function preview() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_joomailermailchimpintegration'); $paramsPrefix = version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge') ? 'params.' : ''; $model = $this->getModel('create'); $error = false; $elements = JRequest::getVar('elements', '', 'request', 'string'); $elements = json_decode($elements); $response = array(); $response['msg'] = ''; $abs_path = '$1="' . JURI::root() . '$2$3'; $campaign_name_ent = htmlentities(urldecode($elements->campaignName)); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $campaign_name_ent = stripslashes($campaign_name_ent); } $campaign_name_ent = str_ireplace(' ', '_', $campaign_name_ent); $subject = urldecode($elements->subject); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $subject = stripslashes($subject); } $intro_text = urldecode($elements->intro); $sidebar = urldecode($elements->sidebar); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $intro_text = stripslashes($intro_text); } if (isset($elements->article)) { $articles = $elements->article; } else { $articles = false; } $k2_installed = $elements->k2_installed; if ($k2_installed && isset($elements->k2article)) { $articles_k2 = $elements->k2article; } else { $articles_k2 = false; } $jomsocial_installed = $elements->jomsocial_installed; if ($jomsocial_installed) { if (isset($elements->jsProfiles)) { $jomsocialProfiles = $elements->jsProfiles; $jsFields = $elements->jsProfileFields; } else { $jomsocialProfiles = false; } if (isset($elements->jsdisc)) { $jsdisc = $elements->jsdisc; } else { $jsdisc = false; } } $aec_installed = $elements->aec_installed; if ($aec_installed) { if (isset($elements->aec)) { $aec = $elements->aec; } else { $aec = false; } } $ambra_installed = $elements->ambra_installed; if ($ambra_installed) { if (isset($elements->ambra)) { $ambra = $elements->ambra; } else { $ambra = false; } } $template_folder = $elements->template; // display table of contents? $toc_checkbox = $elements->toc; $toc_type = $elements->toc_type; // display popular articles? $popular_checkbox = $elements->popular; $popular_ex = $elements->popEx; $popular_in = $elements->popIn; if ($k2_installed) { // include K2 in populars? $populark2_checkbox = $elements->populark2; $populark2_ex = $elements->popk2Ex; $populark2_in = $elements->popk2In; // only K2 articles in populars? $populark2_only = $elements->populark2_only; } else { $populark2_checkbox = false; } // display VM products in sidebar? if (isset($elements->vm_sb)) { $vm_sb = $elements->vm_sb; } else { $vm_sb = false; } if (isset($elements->vm_sb_products)) { $vm_sb_products = $elements->vm_sb_products; } else { $vm_sb_products = false; } if ($vm_sb_products) { $vm_sb_productids = array(); $vm_sb_productprices = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($vm_sb_products); $i++) { $vm_sb_products[$i] = explode(';', $vm_sb_products[$i]); $vm_sb_productids[$i] = $vm_sb_products[$i][0]; $vm_sb_productprices[$i] = $vm_sb_products[$i][1]; $vm_sb_productcats[$i] = $vm_sb_products[$i][2]; } $vm_sb_order = $elements->vm_sb_order; $vm_sb_price = isset($elements->vm_sb_pr) ? $elements->vm_sb_pr : ''; $vm_sb_cf = isset($elements->vm_sb_cf) ? $elements->vm_sb_cf : ''; $vm_sb_img = isset($elements->vm_sb_img) ? $elements->vm_sb_img : ''; $vm_sb_link = isset($elements->vm_sb_link) ? $elements->vm_sb_link : ''; $vm_short_desc = isset($elements->vm_short_desc) ? $elements->vm_short_desc : ''; $vm_desc = isset($elements->vm_desc) ? $elements->vm_desc : ''; } $twitter_name = $elements->twitter; $facebook_url = $elements->facebook; $myspace_name = $elements->myspace; // $facebookShareIt = $_POST['facebookShare']; $facebookShareIt = 0; // open the template file $filename = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . "components" . DS . "com_joomailermailchimpintegration" . DS . "templates" . DS . $template_folder . DS . "template.html"; $template = JFile::read($filename, false, filesize($filename)); if (!$template) { $response['html'] = '<div style="border: 2px solid #ff0000; margin:15px 0 5px;padding:10px 15px 12px;">' . '<img src="' . JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/assets/images/warning.png" align="left"/>' . '<div style="padding-left: 45px; line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px;">' . JText::_('JM_TEMPLATE_ERROR') . '</div></div>'; } else { $regex = '!<#repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/repeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $repeater); $imagepath = '$1="' . JURI::root() . