  * Warning! This function may call overloaded functions by contentfields with tests consomming high cpu time
  * (such as connecting to a database for checking that valid user/pwd have been edited).
  * This function should be only called when it's really needed, and should never be called more than one time.
  * This function performs ALL possible tests for checking contentfields values validity.
  * @param $oContentParent content for which fieldValues/subcontents will be set if the test is success
 final function testContentFieldValues($amFieldValuesOrSubContents, $oContentParent)
     AnwUtils::checkFriendAccess(array("AnwStructuredContent", "AnwStructuredContentField"));
     //test multiplicity
     if ($this instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
         //test each value
         foreach ($amFieldValuesOrSubContents as $sFieldValue) {
             if (is_array($sFieldValue) || is_object($sFieldValue)) {
                 throw new AnwUnexpectedException("testContentFieldValues on atomic: not a string");
             //here we don't return a simple 'AnwInvalidContentFieldValueException' to prevent unauthorized users to access PHP source
             //this will display a big ACL error page instead of edit form...
             if (AnwUtils::contentHasPhpCode($sFieldValue)) {
             //check JS permission
             if (AnwUtils::contentHasJsCode($sFieldValue) && !AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isJsEditionAllowed()) {
                 $sError = AnwComponent::g_editcontent("err_contentfield_acl_js");
                 throw new AnwInvalidContentFieldValueException($sError);
             //specific tests for atomic fields
         //if no error, test all atomic values together
     } else {
         //test each subcontents occurence
         foreach ($amFieldValuesOrSubContents as $oContent) {
             if (!$oContent instanceof AnwStructuredContent) {
                 throw new AnwUnexpectedException("testContentFieldValues on composed: not a subcontent");
             //test subsubcontents
             $aoSubContentFields = $this->getContentFields();
             foreach ($aoSubContentFields as $oSubContentField) {
                 //recursive test
                 $amSubValuesOrSubContents = null;
                 $sSubContentFieldName = $oSubContentField->getName();
                 if ($oSubContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
                     $amSubValuesOrSubContents = $oContent->getContentFieldValues($sSubContentFieldName);
                 } else {
                     $amSubValuesOrSubContents = $oContent->getSubContents($sSubContentFieldName);
                 $oSubContentField->testContentFieldValues($amSubValuesOrSubContents, $oContent);
             //specific tests for composed fields - at last
         //if no error, test all subcontents together
Exemple #2
    function renderEditHtmlForm($bFromPost, $sFormUrl = "", $sSuffix = "", $oContentOriginal = null)
        $sHtmlEditForm = "";
        //special process for the first call
        if ($oContentOriginal == null) {
            $oContentOriginal = $this;
            $oContentOriginal->bHtmlEditFormHasErroneousFields = false;
            $oContentOriginal->bHtmlEditFormHasPhpCode = false;
            $oContentOriginal->bHtmlEditFormHasJsCode = false;
            $oContentOriginal->nHtmlEditFormCountErroneousChild = 0;
            $sFormUrl = str_replace('&', '&', $sFormUrl);
            AnwAction::headJs('var g_editcontentform_url="' . AnwUtils::escapeQuote($sFormUrl) . '";');
            //render tabs if any
            $aoFieldsTabs = $this->getContentFieldsTabs();
            if (count($aoFieldsTabs) > 0) {
                $sHtmlTabs = "";
                foreach ($aoFieldsTabs as $oFieldTab) {
                    $sHtmlTabs .= $oFieldTab->renderEditTab($sSuffix);
                $sHtmlEditForm .= <<<EOF

<div class="contentfield_tabs">
\t<div class="break;"></div>
        $aoContentFields = $this->getContentFieldsContainer()->getContentFields();
        foreach ($aoContentFields as $oContentField) {
            $nPreviousCountErroneousChild = $oContentOriginal->nHtmlEditFormCountErroneousChild;
            $sFieldName = $oContentField->getName();
            $asValuesForRender = array();
            $asFieldValues = array();
            $aoSubContents = array();
            $bHasOverridingValues = null;
            //do not load from post when contentfield is hidden
            if ($bFromPost && !$oContentField->isDisplayed()) {
                $bReallyFromPost = false;
            } else {
                $bReallyFromPost = $bFromPost;
             * CONTENTFIELD CONTAINER : recursively get value from it's subcontentfields
            if ($oContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_composed) {
                if (!$bReallyFromPost) {
                    // shared code for multiplicity single or multiple
                    try {
                        $aoSubContents = $this->getSubContents($sFieldName);
                    } catch (AnwUnexpectedException $e) {
                        //contentfield_container don't exist already. create it.
