protected function _afterToHtml($html)
     $html = parent::_afterToHtml($html);
     $queldorei = false;
     if (!$html) {
         // compatibility with "shopper" theme
         // @see catalog/layer/view.phtml
         $queldorei_blocks = Mage::registry('queldorei_blocks');
         if ($queldorei_blocks and !empty($queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'])) {
             $html = $queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'];
         if (!$html) {
             return '';
         $queldorei = true;
     $pos = strrpos($html, '</div>');
     if ($pos !== false) {
         //add an overlay before closing tag
         $html = substr($html, 0, strrpos($html, '</div>')) . '<div style="display:none" class="amshopby-overlay"></div>' . '</div>';
     // to make js and css work for 1.3 also
     $html = str_replace('class="narrow-by', 'class="block-layered-nav narrow-by', $html);
     // add selector for ajax
     $html = str_replace('block-layered-nav', 'block-layered-nav ' . $this->getBlockId(), $html);
     if (Mage::getStoreConfig('amshopby/general/enable_collapsing')) {
         $html = str_replace('block-layered-nav', 'block-layered-nav amshopby-collapse-enabled', $html);
     $enableOverflowScroll = Mage::getStoreConfig('amshopby/block/enable_overflow_scroll');
     if ($enableOverflowScroll) {
         $html = str_replace('block-layered-nav', 'block-layered-nav amshopby-overflow-scroll-enabled', $html);
         if (strpos($html, 'block-layered-nav')) {
             $html = $html . '<style>' . 'div.amshopby-overflow-scroll-enabled div.block-content dl dd > ol:first-of-type { max-height: ' . $enableOverflowScroll . 'px; overflow-y: auto; }' . '</style>';
     // we don't want to move this into the template are different in custom themes
     foreach ($this->getFilters() as $f) {
         $name = $this->__($f->getName());
         if ($f->getCollapsed() && !$f->getHasSelection()) {
             $html = preg_replace('|(<dt[^>]*)(>' . preg_quote($name, '|') . ')|iu', '$1 class="amshopby-collapsed"$2', $html);
         $comment = $f->getComment();
         if ($comment) {
             $img = Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl('images/amshopby-tooltip.png');
             $img = ' <img class="amshopby-tooltip-img" src="' . $img . '" width="9" height="9" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($comment) . '" />';
             $pattern = '@(<dt[^>]*>\\s*' . preg_quote($name, '@') . ')\\s*(</dt>)@ui';
             $replacement = '$1 ' . $img . '$2';
             $html = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $html);
     if ($queldorei and !empty($queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'])) {
         // compatibility with "shopper" theme
         // @see catalog/layer/view.phtml
         $queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'] = $html;
         Mage::register('queldorei_blocks', $queldorei_blocks);
         return '';
     return $html;
 protected function _afterToHtml($html)
     $html = parent::_afterToHtml($html);
     $queldorei = false;
     if (!$html) {
         // compatibility with "shopper" theme
         // @see catalog/layer/view.phtml
         $queldorei_blocks = Mage::registry('queldorei_blocks');
         if ($queldorei_blocks and !empty($queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'])) {
             $html = $queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'];
         if (!$html) {
             return '';
         $queldorei = true;
     $pos = strrpos($html, '</div>');
     if ($pos !== false) {
         //add an overlay before closing tag
         $html = substr($html, 0, strrpos($html, '</div>')) . '<div style="display:none" class="amshopby-overlay"></div>' . '</div>';
     // to make js and css work for 1.3 also
     $html = str_replace('class="narrow-by', 'class="block-layered-nav narrow-by', $html);
     // add selector for ajax
     $html = str_replace('block-layered-nav', 'block-layered-nav ' . $this->getBlockId(), $html);
     if (Mage::getStoreConfig('amshopby/general/enable_collapsing')) {
         $html = str_replace('block-layered-nav', 'block-layered-nav amshopby-collapse-enabled', $html);
     // we don't want to move this into the template are different in custom themes
     foreach ($this->getFilters() as $f) {
         $name = $this->__($f->getName());
         if ($f->getCollapsed() && !$f->getHasSelection()) {
             $html = str_replace('<dt>' . $name, '<dt class="amshopby-collapsed">' . $name, $html);
         $comment = $f->getComment();
         if ($comment) {
             $img = Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl('images/amshopby-tooltip.png');
             $img = '<img class="amshopby-tooltip-img" src="' . $img . '" width="9" height="9" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($comment) . '" id="amshopby-img-' . $f->getAttributeCode() . '"/>';
             $html = str_replace($name . '</dt>', $name . $img . '</dt>', $html);
     if ($queldorei and !empty($queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'])) {
         // compatibility with "shopper" theme
         // @see catalog/layer/view.phtml
         $queldorei_blocks['block_layered_nav'] = $html;
         Mage::register('queldorei_blocks', $queldorei_blocks);
         return '';
     return $html;