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_joomailermailchimpintegration' . DS . 'templates' . DS . $template_folder . DS . '$2$3'; if (isset($repeater[0])) { $repeater[0] = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $imagepath, $repeater[0]); } else { $response['html'] = '<div style="border: 2px solid #ff0000; margin:15px 0 5px;padding:10px 15px 12px;">' . '<img src="' . JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/assets/images/warning.png" align="left"/>' . '<div style="padding-left: 45px; line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px;">' . JTEXT::_('JM_NO_CONTENT_CONTAINER') . '</div></div>'; $repeater[0] = ''; $error = true; } // JomSocial Profiles $regex = '!<#jomsocialprofiles#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialprofiles#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $jsp); if (isset($jsp[0])) { $jsp = $jsp[0]; } else { $jsp = ''; if ($jomsocialProfiles) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('No JomSocial profile container') . '<br />'; } } $regex = '!<#jomsocialprofilesrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialprofilesrepeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $jspr); if (isset($jspr[0])) { $jspr = $jspr[0]; } else { $jspr = ''; } $regex = '!<#jsfieldsrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jsfieldsrepeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $jsfr); if (isset($jsfr[0])) { $jsfr = $jsfr[0]; } else { $jsfr = ''; } // JomSocial Discussions $regex = '!<#jomsocialdiscussions#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialdiscussions#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $jsd); if (isset($jsd[0])) { $jsd = $jsd[0]; } else { $jsd = ''; if ($jsdisc) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('No JomSocial discussions container') . '<br />'; } } $regex = '!<#jomsocialdiscussionsrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialdiscussionsrepeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $jsdr); if (isset($jsdr[0])) { $jsdr = $jsdr[0]; } else { $jsdr = ''; } // AEC plans $regex = '!<#aec#[^>]*>(.*)<#/aec#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $aecph); if (isset($aecph[0])) { $aecph = $aecph[0]; } else { $aecph = ''; if ($aec) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('No AEC container') . '<br />'; } } $regex = '!<#aecrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/aecrepeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $aecr); if (isset($aecr[0])) { $aecr = $aecr[0]; } else { $aecr = ''; } // Ambra subscriptions $regex = '!<#ambra#[^>]*>(.*)<#/ambra#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $ambraph); if (isset($ambraph[0])) { $ambraph = $ambraph[0]; } else { $ambraph = ''; if ($ambra) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('No Ambra container') . '<br />'; } } $regex = '!<#ambrarepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/ambrarepeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $ambrar); if (isset($ambrar[0])) { $ambrar = $ambrar[0]; } else { $ambrar = ''; } // table of contents $regex = '!<#tableofcontents#[^>]*>(.*)<#/tableofcontents#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $tableofcontents); if (isset($tableofcontents[0])) { $tableofcontents = $tableofcontents[0]; } else { $tableofcontents = ''; if ($toc_checkbox) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('JM_NO_TOC_CONTAINER') . '<br />'; } } $regex = '!<#title_repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/title_repeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $title_repeater); if (isset($title_repeater[0])) { $title_repeater = $title_repeater[0]; } else { $title_repeater = ''; } // popular articles $regex = '!<#populararticles#[^>]*>(.*)<#/populararticles#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $populararticles); if (isset($populararticles[0])) { $populararticles = $populararticles[0]; } else { $populararticles = ''; if ($popular_checkbox) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('JM_NO_POPULAR_CONTAINER') . '<br />'; } } $regex = '!<#popular_repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/popular_repeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $popular_repeater); if (isset($popular_repeater[0])) { $popular_repeater = $popular_repeater[0]; } else { $popular_repeater = ''; } // VM products $regex = '!<#vm_products#[^>]*>(.*)<#/vm_products#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $vm_products); if (isset($vm_products[0])) { $vm_products = $vm_products[0]; } else { $vm_products = ''; } $regex = '!