public static function render_instance(BlockInstance $instance, $editing = false) { global $USER; if ($editing) { $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->assign('editing', get_string('ineditordescription1', 'blocktype.comment/comment')); $html = $smarty->fetch('blocktype:comment:comment.tpl'); return $html; } // Feedback list pagination requires limit/offset params $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); $offset = param_integer('offset', 0); $showcomment = param_integer('showcomment', null); // Create the "make feedback private form" now if it's been submitted if (param_variable('make_public_submit', null)) { pieform(ArtefactTypeComment::make_public_form(param_integer('comment'))); } else { if (param_variable('delete_comment_submit_x', null)) { pieform(ArtefactTypeComment::delete_comment_form(param_integer('comment'))); } } $view = new View($instance->get('view')); $submittedgroup = (int) $view->get('submittedgroup'); if ($USER->is_logged_in() && $submittedgroup && group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($submittedgroup, $USER->get('id'))) { $releaseform = true; } else { $releaseform = false; } // If the view has comments turned off, tutors can still leave // comments if the view is submitted to their group. if (!empty($releaseform) || $view->user_comments_allowed($USER)) { $addfeedbackpopup = true; } safe_require('artefact', 'comment'); $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options(); $commentoptions->limit = $limit; $commentoptions->offset = $offset; $commentoptions->showcomment = $showcomment; $commentoptions->view = $instance->get_view(); $feedback = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions); $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->assign('feedback', $feedback); if (isset($addfeedbackpopup)) { $smarty->assign('enablecomments', 1); $smarty->assign('addfeedbackpopup', $addfeedbackpopup); } $html = $smarty->fetch('blocktype:comment:comment.tpl'); return $html; }
$moderate = isset($commenttype) && $commenttype === 'private'; $addfeedbackform = pieform(ArtefactTypeComment::add_comment_form($defaultprivate, $moderate)); } if ($USER->is_logged_in()) { $objectionform = pieform(objection_form()); if ($notrudeform = notrude_form()) { $notrudeform = pieform($notrudeform); } } $viewbeingwatched = (int) record_exists('usr_watchlist_view', 'usr', $USER->get('id'), 'view', $viewid); $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options(); $commentoptions->limit = $limit; $commentoptions->offset = $offset; $commentoptions->showcomment = $showcomment; $commentoptions->view = $view; $feedback = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions); // Set up theme $viewtheme = $view->get('theme'); if ($viewtheme && $THEME->basename != $viewtheme) { $THEME = new Theme($viewtheme); } $headers = array(); $headers[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . append_version_number(get_config('wwwroot') . 'js/jquery/jquery-ui/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.10.2.min.css') . '">'; $headers = array_merge($headers, $view->get_all_blocktype_css()); // Set up skin, if the page has one $viewskin = $view->get('skin'); $issiteview = $view->get('institution') == 'mahara'; if ($viewskin && get_config('skins') && can_use_skins($owner, false, $issiteview) && (!isset($THEME->skins) || $THEME->skins !== false)) { $skin = array('skinid' => $viewskin, 'viewid' => $view->get('id')); $skindata = unserialize(get_field('skin', 'viewskin', 'id', $viewskin)); } else {
function add_feedback_form_submit(Pieform $form, $values) { global $view, $artefact, $USER; $data = (object) array('title' => get_string('Comment', 'artefact.comment'), 'description' => $values['message']); if ($artefact) { $data->onartefact = $artefact->get('id'); $data->owner = $artefact->get('owner'); $data->group = $artefact->get('group'); $data->institution = $artefact->get('institution'); } else { $data->onview = $view->get('id'); $data->owner = $view->get('owner'); $data->group = $view->get('group'); $data->institution = $view->get('institution'); } if ($author = $USER->get('id')) { $anonymous = false; $data->author = $author; } else { $anonymous = true; $data->authorname = $values['authorname']; } if (isset($values['moderate']) && $values['ispublic'] && !