Exemple #1

// Add the incubator to the include path
set_include_path(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'library');
require_once 'Aspamia/Http/Server.php';
require_once 'Aspamia/Http/Server/Plugin/Logger.php';
require_once 'Aspamia/Http/Server/Handler/Static.php';
// Create the server object
$server = new Aspamia_Http_Server();
// Create the handler object - a single static handler for now
$handler = new Aspamia_Http_Server_Handler_Static(array('document_root' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'static'));
// Register the logger plugin
$server->registerPlugin(new Aspamia_Http_Server_Plugin_Logger());
// Run the server!
echo "Running Aspamia, use Ctrl+C to abort...\n";
Exemple #2
  * Test that you can set the bind address of the server through the config
  * @param string  $stream
  * @param string  $host
  * @param integer $port
  * @param string  $ex
  * @dataProvider bindAddressDataProvider
 public function testBindAddressSetGet($stream, $host, $port, $ex)
     $server = new Aspamia_Http_Server(array('stream_wrapper' => $stream, 'bind_addr' => $host, 'bind_port' => $port));
     $this->assertEquals($ex, $server->getBindAddr());