<#vm_repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/vm_repeater#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $vm_repeater); if (isset($vm_repeater[0])) { $vm_repeater = $vm_repeater[0]; } else { $vm_repeater = ''; } // Twitter $regex = '!<#twitter#[^>]*>(.*)<#/twitter#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $twitter); if (isset($twitter[0])) { $twitter = $twitter[0]; } else { $twitter = ''; if ($twitter_name) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('JM_NO_TWITTER_CONTAINER') . '<br />'; } } // Facebook $regex = '!<#facebook#[^>]*>(.*)<#/facebook#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $facebook); if (isset($facebook[0])) { $facebook = $facebook[0]; } else { $facebook = ''; if ($facebook_url) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('JM_NO_FACEBOOK_CONTAINER') . '<br />'; } } // MySpace $regex = '!<#myspace#[^>]*>(.*)<#/myspace#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $myspace); if (isset($myspace[0])) { $myspace = $myspace[0]; } else { $myspace = ''; if ($myspace_name) { $response['msg'] .= JTEXT::_('Error') . ': ' . JTEXT::_('JM_NO_MYSPACE_CONTAINER') . '<br />'; } } // Facebook share $regex = '!<#facebook_share#[^>]*>(.*)<#/facebook_share#>!is'; preg_match($regex, $template, $facebookShare); if (isset($facebookShare[0])) { $fbs = $facebookShare[0]; } // else { $fbs = ''; echo JTEXT::_('Error').': '; echo JTEXT::_('No facebook share container').'<br />'; } $fbs = ''; $content = ''; $art_titles = array(); // Joomla core articles if (@$articles) { foreach ($articles as $id) { $full = $elements->{'article_full_' . $id}; $readmore = $elements->{'readmore_' . $id}; $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__content WHERE id= ' . $id; $db->setQuery($query); $article = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($article as $art) { $html_title = $html_content = ''; if ($toc_type) { $art_titles[] = '<a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $id . '">' . $art->title . '</a>'; } else { $art_titles[] = '<a href="#' . $art->title . $id . '">' . $art->title . '</a>'; } if ($readmore) { $html_title = '<a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $id . '">' . $art->title . '</a><a name="' . $art->title . $id . '"></a>'; } else { $html_title = $art->title; } $html_content = $art->introtext; if ($full == 1) { $html_content .= ' ' . $art->fulltext; } // Read more link if ($readmore) { $html_content .= '<p><a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $id . '">' . JTEXT::_('JM_READ_MORE') . '</a></p>'; } $template = str_ireplace('<#title#>', $html_title, $repeater[0]); $template = str_ireplace('<#content#>', $html_content, $template); $content .= $template; } // end foreach article } } // K2 articles if ($k2_installed && $articles_k2) { foreach ($articles_k2 as $id) { $full = $elements->{'k2article_full_' . $id}; $readmore = $elements->{'k2readmore_' . $id}; $query = 'SELECT * FROM #__k2_items WHERE id= ' . $id; $db->setQuery($query); $article = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($article as $art) { $html_title = $html_content = ''; if ($readmore) { $html_title = '<a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=' . $id . '">' . $art->title . '</a><a name="' . $art->title . $id . '"></a>'; } else { $html_title = $art->title . '<a name="' . $art->title . $id . '"></a>'; } $art_titles[] = '<a href="#' . $art->title . $id . '">' . $art->title . '</a>'; $html_content = $art->introtext; if ($full == 1) { $html_content .= ' ' . $art->fulltext; } // Read more link if ($readmore) { $html_content .= '<p><a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=' . $id . '">' . JTEXT::_('JM_READ_MORE') . '</a></p>'; } $template = str_ireplace('<#title#>', $html_title, $repeater[0]); $template = str_ireplace('<#content#>', $html_content, $template); $content .= $template; } } } // JomSocial Profiles $jsProfiles = ''; if (@$jomsocialProfiles) { foreach ($jomsocialProfiles as $jsProfile) { $jsUser = CFactory::getUser($jsProfile); $profileLink = JURI::root() . CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $jsProfile); $thumb = '<a href="' . $profileLink . '"><img src="' . $jsUser->getThumbAvatar() . '" alt="' . $jsUser->name . '" title="' . $jsUser->name . '" border="0" /></a>'; $profiles = str_ireplace('<#jsAvatar#>', $thumb, $jspr); $profiles = str_ireplace('<#jsName#>', '<a href="' . $profileLink . '">' . $jsUser->name . '</a>', $profiles); $fieldValues = $model->getFieldValues($jsProfile, $jsFields); $fields = ''; foreach ($fieldValues as $f) { if ($f->value) { if ($f->type == 'date') { $f->value = substr($f->value, 0, -9); } $fieldsTmp = str_ireplace('<#jsFieldTitle#>', $f->name, $jsfr); $fieldsTmp = str_ireplace('<#jsFieldValue#>', $f->value, $fieldsTmp); $fields .