$USER->can_edit_view($view)) { $data->private = 1; $data->requestpublic = 'author'; $moderated = true; } else { $data->private = (int) (!$values['ispublic']); $moderated = false; } $private = $data->private; if (get_config('licensemetadata')) { $data->license = $values['license']; $data->licensor = $values['licensor']; $data->licensorurl = $values['licensorurl']; } if (isset($values['rating'])) { $data->rating = valid_rating($values['rating']); } $comment = new ArtefactTypeComment(0, $data); db_begin(); $comment->commit(); $url = $comment->get_view_url($view->get('id'), true, false); $goto = get_config('wwwroot') . $url; if (isset($data->requestpublic) && $data->requestpublic === 'author' && $data->owner) { $arg = $author ? display_name($USER, null, true) : $data->authorname; $moderatemsg = (object) array('subject' => false, 'message' => false, 'strings' => (object) array('subject' => (object) array('key' => 'makepublicrequestsubject', 'section' => 'artefact.comment', 'args' => array()), 'message' => (object) array('key' => 'makepublicrequestbyauthormessage', 'section' => 'artefact.comment', 'args' => array(hsc($arg))), 'urltext' => (object) array('key' => 'Comment', 'section' => 'artefact.comment')), 'users' => array($data->owner), 'url' => $url); } if (!empty($values['attachments']) && is_array($values['attachments']) && !empty($data->author)) { require_once get_config('libroot') . 'uploadmanager.php'; safe_require('artefact', 'file'); $ownerlang = empty($data->owner) ? get_config('lang') : get_user_language($data->owner); $folderid = ArtefactTypeFolder::get_folder_id(get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirname', 'artefact.comment'), get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackattachdirdesc', 'artefact.comment'), null, true, $data->owner, $data->group, $data->institution); $attachment = (object) array('owner' => $data->owner, 'group' => $data->group, 'institution' => $data->institution, 'author' => $data->author, 'allowcomments' => 0, 'parent' => $folderid, 'description' => get_string_from_language($ownerlang, 'feedbackonviewbyuser', 'artefact.comment', $view->get('title'), display_name($USER))); foreach ($values['attachments'] as $filesindex) { $originalname = $_FILES[$filesindex]['name']; $attachment->title = ArtefactTypeFileBase::get_new_file_title($originalname, $folderid, $data->owner, $data->group, $data->institution); try { $fileid = ArtefactTypeFile::save_uploaded_file($filesindex, $attachment); } catch (QuotaExceededException $e) { if ($data->owner == $USER->get('id')) { $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => $e->getMessage())); } redirect($goto); } catch (UploadException $e) { $form->reply(PIEFORM_ERR, array('message' => $e->getMessage())); redirect($goto); } $comment->attach($fileid); } } require_once 'activity.php'; $data = (object) array('commentid' => $comment->get('id'), 'viewid' => $view->get('id')); activity_occurred('feedback', $data, 'artefact', 'comment'); if (isset($moderatemsg)) { activity_occurred('maharamessage', $moderatemsg); } db_commit(); $newlist = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments(10, 0, 'last', $view, $artefact); // If you're anonymous and your message is moderated or private, then you won't // be able to tell what happened to it. So we'll provide some more explanation in // the feedback message. if ($anonymous && $moderated) { $message = get_string('feedbacksubmittedmoderatedanon', 'artefact.comment'); } else { if ($anonymous && $private) { $message = get_string('feedbacksubmittedprivateanon', 'artefact.comment'); } else { $message = get_string('feedbacksubmitted', 'artefact.comment'); } } $form->reply(PIEFORM_OK, array('message' => $message, 'goto' => $goto, 'data' => $newlist)); }
$content .= $rendered['html']; // Build the path to the artefact, through its parents $artefactpath = array(); $parent = $artefact->get('parent'); while ($parent !== null) { // This loop could get expensive when there are a lot of parents. But at least // it works, unlike the old attempt $parentobj = artefact_instance_from_id($parent); if (artefact_in_view($parent, $viewid)) { array_unshift($artefactpath, array('url' => get_config('wwwroot') . 