  * Generates a unique external Enquiry identifer.
  * @return string
  * Returns a unique external Enquiry identifier.
 protected function _buildUniqueIdentifier()
     $select = $this->select();
     $utils = new Application_Core_Utilities();
     while (true) {
         $legacyIdentifier = $utils->_generateRefno();
         $select->where('RefNo = ? ', (string) $legacyIdentifier);
         $row = $this->fetchRow($select);
         if (empty($row)) {
             //A unique identifier has been found.
     return $legacyIdentifier;
  * Creates a new customer in both the DataStore and the LegacyDataStore,
  * and returns an object representation of this. The object will encapsulate both
  * the customer identifier, and the legacy customer identifier.
  * @param string $emailAddress
  * The customer's email address. No validation checking is performed on this,
  * other than to check for a non-empty string.
  * @param integer $customerType
  * Indicates the customer type, typically a tenant, landlord or agent. Must
  * correspond to a relevant const exposed by the Model_Core_Customer
  * @param boolean $legacyOnly
  * If this is set to true then the customer record is only created in the legacy system!
  * @return Model_Core_Customer
  * Returns a Customer object encapsulating the customer details.
  * @throws Zend_Exception
  * Throws a Zend_Exception if parameters are missing, or if the $customerType
  * is invalid.
  * @todo
  * Email the customer to let them know an account has been created and tell
  * them there randomly generated password. Not sure if we need to get email
  * content written by compliance or marketing?
 public function createNewCustomer($emailAddress, $customerType, $legacyOnly = false)
     //Validate the data passed in.
     if (empty($emailAddress) || empty($customerType)) {
         throw new Zend_Exception('Required parameters missing');
     switch ($customerType) {
         case Model_Core_Customer::AGENT:
         case Model_Core_Customer::CUSTOMER:
             //All is well.
             throw new Zend_Exception('Invalid customer type specified.');
     //Save the customer into the DataStore and LegacyDataStore. To do this
     //first obtain the email address, password, customer type (tenant, landlord,
     //agent) and an unused legacy identifier (customerRefno).
     $passwordUtil = new Application_Core_Password();
     $password = $passwordUtil->generate();
     $utils = new Application_Core_Utilities();
     while (true) {
         $legacyIdentifier = $utils->_generateRefno();
         if ($this->_legacyCustomerModel->getConfirmCustomerExists($legacyIdentifier)) {
         //A unique identifier has been found.
     //And create:
     $this->_legacyCustomerModel->insertCustomer($emailAddress, $password, $legacyIdentifier);
     if (!$legacyOnly) {
         $identifier = $this->_customerModel->insertCustomer($emailAddress, $password, $customerType);
         //Next link the LegacyDataStore and the DataStore.
         $customerMap = new Datasource_Core_CustomerMaps();
         $customerMap->insertMap($legacyIdentifier, $identifier);
     //Finally, encapsulate the customer details in a Model_Insurance_Common_Customer_DomainObjects_Customer
     //object and return.
     $customer = new Model_Core_Customer();
     if (!$legacyOnly) {
         $customer->setIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::IDENTIFIER, $identifier);
     $customer->setIdentifier(Model_Core_Customer::LEGACY_IDENTIFIER, $legacyIdentifier);
     return $customer;