public function editAction() { $this->view->title = "Url Rewrite Management - Edit"; $this->view->headTitle(" - " . $this->view->title); $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $model1 = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $model = $model1->find($id); $options['actualUrl'] = $model->getActualUrl(); $options['seoUrl'] = $model->getSeoUrl(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $form = new Admin_Form_SeoUrl(); $form->populate($options); $options = $request->getPost(); if ($request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($options)) { $model->setOptions($options); $model->save($model); $this->view->successMsg = "Seo Url Id : {$model->getId()}' has been updated successfully!"; } else { $form->reset(); $form->populate($options); } } $this->view->form = $form; }
public function seoUrl($string) { //$request=Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract::getControllerName(); //echo $this->view->controllerName; $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV); if ($config->seofriendlyurl == "1") { $stringSearchArr = explode("?", $string); $string = $stringSearchArr[0]; $seoUrlM = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl = $seoUrlM->fetchRow("actual_url='{$string}'"); if (false !== $seoUrl) { if (isset($stringSearchArr[1])) { return $seoUrl->getSeoUrl() . "?" . $stringSearchArr[1]; } else { return $seoUrl->getSeoUrl(); } } return $string; } else { return $string; } }
public function routeStartup(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV); if ($config->site_maintenance == "1") { $appNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("app"); if ($appNs->userName == "" && $appNs->password == "") { $request->setRequestUri('/index/app-login/'); } } if ($config->seofriendlyurl == "1") { $seoUrlM = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $stringURI = $request->getRequestUri(); $stringSearchArr = explode("?", $stringURI); $stringSeoUrl = $stringSearchArr[0]; $seoUrl = $seoUrlM->fetchRow("seo_url='{$stringSeoUrl}'"); if (false !== $seoUrl) { if (isset($stringSearchArr[1])) { $request->setRequestUri($seoUrl->getActualUrl() . "?" . $stringSearchArr[1]); } else { $request->setRequestUri($seoUrl->getActualUrl()); } } } }
public function editPageAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $this->view->user_id = $id; $model1 = new Application_Model_Page(); $model = $model1->find($id); if (false === $model) { $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage(array('error' => 'Invalid request! Please try again.')); $this->_helper->_redirector->gotoUrl($this->view->seoUrl('/hr/employees')); } $options = array('title' => $model->getTitle(), 'identifire' => $model->getIdentifire(), 'content' => $model->getContent(), 'metaTitle' => $model->getMetaTitle(), 'metaDescription' => $model->getMetaDescription(), 'metaKeyword' => $model->getMetaKeyword(), 'status' => $model->getStatus()); $request = $this->getRequest(); $form = new Application_Form_Page(); $form->populate($options); $options = $request->getPost(); if ($request->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($options)) { $sanitize = new Base_Sanitize(); if (trim($options['identifire']) == "") { $options['identifire'] = $options['title']; } if (trim($options['identifire']) != "") { $options['identifire'] = $sanitize->clearInputs($options['identifire']); $options['identifire'] = $sanitize->sanitize($options['identifire']); //update seo url table $seo_url_title = $options['identifire']; $actual_url = "/index/contact"; $seo_url = "/contact"; $actual_url = "/employee/page/identifire/{$model->getIdentifire()}"; $new_actual_url = "/employee/page/identifire/{$seo_url_title}"; $seo_url = "/{$seo_url_title}"; $seoUrlM = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $soeUrl = $seoUrlM->fetchRow("actual_url='{$actual_url}'"); if (false !== $soeUrl) { if ($seo_url != "") { $soeUrl->setActualUrl($new_actual_url); $soeUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $soeUrl->save(); } } else { if ($seo_url != "") { $seoUrl = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl->setActualUrl($new_actual_url); $seoUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $seoUrl->save(); } } } $model->setOptions($options); $model->save(); $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage(array('success' => 'Page has been updated successfully!')); $this->_helper->_redirector->gotoUrl($this->view->seoUrl('/cms/edit-page/id/' . $id)); } else { $this->_flashMessenger->addMessage(array('error' => 'Unable to save the data. Please provide valid inputs and try again.')); $form->reset(); $form->populate($options); } } $this->view->form = $form; }
