public function create($paths, $filename = FALSE) { $archive = new Archive('tar'); foreach ($paths as $set) { $archive->add($set[0], $set[1]); } $gzfile = bzcompress($archive->create()); if ($filename == FALSE) { return $gzfile; } if (substr($filename, -8) !== '.tar.bz2') { // Append tar extension $filename .= '.tar.bz2'; } // Create the file in binary write mode $file = fopen($filename, 'wb'); // Lock the file flock($file, LOCK_EX); // Write the tar file $return = fwrite($file, $gzfile); // Unlock the file flock($file, LOCK_UN); // Close the file fclose($file); return (bool) $return; }
public function afterSaved($payload) { unset($payload->attributes['created_at']); unset($payload->attributes['updated_at']); unset($payload->original['created_at']); unset($payload->original['updated_at']); if ($payload->attributes != $payload->original) { Archive::create(['token' => md5(time()), 'entity_id' => $payload->attributes['id'], 'entity_type' => get_class($payload), 'entity_data' => json_encode($payload->attributes)]); Log::info(get_class($payload) . ' #' . $payload->attributes['id'] . ' was archived'); } }
public function creatingArchive() { $contents = array('lang/Object.class.php' => 'class Object { }', 'lang/Type.class.php' => 'class Type extends Object { }'); $a = new Archive(new Stream()); $a->open(ARCHIVE_CREATE); foreach ($contents as $filename => $bytes) { $a->addFileBytes($filename, NULL, NULL, $bytes); } $a->create(); $this->assertEntries($a, $contents); }
} list($type, $srcAbsHref, $mode, $width, $height) = check_keys(array("type", "href", "mode", "width", "height")); $thumb = new Thumb($h5ai); $thumbHref = $thumb->thumb($type, $srcAbsHref, $mode, $width, $height); if ($thumbHref === null) { json_fail(3, "thumbnail creation failed"); } json_exit(array("absHref" => $thumbHref)); } else { if ($action === "archive") { json_fail(1, "downloads disabled", !$options["download"]["enabled"]); list($execution, $format, $hrefs) = check_keys(array("execution", "format", "hrefs")); H5ai::req_once("/php/inc/Archive.php"); $archive = new Archive($h5ai); $hrefs = explode(":", trim($hrefs)); $target = $archive->create($execution, $format, $hrefs); if (!is_string($target)) { json_fail($target, "package creation failed"); } json_exit(array("id" => basename($target), "size" => filesize($target))); } else { if ($action === "getarchive") { json_fail(1, "downloads disabled", !$options["download"]["enabled"]); list($id, $as) = check_keys(array("id", "as")); json_fail(2, "file not found", !preg_match("/^h5ai-selection-/", $id)); $target = H5ai::normalize_path(sys_get_temp_dir(), true) . $id; json_fail(3, "file not found", !file_exists($target)); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($target)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$as}\""); header("Connection: close");
public function apply() { $options = $this->app->get_options(); list($action) = use_request_params(array("action")); if ($action === "get") { $response = array(); if (array_key_exists("options", $_REQUEST)) { use_request_params("options"); $response["options"] = $this->app->get_options(); } if (array_key_exists("types", $_REQUEST)) { use_request_params("types"); $response["types"] = $this->app->get_types(); } if (array_key_exists("langs", $_REQUEST)) { use_request_params("langs"); $response["langs"] = $this->app->get_l10n_list(); } if (array_key_exists("l10n", $_REQUEST)) { list($iso_codes) = use_request_params("l10nCodes", "l10n"); $iso_codes = explode(":", $iso_codes); $response["l10n"] = $this->app->get_l10n($iso_codes); } if (array_key_exists("checks", $_REQUEST)) { use_request_params("checks"); $response["checks"] = $this->app->get_server_checks(); } if (array_key_exists("server", $_REQUEST)) { use_request_params("server"); $response["server"] = $this->app->get_server_details(); } if (array_key_exists("custom", $_REQUEST)) { list($abs_href) = use_optional_request_params("customHref", "custom"); $response["custom"] = $this->app->get_customizations($abs_href); } if (array_key_exists("entries", $_REQUEST)) { list($abs_href, $what) = use_optional_request_params("entriesHref", "entriesWhat", "entries"); $what = is_numeric($what) ? intval($what, 10) : 1; $response["entries"] = $this->app->get_entries($abs_href, $what); } if (count($_REQUEST)) { $response["unused"] = $_REQUEST; } json_exit($response); } else { if ($action === "getThumbHref") { if (!