  * Constructor
  * @param $request PKPRequest
 function NlmCitationSchemaCitationOutputFormatFilter(&$request)
     // Load additional translations
     $locale = AppLocale::getLocale();
     $basePath = $this->getBasePath();
     $localeFile = $basePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'locale' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'locale.xml';
     AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $localeFile);
     // Save the request for later use
     $this->_request =& $request;
  * @see PKPPlugin::register()
  * @return boolean true iff success
 function register($category, $path)
     $success = parent::register($category, $path);
     if ($success && $this->getEnabled()) {
         // Register DAOs.
         // Delete all plug-in data for a journal when the journal is deleted
         HookRegistry::register('JournalDAO::deleteJournalById', array($this, 'deleteJournalById'));
         // Editor links to review object types and objects for review pages
         HookRegistry::register('Templates::Editor::Index::AdditionalItems', array($this, 'displayLink'));
         // Hook against the MyAccount link for Readers to have access.
         HookRegistry::register('Templates::User::Index::MyAccount', array($this, 'displayLink'));
         // Handler for editor, author and public objects for review pages
         HookRegistry::register('LoadHandler', array($this, 'callbackLoadHandler'));
         // Enable TinyMCE for the text areas
         HookRegistry::register('TinyMCEPlugin::getEnableFields', array($this, 'enableTinyMCE'));
         // Enable notifications
         HookRegistry::register('NotificationManager::getNotificationContents', array($this, 'callbackNotificationContents'));
         // Ensure object for review user assignments are transferred when merging users
         HookRegistry::register('UserAction::mergeUsers', array($this, 'mergeObjectsForReviewAuthors'));
         $journal =& Request::getJournal();
         if ($journal) {
             // Register all supported/available locale/translation file
             $availableLocales = $journal->getSupportedLocaleNames();
             foreach ($availableLocales as $locale => $localeName) {
                 $localePath = $this->getPluginPath() . '/locale/' . $locale . '/locale.xml';
                 AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $localePath, true);
             $mode = $this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'mode');
             // If the menagment of objects reviewers should be supported
             // then include additional links and pages
             if ($mode == OFR_MODE_FULL) {
                 // Navigation bar link to the public objects for review page
                 HookRegistry::register('Templates::Common::Header::Navbar::CurrentJournal', array($this, 'displayLink'));
                 // Author link to objects for review pages
                 HookRegistry::register('Templates::Author::Index::AdditionalItems', array($this, 'displayLink'));
                 // Display author's objects for review during submission
                 HookRegistry::register('Author::SubmitHandler::saveSubmit', array($this, 'saveSubmitHandler'));
                 HookRegistry::register('Templates::Author::Submit::Step5::AdditionalItems', array($this, 'displayAuthorObjectsForReview'));
             // Display object metadata on article abstract page
             if ($this->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'displayAbstract')) {
                 HookRegistry::register('TemplateManager::display', array(&$this, 'handleTemplateDisplay'));
                 HookRegistry::register('Templates::Article::MoreInfo', array(&$this, 'displayAbstract'));
             // remove side bar editor links for enrolled publishers.
             HookRegistry::register('TemplateManager::display', array($this, 'removeLinks'));
     return $success;
 function addCustomLocale($hookName, $args)
     $locale =& $args[0];
     $localeFilename =& $args[1];
     $conference = Request::getConference();
     $conferenceId = $conference->getId();
     $publicFilesDir = Config::getVar('files', 'public_files_dir');
     $customLocalePath = $publicFilesDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'conferences' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $conferenceId . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CUSTOM_LOCALE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localeFilename;
     if (FileManager::fileExists($customLocalePath)) {
         AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $customLocalePath, true);
     return true;
 function addCustomLocale($hookName, $args)
     $locale =& $args[0];
     $localeFilename =& $args[1];
     $journal = Request::getJournal();
     $journalId = $journal->getId();
     $publicFilesDir = Config::getVar('files', 'public_files_dir');
     $customLocalePath = $publicFilesDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'journals' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $journalId . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . CUSTOM_LOCALE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $locale . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $localeFilename;
     $fileManager = new FileManager();
     if ($fileManager->fileExists($customLocalePath)) {
         AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $customLocalePath, false);
     return true;
 function requireComponents($components, $locale = null)
     $loadedComponents =& Registry::get('loadedLocaleComponents', true, array());
     if ($locale === null) {
         $locale = AppLocale::getLocale();
     $filenameComponentMap = AppLocale::getFilenameComponentMap($locale);
     foreach ($components as $component) {
         // Don't load components twice
         if (isset($loadedComponents[$locale][$component])) {
         if (!isset($filenameComponentMap[$component])) {
             fatalError('Unknown locale component ' . $component);
         $filename = $filenameComponentMap[$component];
         AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $filename);
         $loadedComponents[$locale][$component] = true;
Exemple #6
  * Load locale data for this plugin.