'view/artefact.php?artefact=' . $parent . '&view=' . $viewid, 'title' => $parentobj->display_title())); } $parent = $parentobj->get('parent'); } $artefactpath[] = array('url' => '', 'title' => $artefact->display_title()); // Feedback $feedback = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($limit, $offset, $showcomment, $view, $artefact); $javascript = <<<EOF var viewid = {$viewid}; addLoadEvent(function () { paginator = {$feedback->pagination_js} }); EOF; if ($artefact->get('allowcomments')) { $anonfeedback = !$USER->is_logged_in() && view_has_token($viewid, get_cookie('viewaccess:' . $viewid)); $addfeedbackform = pieform(ArtefactTypeComment::add_comment_form(false, $artefact->get('approvecomments'))); } $objectionform = pieform(objection_form()); if ($notrudeform = $view->notrude_form()) { $notrudeform = pieform($notrudeform); } $viewbeingwatched = (int) record_exists('usr_watchlist_view', 'usr', $USER->get('id'), 'view', $viewid);
/** * Dumps all views into the HTML export */ private function dump_view_export_data() { safe_require('artefact', 'comment'); $progressstart = 55; $progressend = 75; $i = 0; $viewcount = count($this->views); $rootpath = $this->exportingoneview ? './' : '../../'; $smarty = $this->get_smarty($rootpath); foreach ($this->views as $viewid => $view) { $this->notify_progress_callback(intval($progressstart + ++$i / $viewcount * ($progressend - $progressstart)), get_string('exportingviewsprogress', 'export', $i, $viewcount)); $smarty->assign('page_heading', $view->get('title')); $smarty->assign('viewdescription', $view->get('description')); if ($this->exportingoneview) { $smarty->assign('nobreadcrumbs', true); $directory = $this->exportdir . '/' . $this->rootdir; } else { $smarty->assign('breadcrumbs', array(array('text' => get_string('Views', 'view')), array('text' => $view->get('title'), 'path' => 'index.html'))); $directory = $this->exportdir . '/' . $this->rootdir . '/views/' . self::text_to_filename($view->get('title')); if (is_dir($directory)) { throw new SystemException(get_string('duplicatepagetitle', 'export.html')); } if (!check_dir_exists($directory)) { throw new SystemException("Could not create directory for view {$viewid}"); } } // Collection menu data if (isset($this->viewcollection[$viewid]) && $this->viewexportmode == PluginExport::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('collectionname', $this->collections[$this->viewcollection[$viewid]]->get('name')); $smarty->assign_by_ref('collectionmenu', $this->collection_menu($this->viewcollection[$viewid])); $smarty->assign('viewid', $viewid); } $outputfilter = new HtmlExportOutputFilter($rootpath, $this); // Include comments if ($this->includefeedback) { $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options(); $commentoptions->view = $view; $commentoptions->limit = 0; $commentoptions->export = true; if ($feedback = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions)) { $feedback->tablerows = $outputfilter->filter($feedback->tablerows); } $smarty->assign('feedback', $feedback); } $smarty->assign('view', $outputfilter->filter($view->build_rows(false, true))); $content = $smarty->fetch('export:html:view.tpl'); if (!file_put_contents("{$directory}/index.html", $content)) { throw new SystemException("Could not write view page for view {$viewid}"); } } }
/** * Fetching the comments for an artefact to display on a view * * @param ArtefactType $artfact The artefact to display comments for * @param object $view The view on which the artefact appears * @param int $blockid The id of the block instance that connects the artefact to the view * @param bool $html Whether to return the information rendered as html or not * @param bool $editing Whether we are view edit mode or not * * @return array $commentcount, $comments The count of comments and either the comments * or the html to render them. */ public function get_artefact_comments_for_view(ArtefactType $artefact, $view, $blockid, $html = true, $editing = false) { global $USER; if (!is_object($artefact) || !is_object($view)) { throw new MaharaException('we do not have the right information to display the comments'); } $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options(); $commentoptions->limit = 0; $commentoptions->view = $view; $commentoptions->artefact = $artefact; $commentoptions->onview = true; $comments = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions); $commentcount = isset($comments->count) ? $comments->count : 0; // If there are no comments, and comments are not allowed, don't display anything. if ($commentcount == 0 && !