installationFailed("You must have PHP mysqli extension loaded to continue with the installation.", null, null);
// get the user input if needed
if ($user->isInputLoaded()) {
    logMessage(L_USER, "Skipping user input, previous installation input will be used.");
} else {
// get from kConf.php the latest versions of kmc , clipapp and HTML5
$kconf = file_get_contents("package/app/app/configurations/base.ini");
$latestVersions = array();
$latestVersions["KMC_VERSION"] = getVersionFromKconf($kconf, "kmc_version");
$latestVersions["CLIPAPP_VERSION"] = getVersionFromKconf($kconf, "clipapp_version");
$latestVersions["HTML5_VERSION"] = getVersionFromKconf($kconf, "html5_version");
// init the application configuration
$app->initFromUserInput(array_merge((array) $user->getAll(), (array) $latestVersions));
$db_params['db_host'] = $app->get('DB1_HOST');
$db_params['db_port'] = $app->get('DB1_PORT');
$db_params['db_user'] = $app->get('DB1_USER');
$db_params['db_pass'] = $app->get('DB1_PASS');
// verify prerequisites
echo PHP_EOL;
logMessage(L_USER, "Verifing prerequisites");
@exec(sprintf("%s installer/Prerequisites.php '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' 2>&1", $app->get("PHP_BIN"), $app->get("HTTPD_BIN"), $db_params['db_host'], $db_params['db_port'], $db_params['db_user'], $db_params['db_pass']), $output, $exit_value);
if ($exit_value !== 0) {
    $description = "   " . implode("\n   ", $output) . "\n";
    echo PHP_EOL;
    installationFailed("One or more prerequisites required to install Kaltura failed:", $description, "Please resolve the issues and run the installation again.");
// verify that there are no leftovers from previous installations
echo PHP_EOL;