Exemple #1
         } else {
             throw new Exception($uploadResult->error_message);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
         F3::set('error', $error);
 F3::set("fileId", $fileGuId);
 //Create Annotation Api object
 $antApi = new AntApi($apiClient);
 try {
     //Set file sesion callback - will be trigered when user add, remove or edit commit for annotation
     $setCallback = $antApi->SetSessionCallbackUrl($clientID, $fileGuId, $callbackUrl);
     if ($setCallback->status == 'Ok') {
         //Generate iframe URL for iframe
         if ($basePath == "https://api.groupdocs.com/v2.0") {
             //iframe to prodaction server
             $url = "https://apps.groupdocs.com/document-annotation2/embed/" . $fileGuId;
             //iframe to dev server
         } elseif ($basePath == "https://dev-api.groupdocs.com/v2.0") {
             $url = 'https://dev-apps.groupdocs.com/document-annotation2/embed/' . $fileGuId;
             //iframe to test server
         } elseif ($basePath == "https://stage-api-groupdocs.dynabic.com/v2.0") {
             $url = 'https://stage-apps-groupdocs.dynabic.com/document-annotation2/embed/' . $fileGuId;
         } elseif ($basePath == "http://realtime-api.groupdocs.com") {
             $url = 'http://realtime-apps.groupdocs.com/document-annotation2/embed/' . $fileGuId;
         //Get all users from accaunt