  * Add post submit
 public function submitAddPostForm($form)
     $Profiles = new Application_Model_Profiles();
     $current_user_id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
     // default user wall
     $profile = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity();
     // writing on other user wall?
     if ($this->request->getParam('name')) {
         $profile = $Profiles->getProfile($this->request->getParam('name'));
     if (!$this->canPostHere($current_user_id, $profile->type, $profile->id, $profile->owner)) {
         return false;
     // submit?
     if (isset($_POST['identifier']) && $_POST['identifier'] == 'AddPost' && $form->isValid($_POST)) {
         $content = $form->getValue('content');
         $content = Application_Plugin_Common::preparePost($content);
         $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
         // save received filename to session form_unique_key
         $form_unique_key = (int) $_POST['form_unique_key'];
         $attached_files = @glob(TMP_PATH . '/post_' . Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->name . '_' . $form_unique_key . '*');
         if ($this->show_privacy) {
             $Posts->addPost($content, $profile->id, Zend_Registry::get('default_privacy'), $attached_files);
         } else {
             // most restrictive, for groups and pages privacy is controlled when fetching posts
             $Posts->addPost($content, $profile->id, 'friends', $attached_files);
         // flush content
         $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('Redirector');
     return $form;
 public function showAction()
     $posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     //Pega todos os posts
     $listaPost = $posts->fetchAll();
     //Pega o primeiro post
     $post = $listaPost->getRow(0);
     //busca todos os comentarios relacionados com o post
     $listaPostComments = $post->findDependentRowset('Application_Model_Comments');
     //Coloca na variavel post
     $this->view->comments = $listaPostComments;
  * Main Feed / Login Page
 public function indexAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $Connections = new Application_Model_Connections();
     $limit = Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('sidebar_max_users');
     // put addPost form on the front page
     if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
         $this->view->sidebar_myprofile = true;
     } else {
         $this->view->sidebar_login = true;
     // attach sidebar box
     Zend_Registry::get('hooks')->attach('hook_view_sidebar', 2, function () {
         echo Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer')->view->render('/_sidebar/myprofile.phtml');
         echo Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer')->view->render('/_sidebar/loginregister.phtml');
     // load initial posts
     $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     // Add coment form
     $add_comment_form = new Application_Form_AddComment();
     $this->view->add_comment_form = $add_comment_form;
     // offset infinite scroll
     if ($this->view->post_page_number) {
         $Posts->page_number = $this->view->post_page_number;
     $data = $Posts->getPosts();
     $this->view->posts_data = $data;
     $this->view->profile_type = 'feed';
     // continue to load posts with ajax
     if (count($data) >= Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('limit_posts')) {
         $this->view->php_loadPostURL = $this->_helper->url->url(array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'load'), 'default', true);
     // auto show image (shares)
     $image_uid = $request->getParam('showimage', 0);
     if ($image_uid) {
         if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
         $Images = new Application_Model_Images();
         $image = $Images->getImageByUID($image_uid);
         if (isset($image)) {
             $this->view->auto_show_image = $image['id'];
             $this->view->auto_show_image_file_name = $image['file_name'];
         } else {
             Application_Plugin_Alerts::error($this->view->translate('Resource does not exists'), 'on');
Exemple #4
  * Add comment
 public function addComment($content, $resource_id, $resource_type)
     if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
         return false;
     if (!is_string($content) || !is_string($resource_type) || strlen($content) < 1) {
         return false;
     $content = Application_Plugin_Common::limitInput($content);
     $author_id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
     // find resource author
     switch ($resource_type) {
         case 'post':
             $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
             $resource_author = $Posts->getPostAuthorId($resource_id);
             $resource_wall = $Posts->getPostsWallProfileData($resource_id);
             // for page comments written by page admin switch owner to be a page itself
             if ($resource_wall['type'] == 'page' && $resource_wall['owner'] == $author_id) {
                 $author_id = $resource_wall['id'];
                 $resource_author = $author_id;
         case 'image':
             $Images = new Application_Model_Images();
             $image = $Images->getImage($resource_id);
             $resource_author = $image['data']['uploaded_by'];
             $resource_author = 0;