= $fieldsTmp; } } $profiles = preg_replace('!<#jsfieldsrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jsfieldsrepeater#>!is', $fields, $profiles); $profiles = str_ireplace(array('<#jsfieldsrepeater#>', '<#/jsfieldsrepeater#>'), '', $profiles); $jsProfiles .= $profiles; } $jsProfiles = str_ireplace(array('<#jomsocialprofilesrepeater#>', '<#/jomsocialprofilesrepeater#>'), '', $jsProfiles); } $jsDiscussions = ''; if (@$jsdisc) { $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load('com_community', JPATH_SITE); $langString = JText::_('CC ACTIVITIES NEW GROUP DISCUSSION'); $discussions = $model->getJomsocialDiscussions($jsdisc); foreach ($discussions as $d) { $jsUser = CFactory::getUser($d->creator); $profileLink = JURI::root() . CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=profile&userid=' . $d->creator); $discLink = JURI::root() . CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewdiscussion&groupid=' . $d->groupid . '&topicid=' . $d->id); $groupLink = JURI::root() . CRoute::_('index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=' . $d->groupid); $thumb = '<a href="' . $profileLink . '"><img src="' . $jsUser->getThumbAvatar() . '" alt="' . $jsUser->name . '" title="' . $jsUser->name . '" border="0" /></a>'; $discTmp = str_ireplace('{actor}', $jsUser->name, $langString); $discTmp = str_ireplace('{topic_url}', $discLink, $discTmp); $discTmp = str_ireplace('{topic}', $d->title, $discTmp); $discTmp = str_ireplace('%1$s', $groupLink, $discTmp); $discTmp = str_ireplace('%2$s', $d->name, $discTmp); $discTmp .= ':<br />' . $d->message; $discTmp = '<table valign="top"> <tr> <td valign="top">' . $thumb . '</td> <td valign="top" style="padding: 0 0 0 10px;">' . $discTmp . '</td> </tr> </table>'; $discTmp = str_ireplace('<#jsDiscussionContent#>', $discTmp, $jsdr); $jsDiscussions .= $discTmp; } $jsDiscussions = str_ireplace(array('<#jomsocialdiscussionsrepeater#>', '<#/jomsocialdiscussionsrepeater#>'), '', $jsDiscussions); } $aecContent = ''; if (@$aec) { $aecConfig = $model->getAECconfig(); $aecPlans = $model->getAECplans($aec); foreach ($aecPlans as $a) { $aecParams = unserialize(base64_decode($a->params)); $link = JURI::root() . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_acctexp&view=subscribe'); $aecTmp = '<tr> <td valign="top"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $a->name . '</a></td> <td valign="top" style="padding: 0 0 0 10px;">' . $a->desc . '</td> <td valign="top" style="padding: 0 0 0 10px;">' . $aecParams['full_amount'] . ' ' . $aecConfig['standard_currency'] . '</td> </tr>'; $aecTmp = str_ireplace('<#aeccontent#>', $aecTmp, $aecr); $aecContent .= $aecTmp; } $aecContent = str_ireplace(array('<#aecrepeater#>', '<#/aecrepeater#>'), '', $aecContent); } $ambraContent = ''; if (@$ambra) { require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ambrasubs' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . '_base.php'; require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ambrasubs' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php'; $ambraConfig = AmbrasubsConfig::getInstance(); $ambraPre = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $ambraConfig->get('currency_preval', '$')); $ambraPost = $ambraConfig->get('currency_postval', ''); $ambraPlans = $model->getAmbra($ambra); foreach ($ambraPlans as $a) { $link = JURI::root() . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_ambrasubs&controller=subscriptions&task=new&id=' . $a->id); $img = '<img src="' . JURI::root() . $a->img . '" alt="' . $a->title . '" title="' . $a->title . '" border="0" />'; $ambraTmp = '<tr> <td valign="top"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $img . '</a></td> <td valign="top"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $a->title . '</a><br />' . $a->description . '</td> <td valign="top" style="padding: 0 0 0 10px;" nowrap="nowrap">' . $ambraPre . '' . $a->value . '' . $ambraPost . '</td> </tr>'; $ambraTmp = str_ireplace('<#ambracontent#>', $ambraTmp, $ambrar); $ambraContent .= $ambraTmp; } $ambraContent = str_ireplace(array('<#ambrarepeater#>', '<#/ambrarepeater#>'), '', $ambraContent); } // remove tiny mce stuff like mce_src="..." $content = preg_replace('(mce_style=".*?")', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('(mce_src=".