  * @param $locale string
  * @return boolean
 function addLocaleData($locale = null)
     if ($locale == '') {
         $locale = AppLocale::getLocale();
     $localeFilename = $this->getLocaleFilename($locale);
     if ($localeFilename) {
         AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $this->getLocaleFilename($locale));
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #7
  * Load locale data for this plugin.
  * @param $locale string
  * @return boolean
 function addLocaleData($locale = null)
     if ($locale == '') {
         $locale = AppLocale::getLocale();
     $localeFilenames = $this->getLocaleFilename($locale);
     if ($localeFilenames) {
         if (is_scalar($localeFilenames)) {
             $localeFilenames = array($localeFilenames);
         foreach ($localeFilenames as $localeFilename) {
             AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $localeFilename);
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #8
  * Load a set of locale components. Parameters of mixed length may
  * be supplied, each a LOCALE_COMPONENT_... constant. An optional final
  * parameter may be supplied to specify the locale (e.g. 'en_US').
 static function requireComponents()
     $params = func_get_args();
     $paramCount = count($params);
     if ($paramCount === 0) {
     // Get the locale
     $lastParam = $params[$paramCount - 1];
     if (is_string($lastParam)) {
         $locale = $lastParam;
     } else {
         $locale = AppLocale::getLocale();
     // Backwards compatibility: the list used to be supplied
     // as an array in the first parameter.
     if (is_array($params[0])) {
         $params = $params[0];
         $paramCount = count($params);
     // Go through and make sure each component is loaded if valid.
     $loadedComponents =& Registry::get('loadedLocaleComponents', true, array());
     $filenameComponentMap = AppLocale::getFilenameComponentMap($locale);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $paramCount; $i++) {
         $component = $params[$i];
         // Don't load components twice
         if (isset($loadedComponents[$locale][$component])) {
         // Validate component
         if (!isset($filenameComponentMap[$component])) {
             fatalError('Unknown locale component ' . $component);
         $filename = $filenameComponentMap[$component];
         AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $filename);
         $loadedComponents[$locale][$component] = true;
  * Update or install review objects
  * @param $journal Journal
  * @param $reviewObjects array of review object types keys or ids
  * @param $locales array of locales
  * @param $action string (install or update)
 function _updateOrInstallReviewObjectTypes($journal, $reviewObjects, $locales, $action)
     $plugin =& $this->_getObjectsForReviewPlugin();
     if (!isset($journal) || !isset($reviewObjects) || !isset($locales) || !isset($action)) {
         return false;
     $journalId = $journal->getId();
     $reviewObjectTypeDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewObjectTypeDAO');
     $reviewObjectMetadataDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('ReviewObjectMetadataDAO');
     $onlyCommonMetadata = false;
     foreach ($reviewObjects as $keyOrId) {
         if ($action == 'install') {
             // Create a new review object type
             $reviewObjectType = $reviewObjectTypeDao->newDataObject();
         } elseif ($action == 'update') {
             // Get the review object type
             $reviewObjectType =& $reviewObjectTypeDao->getById($keyOrId, $journalId);
             if (!isset($reviewObjectType)) {
                 return false;
             // If the type was created by the user, update only the common metadata
             if ($reviewObjectType->getKey() == NULL) {
                 $onlyCommonMetadata = true;
         // Callect the metadata in the array
         $reviewObjectMetadataArray = array();
         // For all languages
         foreach ($locales as $locale) {
             // Register the locale/translation file
             $localePath = $plugin->getPluginPath() . '/locale/' . $locale . '/locale.xml';
             AppLocale::registerLocaleFile($locale, $localePath, true);
             $xmlDao = new XMLDAO();
             // Get common metadata
             $commonDataPath = $plugin->getPluginPath() . '/xml/commonMetadata.xml';
             $commonData = $xmlDao->parse($commonDataPath);
             $commonMetadata = $commonData->getChildByName('objectMetadata');
             $allMetadataChildren = $commonMetadata->getChildren();
             // Get the object metadata
             if (!$onlyCommonMetadata) {
                 // Parse the review object XML file
                 $itemPath = $plugin->getPluginPath() . '/xml/reviewObjects/' . $reviewObjectType->getKey() . '.xml';