$options["thumbnails"]["enabled"]) { json_fail(1, "thumbnails disabled"); } normalized_require_once("/server/php/inc/Thumb.php"); if (!Thumb::is_supported()) { json_fail(2, "thumbnails not supported"); } list($type, $src_abs_href, $mode, $width, $height) = use_request_params(array("type", "href", "mode", "width", "height")); $thumb = new Thumb($this->app); $thumb_href = $thumb->thumb($type, $src_abs_href, $mode, $width, $height); if ($thumb_href === null) { json_fail(3, "thumbnail creation failed"); } json_exit(array("absHref" => $thumb_href)); } else { if ($action === "createArchive") { json_fail(1, "downloads disabled", !$options["download"]["enabled"]); list($execution, $format, $hrefs) = use_request_params(array("execution", "format", "hrefs")); normalized_require_once("/server/php/inc/Archive.php"); $archive = new Archive($this->app); $hrefs = explode(":", trim($hrefs)); $target = $archive->create($execution, $format, $hrefs); if (!is_string($target)) { json_fail($target, "package creation failed"); } json_exit(array("id" => basename($target), "size" => filesize($target))); } else { if ($action === "getArchive") { json_fail(1, "downloads disabled", !$options["download"]["enabled"]); list($id, $as) = use_request_params(array("id", "as")); json_fail(2, "file not found", !preg_match("/^package-/", $id)); $target = $this->app->get_cache_abs_path() . "/" . $id; json_fail(3, "file not found", !file_exists($target)); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($target)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$as}\""); header("Connection: close"); register_shutdown_function("delete_tempfile", $target); readfile($target); } else { if ($action === "upload") { list($href) = use_request_params(array("href")); json_fail(1, "wrong HTTP method", strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) !== "post"); json_fail(2, "something went wrong", !array_key_exists("userfile", $_FILES)); $userfile = $_FILES["userfile"]; json_fail(3, "something went wrong [" . $userfile["error"] . "]", $userfile["error"] !== 0); json_fail(4, "folders not supported", file_get_contents($userfile["tmp_name"]) === "null"); $upload_dir = $this->app->get_abs_path($href); $code = $this->app->get_http_code($href); json_fail(5, "upload dir no h5ai folder or ignored", $code !== App::$MAGIC_SEQUENCE || $this->app->is_ignored($upload_dir)); $dest = $upload_dir . "/" . utf8_encode($userfile["name"]); json_fail(6, "already exists", file_exists($dest)); json_fail(7, "can't move uploaded file", !move_uploaded_file($userfile["tmp_name"], $dest)); json_exit(); } else { if ($action === "delete") { json_fail(1, "deletion disabled", !$options["delete"]["enabled"]); list($hrefs) = use_request_params(array("hrefs")); $hrefs = explode(":", trim($hrefs)); $errors = array(); foreach ($hrefs as $href) { $d = normalize_path(dirname($href), true); $n = basename($href); $code = $this->app->get_http_code($d); if ($code == App::$MAGIC_SEQUENCE && !$this->app->is_ignored($n)) { $abs_path = $this->app->get_abs_path($href); if (!unlink($abs_path)) { $errors[] = $href; } } } if (count($errors)) { json_fail(2, "deletion failed for some"); } else { json_exit(); } } else { if ($action === "rename") { json_fail(1, "renaming disabled", !$options["rename"]["enabled"]); list($href, $name) = use_request_params(array("href", "name")); $d = normalize_path(dirname($href), true); $n = basename($href); $code = $this->app->get_http_code($d); if ($code == App::$MAGIC_SEQUENCE && !$this->app->is_ignored($n)) { $abs_path = $this->app->get_abs_path($href); $folder = normalize_path(dirname($abs_path)); if (!rename($abs_path, $folder . "/" . $name)) { json_fail(2, "renaming failed"); } } json_exit(); } } } } } } } }