                        $aoSubContents = array($this->newContent($oContentField));
                } else {
                    $aoSubContents = array();
                    if ($oContentField->isMultiple()) {
                        //create as many empty subcontents as instances edited from post
                        $asFieldsIdsFromPost = AnwEnv::_POST($oContentField->getInputName($sSuffix), array());
                        foreach ($asFieldsIdsFromPost as $sFieldIdFromPost) {
                            $aoSubContents[$sFieldIdFromPost] = $this->newContent($oContentField);
                    } else {
                        //only 1 empty instance
                        $aoSubContents[] = $this->newContent($oContentField);
                foreach ($aoSubContents as $sIndice => $oSubContent) {
                    //update suffix
                    if (!$bReallyFromPost) {
                        $sSuffixId = AnwUtils::genUniqueIdNumeric();
                    } else {
                        $sSuffixId = $sIndice;
                    $sNewSuffix = $oContentField->updateSuffix($sSuffix, $sSuffixId);
                    $sSubRender = $oSubContent->renderEditHtmlForm($bReallyFromPost, $sFormUrl, $sNewSuffix, $oContentOriginal);
                    //recursive call
                    //$asValuesForRender[$sSuffixId] = $sSubRender;
                    $asValuesForRender[$sSuffixId] = array(self::IDX_SUBCONTENT => $oSubContent, self::IDX_RENDERED => $sSubRender);
                    if ($oContentField->isCollapsed() || $oContentField->isCollapsedChild()) {
                        $bWasCollapsingEnabled = AnwStructuredContentField::getDoCollapsing();
                        $sSubRenderUncollapsed = $oSubContent->renderEditHtmlForm($bReallyFromPost, $sFormUrl, $sNewSuffix, $oContentOriginal);
                        //recursive call
                        $asValuesForRender[$sSuffixId]['UNCOLLAPSED'] = $sSubRenderUncollapsed;
                    //only after calling render on subContent!
                    //$asFieldValues[] = $oSubContent->toXmlString();
                $bHasOverridingValues = self::hasOverridingValues($oContentField, $aoSubContents);
                if ($oContentField->isMultiple()) {
                    if (!$oContentField->hasDefaultSubContents()) {
                        $bHasOverridingValues = false;
                        //special case
                } else {
                    if (!$oContentField->hasSetDefaultValues()) {
                        $bHasOverridingValues = false;
                        //special case
            } else {
                if (!$bReallyFromPost) {
                    $asFieldValues = $this->getContentFieldValues($sFieldName);
                } else {
                    $asFieldValues = $oContentField->getValuesFromPost($sSuffix);
                $asValuesForRender = $asFieldValues;
                $bHasOverridingValues = self::hasOverridingValues($oContentField, $asFieldValues);
                if (!$oContentField->hasSetDefaultValues()) {
                    $bHasOverridingValues = false;
                    //special case
            $sFieldError = false;
            // - run the test for any _atomic field.
            // - only run the test for _composed fields which dont't have erroneous childs (important for security reasons, to not trigger test() procedure of these composed fields on unsafe values)
            if ($oContentOriginal->nHtmlEditFormCountErroneousChild == $nPreviousCountErroneousChild) {
                //test values and multiplicity (even for composed fields)
                try {
                    if ($oContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
                        $oContentField->testContentFieldValues($asFieldValues, $this);
                    } else {
                        $oContentField->testContentFieldValues($aoSubContents, $this);
                } catch (AnwException $e) {
                    //here we can get errors from php edition
                    //display error
                    $sInputName = $oContentField->getInputName($sSuffix);
                    $sFieldError = str_replace('#CONTENTFIELDINPUTID#', $sInputName, $e->getMessage());
                    $oContentOriginal->bHtmlEditFormHasErroneousFields = true;
                    //quick hack to solve the following problem:
                    //if user enters invalid XML code, in a contentfield such as _xml
                    //the system would fail on setContentFieldValues() or later,
                    //when trying to load invalid XML from the content.