$artefact->get('allowcomments')) { return array(0, ''); } $artefacttitle = $artefact->title; $artefacturl = get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/artefact.php?view=' . $view->get('id') . '&artefact=' . $artefact->get('id'); if ($html) { $smarty = smarty_core(); $smarty->assign('artefacturl', $artefacturl); $smarty->assign('artefacttitle', $artefacttitle); $smarty->assign('blockid', $blockid); $smarty->assign('commentcount', $commentcount); $smarty->assign('comments', $comments); $smarty->assign('editing', $editing); $smarty->assign('allowcomments', $artefact->get('allowcomments')); $smarty->assign('allowcommentsadd', $artefact->get('allowcomments') && ($USER->is_logged_in() || !$USER->is_logged_in() && get_config('anonymouscomments'))); $render = $smarty->fetch('artefact/artefactcommentsview.tpl'); return array($commentcount, $render); } else { return array($commentcount, $comments); } }
/** * * @package mahara * @subpackage artefact-comment * @author Catalyst IT Ltd * @license GNU GPL version 3 or later * @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'view.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'pieforms/pieform.php'; safe_require('artefact', 'comment'); $extradata = json_decode(param_variable('extradata')); if (!can_view_view($extradata->view)) { json_reply('local', get_string('noaccesstoview', 'view')); } if (!empty($extradata->artefact) && !artefact_in_view($extradata->artefact, $extradata->view)) { json_reply('local', get_string('accessdenied', 'error')); } $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); $offset = param_integer('offset'); if (!empty($extradata->artefact)) { $artefact = artefact_instance_from_id($extradata->artefact); } $view = new View($extradata->view); $data = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($limit, $offset, null, $view, $artefact); json_reply(false, array('data' => $data));
$data['ecommenters'] = $extcommenters; $data['mcomments'] = $membercomments; $data['ecomments'] = $extcomments; $data['comments'] = $commenters; $data['baseurl'] = $needsubdomain ? $view->get_url(true) : $wwwroot . $view->get_url(false); } if (in_array($sort, array('title', 'sharedby', 'mcomments', 'ecomments'))) { sorttablebycolumn($sharedviews, $sort, $direction); } $sharedviews = array_slice($sharedviews, $offset, $limit); list($searchform, $groupviews, $unusedpagination) = View::views_by_owner($group->id); $groupviews = $groupviews->data; $groupviewscount = count($groupviews); foreach ($groupviews as &$data) { $view = new View($data['id']); $comments = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments(0, 0, null, $view); $extcommenters = 0; $membercommenters = 0; $extcomments = 0; $membercomments = 0; $commenters = array(); foreach ($comments->data as $c) { if (empty($c->author)) { if (!isset($commenters[$c->authorname])) { $commenters[$c->authorname] = array(); } $commenters[$c->authorname]['commenter'] = $c->authorname; $commenters[$c->authorname]['count'] = isset($commenters[$c->authorname]['count']) ? $commenters[$c->authorname]['count'] + 1 : 1; if ($commenters[$c->authorname]['count'] == 1) { $extcommenters++; }
* @copyright For copyright information on Mahara, please see the README file distributed with this software. * */ define('INTERNAL', 1); define('PUBLIC', 1); define('JSON', 1); require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'view.php'; require_once get_config('libroot') . 'pieforms/pieform.php'; safe_require('artefact', 'comment'); $extradata = json_decode(param_variable('extradata')); if (!can_view_view($extradata->view)) { json_reply('local', get_string('noaccesstoview', 'view')); } if (!empty($extradata->artefact) && !artefact_in_view($extradata->artefact, $extradata->view)) { json_reply('local', get_string('accessdenied', 'error')); } $limit = param_integer('limit', 10); $offset = param_integer('offset'); $artefact = null; if (!empty($extradata->artefact)) { $artefact = artefact_instance_from_id($extradata->artefact); } $view = new View($extradata->view); $commentoptions = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comment_options(); $commentoptions->limit = $limit; $commentoptions->offset = $offset; $commentoptions->view = $view; $commentoptions->artefact = $artefact; $data = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments($commentoptions); json_reply(false, array('data' => $data));