*?")', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('(mce_href=".*?")', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('(mce_bogus=".*?")', '', $content); // convert relative to absolute paths $content = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $abs_path, $content); // create table of contents $toc = ''; foreach ($art_titles as $art_title) { $toc .= str_ireplace('<#article_title#>', $art_title, $title_repeater); } $tableofcontents = preg_replace('!<#title_repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/title_repeater#>!is', $toc, $tableofcontents); $to_replace = array('<#tableofcontents#>', '<#/tableofcontents#>', '<#title_repeater#>', '<#/title_repeater#>'); $tableofcontents = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $tableofcontents); $where = ''; $wEx = array(); $wIn = array(); $wCore = array(); if ($popular_checkbox) { if (isset($popular_ex[0])) { foreach ($popular_ex as $p) { $wEx[] = ' c.catid != ' . $p; } $wCore[] = count($wEx) ? ' AND (' . implode(' AND ', $wEx) . ' )' : ''; } if (isset($popular_in[0])) { foreach ($popular_in as $p) { $wIn[] = ' c.catid = ' . $p; } $wCore[] = count($wIn) ? ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $wIn) . ' )' : ''; } $where = implode('', $wCore); } $whereK2 = ''; $wEx = array(); $wIn = array(); $wK2 = array(); if ($populark2_checkbox) { if (isset($populark2_ex[0])) { foreach ($populark2_ex as $p) { $wEx[] = ' k.catid != ' . $p; } $wK2[] = count($wEx) ? ' AND (' . implode(' AND ', $wEx) . ' )' : ''; } if (isset($populark2_in[0])) { foreach ($populark2_in as $p) { $wIn[] = ' k.catid = ' . $p; } $wK2[] = count($wIn) ? ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $wIn) . ' )' : ''; } } $whereK2 = implode('', $wK2); // create list of popular articles if ($popular_checkbox && !$populark2_checkbox) { $query = 'SELECT, c.title, c.hits FROM #__content as c WHERE ( c.state = 1 OR c.state = -2 ) AND c.hits != 0 ' . $where . ' ORDER BY c.hits DESC LIMIT 0 , 5'; } else { if ($popular_checkbox && $populark2_checkbox && !$populark2_only) { $query = 'SELECT, c.title, c.hits FROM #__content as c WHERE ( c.state = 1 OR c.state = -2 ) AND c.hits != 0 ' . $where . ' UNION ALL SELECT, k.title, k.hits FROM #__k2_items as k WHERE k.published = 1 AND k.hits != 0 ' . $whereK2 . ' ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 0 , 5 '; } else { if ($popular_checkbox && $populark2_checkbox && $populark2_only) { $query = 'SELECT, k.title, k.hits FROM #__k2_items as k WHERE k.published = 1 AND k.hits != 0 ' . $whereK2 . ' ORDER BY k.hits DESC LIMIT 0 , 5 '; } } } $popularlist = ''; if ($popular_checkbox || $populark2_checkbox) { $db->setQuery($query); $popular = $db->loadObjectList(); $i = 0; if ($popular) { foreach ($popular as $pop) { $i++; $core = false; if ($i > 5) { break; } $query = 'SELECT title FROM #__content WHERE title = "' . $pop->title . '"'; $db->setQuery($query); $core = $db->loadResult(); if ($core) { $url = '<a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=' . $pop->id . '">' . $pop->title . '</a>'; } else { $url = '<a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=' . $pop->id . '">' . $pop->title . '</a>'; } $popularlist .= str_ireplace('<#popular_title#>', $url, $popular_repeater); } } } $popularlist = preg_replace('!<#popular_repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/popular_repeater#>!is', $popularlist, $populararticles); $to_replace = array('<#populararticles#>', '<#/populararticles#>', '<#popular_repeater#>', '<#/popular_repeater#>'); $popularlist = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $popularlist); // insert vm products into sidebar $vm = ''; if ($vm_sb) { require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'virtuemart.cfg.php'; $where = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($vm_sb_productids); $i++) { $where .= !$where ? ' AND ' : ' OR '; $where .= ' ( a.product_id = ' . $vm_sb_productids[$i] . ' ' . 'AND b.product_price = ' . $vm_sb_productprices[$i] . ' ' . 