  * @return      object|array        Response array or WP Error object.
 protected function _getHTTPResponseWithCache($sURL, $aArguments = array(), $iCacheDuration = 86400)
     $_oCacheTable = new AmazonAutoLinks_DatabaseTable_request_cache(AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::$aDatabaseTables['request_cache']);
     // If a cache exists, use it.
     $_aData = 0 === $iCacheDuration ? array() : $_oCacheTable->getCache($this->sCacheName);
     $_aData = $_aData + array('remained_time' => 0, 'charset' => null, 'data' => null);
     if ($_aData['remained_time'] && $_aData['data']) {
         $this->sLastCharSet = $_aData['charset'];
         return $_aData['data'];
     // @todo maybe implement a mechanism that fetches data in the background
     // and return the stored data anyway.
     // Otherwise, retrieve a data from a remote server and set a cache.
     $_asResponse = file_get_contents($sURL);
     $this->sLastCharSet = $this->getCharacterSetFromResponseHeader($http_response_header);
     $_oCacheTable->setCache($_sCacheName, $_asResponse, (int) $iCacheDuration, array('request_uri' => $sURL, 'type' => 'file_get_contents', 'charset' => $this->sLastCharSet));
     return $_asResponse;
  * A wrapper method for the set_transient() function.
  * @since       unknown
  * @since       3           Changed the name from `setTransient()`.
 public function setCache($sTransientKey, $vData, $iDuration = 0, $sRequestURI = '')
     $sLockTransient = AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::TRANSIENT_PREFIX . '_' . md5("Lock_{$sTransientKey}");
     // Check if the transient is locked
     if (AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::getTransient($sLockTransient) !== false) {
         // it means the cache is being modified right now in a different process.
     // Set a lock flag transient that indicates the transient is being renewed.
     AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient($sLockTransient, time(), AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::getAllowedMaxExecutionTime(30, 30));
     // Save the cache
     if ($this->bUseCacheTable) {
         $_oCacheTable = new AmazonAutoLinks_DatabaseTable_request_cache(AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::$aDatabaseTables['request_cache']);
         $_aData = $_oCacheTable->setCache($sTransientKey, array('mod' => time(), 'data' => $vData), (int) $iDuration, array('request_uri' => $sRequestURI, 'type' => 'api'));
     } else {
         AmazonAutoLinks_WPUtility::setTransient($sTransientKey, array('mod' => time(), 'data' => $this->oEncrypt->encode($vData)), 9999999);
  * Sets a cache by url.
  * It internally sets a cache name.
  * @return      boolean     
  * @todo        Examine the return value as it is not tested.
 private function _setCache($sURL, $mData, $iCacheDuration = 86400)
     $_sCharSet = $this->_getCharacterSet($mData);
     $_oCacheTable = new AmazonAutoLinks_DatabaseTable_request_cache(AmazonAutoLinks_Registry::$aDatabaseTables['request_cache']);
     $_bResult = $_oCacheTable->setCache($this->_getCacheName($sURL), $mData, $iCacheDuration ? (int) $iCacheDuration : 86400, array('request_uri' => $sURL, 'type' => $this->sRequestType, 'charset' => $_sCharSet));
     $this->sLastCharSet = $_sCharSet;
     return $_bResult;