                    //so we replace erroneous values by a valid-xml string.
                    //these erroneous values should never be read later :
                    // - test for this contentfield was done before
                    // - render is done on $asValuesForRender, so that user views erroneous in edit inputs
                    // - if this contentfield is child of a container, the container won't do the test as it contains already erroneous values
                    if ($e instanceof AnwInvalidContentFieldValueException && $oContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
                        $sErroneousValue = '#ERRONEOUSVALUE#';
                        foreach ($asFieldValues as $nValueIndice => $null) {
                            $asFieldValues[$nValueIndice] = $sErroneousValue;
                				catch(AnwException $e){
                					//should never go here
                					print 'ERROR 62';
                					print_r($e); exit;
            			$sFieldError = "(test skipped)";
            //render it now
            if ($oContentField->isDisplayed()) {
                $sHtmlEditForm .= $oContentField->renderEditInputs($asValuesForRender, $sSuffix, $bHasOverridingValues, $sFieldError);
            if ($bReallyFromPost) {
                //update content for preview/save
                if ($oContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
                    $this->setContentFieldValues($sFieldName, $asFieldValues);
                } else {
                    $this->setSubContents($sFieldName, $aoSubContents);
            if ($oContentField instanceof AnwStructuredContentField_atomic) {
                //check acls - are these checks still needed, as test was integrated in class_contentfield?
                foreach ($asFieldValues as $mContentFieldValue) {
                    //check PHP permission
                    $bHasPhpCode = AnwUtils::contentHasPhpCode($mContentFieldValue);
                    if ($bHasPhpCode) {
                        $oContentOriginal->bHtmlEditFormHasPhpCode = true;
                    //check JS permission
                    $bHasJsCode = AnwUtils::contentHasJsCode($mContentFieldValue);
                    if ($bHasJsCode) {
                        $oContentOriginal->bHtmlEditFormHasJsCode = true;
        return $sHtmlEditForm;
Exemple #3
 private function checkPermissions($sPageName, $sPageLang, $sPageContent)
     $asNotices = array();
     //check that page don't exist
     if (!AnwPage::isAvailablePageName($sPageName)) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_exists");
     //check PHP permission
     if (AnwUtils::contentHasPhpCode($sPageContent) && !AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isPhpEditionAllowed()) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_php");
     //check JS permission
     if (AnwUtils::contentHasJsCode($sPageContent) && !AnwCurrentSession::getUser()->isJsEditionAllowed()) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_js");
     //check ACL permission : create and edit
     if (!AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sPageName, "create", $sPageLang) || !AnwCurrentSession::isActionAllowed($sPageName, "edit", $sPageLang)) {
         $asNotices[] = $this->t_("notice_acl");
     return $asNotices;
Exemple #4
 protected function _setContent($oContent, $oSimilarContentForCheck, $bSecurityChecks = true)
     if (ANWIKI_DEVEL) {
         self::debug("_setContent: " . htmlentities($oContent->toXmlString()));
     if (!(is_int($oSimilarContentForCheck) && $oSimilarContentForCheck == -1)) {
         if (ANWIKI_DEVEL) {
             self::debug("_setContent: similar was: " . htmlentities($oSimilarContentForCheck->toXmlString()));
         self::checkSimilarContents(array($oContent, $oSimilarContentForCheck));
     if ($bSecurityChecks) {
         //check user permissions once again
         $sContentAsString = $oContent->toXmlString();
         //check PHP code edition
         if (AnwUtils::contentHasPhpCode($sContentAsString)) {
         //check unsafe code edition
         if (AnwUtils::contentHasJsCode($sContentAsString)) {
     $this->oPreviousContent = $this->oContent;
     //may be null
     $this->oContent = $oContent;