public function editAction() { $id = $this->_getParam('id'); $preview = false; $preview = $this->_getParam('preview'); //echo "diana==>".base64_encode(85); $this->view->id = $id; $this->view->preview = $preview; $page = new Application_Model_Advice(); $page = $page->find($id); $options = array('categoryId' => $page->getCategoryId(), 'title' => $page->getTitle(), 'identifire' => $page->getIdentifire(), 'name' => $page->getName(), 'content' => $page->getContent(), 'synopsis' => $page->getSynopsis(), 'metaTitle' => $page->getMetaTitle(), 'metaDescription' => $page->getMetaDescription(), 'metaKeyword' => $page->getMetaKeyword(), 'status' => $page->getStatus(), 'name' => $page->getName(), 'userId' => $page->getUserId()); $request = $this->getRequest(); $form = new Admin_Form_Advice(); //clear form element decorators $elements = $form->getElements(); $form->clearDecorators(); foreach ($elements as $element) { $element->removeDecorator('label'); $element->removeDecorator('td'); $element->removeDecorator('tr'); $element->removeDecorator('row'); $element->removeDecorator('HtmlTag'); $element->removeDecorator('class'); $element->removeDecorator('placement'); $element->removeDecorator('data'); } //$this->view->type = $page->getType(); $this->view->imgName = $page->getName(); $form->populate($options); if ($request->isPost()) { $options = $request->getPost(); if (trim($options['identifire']) == "") { $sanitize = new Base_Sanitize(); $options['identifire'] = $options['title']; } if (trim($options['identifire']) != "") { $sanitize = new Base_Sanitize(); $options['identifire'] = $sanitize->clearInputs($options['identifire']); $options['identifire'] = $sanitize->sanitize($options['identifire']); //update seo url table $seo_url_title = $options['identifire']; $adviceM = new Application_Model_Advice(); $advice = $adviceM->find($id); $seo_url = ""; $actual_url = "/advice/detail/id/{$id}"; if (false !== $advice) { $sanitizeM = new Base_Sanitize(); //$category_id = $advice->getCategoryId(); $category_id = $options['categoryId']; $categoryM = new Application_Model_Category(); $category = $categoryM->find($category_id); if (false !== $category) { $seo_url = "/advice/" . $sanitizeM->sanitize($category->getName()) . "/" . $seo_url_title; } } $seoUrlM = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $soeUrl = $seoUrlM->fetchRow("actual_url='{$actual_url}'"); if (false !== $soeUrl) { if ($seo_url != "") { $soeUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $soeUrl->save(); } } else { if ($seo_url != "") { $seoUrl = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl->setActualUrl($actual_url); $seoUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $seoUrl->save(); } } } //save data if ($form->isValid($options)) { //set previous image name if not uploaded new one $options['name'] = $page->getName(); /*------------------------------ Image Upload START ---------------------------*/ $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http(); if ($upload->isValid()) { $upload->setDestination("images/advice/"); try { $upload->receive(); } catch (Zend_File_Transfer_Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); } //unlink previous uploaded image files unlink("images/advice/" . $page->getName()); unlink("images/advice/thumb_" . $page->getName()); $upload->setOptions(array('useByteString' => false)); $file_name = $upload->getFileName('name'); $cardImageTypeArr = explode(".", $file_name); $ext = strtolower($cardImageTypeArr[count($cardImageTypeArr) - 1]); $target_file_name = "advice_" . time() . ".{$ext}"; $targetPath = 'images/advice/' . $target_file_name; $targetPathThumb = 'images/advice/thumb_' . $target_file_name; $filterFileRename = new Zend_Filter_File_Rename(array('target' => $targetPath, 'overwrite' => true)); $filterFileRename->filter($file_name); $thumb = Base_Image_PhpThumbFactory::create($targetPath); $thumb->resize(128, 84); $thumb->save($targetPathThumb); // file name $options['name'] = $target_file_name; } /*------------------------------ Image Upload END ---------------------------*/ $options['status'] = $page->getStatus(); if ($options["saveUnpublish"] == "Save and Unpublish") { $options['status'] = 0; } if ($options["savePublish"] == "Save and Publish") { $options['status'] = 1; } $page->setOptions($options); $page->save(); //return $this->_helper->redirector('index','advice',"admin",Array('msg'=>base64_encode("'{$page->getTitle()}' has been updated successfully!"))); if ($options["savePublish"] == "Save and Publish") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "Article has been saved & published successfully."; $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'advice', 'admin'); } else { if ($options["saveUnpublish"] == "Save and Unpublish") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "Article has been saved successfully."; $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'advice', 'admin'); } else { $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'advice', 'admin', array('id' => $id, 'preview' => 'true')); } } } else { $form->reset(); $form->populate($options); } } $this->view->form = $form; }
