$ppassword = $db->res['value'];
$db->queryres("select * from tbl_config where header='requestcount'");
$requestcount = $db->res['value'];
$api = new AsmoneyAPI($pusername, $papiname, $ppassword);
//Change to mili bitcoin because asmoney get currencies based on milicoin
$db->query("select * from tbl_withdrawal where status=0");
$btcaddresses = array();
$btcamounts = array();
$withdrawalid = array();
while ($res = $db->fetchArray()) {
    $currency = $faucetcurrency;
    if ($res['type'] == 0) {
        $db2->queryres("select * from tbl_user where user_id='" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
        $ausername = $db2->res['ausername'];
        $amount = ChangetoMili($res['amount'], $currency);
        $r = $api->Transfer($ausername, $amount, $currency, 'Withdrawal');
        // Payment memo		echo $r['result'];
        if ($r['result'] == APIerror::OK) {
            $batchno = $r['value'];
            $db2->query("update tbl_withdrawal set status=1,reccode='{$batchno}' where withdrawal_id='" . $res['withdrawal_id'] . "'");
            echo "Withdrawal has been proceessed with bactch number " . $batchno . "<br>";
        } else {
            if ($r['result'] == APIerror::InvalidUser) {
                echo "Invalid User";
            if ($r['result'] == APIerror::InvalidAPIData) {
                echo "API login is invalid";
            if ($r['result'] == APIerror::InvalidIP) {
                echo "IP is not match";
$db = new DbConnector();
$db->queryres("select * from tbl_config where header='currency'");
$currency = $db->res['value'];
$db->queryres("select * from tbl_config where header='pusername'");
$pusername = $db->res['value'];
$db->queryres("select * from tbl_config where header='papiname'");
$papiname = $db->res['value'];
$db->queryres("select * from tbl_config where header='ppassword'");
$ppassword = $db->res['value'];
$api = new AsmoneyAPI($pusername, $papiname, $ppassword);
//Change to mili bitcoin because asmoney get currencies based on milicoinfunction ChangetoMili($amount,$currency) {	switch ($currency) {		case "BTC" :			$amount = $amount * 1000;			return $amount;		case "mBTC" :			return $amount;		case "Satoshi" :			$amount = $amount / 10000;			return $amount;		case "LTC" :			$amount = $amount * 1000;			return $amount;		case "mLTC" :			return $amount;		case "DOGE" :			$amount = $amount * 1000;			return $amount;		case "mDOGE" :			return $amount;		case "PPC" :			$amount = $amount * 1000;			return $amount;		case "mPPC" :			return $amount;		case "DRK" :			$amount = $amount * 1000;			return $amount;		case "mDRK" :			return $amount;		}}
$db->query("select * from tbl_withdrawal where status=0");
while ($res = $db->fetchArray()) {
    if ($res['type'] == 0) {
        $amount = ChangetoMili($res['amount'], $currency);
        $r = $api->Transfer($res['wallet'], $amount, $currency, 'Withdrawal');
        // Payment memo
        if ($r['result'] == APIerror::OK) {
            $batchno = $r['value'];
            $db2->query("update tbl_withdrawal set status=1,reccode='{$batchno}' where withdrawal_id='" . $res['withdrawal_id'] . "'");
            echo "Withdrawal has been proceessed" . $res['withdrawal_id'];
    } else {
        $db2->queryres("select * from tbl_user where user_id='" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
        $address = $db2->res['address'];
        $amount = ChangetoMili($res['amount'], $currency);
        if ($currency == 'mBTC') {
            $r = $api->TransferBTC($address, $amount, 'mBTC', 'Withdrawal');
        if ($currency == 'mLTC') {
            $r = $api->TransferLTC($address, $amount, 'mLTC', 'Withdrawal');