'AND c.category_id = ' . $vm_sb_productcats[$i] . ' ) '; } if ($vm_sb_order == 'price_desc') { $order = ' ORDER BY b.product_price DESC '; } else { if ($vm_sb_order == 'price_asc') { $order = ' ORDER BY b.product_price ASC '; } else { if ($vm_sb_order == 'name_desc') { $order = ' ORDER BY a.product_name DESC '; } else { if ($vm_sb_order == 'name_asc') { $order = ' ORDER BY a.product_name ASC '; } else { if ($vm_sb_order == 'cat_desc') { $order = ' ORDER BY d.category_name DESC '; } else { if ($vm_sb_order == 'cat_asc') { $order = ' ORDER BY d.category_name ASC '; } else { if ($vm_sb_order == 'random') { $order = ' ORDER BY RAND() '; } else { $order = ''; } } } } } } } $query = 'SELECT a.product_id,a.product_name,a.product_thumb_image, a.product_s_desc, a.product_desc, b.product_price,b.product_currency, c.category_id, d.category_name FROM #__vm_product as a INNER JOIN #__vm_product_price as b ON a.product_id = b.product_id INNER JOIN #__vm_product_category_xref as c ON a.product_id = c.product_id INNER JOIN #__vm_category as d ON c.category_id = d.category_id WHERE a.product_publish = "Y" ' . $where . ' AND a.product_thumb_image != "" ' . $order; $db->setQuery($query); $products = $db->loadObjectList(); foreach ($products as $prod) { $product_content = ''; if ($vm_sb_link) { $product_content .= '<a href="' . JURI::root() . 'index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=' . FLYPAGE . '&product_id=' . $prod->product_id . '&category_id=' . $prod->category_id . '&option=com_virtuemart">'; } $product_content .= $prod->product_name . '<br />'; if ($vm_sb_price) { if ($vm_sb_cf) { $product_content .= $prod->product_currency . ' ' . number_format($prod->product_price, 2) . '<br />'; } else { $product_content .= number_format($prod->product_price, 2) . ' ' . $prod->product_currency . '<br />'; } } if ($vm_sb_img) { $product_content .= '<img src="' . JURI::root() . 'components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/' . $prod->product_thumb_image . '" border="0" />'; } if ($vm_short_desc) { $product_content .= '<p>' . $prod->product_s_desc . '</p>'; } if ($vm_desc) { $product_content .= '<p>' . $prod->product_desc . '</p>'; } if ($vm_sb_link) { $product_content .= '</a>'; } $vm .= str_ireplace('<#vm_content#>', $product_content, $vm_repeater); } } $vm = preg_replace('!<#vm_repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/vm_repeater#>!is', $vm, $vm_products); $to_replace = array('<#vm_products#>', '<#/vm_products#>', '<#vm_repeater#>', '<#/vm_repeater#>'); $vm = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $vm); // twitter $tw = str_ireplace('<#twitter-name#>', $twitter_name, $twitter); $to_replace = array('<#twitter#>', '<#/twitter#>'); $tw = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $tw); // convert relative to absolute paths $tw = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $imagepath, $tw); // facebook $fb = str_ireplace('<#facebook-url#>', $facebook_url, $facebook); $to_replace = array('<#facebook#>', '<#/facebook#>'); $fb = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $fb); // convert relative to absolute paths $fb = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $imagepath, $fb); // myspace $ms = str_ireplace('<#myspace-name#>', $myspace_name, $myspace); $to_replace = array('<#myspace#>', '<#/myspace#>'); $ms = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $ms); // convert relative to absolute paths $ms = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $imagepath, $ms); // facebook share $to_replace = array('<#facebook_share#>', '<#/facebook_share#>'); $fbs = str_ireplace($to_replace, '', $fbs); // convert relative to absolute paths $fbs = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $imagepath, $fbs); // modify paths of intro-text // remove tiny mce stuff like mce_src="..." $intro_text = preg_replace('(mce_style=".*?")', '', $intro_text); $intro_text = preg_replace('(mce_src=".*?")', '', $intro_text); $intro_text = preg_replace('(mce_href=".*?")', '', $intro_text); $intro_text = preg_replace('(mce_bogus=".*?")', '', $intro_text); // convert relative to absolute paths $intro_text = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $abs_path, $intro_text); // end paths intro-text // re-open the template file $filename = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . "components" . DS . "com_joomailermailchimpintegration" . DS . "templates" . DS . $template_folder . DS . "template.html"; $template = JFile::read($filename, false, filesize($filename)); // create absolute image paths $imagepath = ' src="' . JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/templates/' . $template_folder . '/'; $template = preg_replace('#(src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $imagepath . '$2$3', $template); $imagepath = " url('" . JURI::root() . "administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/templates/" . $template_folder . "/"; $template = preg_replace('#(\\s*)url?\\([\'"]?[../]*[\'"]?