Exemple #1

 * mobiCMS Content Management System (http://mobicms.net)
 * For copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.md
 * Installing the system or redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @link        http://mobicms.net mobiCMS Project
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) mobiCMS Community
 * @license     LICENSE.md (see attached file)
defined('MOBICMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
$form = new Mobicms\Form\Form(['action' => App::request()->getUri()]);
$form->title(_dg('Add Article'))->element('text', 'title', ['label' => _g('Title'), 'required' => true])->element('textarea', 'text', ['label' => _g('Text'), 'editor' => true, 'required' => true])->element('checkbox', 'comments', ['label_inline' => _dg('Enable comments'), 'checked' => true])->divider()->element('submit', 'submit', ['value' => _g('Save'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'])->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _g('Back') . '</a>');
$form->validate('title', 'lenght', ['min' => 3, 'max' => 100])->validate('text', 'lenght', ['min' => 3]);
if ($form->process() === true) {
    $stmt = App::db()->prepare("\n        INSERT INTO `news` SET\n        `time`        = ?,\n        `author`      = ?,\n        `author_id`   = ?,\n        `title`       = ?,\n        `text`        = ?,\n        `comm_enable` = ?\n    ");
    $user = App::user()->get();
    $stmt->execute([time(), $user->nickname, $user->id, App::filter($form->output['title'])->specialchars(), App::purify($form->output['text']), $form->output['comments']]);
    $user->lastpost = time();
App::view()->form = $form->display();
Exemple #2
 * mobiCMS Content Management System (http://mobicms.net)
 * For copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.md
 * Installing the system or redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @link        http://mobicms.net mobiCMS Project
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) mobiCMS Community
 * @license     LICENSE.md (see attached file)
defined('MOBICMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
$id = App::request()->getFiltered('id', 0, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$form = new Mobicms\Form\Form(['action' => App::request()->getUri() . ($id ? '?id=' . $id : '')]);
if ($id) {
    $stmt = App::db()->query("SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `id` = " . $id);
    if ($stmt->rowCount()) {
        $result = $stmt->fetch();
        $form->title(_dg('Edit Article '))->element('text', 'title', ['label' => _g('Title'), 'value' => $result['title'], 'required' => true])->element('textarea', 'text', ['label' => _g('Text'), 'value' => $result['text'], 'editor' => true, 'required' => true])->element('checkbox', 'comments', ['label_inline' => _dg('Enable comments'), 'checked' => $result['comm_enable']])->divider()->element('submit', 'submit', ['value' => _g('Save'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'])->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _g('Back') . '</a>');
        $form->validate('title', 'lenght', ['min' => 3, 'max' => 100])->validate('text', 'lenght', ['min' => 3]);
    } else {
        $form->html('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _g('Wrong data') . '</div>')->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _g('Back') . '</a>');
} else {
    $form->html('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _g('Wrong data') . '</div>')->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _g('Back') . '</a>');
if ($form->process() === true) {
    $stmt = App::db()->prepare("\n        UPDATE `news` SET\n        `title`       = ?,\n        `text`        = ?,\n        `comm_enable` = ?\n        WHERE `id`    = ?\n    ");
    $stmt->execute([App::filter($form->output['title'])->specialchars(), App::purify($form->output['text']), $form->output['comments'], $id]);
    $stmt = null;
App::view()->form = $form->display();