public function addAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $form = new Admin_Form_Articles(); //clear form element decorators $elements = $form->getElements(); $form->clearDecorators(); foreach ($elements as $element) { $element->removeDecorator('label'); $element->removeDecorator('td'); $element->removeDecorator('tr'); $element->removeDecorator('row'); $element->removeDecorator('HtmlTag'); $element->removeDecorator('class'); $element->removeDecorator('placement'); $element->removeDecorator('data'); } $model = new Application_Model_Articles(); $page_id = $this->_getParam('id'); $this->view->msg = ""; if ($this->_getParam('m') == 's') { $this->view->msg = "Article has been saved successfully."; } //select logged in user as default seleted for Author $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members"); $author = array('userId' => $usersNs->userId); $form->populate($author); /*-----------------------------------------*/ if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { $options = $request->getPost(); if (trim($options['identifire']) == "") { $options['identifire'] = $options['title']; } if (trim($options['identifire']) != "") { $sanitize = new Base_Sanitize(); $options['identifire'] = $sanitize->clearInputs($options['identifire']); $options['identifire'] = $sanitize->sanitize($options['identifire']); } if ($form->isValid($options)) { /*------------------------------Image Upload ---------------------------*/ $upload = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http(); $target_file_name = ""; if ($upload->isValid()) { $upload->setDestination("images/articles/"); try { $upload->receive(); } catch (Zend_File_Transfer_Exception $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); } $upload->setOptions(array('useByteString' => false)); $file_name = $upload->getFileName('image'); $cardImageTypeArr = explode(".", $file_name); $ext = strtolower($cardImageTypeArr[count($cardImageTypeArr) - 1]); $target_file_name = "art_" . time() . ".{$ext}"; $targetPath = 'images/articles/' . $target_file_name; $targetPathThumb = 'images/articles/thumb_' . $target_file_name; $filterFileRename = new Zend_Filter_File_Rename(array('target' => $targetPath, 'overwrite' => true)); $filterFileRename->filter($file_name); $thumb = Base_Image_PhpThumbFactory::create($targetPath); $thumb->resize(100, 64); $thumb->save($targetPathThumb); } //end if /*------------------------------Image Upload ---------------------------*/ $params = $options; $params['status'] = 1; if ($options["savePublish"] != "Save and Publish") { $params['status'] = 0; } //commented by mahipal on 29-dec-2010 and replaced with user dropdown list //$usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members"); //$params['userId'] = $usersNs->userId; $params['image'] = $target_file_name; // file name $model = new Application_Model_Articles($params); $id = $page_id = $model->save(); $seo_url_title = $options['identifire']; $articleM = new Application_Model_Articles(); $article = $articleM->find($id); $seo_url = ""; $actual_url = "/work-study-volunteer/article-detail/id/{$id}"; if (false !== $article) { $sanitizeM = new Base_Sanitize(); $category_id = $article->getCategoryId(); $categoryM = new Application_Model_Category(); $category = $categoryM->find($category_id); if (false !== $category) { //$seo_url="/work-study-volunteer/".$category->getType()."/".$sanitizeM->sanitize($category->getName())."/".$seo_url_title; $seo_url = "/work-study-volunteer/" . $sanitizeM->sanitize($category->getName()) . "/" . $seo_url_title; } } $seoUrlM = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl = $seoUrlM->fetchRow("actual_url='{$actual_url}'"); if (false !== $seoUrl) { if ($seo_url != "") { $seoUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $seoUrl->save(); } } else { if ($seo_url != "") { $seoUrl = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl->setActualUrl($actual_url); $seoUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $seoUrl->save(); } } //$this->_helper->redirector('add','articles','admin',array('id'=>$page_id,'m'=>'s')); if ($options["savePublish"] == "Save and Publish") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "Article has been saved & published successfully."; $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'articles', 'admin'); } else { if ($options["saveUnpublish"] == "Save and Unpublish") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "Article has been saved successfully."; $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'articles', 'admin'); } else { $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'articles', 'admin', array('id' => $page_id, 'preview' => 'true')); } } } //end if } //end if $this->view->form = $form; }