#i', $imagepath, $template); // insert sidebar editor content $sidebar = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $abs_path, $sidebar); $template = str_ireplace('<#sidebar#>', $sidebar, $template); // insert page title and intro-text $subject = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $subject); $template = str_ireplace('<#subject#>', $subject, $template); $intro_text = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $intro_text); $template = str_ireplace('<#intro_content#>', $intro_text, $template); // insert articles $content = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $content); $template = preg_replace('!<#repeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/repeater#>!is', $content, $template); // remove placeholders $template = str_ireplace('<#repeater#>', '', $template); $template = str_ireplace('<#/repeater#>', '', $template); // insert JomSocial Profiles if ($jsProfiles) { $template = preg_replace('!<#jomsocialprofilesrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialprofilesrepeater#>!is', $jsProfiles, $template); $template = str_ireplace(array('<#jomsocialprofiles#>', '<#/jomsocialprofiles#>'), '', $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#jomsocialprofiles#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialprofiles#>!is', '', $template); } // insert JomSocial Discussions if ($jsDiscussions) { $template = preg_replace('!<#jomsocialdiscussionsrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialdiscussionsrepeater#>!is', $jsDiscussions, $template); $template = str_ireplace(array('<#jomsocialdiscussions#>', '<#/jomsocialdiscussions#>'), '', $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#jomsocialdiscussions#[^>]*>(.*)<#/jomsocialdiscussions#>!is', '', $template); } // insert AEC plans if ($aecContent) { $template = preg_replace('!<#aecrepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/aecrepeater#>!is', $aecContent, $template); $template = str_ireplace(array('<#aec#>', '<#/aec#>'), '', $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#aec#[^>]*>(.*)<#/aec#>!is', '', $template); } // insert Ambra subscriptions if ($ambraContent) { $template = preg_replace('!<#ambrarepeater#[^>]*>(.*)<#/ambrarepeater#>!is', $ambraContent, $template); $template = str_ireplace(array('<#ambra#>', '<#/ambra#>'), '', $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#ambra#[^>]*>(.*)<#/ambra#>!is', '', $template); } // insert table of contents if ($toc_checkbox && ($articles || $articles_k2)) { $tableofcontents = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $tableofcontents); $template = preg_replace('!<#tableofcontents#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/tableofcontents#>!is', $tableofcontents, $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#tableofcontents#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/tableofcontents#>!is', '', $template); } //insert popular articles if ($popular_checkbox) { $popularlist = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $popularlist); $template = preg_replace('!<#populararticles#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/populararticles#>!is', $popularlist, $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#populararticles#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/populararticles#>!is', '', $template); } //insert vm products if ($vm_sb) { $vm = str_ireplace('$', '\\$', $vm); $template = preg_replace('!<#vm_products#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/vm_products#>!is', $vm, $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#vm_products#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/vm_products#>!is', '', $template); } //replace all the escaped dollars $template = str_ireplace('\\$', '$', $template); //insert twitter link $tw = $twitter_name ? $tw : ''; $template = preg_replace('!<#twitter#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/twitter#>!is', $tw, $template); //insert facebook link $fb = $facebook_url ? $fb : ''; $template = preg_replace('!<#facebook#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/facebook#>!is', $fb, $template); //insert myspace link $ms = $myspace_name ? $ms : ''; $template = preg_replace('!<#myspace#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/myspace#>!is', $ms, $template); //insert facebook share link if ($facebookShareIt) { $template = preg_replace('!<#facebook_share#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/facebook_share#>!is', $fbs, $template); $metaData = '<meta name="title" content="' . $_POST['campaign_name'] . '" /> <meta name="description" content="' . $_POST['facebookShareDesc'] . '" /> <link rel="image_src" href="A URL to a thumbnail image" / >'; $metaData = preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\\s|[.]