if ($sensors_string != '') {
            $sensors_string .= ', ';
        $sensors_string .= $sensor_data['name'];
    // COLUMNS
    $_res = array();
    $_res['DT_RowId'] = $_id;
    $_res[] = $net_data['name'];
    $_res[] = Util::utf8_encode2($net_data['owner']);
    $_res[] = Asset::format_to_print($net_data['ips']);
    $_res[] = $sensors_string;
    $_res[] = $alarms_icon;
function get_assets($conn, $id, $type, $host_types)
    $filters = array('where' => 'sensor_properties.has_nagios = 1', 'order_by' => 'priority desc');
    list($nagios_list, $nagios_total) = Av_sensor::get_list($conn, $filters);
    $sensor = NULL;
    $sensors = array();
    $type = strtolower($type);
    $id = strtoupper($id);
    // in_assets first
    $in_assets = is_in_assets($conn, $id, $type);
    //Host, sensor or server
    if (in_array($type, $host_types)) {
        $table = $type;
        if ($type == 'host') {
            $what = 'host_id';
            $table = 'host_ip';
        } else {
            $what = 'id';
        $query = "SELECT INET6_NTOA(ip) AS ip FROM {$table} WHERE {$what} = UNHEX(?) LIMIT 1";
        $params = array($id);
        $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
        if ($rs) {
            $ips = $rs->fields['ip'];
        // Related sensors
        if ($type == 'host') {
            $sensors = Asset_host_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $id);
        } elseif ($type == 'sensor') {
            $sensors[$id] = $ips;
        } else {
            $s_id = Av_sensor::get_id_by_ip($conn, Util::get_default_admin_ip());
            $sensors[$s_id] = Util::get_default_admin_ip();
    } elseif ($type == 'net') {
        $query = "SELECT ips FROM net WHERE id = UNHEX(?)";
        $params = array($id);
        $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
        if ($rs) {
            $ips = $rs->fields['ips'];
        // Related sensors
        $sensors = Asset_net_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $id);
    } elseif ($type == 'net_group' || $type == 'netgroup') {
        $query = "SELECT hex(ngr.net_id) as net_id, n.ips FROM net_group_reference AS ngr, net AS n\n            WHERE ngr.net_group_id = UNHEX(?) AND ngr.net_id = n.id";
        $net_ids = array($id);
        $params = $net_ids;
        $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
        if ($rs) {
            $ipng = array();
            if (!$rs->EOF) {
                $net_ids = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $ipng[] = $rs->fields['ips'];
                $net_ids[] = $rs->fields['net_id'];
            $ips = count($ipng) > 0 ? implode(",", $ipng) : "''";
            if (count($ipng) == 0) {
                $in_assets = 0;
        // Related sensors
        foreach ($net_ids as $net_id) {
            $_sensors_aux = Asset_net_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $net_id);
            foreach ($_sensors_aux as $sensor_id => $sensor_data) {
                $sensors[$sensor_id] = $sensor_data['ip'];
    } elseif ($type == 'host_group' || $type == 'hostgroup') {
        $query = "SELECT hex(hg.host_id) as host_id, INET6_NTOA(hi.ip) AS ip FROM host_group_reference hg, host_ip hi\n            WHERE hi.host_id=hg.host_id AND hg.host_group_id = UNHEX(?)";
        $host_ids = array($id);
        $params = $host_ids;
        $rs = $conn->Execute($query, $params);
        if ($rs) {
            $iphg = array();
            if (!$rs->EOF) {
                $host_ids = array();
            while (!$rs->EOF) {
                $iphg[] = "'" . $rs->fields['ip'] . "'";
                $host_ids[] = $rs->fields['host_id'];
            $ips = count($iphg) > 0 ? implode(',', $iphg) : "''";
            if (count($iphg) == 0) {
                $in_assets = 0;
        // Related sensors
        foreach ($host_ids as $host_id) {
            $_sensors_aux = Asset_host_sensors::get_sensors_by_id($conn, $host_id);
            foreach ($_sensors_aux as $sensor_id => $sensor_data) {
                $sensors[$sensor_id] = $sensor_data['ip'];
    //Getting first Nagios sensor (By priority)
    if ($nagios_total > 0) {
        foreach ($nagios_list as $n_sensor_id => $n_sensor_data) {
            if (array_key_exists($n_sensor_id, $sensors)) {
                $sensor = $n_sensor_data['ip'];
    return array($id, $sensor, $type, $ips, $in_assets);