Exemple #1
     * Create the application document registry
     * @param array $aData
     * @return string
    public function create ($aData)
        $oConnection = Propel::getConnection( AppDocumentPeer::DATABASE_NAME );
        try {
            $oAppDocument = new AppDocument();

            if (! isset( $aData['APP_DOC_UID'] )) {
                $sUID = G::generateUniqueID();
                $docVersion = 1;
            } else {
                $sUID = $aData['APP_DOC_UID'];
                $docVersion = $this->getLastAppDocVersion( $aData['APP_DOC_UID'], $oAppDocument->getAppUid() );
                $oAppDocument->load( $aData['APP_DOC_UID'], $docVersion );
                switch ($oAppDocument->getAppDocType()) {
                    case "OUTPUT": //Output versioning
                        $o = new OutputDocument();
                        $oOutputDocument = $o->load( $oAppDocument->getDocUid() );

                        if (! $oOutputDocument['OUT_DOC_VERSIONING']) {
                            throw (new Exception( 'The Output document has not versioning enabled!' ));
                    case "INPUT": // Input versioning
                        $o = new InputDocument();
                        $oInputDocument = $o->load( $oAppDocument->getDocUid() );
                        if (! $oInputDocument['INP_DOC_VERSIONING']) {
                            throw (new Exception( 'This Input document does not have the versioning enabled, for this reason this operation cannot be completed' ));
                    default: //Not a valid type
                        throw (new Exception( 'The document is not of a valid Type' ));

                $docVersion ++;

            $oAppDocument->fromArray( $aData, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME );
            $oAppDocument->setDocVersion( $docVersion );

            $oAppDocument->setAppDocUid( $sUID );
            $oAppDocument->setAppDocIndex( $this->getLastIndex( $oAppDocument->getAppUid() ) + 1 );
            if ($oAppDocument->validate()) {
                if (isset( $aData['APP_DOC_TITLE'] )) {
                    $oAppDocument->setAppDocTitle( $aData['APP_DOC_TITLE'] );
                if (isset( $aData['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] )) {
                    $oAppDocument->setAppDocComment( $aData['APP_DOC_COMMENT'] );
                if (isset( $aData['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] )) {
                    $oAppDocument->setAppDocFilename( $aData['APP_DOC_FILENAME'] );
                $iResult = $oAppDocument->save();
                $this->fromArray( $oAppDocument->toArray( BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME ), BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME );
                return $sUID;
            } else {
                $sMessage = '';
                $aValidationFailures = $oAppDocument->getValidationFailures();
                foreach ($aValidationFailures as $oValidationFailure) {
                    $sMessage .= $oValidationFailure->getMessage() . '<br />';
                throw (new Exception( 'The registry cannot be created!<br />' . $sMessage ));
        } catch (Exception $oError) {
            throw ($oError);
  * Validates all modified columns of given AppDocument object.
  * If parameter $columns is either a single column name or an array of column names
  * than only those columns are validated.
  * NOTICE: This does not apply to primary or foreign keys for now.
  * @param      AppDocument $obj The object to validate.
  * @param      mixed $cols Column name or array of column names.
  * @return     mixed TRUE if all columns are valid or the error message of the first invalid column.
 public static function doValidate(AppDocument $obj, $cols = null)
     $columns = array();
     if ($cols) {
         $dbMap = Propel::getDatabaseMap(AppDocumentPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
         $tableMap = $dbMap->getTable(AppDocumentPeer::TABLE_NAME);
         if (!is_array($cols)) {
             $cols = array($cols);
         foreach ($cols as $colName) {
             if ($tableMap->containsColumn($colName)) {
                 $get = 'get' . $tableMap->getColumn($colName)->getPhpName();
                 $columns[$colName] = $obj->{$get}();
     } else {
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID] = $obj->getAppDocUid();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID] = $obj->getAppUid();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::DEL_INDEX] = $obj->getDelIndex();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::DOC_UID] = $obj->getDocUid();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::USR_UID] = $obj->getUsrUid();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE] = $obj->getAppDocType();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE] = $obj->getAppDocCreateDate();
         if ($obj->isNew() || $obj->isColumnModified(AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_STATUS)) {
             $columns[AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_STATUS] = $obj->getAppDocStatus();
     return BasePeer::doValidate(AppDocumentPeer::DATABASE_NAME, AppDocumentPeer::TABLE_NAME, $columns);