public function addAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $form = new Admin_Form_Page(); //clear form element decorators $elements = $form->getElements(); $form->clearDecorators(); foreach ($elements as $element) { $element->removeDecorator('label'); $element->removeDecorator('td'); $element->removeDecorator('tr'); $element->removeDecorator('row'); $element->removeDecorator('HtmlTag'); $element->removeDecorator('class'); $element->removeDecorator('placement'); $element->removeDecorator('data'); } $model = new Application_Model_Page(); $page_id = $this->_getParam('id'); $this->view->msg = ""; if ($this->_getParam('m') == 's') { $this->view->msg = "Page saved successfully"; } else { if ($this->_getParam('m') == 'e') { $this->view->msg = "Page identifire already exist"; } } //submit form if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) { $params = $form->getValues(); $params['status'] = 1; if ($options["savePublish"] != "Save and Publish") { $params['status'] = 0; } $usersNs = new Zend_Session_Namespace("members"); $params['userId'] = $usersNs->userId; //Set SEO page URL START, added by Mahipal on 23-Feb-2011 $sanitize = new Base_Sanitize(); if (trim($params['identifire']) == "") { $params['identifire'] = $params['title']; } if (trim($params['identifire']) != "") { $params['identifire'] = $sanitize->clearInputs($params['identifire']); $params['identifire'] = $sanitize->sanitize($params['identifire']); $seo_url_title = $params['identifire']; $actual_url = "/index/page/identifire/{$seo_url_title}"; $seo_url = "/{$seo_url_title}"; if ($seo_url != "") { $seoUrl = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl->setActualUrl($actual_url); $seoUrl->setSeoUrl($seo_url); $seoUrl->save(); } } //Set SEO page URL END $model = new Application_Model_Page($params); try { $page_id = $model->save(); //$this->_helper->redirector('add','page','admin',array('id'=>$page_id,'m'=>'s')); if ($options["savePublish"] == "Save and Publish") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "Page has been saved & published successfully."; $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'page', 'admin'); } else { if ($options["saveUnpublish"] == "Save and Unpublish") { $_SESSION['errorMsg'] = "Page has been saved successfully."; $this->_helper->redirector('index', 'page', 'admin'); } else { //$this->_helper->redirector('edit','page','admin',array('id'=>$page_id,'preview'=>'true')); $identifire = $params['identifire']; $this->_helper->redirector('edit', 'page', 'admin', array('id' => $page_id, 'identifire' => $identifire, 'preview' => 'true')); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->_helper->redirector('add', 'page', 'admin', array('id' => $page_id, 'm' => 'e')); } } } $this->view->form = $form; }
public function blocks($region, $path = "/modules/block/views/blocks") { //var_dump ($this->request); $request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH . '/configs/application.ini', APPLICATION_ENV); if ($config->seofriendlyurl == "1") { $seoUrlM = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $seoUrl = $seoUrlM->fetchRow("seo_url='{$request_uri}'"); if (false !== $seoUrl) { $request_uri = $seoUrl->getActualUrl(); } } $regionM = new Block_Model_BlockRegion(); $regionO = $regionM->fetchRow("alias='{$region}'"); if ($regionO === false) { return false; } $blockM = new Block_Model_Block(); $where = " (block_region_id='{$regionO->getId()}' || block_region_id='0') and status='1'"; $order = "weight desc"; $blocks = $blockM->fetchAll($where, $order); if (count($blocks) > 0) { $requestUrl = trim($request_uri); $path = APPLICATION_PATH . $path . "/" . $region; $this->view->addScriptPath($path); foreach ($blocks as $_block) { $flag = false; $arrPaths = unserialize($_block->getVisibilityPaths()); foreach ($arrPaths as $_path) { $_path = trim($_path); if ($_path == $requestUrl) { $flag = true; break; //break the path loop } else { if (false !== strpos($_path, "*")) { $_path = substr($_path, 0, -2); if ($_path != "") { if (false !== strpos($requestUrl, $_path)) { $flag = true; break; //break the path loop } } else { $flag = true; break; //break the path loop } } } } //end of path loop if ($flag == true) { if (trim($_block->getBody()) == "") { if ($_block->getAlias() == "recent-blog" && ($requestUrl == "/journal/my-journals" || $requestUrl == "/journal/journal-settings")) { //no need to display the block } else { echo $this->view->render($_block->getAlias() . ".phtml"); } } else { echo $_block->getBody(); } } } } }
private function setModel($row) { $model = new Application_Model_SeoUrl(); $model->setId($row->id)->setActualUrl($row->actual_url)->setSeoUrl($row->seo_url); return $model; }