                 $data = $xmlDao->parse($itemPath);
                 if (!$data) {
                     return false;
                 // Set the review object name
                 $itemTypeName = __($data->getChildValue('objectType'), array(), $locale);
                 $reviewObjectType->setName($itemTypeName, $locale);
                 // $reviewObjectType->setDescription($itemTypeNameDescription, $locale);
                 // Get the review object role selection options
                 $roleSelectionOptions = $data->getChildByName('roleSelectionOptions');
                 // Handle Metadata
                 // Get multiple options metadata types
                 $multipleOptionsTypes = ReviewObjectMetadata::getMultipleOptionsTypes();
                 // Get metadata types defined in DTD
                 $dtdTypes = ReviewObjectMetadata::getMetadataDTDTypes();
                 // Get the review object metadata
                 $itemMetadata = $data->getChildByName('objectMetadata');
                 // Merge all (common + review objec) metadata
                 $allMetadataChildren = array_merge($commonMetadata->getChildren(), $itemMetadata->getChildren());
             // Go through the metadata
             foreach ($allMetadataChildren as $metadataNode) {
                 $key = $metadataNode->getAttribute('key');
                 // If we have already went througt, collected/considered the metadata
                 if (array_key_exists($key, $reviewObjectMetadataArray)) {
                     $reviewObjectMetadata = $reviewObjectMetadataArray[$key];
                 } else {
                     if ($action == 'update') {
                         // Get the metadata
                         $reviewObjectMetadata = $reviewObjectMetadataDao->getByKey($key, $reviewObjectType->getId());
                     if ($action == 'install' || !isset($reviewObjectMetadata)) {
                         // Create a new metadata
                         $reviewObjectMetadata = $reviewObjectMetadataDao->newDataObject();
                         $metadataType = $dtdTypes[$metadataNode->getAttribute('type')];
                         $required = $metadataNode->getAttribute('required');
                         $reviewObjectMetadata->setRequired($required == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
                         $display = $metadataNode->getAttribute('display');
                         $reviewObjectMetadata->setDisplay($display == 'true' ? 1 : 0);
                 // Set metadata name
                 $name = __($metadataNode->getChildValue('name'), array(), $locale);
                 $reviewObjectMetadata->setName($name, $locale);
                 // Set roles options
                 if ($key == REVIEW_OBJECT_METADATA_KEY_ROLE) {
                     if (!$onlyCommonMetadata) {
                         $possibleOptions = array();
                         $index = 1;
                         foreach ($roleSelectionOptions->getChildren() as $selectionOptionNode) {
                             $possibleOptions[] = array('order' => $index, 'content' => __($selectionOptionNode->getValue(), array(), $locale));
                         $reviewObjectMetadata->setPossibleOptions($possibleOptions, $locale);
                 } else {
                     // Set possible options for multiple options metadata type
                     if (in_array($reviewObjectMetadata->getMetadataType(), $multipleOptionsTypes)) {
                         $selectionOptions = $metadataNode->getChildByName('selectionOptions');
                         $possibleOptions = array();
                         $index = 1;
                         foreach ($selectionOptions->getChildren() as $selectionOptionNode) {
                             $possibleOptions[] = array('order' => $index, 'content' => __($selectionOptionNode->getValue(), array(), $locale));
                         $reviewObjectMetadata->setPossibleOptions($possibleOptions, $locale);
                     } else {
                         $reviewObjectMetadata->setPossibleOptions(null, null);
                 // Collect/consider the metadata
                 $reviewObjectMetadataArray[$key] = $reviewObjectMetadata;
             // End foreach metadata
         // End foreach locales
         // Insert resp. update the review object type
         if ($action == 'install') {
             $reviewObjectTypeId = $reviewObjectTypeDao->insertObject($reviewObjectType);
         } elseif ($action == 'update') {
         // Insert resp. update review object metadata
         foreach ($reviewObjectMetadataArray as $key => $reviewObjectMetadata) {
             // if this is a new metadata insert it
             if ($reviewObjectMetadata->getKey() == '') {
             } else {
     // End foreach review objects