     $ret = $this->insert(array('author_id' => $author_id, 'resource_type' => $resource_type, 'resource_id' => $resource_id, 'created_on' => Application_Plugin_Common::now(), 'content' => $content, 'is_hidden' => 0));
     $this->markOldAsHidden($resource_type, $resource_id);
     $Notifications = new Application_Model_Notifications();
     // notify all users involved in comment discussion
     $notify_users = $this->getUsersCommented($resource_type, $resource_id, true);
     // notify resource author if not already on the list
     if (array_search($resource_author, $notify_users) === false) {
         $notify_users[] = $resource_author;
     $Notifications->pushNotification($notify_users, 1, 'comment', $ret);
     // trigger hooks
     $data = array('comment_id' => $ret, 'content' => $content);
     Zend_Registry::get('hooks')->trigger('hook_data_aftersavecomment', $data);
     return $ret;
Exemple #5
  * Like toggle
 public function toggleLike($resource_id, $resource_type)
     if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity() || !$resource_id || !$resource_type) {
         return null;
     $user_id = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id;
     if ($this->isLiked($resource_id, $resource_type)) {
         $result = $this->delete(array('resource_id = ?' => (int) $resource_id, 'resource_type = ?' => $resource_type, 'user_id = ?' => (int) $user_id));
         $state = 0;
     } else {
         $data = array('user_id' => (int) $user_id, 'resource_type' => $resource_type, 'resource_id' => (int) $resource_id, 'created_on' => Application_Plugin_Common::now());
         $ret = $this->insert($data);
         $state = 1;
     $likes_count = $this->getLikesCount($resource_id, $resource_type);
     // notify author
     $Notifications = new Application_Model_Notifications();
     if ($state == 1) {
         // find resource author
         switch ($resource_type) {
             case 'post':
                 $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
                 $resource_author = array($Posts->getPostAuthorId($resource_id));
             case 'comment':
                 $Comments = new Application_Model_Comments();
                 $resource_author = array($Comments->getCommentAuthorId($resource_id));
             case 'image':
                 $Images = new Application_Model_Images();
                 $resource_author = array($Images->getImageOwnerId($resource_id));
                 $resource_author = false;
         if ($resource_author) {
             // notify resource owner
             $Notifications->pushNotification($resource_author, 2, 'like', $ret);
     return array('count' => $likes_count, 'state' => $state);
  * Fetch and prepare posts for view
 public function preparePosts($search_context)
     $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     // offset infinite scroll
     if ($this->view->post_page_number) {
         $Posts->page_number = $this->view->post_page_number;
     // retrieve posts
     $this->view->posts_data = $Posts->getPosts(null, false, array('term' => $this->search_term, 'context' => $search_context));
     if (count($this->view->posts_data) > 0) {
         // Add comment form
         $add_comment_form = new Application_Form_AddComment();
         $this->view->add_comment_form = $add_comment_form;
     } else {
         Application_Plugin_Alerts::info($this->view->translate('Nothing found...'), 'off');
     // continue to load posts with ajax (v1.5+)
     if (count($this->view->posts_data) >= Zend_Registry::get('config')->get('limit_posts')) {
         $this->view->php_loadPostURL = $this->_helper->url->url(array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'load', 'term' => $this->search_term, 'context' => $search_context), 'default', true);
     $this->view->profile_type = 'feed';
     // set single view script
Exemple #7
  * Método utilizado para excluir posts. Aguarda um parametro do tipo Int id.
  * @param int $id
  * @method deleteAction
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function deleteAction()
     $post = new Application_Model_Posts();
     $id = $this->_getParam('id');
     $post->delete('id =' . $id);
Exemple #8
  * Delete image
 public function deleteImage($image_id, $resource)
     $image = $this->getImage($image_id);
     // check if owner or an admin
     if ($this->getImageOwnerId($image_id) != Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->id && Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getIdentity()->role !== 'admin') {
         return false;
     // delete connected comments, likes and reports
     $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     $Posts->deleteConnectedResourcesData('image', $image_id);
     $Storage = new Application_Model_Storage();
     $StorageAdapter = $Storage->getAdapter();
     $StorageAdapter->deleteFileFromStorage($image['data']['file_name'], $resource);
     if ($image['data']['original']) {
         $StorageAdapter->deleteFileFromStorage($image['data']['original'], $resource);
     $result = $this->delete(array('id = ?' => $image_id));
     return $result;
Exemple #9
  * Permanently remove all profile's associated data
 public function removeAllProfilesData($profile_id)
     // check if exists
     $profile = $this->getProfileByField('id', $profile_id);
     if (!$profile) {
         return false;
     $Images = new Application_Model_Images();
     $Albums = new Application_Model_Albums();
     $Comments = new Application_Model_Comments();
     $Connections = new Application_Model_Connections();
