hasError() public méthode

Checks for errors in the response.
public hasError ( ) : boolean
Résultat boolean
Exemple #1
require_once '../asana-oauth.php';
// See class comments and Asana API for extra info
$asanaAuth = new AsanaAuth('CLIENT_ID', 'CLIENT_SECRET', 'REDIRECT_URL');
if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
    // We don't have the code so we need to authorize our app.
    // Get the url.
    $url = $asanaAuth->getAuthorizeUrl();
    // Redirect the user to asana authorization url.
    header('Location:' . $url);
    // Now the user will authorize the app and this page will load again having the ?code parameter that we can use.
} else {
    // We have authorization from the user.
    // We have to get the access token.
    // As Asana API documentation says, when response is successful, we receive a 200 in response so...
    if ($asanaAuth->hasError()) {
        echo 'Error while trying to connect to Asana to get the access token, response code: ' . $asanaAuth->responseCode;
    $result = $asanaAuth->getData();
    // Now we can create a normal asana object with the access token.
    $asana = new Asana(array('accessToken' => $result->access_token));
    // As Asana API documentation says, when response is successful, we receive a 200 in response so...
    if ($asana->hasError()) {
        echo 'Error while trying to connect to Asana, response code: ' . $asana->responseCode;
    // $asana->getData() contains an object in json with all projects
    foreach ($asana->getData() as $project) {
        echo 'Project ID: ' . $project->id . ' is ' . $project->name . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;