|\\+)[^"]*"))#i', $abs_path, $metaData); $template = str_ireplace('</head>', $metaData . '</head>', $template); } else { $template = preg_replace('!<#facebook_share#[^>]*>(.*?)<#/facebook_share#>!is', '', $template); } // create google analytics tracking links if ($elements->gaEnabled) { $ga = 'utm_source=' . $elements->gaSource . '&utm_medium=' . $elements->gaMedium . '&utm_campaign=' . $elements->gaName . '"'; $excludedURLs = urldecode($elements->gaExcluded); $excludedURLs = explode("\n", $excludedURLs); for ($i = 0; $i < count($excludedURLs); $i++) { $excludedURLs[$i] = trim($excludedURLs[$i]); } $excludedURLs[] = '*|UNSUB|*'; $regex = '#<a(.*?)>(.*?)</a>#i'; preg_match_all($regex, $template, $templateLinks, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if (isset($templateLinks[0])) { foreach ($templateLinks[0] as $link) { if (!strstr($link, 'javascript')) { preg_match_all('#((href)="(?!\\.css)[^"]+)"#i', $link, $oldLink, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if (isset($oldLink[0][0])) { $glue = strstr($oldLink[0][0], '?') ? $glue = '&' : ($glue = '?'); $oldHref = substr($oldLink[0][0], 0, -1); $addGA = true; foreach ($excludedURLs as $ex) { if (stristr($oldHref, $ex)) { $addGA = false; } } if ($addGA) { $newLink = preg_replace('#((href)="(?!\\.css)[^"]+)"#i', $oldHref . $glue . $ga . '"', $link); $template = str_ireplace($oldLink[0][0], $oldHref . $glue . $ga . '"', $template); } } } } } } // prevent preview from being cached $metaData = '<meta http-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache"> <meta http-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache"> <meta http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0"> <script type="text/javascript" src="' . JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var tmplUrl = "' . JURI::root() . 'tmp/"; jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("a").click( function(){ link = jQuery(this).attr("href").replace(tmplUrl,""); alert( link ); void(0); return false; }); }); </script>'; if (!stristr($template, "<head>")) { $template = str_ireplace('<html>', '<html><head>' . $metaData . '</head>', $template); } else { $template = str_ireplace('</head>', $metaData . '</head>', $template); } // create output if (!$error) { $filename = JPATH_SITE . DS . "tmp/" . $campaign_name_ent . ".html"; if (JFile::exists($filename)) { JFile::delete($filename); } $handle = JFile::write($filename, $template); if (!$handle) { $response['html'] = '<div style="border: 2px solid #ff0000; margin:15px 0 5px;padding:10px 15px 12px;">' . '<img src="' . JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/assets/images/warning.png" align="left"/>' . '<div style="padding-left: 45px; line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px;">' . JText::sprintf('PERMISSIONS ERROR GLOBAL', $params->get($paramsPrefix . 'archiveDir', '/administrator/components/com_joomailermailchimpintegration/archive')) . '</div></div>'; } else { $html_file = JURI::root() . "tmp/" . $campaign_name_ent . ".html"; $template = '<iframe src="' . $html_file . '" width="100%" height="800" name="previewIframe" id="previewIframe"></iframe>'; $response['html'] = $template; } } } // return AJAX response echo json_encode($response); }
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. **/ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted Access'); if ($this->jomsocial) { require_once JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_community' . DS . 'libraries' . DS . 'core.php'; } if ($this->ambra) { require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ambrasubs' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . '_base.php'; require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_ambrasubs' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php'; $ambraConfig = AmbrasubsConfig::getInstance(); $ambraPre = $ambraConfig->get('currency_preval', '$'); $ambraPost = $ambraConfig->get('currency_postval', ''); } $isWritable = new checkPermissions(); echo $isWritable->check(); $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_joomailermailchimpintegration'); $paramsPrefix = version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge') ? 'params.' : ''; $MCapi = $params->get($paramsPrefix . 'MCapi'); $MCauth = new MCauth(); // GA data $gusername = $params->get($paramsPrefix . 'gusername'); $gpw = $params->get($paramsPrefix . 'gpw'); $gprofileid = $params->get($paramsPrefix . 'gprofileid'); if (!$MCapi) { echo $MCauth->apiKeyMissing();