    <li>Show your instructor when complete</li>

//some arrays to work with
$arrayOfStudents = array("Jill", "Jane", "John", "Joe", "Janet", "Jethro");
$arrayOfNumbers = array(23, 123, 12, 43, 4512, 1234, 3434, 12, 3);
$musicians = array("Jack", "Jill", "Joe", "Jane");
//load the class file
include "ArrayFormatter.php";
//instantiate a new ArrayFormatter object
$myArrayFormatter = new ArrayFormatter();
//invoke some public functions
echo $myArrayFormatter->getArrayAsList($musicians);
//clear the ArrayFormatter from memory when we are done with it
<h2>Standard Object Handling Reminder</h2><pre><code>require_once("MyClass.php");	//load class file
$myObject = new MyClass();	//instantiate a new Object
$myObject->functionName();	//use the Object's public functions as needed
unset($myObject);   		//delete Object when finished</code></pre>     