     $Likes = new Application_Model_Likes();
     $Notifications = new Application_Model_Notifications();
     $Reports = new Application_Model_Reports();
     $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     $Messages = new Application_Model_Messages();
     $ProfilesMeta = new Application_Model_ProfilesMeta();
     return true;
  * Edit reported post
 public function editpostAction()
     $Reports = new Application_Model_Reports();
     $total_counts = $Reports->getTotalCount();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $page = (int) $request->getParam('page');
     $post_id = (int) $request->getParam('post');
     $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     $post = $Posts->getPost($post_id);
     // load and fill up form
     $edit_post_form = new Application_Form_EditPost();
     $this->view->edit_post_form = $edit_post_form;
     if ($request->isPost() && $edit_post_form->isValid($_POST)) {
         $content = $edit_post_form->getElement('content')->getValue();
         $privacy = $edit_post_form->getElement('privacy')->getValue();
         $new_post_content = Application_Plugin_Common::preparePost($content);
         $Posts->updatePost($post_id, $new_post_content, $privacy);
         Application_Plugin_Alerts::success($this->view->translate('Post updated'));
         if ($page > 0) {
             $this->redirect('reports/reviewposts/page/' . $page);
Exemple #11
 * @author Milos Stojanovic
 * @copyright 2014 interactive32.com
$this->attach('hook_data_renderoutput', 10, function (&$data) {
    $content =& $data['content'];
    $base_url = Application_Plugin_Common::getFullBaseUrl();
    $search_url = $base_url . '/search/posts/?term=%23';
    // hashtags
    $content = preg_replace("/(^|[\t\r\n\\s])#([\\p{L}\\p{N}\\-_]+)/u", " <a href='{$search_url}\$2'>#\$2</a> ", $content);
    // usertags
    $content = preg_replace("/(^|[\t\r\n\\s])@(\\w+)/u", " <a href='{$base_url}/\$2'>@\$2</a>", $content);
// push post mention notifications
$this->attach('hook_data_aftersavepost', 10, function ($data) {
    $post_id = $data['post_id'];
    $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
    $post = $Posts->getPost($post_id);
    $content = $data['content']['content'];
    $users = preg_replace_callback("/(^|[\t\r\n\\s])@(\\w+)/u", function ($match) use($post_id) {
        $Profiles = new Application_Model_Profiles();
        $profile = $Profiles->getProfile($match[2]);
        if ($profile && $profile->type == 'user') {
            $Notifications = new Application_Model_Notifications();
            $Notifications->pushNotification(array($profile->id), 1001, 'post', $post_id);
    }, $content);
// push comment mention notifications
$this->attach('hook_data_aftersavecomment', 10, function ($data) {
    $comment_id = $data['comment_id'];
    $Comments = new Application_Model_Comments();
  * Show single post on profile's wall
 public function showpostAction()
     $post_id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('post');
     // important, flush if profile not found
     if (!$this->profile) {
     // load addPost form
     if ($this->profile->type === 'user') {
         $show_privacy_btn = true;
     } else {
         $show_privacy_btn = false;
     $this->_helper->addPostFormLoader($this->profile->name, $show_privacy_btn);
     // load single post
     $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
     // Add coment form
     $add_comment_form = new Application_Form_AddComment();
     $this->view->add_comment_form = $add_comment_form;
     $Posts->show_hidden_comments = true;
     $data = $Posts->getPosts(null, $post_id);
     if (!$data) {
         Application_Plugin_Alerts::error(Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate')->translate('This post is private or does not exists'), 'off');
     $this->view->posts_data = $data;
     $this->view->profile_type = $this->profile->type;
     // render classic profile view
  * get share modal content (via ajax)
 public function shareAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $resource_type = $request->getParam('resource_type', 0);
     $resource_id = $request->getParam('resource_id', 0);
     $base_link = Application_Plugin_Common::getFullBaseUrl();
     $repost_link = false;
     switch ($resource_type) {
         case 'post':
             $Posts = new Application_Model_Posts();
             $post = $Posts->getPost($resource_id);
             $profile = $Posts->getProfileDataByPostWall($resource_id);
             $profile_name = $profile['name'];
             $direct_link = $base_link . '/profiles/showpost/name/' . $profile_name . '/post/' . $resource_id;
             $repost_link = $base_link . '/posts/repost/post_id/' . $resource_id;
         case 'profile':
             $direct_link = $base_link . '/' . $resource_id;
         case 'image':
             $Images = new Application_Model_Images();
             $image = $Images->getImage($resource_id);
             $direct_link = $base_link . '/index/index/showimage/' . $image['data']['uid'];
             $direct_link = $base_link;
     // drop repost link if not logged in
     if (!Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
         $repost_link = false;
     $this->view->repost_link = $repost_link;
     $this->view->direct_link = $direct_link;
     // trigger hooks
     Zend_Registry::get('hooks')->trigger('hook_app_share', $this);
     $html = $this->view->render('/partial/share_modal_content.phtml');