Exemple #1
  * Initialize PHP session and do security checks to prevent session stealing.
 private static function initPHPSession()
     //start PHP session
     self::debug("initPHPSession: PHPSESSID=" . session_id());
     //1. check client's identifier code
     //we make sure that who created the session is the one who resumes it.
     $sSessionIdentifier = self::calculateSessionIdentifier();
     if (AnwEnv::_SESSION(self::PHPSESSION_IDENTIFIER) && $sSessionIdentifier == AnwEnv::_SESSION(self::PHPSESSION_IDENTIFIER)) {
         //2. check session code
         //just to make it harder, even if someone who steals PHPSESSID would probably steal the session code too.
             //allright, session seems safe to work with
             self::debug("initPHPSession: OK, resuming PHP session (" . session_id() . ")");
         } else {
             self::debug("initPHPSession: WARNING: no valid PHP session: bad session code");
     } else {
         self::debug("initPHPSession: no valid PHP session: bad or missing session identifier");
     //no valid session found
     self::debug("initPHPSession: no valid PHP session found, starting a new session (" . session_id() . ")");
     //clear session data
     if (is_array($_SESSION)) {
         foreach ($_SESSION as $i => $v) {
     //start a new session and delete old phpsession file
     //set the session identifier, for next hit
     AnwEnv::putSession(self::PHPSESSION_IDENTIFIER, $sSessionIdentifier);
     //generate a session code
     $sSessionCode = self::generateSessionCode();
     AnwEnv::putCookie(self::COOKIE_PHPSESSION_CODE, $sSessionCode);
     AnwEnv::putSession(self::PHPSESSION_CODE, $sSessionCode);
 private function getCurrentSessionFromDatabase()
     $sCookieSessionId = AnwEnv::_COOKIE(self::COOKIE_SESSION_ID);
     $sCookieSessionCode = AnwEnv::_COOKIE(self::COOKIE_SESSION_CODE);
     if ($sCookieSessionId && $sCookieSessionCode) {
         //first of all, purge the old sessions from database
         //we have session info in cookies, check against the database
         self::debug("Session info found in cookies, checking against database...");
         $q = $this->db()->query("SELECT SessionCode, SessionIdentifier, " . "SessionUser, SessionResume, " . "SessionTimeStart, SessionTimeSeen, SessionTimeAuth " . "FROM `#PFX#session` WHERE SessionId=" . $this->db()->strtosql($sCookieSessionId) . " " . "LIMIT 1");
         $oData = $this->db()->fto($q);
         if ($oData) {
             self::debug("Session found in database");
             //check session code
             if ($sCookieSessionCode == $oData->SessionCode) {
                 self::debug("Session code OK");
                 if ($sCookieSessionCode != AnwEnv::_SESSION(self::SESSION_CODE)) {
                     //_SESSION may contain an old session code when running multiple Anwiki instances synchronized together
                     //update _SESSION as session is valid!
                     self::debug("Session code is outdated in the session, resynchronizing it with the cookie...");
                     AnwEnv::putSession(self::SESSION_CODE, $sCookieSessionCode);
                 //check session identifier
                 if (AnwEnv::calculateSessionIdentifier() == $oData->SessionIdentifier) {
                     self::debug("Session identifier OK");
                     //check that session user still exists
                     $nSessionUserId = $oData->SessionUser;
                     $oSessionUser = AnwUsers::getUser($nSessionUserId);
                     if ($oSessionUser->exists()) {
                         //allright, restore the session
                         $bSessionResume = $oData->SessionResume == '1' ? true : false;
                         $sSessionLang = $oSessionUser->getLang();
                         $nSessionTimezone = $oSessionUser->getTimezone();
                         $nSessionTimeStart = $oData->SessionTimeStart;
                         $nSessionTimeSeen = $oData->SessionTimeSeen;
                         $nSessionTimeAuth = $oData->SessionTimeAuth;
                         $oSession = AnwSession::rebuildSession($oSessionUser, $bSessionResume, $sSessionLang, $nSessionTimezone, $sCookieSessionId, $nSessionTimeStart, $nSessionTimeSeen, $nSessionTimeAuth);
                         return $oSession;
                     } else {
                         self::debug("Session user doesn't exist anymore");
                 } else {
                     self::debug("Invalid session identifier");
             } else {
                 self::debug("Invalid session code");
             //here, the sessionid was found but a bad sessioncode, sessionidentifier or user was given
             //we kill the session to prevent hacking attempts
             self::debug("WARNING: sessionid was found, but wrong sessions checks was provided. Kill the session.");
             $this->db()->query("DELETE FROM `#PFX#session` WHERE SessionId=" . $this->db()->strtosql($sCookieSessionId));
         } else {
             self::debug("Session NOT found in database");
     throw new AnwSessionNotFoundException();